Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 31, 1941, Page Page Two, Image 2

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lone Band Teacher
Goes to Springfield
lone school board at a meeting
Saturday evening accepted the res
ignation of Frank Jansen as musi
cal director and band leader. Mr.
Jansen has a position in Spring
field. Bus contracts were let to
Charles Doherty for the Lone Rock
district; Franklin Lindstrom for Ella:
Ted Blake for the Williams istrict;
Carl Snider, the Dry Fork district.
Several other drivers held contracts
from last year.
Mrs. Earl Pidcock and daughter,
Lavone, of Portland are guests of
Mrs. Pidcock's sister, Mrs. Jack Fer
ris. Mary Barnett returned home Fri
day from Portland, where she has
been visiting her grandmother, Mrs.
Charles Nord.
Mrs. J. E. Swanson returned Wed
nesday from a visit in Salem. Her
grand daughter, Beverly McMillan
came home with her.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Engelman
and son Joe went to Pendleton Mon
day to attend the funeral of Mr.
Engelman's niece, Mrs. Laura Jack,
who died of a heart attack.
Mr. and Mrs. Erret Hummel are
enjoying a visit from Mr. Hummel's
mother, Mrs. Blanche Hummel.
A family dinner was held at the
C. W. Swanson home Sunday which
was attended by the families of
Frank Lundell, Gilbert Pettys, Clel
Rae, James K. Cossman, Fred Nich
oson, Frank Engelman, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter G. Roberts, and G. 'A. Pettys.
Mr. and Mrs. Jamse K. Cossman
and daughter Edith Mae of Santa
Monica, who have been visiting rel
atives here, departed Monday for
their home.
VeTner Troedson was obliged to
consult a physician for a painful
injury to his arm Monday when a
pile-of wheat in the barn fell down,
and a sack struck his arm, tearing
the ligaments.
Rex Berry and Bill Crooks of the
Park hotel were involved in a col
lision with a car driven by Dan
Dinges and the stage, driven by
Marvin Casebeer, Saturday eve
ning. The accident happened near
Lexington and all cars were badly
damaged, but no person was in
jured. E. J. Bristow has just installed a
cold counter in his store here.
Mrs. Dorr Mason returned Sat
urday from Portland where she had
been visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George McDuffee.
Friends here regretted to learn
that Mrs. Caroline Bergstrom had
fallen in the garden at her ranch
home in Eightmile and suffered a
broken leg. She was taken to the
hospital in Heppner Monday eve
ning. Mrs. Bergstrom is the mother
of Mrs. Carl Allyn.
David Gordon was brought home
from Pasco Monday, suffering from
an infected heel, and has been car
ed for by a physician. He is the
.son of Mrs. James Warfield. His
uncle and cousin, W. E. Hubbard
and Calvin Mills, brought him home.
Lois, the young daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Ring, is painfully
ill at her home here from inflama
tory rheumatism. She is under the
care of a physician, and will be
confined to her bed for several
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ekleberry
drove to Portland on Monday and
returned the same day.
August Gustafsen of Seattle land
ed a plane at the Lee Beckner
ranch Thursday afternoon where he
was greeted by his cousin, Garland
Swanson, but he could not spare
-the time to drive into town for a
visit with other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Swanson and
Mesdames Delia Corson, W. J. Blake,
Laxton McMurray, H. V Smouse
and Ida Grabil drove to Heppner
Sunday evening to attend the lec
ture given by Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Notson, returned missionaries from
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn are
the parents of a ten pound son,
born Friday at Heppner. The baby
has been named Paul Garland, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Thacker and
Mr. Lundy spent the week end here
as guests of Mrs. Thacker's sister,
Mrs. Stanley Climzack and tamily,
Miss Patricia Judy of Mosier is a
guest at the home of her cousin,
Ray Barnett.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Shell and
n4: "04 - 4
reUCfcUiail liUlCCUUil Protect Walkers
Several Oregon cities have con
structed pedestrian tunnels, or un
derpasses, for the safety of persons
who must otherwise walk across
busy streets or highways, one of the
most recent projects of this type in
Oregon being under the bridge on
the coast highway at Depoe Bay, ac
cording to the state traffic safety
Engineering projects such as these
contribute greatly toward pedes
daughter, Gloria, of Everett, Wash.,
spent Tuesday at the J. H. Bryson
home. Mrs. Shell is a cousin of
Mr. Bryson. They had visited Grard
Coulee, and were enroute to Port
land and Port Angeles.
Mrs. Lana Padberg left Wednes
day for Portland to receive medical
treatment. She accompanied her
brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
Mrs. Clara Newlin entertained
with two tables of bridge, with the
following guests present: Mesdames
Harry Yarnell, Cleo Drake, Ella
Davidson, J. P. O'Meara, Ida Flet
cher, Omar Rietmann, Clara Kin
caid, and Inez Freeland. Mrs. Free
land received high score.
Mesdames pieo Drake, A. W. Lun
dell, Garland Swanson and J. E.
Swanson were hostesses for the so
cial meeting of the Women's Topic
club at the J. E. Swanson home Sat
urday afternoon. High score was
won by Mrs. C. W. Swanson, secovd
by Mrs. Omar Rietmann, guest prize
by Mrs. Raymond Lundell, and jack
high by Mrs. Ella Davidson. Other
members and guests were Mes
dames J. P. O'Meara, Frank Lun
dell, C. F. Feldman, Charles Mc
Elligott, Clyde Denney, Agnes Wil
cox, Erret Hummel, Blanche Hum
mel, M. E. Cotter, Hugh Smith, Inez
Freeland, Harry Yarnell, Clara New
lin, Clel Rae, Henry Gorger and
Misses Mabel Cotter and Mildred
A physician was called Tuesday
to attend Miss Mabel Cotter, who
is ill at the home of her brother,
Martin E. Cotter.
Mrs. Joe Foley was called to Cal
ifornia by the illness of her ' bro
Homer Sprague of La Grande is
stavinff at the Foley home. H:
called Monday at the E. B. Watten
burger home and spent the day
with Bud, Jr.
Katherine O'Brien spent Monday
with Lucille Wattneburger.
Mrs. Harold Wilkins and Miss Is
abel O'Brien spent Monday at Lone
Rock visiting at the Campbell home.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wattenburger
and son Freddy and Miss Joan Wi
theright of Pasco spent Saturday
night and Sunday at the A. E. Wat
tenburger home.
Mr. and Mrs. Julian Rauch and
family spent Sunday at Oregon City
at a family reunion.
Mrs. Emerv Cqx of Hermiston and
Mrs. Lura Young of La Grar.de
spent Monday afternoon at the E.
B. Wattenburger home. Mrs. Mar
ion Finch and daughters were also
callers at the E. B. Wattenburger
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Rothwell of
Pendleton and Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Smith of Irrigon spent Sunday at
the Russell Moore home.
Mr. and Mrs. Clay DeBoard mov
ed to Echo. Mr. DeBoard is driving
an oil company truck.
Vacant corner lot on Main street
for sale. Inquire this office.
- 1 Tunnels Used to
Photo courtesy Oregon State Motor Association
trian protection in Oregon and were
one of the contributing factors which
enabled Oregon to take second place
in the nation-wide Pedestrian Pro
tection contest conducted by the
American Automobile association
last year, safety officials say.
Where such engineering develop
ments are available, pedestrians
should make use of them for their
own safety, even if it is necessary
to go a little out of the way to util
ize them.
Willie Steagalls
Move to Lebanon
Dean Hanks has returned home
after spending the past few weeks
on a farm near La Grande.
Maude Pointer and Laura Scott
are visiting at the Gene Gentry
home in Halfway.
Mrs. Ralph Jackson and daugh
ters spent a few days last week at
Hidaway springs.
Bernice Bauman, Gladys Burn
side and children motored to Her
miston Thursday. Bobby Bumside
remained to visit at the home of
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob
ert Allstott.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwynne Pack and
son moved into the small Barnett
house Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Steagall, who
have worked for Harry Duvall the
past several months, moved to Leb
anon to make their home Sunday.
C. C. Cnrmichael returned home
Thursday from Portland.
Emmett Kuntz, former resident,
who is now associated with the
Nickelodeon company, was in town
Use the G-T want ads for results
Fresh Fruits
and Vegetables
O Summertime has arrived,
bringing with it new, good
foods from the earth. We're
serving them now.
0 Good food is more than
something pleasant to eat. It
is a sound investment, one that
pays dividends in health and
satisfaction. You get good food
when you cat here.
Contributions Taken for
and Official Receipt Given
Meals at All Hours
Mrs. McDaniel's
Father Dies, Lonerock
Word was received here this week
that Mrs. Oren McDaniel's father,
Jack Andrews, had passed away.
Those attending the funeral from
here were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mc
Daniel, Mrs. Carey Hastings, Mrs.
Bernard Bleakman, Mrs. Carl Lea
thers. Mrs. Ralph Scott and Mrs. Roy
Neill were visiting Mrs. Neal Knigh
ten one day this week.
Ollie and Lillie Hastings went to
Port Gamble to spend a few weeks
with relatives there.
Mr. and Mrs. Delvin McDaniel
from Lonerock were visiting in
town Wednesday.
Ad Inskep and daughter Nona re
turned home Saturday from Salem
where they had been visiting Mr.
Inskeep's daughter, Mrs. T. R. Wac
ken. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Knighten went
Monday to Prairie City where Mrs.
Knighten is doctoring.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davis from
Kinzua spent the week end with Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Rogers. On Sun
day Mr. and Mrs. Hershal Green,
Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Anderson, Bill
Wright and Darrel Lear, all from
Kinzua, visited them.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McDaniel,
Mr. and Mrs. Duffwin McKitrick
took in the show Sunday.
Mrs. Raymond Reed from Zornes
logging camp came Saturday and
is spending a few days with her
mother, Mrs. Bernard Bleakman.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Akers an.l
family were in town a while Mon
day on their way to Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. Les Robinson and
family went to Jones prairie huckle
berrying last week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Dalzell were
visiting at the Ad Inskeep home
Mrs. Katherine Mclntyre and Mrs.
Marvin Hughes were shopping in
Heppner one day this week.
Mr. and Mrs. George Adams were
visiting at the J. B. Adams and
Clarence Rogers homes Monday.
Mrs. Frank Howell returned home
You can send your boy
to do a man's job . . .
.. ji5ih
: .'.', av. -;v.v.'.sv.v. . f k -a'.w xcc-vrf-v it . k
(: $
i- ' 'V .
111 I 0 t- W M. cr -Mt
. Qet the feei cf the wheel
of a John Deere Tractor check the easy steering,
short turning, easy handling, convenient hand clutch,
handy controls, clear vision, quick dodging, roomy
platform you'll know why John Deere Two
Cylinder Tractors are so easy and safe to operate
that even a boy can handle them.
Add to these advantages the economy of burning
low-cost fuels the dependability of fewer but
sturdier parts the easy maintenance of simple, two
cylinder design, and you'll know why a John Deere
Tractor is "tops'" with every man who owns one.
Thursday, July 31, 1941
after staying a week at the Cordy
Saling home in Heppner. bhe is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Carey Has
tings this week.
Mrs. Carl Leathers and daughter
Jean were shopping in Heppner
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Brannon,
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ely were
business visitors in Heppner Sat
urday. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lovgren and
family spent Sunday in town visiting-
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Leathers and
son Junior were out from the Hay
den ranch visiting in town Sunday.
Mrs. Add Cannon went to help
in coooking at the Guy Huston
ranch, Sunday.
E. J. Merrill was in town Tues
day. He walked in from his ranch
near Hardman.
Charley Hastings is confined to
his bed this week. His son, Guy
Hastings, came home Monday from
his work to be with him.
Mrs. O'Brian and son George
from Washington are visiting here.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom who
have been visiting their daughter
and family, Mr. and Mrs. George
Kendler at Grand Coulee, and other
relatives at Hood River, for the past
week, returned home Wednesday
and left again Sunday to visit their
son Don and family at Bates, and
other relatives at Monument and
Bend, and will go on to Richmond
to visit their son Earl Isom and
family Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Harper
from Heppner are staying at the
Isom home during their absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Knighten and
Homer were called to Portland Fri
day by the death of their sister, Mrs.
Clay Wood.
Mrs. Myrtle Markham and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Grabeil, Mrs.
C. Frederickson and Mrs. Emmett
McCoy spent several days in the
mountains near Meacham last week
gathering huckleberries.
Mrs. Ernest Stephens left Saturday
for The Dalles to visit relatives.
Fred Markham and two children
from Richland, Wash., visited rela
tives here last week.
Mrs. Fred Dall from Seattle is
visiting at the Glen Aldrich home.
when you buy a