Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 07, 1941, Image 1

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" PORTLAND. 0r;-
Volume 58, Number 23
Thomas J, Jones
Ends Long Life Of
Service To City
Pioneer Builder Gave
16 Years as Coun
cilman and Mayor
Funeral rites are being held from
the Church of Christ at 2 o'clock
this afternoon for Thomas Jefferson
Jones, 73, 58-year resident of Mor
row county and one who contributed
much to its progress. Mr. Jones died
at the family home Monday morn
ing following a three-years serious
illness in which he underwent a
serious operation. The passing came
unexpectedly as he had expressed
feeling better a short time before.
Martin B. Clark is officiating min
ister and Phelps Funeral home is
in charge of arrangements.
Thomas Jefferson Jones was bom
12 miles southeast of Oregon City,
May 11, 1867, the son of Thomas B.
and Jane (Kirwin) Jones. The father
was a native of Michigan, bom in
1828, and the mother a native of
Iowa. They were married a few!
days before starting across the plains
for Oregon in the spring of 1852.
Mr. Jones the elder took a donation
land claim where young Thomas
was born and it was near there, at
Highlands, in Clackamas county that
he received his schooling, his tea
cher being Professor Barkley.
Mr. Jones came to Morrow county
at 16 years of age and first worked
for Crockett Kirk, Morrow was then
a part of Umatilla county. He mar
ried the eldest Kirk daughter, Em
ma, September 12, 1888. To the un
ion were born three children, Glenn,
Alva and Ina, now Mrs. FJlis Hen
dricson of San Leandro, Cal., all 62
whom, with the widow, survive.
The family home was made for
many years on the farm on Rhea
creek, though a home was main
tained in town to send the children
to school, and Mr. Jones built
a number of houses as well as help
ed build the old schoolhouse on the
hill. After retirement from the
farm. Mr. Jones built the large
brick apartment house on the cor
ner of Gale and Baltimore streets
just across Gale from the family
home, which he gave his personal
supervision for the last several
In 1938 Mr. Jones retired from an
active civic career after serving 16
years as councilman and mayor, the
Hazel Fisher's All -
Dance Director Earle Bryant announces with extreme pleasure the good fortune of his committee in
being able to retain the services of Hazel Fisher and her All-Girls band to play for the three Rodeo dances the
evenings of Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 14-15-16. With eight pieces, this popular band carries a num
ber of talented artists who appear in featured numbers, and Bryant promises no dull moments.
Council Honors Former
Mayor; To Ban Smells
Heppner's council paused in their
labors at the regular meeting Mon
day evening to pay a moment of sil
ent tribute to the late Thomas J.
Jones, former mayor and holder of
the longest record of service to the
city. In addition, Mayor J. O. Tur
ner read a short eulogy to the mem
ory of the deceased.
Action of the governing body in
cluded serving notice upon everyone
that the ordinance forbidding burn
ing of materials making an offensive
odor within the city limits would be
strictly enforced. The city police
were ordered to give notice upon
offenders, and thereafter to make
complaint calling for fine of from
$2 to $50. Top dressing wa also
ordered for the top of the swimming
tank building.
New Ice Cream Store
Enters Hotel Building
"Scotty's Super Creamed Ice
Cream" is the inscription placed on
the comer room of Heppner hotel
building this week, as preparations
were being rushed to get Heppner's
latest business venture in operation
by Rodeo time.
In charge will be Mr. and Mrs. J.
P. Hall, recently of Vancouver, Wn.,
who, with their son, will make their
permanent home here. The ice cream
store will dispense "soft" ice cream
and light lunches. In coming to
Heppner the Halls say they have
been attracted by the progressive
spirit of the city, and feel confident
that their type of business will re
ceive the same hearty welcome here
that has been the history of like bus
inesses over all the country.
Miss Ruth Cowins, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. James Cowins, was
married -to Mr. Walter R. McNeill
on Tuesday, August 5, at Lewiston,
Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Cowins ac
companied the young couple. The
newlyweds will be at home at 361
SE 4th St., Pendleton.
last three in the latter capacity. In
this time he gave generously of his
time and talents in working out the
many projects accomplished for city
betterment in that time, including
development of the present city
water system. He held the record
for the longest continuous service to
the city of any public official.
Besides the widow and children,
Mr. Jones is survived by one bro
ther, Layton Jones of Santa Mon
ica, CaL, and one sister, Mrs. Chas.
Martin of Troutdale.
Girl Band Coming
Oregon, Thursday, August 7,
State Directors
Launch Defense
Saving Drive Here
P. W. Mahoney
Named Chairman
Of County Council
"Every person in Oregon a share
holder in Uncle Sam's defense, and
every cash register in Oregon a
sales agency for defense stamps and
bonds," is the objective of the Ore
gon Defense Savings council as out
lined last evening by Palmer Hoyt,
state chairman before the newly ap
pointed Morrow county defense sav
ings committee.
Hoyt emphasized that the present
national defense savings bond and
stamp sales effort is not a "drive."
It has no quotas and no time limit.
It is rather a continuing effort that
may be expected to last for six
P. W. Mahoney was named chair
man of the Morrow county com
mittee. Other members, who at
tended last night's meeting with the
state officials, are Judge Bert John
son, Ralph Jackson, J. Logie Rich
ardson, Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers and
J. V. Crawford. Absent committee
men included J. G. Barrattt and Lee
Bringing the message of the state
council with Mr. Hoyt were Ted
Gamble, state administrator; Ray
Conway, assistant administrator;
George Godfrey, deputy administra
tor, and Robert S. Farrell, chairman
of the speakers committee.
Mr. Gamble told of the adminis
trative set-up of the state council
as an example for the county com
mittees, emphasizing that localized
effort in every instance is to be de
sired and that the county commit
tees, while being assisted by the
state organization, are in fact ag
encies working directly under the
U. S. treasury.
Gamble emphasized, as did Hoyt,
that the objective of the state coun
cil is to make the stamps and bonds
as accessible as possible to every
one, and to see that everyone is in
formed about the fine opportunity
the securities afford for an individ
ual savings program.
The speakers stressed the ease of
purchase and redemption, and the
safety as making the defense bonds
very desirable as an investment, be
sides making the individual purch
Contimied on Page Etpht
for Rodeo Dances
Good 4-H, Wheat
Shows Set Two Days
4-H club members throughout
Morrow county will assemble in
Heppner next week for the annual
Morrow County fair to be held Aug
ust 15 and 16.
Beef, sheep, hogs, dairy and
chickens, wool and grain will be ex
hibited in the fair pavilion, while
the home economics and woodwork
ing exhibits will be housed in the
Braden-Bell tractor building.
The highlight of the fair will be
Saturday evening at 8 o'clock when
the style dress review, health re
view, and presentation of special
awards will be made on the comer
of Main and Willow streets.
Judging of all exhibits will begin
at 9 a. m., Friday morning, followed
by demonstrations and showman
ship contests.
While the number of livestock ex
hibited may not be as large as last
year due to many of the boys still
harvesting, C. D. Conrad, county
agent, states that the grain show
should be the best ever held as
yields and test weights of all grains
are running exceptionally high this
Lena Road Oiling
Hears Completion
R. O. Dail and Warren Brothers,
contractors, are putting the finishing
touches on surfacing of the nine
mile stretch of road between Hepp
ner and Lena that has been under
construction for two months, and
expect to pull out the last of their
men and equipment within a few
This road, part of the Oregon
Washington state highway is now oil
surfaced all the way from Heppner
to Lena, and provides a much im
proved thoroughfare for log haul
ing operations of Heppner. Lumber
company. Widening of two narrow
curves on Jones hill, scene of many
accidents, was included in the work.
Mustangers, Bugle
Corps to Visit Rodeo
Pendleton's widely heralded Mus
tangers, mounted cowboy and cow
girl posse, and the colorful Pendle
ton American Legion junior drum
and bugle corps will be in Heppner
for Saturday's Rodeo parade next
week, according to official word re
ceived yesterday by Lee Beckner,
Rodeo president.
The same word offered payment
of expenses to the Heppner school
band for apparances two days of the
Round-Up. Director Harold Buh
man, who returned from vacation
with his family Saturday, believed
it likely the band would accept the
Noted Trick Horse
Billed for Rodeo Fare
A special added attraction at Ro
deo, August 15-16-17 will be the
famous trick rider, Joe Young and
his equally noted horse, Rambler,
according to announcement this
morning by Lee Beckner, Rodeo
Joe and Rambler, known as "The
Wonder Horse," hail from Caldwell,
Idaho, and were attained through
special arrangement with the Rodeo
association. Rambler is one of the
best trained trick horses in the west.
He knows many good and interest
ing tricks and it is promised that
everyone will enjoy watching him.
Three Heppner businesses now af
ford their customers cooling breez
es from the outside heat through
recent installation of air condition
ing. They are O'Donnell's and Mer
rill's cafe and McAtee's pastime.
Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, county
school superintendent, returned the
end of the week from Corvallis
where she , spent six weeks taking
a course of summer work at Ore
gon State college.
Wanted Ford 4-cyl. truck. GT
103. 23-24.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Queen's Dance,
Dress-Up Saturday
Start Rodeo Season
New Director, Dance
Band, Cowboy Feed
Herald Show Advent
Dancing at the county pavilion to
the strains of Jack Merrill's orches
tra Saturday night in honor of
Queen Kathryn and her royal court,
and donning of the typical western
attire will officially open Heppner's
1941 Rodeo season. The queen's
committee, J. Logie Rchardson, Mrs.
Orville Smith and Mrs. Garnet Bar
ratt, have charge of the dance and
extend a cordial invitation to every
one to attend.
Saturday will be a full day for
Queen Kathryn and Princesses Pat
Emert, Colleen Kilkenny, Rita Rob
inson and Frances Wilkinson, as
earlier in the day they will make of
ficial visits to Pendleton and Her
miston. Director Richardson has
word from both cities that horses
will be provided for their public
appearance. To do proper homage
to the occasion, Richardson asks all
business people who can possibly
spare the time to join in the carav
an of cars that will accompany the
royal court.
Cars are badly needed, Richardson
emphasizes, as the band will also
be taken. Leaving time will be 12:30
with the line forming on Gale street
north of Willow. Call will be made
first at Pendleton and then at Hcr
miston. Final action on all Rodeo work
was being rushed this week, as
Earle Bryant was named dirctor in
charge of dances, succeeding Eddie
M. Kenny who left Sunday to make
his home in Pendleton. Bryant to
day announced that Hazel Fisher
and Her All-Girl band of Portland,
with eight pieces, will play for the
three nights of dancing, August 14-15-16.
With the queen's dance and don
ning of western apparel all history
by the first of the week, and the
city in gala garb, arrival of the
Browning Amusement company is
dated by Wednesday, and the first
big event of Rodeo proper will be
Friday morning's cowboy breakfast.
To be staged in the Wilkinson
grove three miles up Willow creek
again this year, the chuck outfit
will serve baby beef steaks, hot
cakes, eggs, fried spuds and coffee
to all comers at 60 cents, with the
promise again of "all you can eat
and drink."
Official announcement of admis
sion prices was also made this morn
ing. School children will be ad
mitted free on Frday, with 55 cents
(5c federal tax included) charged
for juvenile admissions the last two
days. Adult general admissions will
be $1.10 (10 cents federal tax in
cluded) each day, while reserved
seat tickets will be $1.40 (13 cents
federal tax included. Russell Mc
Neill is chairman of ticket sales.
The complete prize list for Satur
day's parade is given in another
column. B. C. Pinckney, chairman,
urges everyone to have entries on
North Gale street not later than
9:30 o'clock Saturday morning, the
parade of the Old West being slated
to start at 10:30.
Right away quick the need is for
information on all the housing fa
cilities the city has to offer, reports
headquarters. All available rooms
should be listed at Hotel Heppner,
which already is well reserved.
President Lee Beckner and Mrs.
Beckner will take up their abode
at Hotel Heppner until after the
Rodeo, Mr. Beckner dismissing su
pervision of his large wheat har
vest, due to run three more weeks,
to give personal attention to the
problems of the show.
Mrs. Henry Peterson and children
plan to leave Sunday on a motor
trip to Mrs. Peterson's former home
in Kansas.