Thursday, August 7, 1941 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Page Five Miss Bernice E. Siegenthaler of Mist was a recent visitor at Hepp ner. She was here to visit her fath er who is the engineer on the Hepp ner branch railroad. Miss Siegen thaler is a student at the Western Washington College of Eduction at Bellingham. She is spending her vacation on a tour of the United States. She is going to Seattle, Min neapolis, Chicago, Norfolk, Va., New Orleans, Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco to Portland. Miss Siegenthaler says she likes Heppner very much. Mrs. Fred Wehmeyer departed on Friday night's train for Portland to join her daughter, Edith, of San Francisco. Together they went on to Tacoma to visit son and brother, Stephen and wife. Mr. and Mrs. William Becket and family of Waits- burg will join them there for a visit. Mrs. Wehmeyer and Edith will also visit other relatives in northern Washington while away. Mrs. Berta Leicht was a business visitor in the city Tuesday from Irrigon where she operates a service station and camp grounds. She re ported that the work on the ammu nition depot in that vicinity v was making considerable activity at Ir rgon, all her available cabins having been taken by workers on the pro ject. Hale of Bates, Bob Hale and son of Pendleton, and Vere Hale who is working for Drumhellers Walla Walla were called to Heppner the end of the week by the serious illness of their mother, Mrs. Ollie Kennedy. Mrs. Jim Linn of Lexington was in town on business Tuesday. STAR Reporter FRIDAY- SATURDAY THE TRIAL OF MARY DUGAN Robert Young, Laraine Day, Frieda Inescort, John Litel, Marsha Hunt Thrills, as a beauty with a danger ous past goes on trial for hr life. Plus BORDER VIGILANTE William Boyd, Russel Hayden, Victor Jory, Andy Clyde Western action film with Hopalong Cassidy. Paul McCarty and Jim Farley ar rived home the end of the week from Camp Lewis, Wash., where they spent six weeks attending re serve officers training school. Both are student cadets, Paul being a student at University of Oregon and Jim attending Oregon State college. Paul is qualifying as an officer in the infantry and Jim as an officer in the light artillery. While on va cation from their studies Paul is as sisting as clerk at Hotel Heppner and Jim is driving "cat" at the Frank Anderson farm. Eddie Sheridan visited Heppner friends Sunday, coming from the Walla Walla section where he has been located on a large ranch for the last two years. He expected to get back for the Rodeo. For many years Eddie was counted in the list of fast ropers, but he didn't think he would throw any lassos this time. Miss Rita Jean Kennedy of Pen- !?ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kennedy, was a visitor over Saturday night at the ranch home of her cousin, Mrs. Ilene Laughlin. Miss Kennedy's father is remembered by Morrow county wrestling fans for several appearances on the mat here in former years. Mrs. Betty Belt who has been vis iting for three months with rela tives in Oregon and California from her home in Missouri returned to the home of her son, Burl Coxen, here the first of the week, Mrs. Coxen and Betty Marie driving to Bend the end of the week to get her. Billv Youne. popular clerk at Ho tel Heppner, departed Tuesday for Portland to spend a few days on business. After returning to assist through Rodeo at the hotel, he ex pects to leave on a motor vacation trip to Soap Lake, Grand Coulee, Spokane and Yellowstone park. Henrv F. Blahm came over from his home at Walla Walla the first of the week to look after interests here. He is having a new roof put on the farm, operated by Mr. and Mrs. Mont Bundy. and assisting at the Bundy ranch while Mrs. Bundy is confined by illness. Lt. and Mrs. Frank C. Alfred were week-end visitors in the city, while Lt. Alfred, Morrow county's district attorney on leave for army service, was on furlough from his station at SUNDAY-MONDAY ZIEGFELD GIRL James Stewart, Hedy Lamarr, Judy nwUnA istna Turner. Tony Martin, Jackie Cooper, Ian Hunter, Charles .1 J VV a. Winninger, Edward Everett mnon, nnj rrronct assemblage of per- ouu l-i .v, w sonalities you've ever seen in one giant show! A new,, glittering all time high in musical magic a pag eant of stars, story, song and spec tacle! Sunday shows at 1 p. m. 3:45 p. m, and 7:30 p. m. TUESDAY Bargain Night Adults 20c; 2 Children 10c FREE AND EASY Ruth Hussey, Robert Cummings, Reg. Owen, C. Aubrey Nnith A merry uproar involving a gay widow, love and a million dollars: WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY POT 0' GOLD James Stewart, Paulette Goddard, . Ji ... .1 kia M1cifn Horace J l caul uiu Knights, Charles Winninger It's the funniest, friskiest romantic romp that ever had you dancing in Fort Lewis, , Wash. Lt. Alfred re cently returned to Fort Lewis from army maneuvers in California. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gemmell and Jean arrived Tuesday from their home at Salem to spend several days visiting relatives and friends while Mr. Gemmell is on vacation from his work with the secretary of state's office. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stanley Jaross were in the city the first of the week investigating living quarters for the coming school year. Mr. Jaross will be seventh grade instruc tor and grade school physical ed ucation director next year. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Merritt arrived recently from their home in Cali fornia yid have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schwarz. Their daughter, Mrs. Vio let Shurte also arrived this week for a visit. Joe Green, who has been working for some time at the ordnance de pot near Hermiston, moved to Pen dleton this week, with Mrs. Green, to accept a position with the Ore gon Public Utilities commission. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Collins were in the city yesterday from their ranch at Camas prairie, Mrs. Coll ins to undergo medical attention. Mr. Collins reported a heavy crop of hay on the prairie this season. John W. Maidment and son of Lone Rock were business visitors in the city Tuesday. Mr. Maidment, a pioneer stockraiser, enjoyed greet ing old-time friends while here. J. A. Sharp returned the end of the week from a vacation spent at Olympia and Seattle. During his ab sence Cecil Wise tended to Mr. Sharp's work at Heppner bakery. SHIP BY TRUCK The Dalles Freight Line, Inc. SERVICE BETWEEN PORTLAND : THE DALLES : HEPPNER AND WAY POINTS Arrive Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Warehouse: KANE'S GARAGE Carl D. Spickcrman, Agent Good Printing, Reasonable at G-T FHA LOANS 1 CONTINUE J it That's important news to Morrow j County home owners, as it means they may proceed with plans for new con- struction or remodeling and take ad- ! vantage of the easy monthly payment E ! plan offered by the Federal Housing g I Administration. Word this week from Dr. J. H. McCrady, formr local dentist, con- vpvs ereetines to his old fnends. rie is presently located at Seattle, his address being 508 Senator Apts. Chance Wilson was in Heppner Saturday from the Monument sec tion, bringing a bunch of cattle for shipment. Mrs Carl Leathers and daughter Jean, and Mrs. Lester Robinson and daughter Vern were in the city LM esday from Hardman. Mrs. Vera Happold and Mrs. Viv ian Kane returned Sunday from a week's vacation spent at Oceanside on the coast. Mrs. James Valentine is reported as much improved in her illness at a Portland hospital. SEE US FOR DETAILS ON F.H.A. LOANS and consult our f FREE PLANNING SERVICE For Building Plans and Specifications 1 TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. i Telephone 912 for Delivery Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii What Shall I Serve That's Different? ' HAVING girls over for luncheon is really quite a problem. Each one serves such tasty dishes . . . what can you serve that's different? Try Pride of Oregon ice cream. Good to eat, good to look at, delicious, nourishing! 4 MORROW COUNTY CREAMERY COMPANY Mmmmmmmmmmmmm The Fall and Winter ' SAMPLES of International Tailors have arrived Step Out In Style This Fall- You get style-plus quality in an INTER NATIONAL SUIT, at a reasonable price. Come in now and make your selection early. The national defense program makes guarantee of delivery difficult. SKUZESKI'S MORROW COUNTY'S CLEANERS ill uve auues.