Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 10, 1941, Image 1

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' Volume 58, Number 19
Fire Damaging Elks
Home, Star Theater
I, Adjusted "
Firemen Act Quick
ly in Subduing Blaze
Thot Spontaneous
Quick response and efficient ac
tion by Heppner's volunteer fire
department Monday morning kept
to a minimum damage from a con
cealed blaze that brought forth, an
alarm a few minutes after 6 o'clock
Damage to the Elks hall and Star
theater, which was fully insured,
was, adjusted almost before the
smoke cleared.' It was estimated at
Believed to have started spontan
eously from an oiled mop in a closed
closet under the upstairs stairway
in the Star theater, the fire had
burned under the stairs and hal
just burst through the floor upstairs
when it was finally quenched.
Slmoke and water damage exceed
ed that from the fire proper, mak
ing necessary renovation of much of
the Elks hall and the theater.
Mark Merrill, whose restaurart
adjoins the Elks building, was the
first to discover the fire and he
turned in the alarm. He had just
stopped his car at the stop sign at
the east entrance of Main street hi
May, when Mrs. Merrill who was
with him, remarked, "I wonder why
they have a fire in the Elks build
ing?" Mr. Merrill immediately look
ed that way and seeing that the
smoke was not coming out of the
chimney but out of the ventilating
system, made haste to investigate.
He unlocked the door and went up
stairs only to find a lot of smoke
and no fire. Having had much fire-
fighting experience, he was not long
in turning in the alarm.
As the fire had not broken out
it took the firemen several minutes
to locate it, but when they did they
started in at its base and followed it
up in short order, it being necesaay
to break through walls and ceiling
to eet to it.
Damage was confined to the hall
,and theater, O'Donnell's restaurant,
in the building to the north of the
theater escaped damage.
Sid Riding and J. D. Biasing were
insurance adjusters on the job in a
few hours after notification Tues
day. Roger Kay and Mr. McCormick
of Pendleton assisted the lodge trus
tees in estimating extent of damage.
The theater got things in order
sufficiently to put on the show as
usual Monday evening and has been
operating since.
The Elks building was constructed
in 1920 at a cost of $55,000.
Camp Fire Girls Plan
For Summer Camps
Both the Sacajawea and Nokomis
groups of Camp Fire Girls are
making plans for summer camps
in the near future, announces Mrs.
Ed Dick, Jr., a sponsor.
The Nokomis group, composed of
high school girls, met yesterday af
ternoon at the home of Louise Green
with Merlyn Kirk, assistant hostess,
and discussed plans for attending
the Camp Meriweather encampment
on the coast for a week. The Sacaja
wea group will meet Saturday af
ternoon at 2:30 at the home of Mrs.
Dick. They expect to camp in the
local mountains. The Nokomis camp
is set for the last week in August
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Notson arid
two children have arrived in the east
on a visit to the United States from
their work in the Chinese mission
field, and are expected in Heppner
sometime the fore part of August,
according to word received by
friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Notson
have been in Tibetan China for the
last seven years as Methodist missionaries.
22 New Selectees
Register in County
The July 1 registration of men
leaching 21 years of age since the
first registration in October, brought
22 new men under jurisdiction of the
Morrow County Selective Service
board. A total of 31 men were reg
istered at the local office, but 12 of
this number were not under the
jurisdiction of the local board, while
three registration cards were sent
here froqi offices elsewhere. With
serial numbers and addresses, the
new men, whose order numbers will
be drawn in Washington July 17 ,'
S-l Jackson Earle Gilliam, Hepp
ner; S-2 Lawrence Leroy Smith,
Boardman; S-3 William Pedro Paul
Davidson, lone; S-4 John James
Healy, Heppner; S-5 Frank Russell
Miles, Boardman S-6 Edmund Troy
Walker, Jr., Heppner; S-7 James
Patrick Healy, Heppner; S-8 Clyde
Ray Bellows, Heppner; S-9 John
Edward Hays, Heppner; S-10 Leon
ard William Robertson, Boardman;
S-ll Emil Henry Rauch, Lexington;
S-12 Warren George Canoy, Hepp
ner; S-13 James Haskell Peck, Lexing
ton; S-14 James Edward Trueblood,
lone; S-15 James Herbert Moyer,
Heppner; S-16 Melvin Lyle Allyn,
lone; S-17 Robert Wesley Warfield,
lone; S-18 William Clayton Wright,
Heppner; S-19 Donald Orville Rob
inson, Hardman; S-20 Clarence Cur
tis Frederickson, Irrigon; S-21 John
Edward McEntire, Boardman; S-22
Vernon Albert Knowles, Heppner.
Henry Baker Heads
Ag Defense Board
Morrow county's role in the na
tional defense was given new added
significance with the creation this
week of the U. S. department of ag
riculture defense board for Morrow
county, with Henry Baker of lone,
chairman of the county AAA com
mittee, as chairman,
Similar boards were established
in every state and in every agri
cultural county in the nation on or
der of Secretary of Agriculture
Claude R. Wichard. Purpose of the
new boards is to further the field
defense activities of the department
of agriculture, and to coordinate
these activities with those of other
agencies in the field.
Membership of the Morrow coun
ty committee will include County
Agent C. D. Conrad, the represent
atives in the county of the farm
security administration, the forest
service, rural electrification admin -istraton,
the soil conservation ser
vice and farm credit administration.
Robert Taylor of Adams, member
of the state AAA committee, will be
chairman of the state U. S. Depart
ment of . Agriculture Defense board.
Ted and Scott McMurdo, with
their companion, John Nielson, end
ed a boat trip down the Tanana riv
er in Alaska when, on reaching the
river's mouth they learned by radio
of settlement of the strike in the
Fairbanks Exploration company, for
which Ted had been working. They
immediately caught a plane and flew
back to Fairbanks in two hours the
distance it had taken them 12 days
to cover by boat Word to this ef
fect was received this week by Dr.
and Mrs. McMurdo in a long letter!
from Scott. '
Exalted Ruler J. G. Barratt has
called a special meeting of Heppner
lodge 358, B. P. O. Elks, for 8 o'clock
this evening. The meeting is called
at request of the trustees due to
the emergency created by Monaay
morning's fire. All members who
can are urged to attend.
Audrey George, 15, daughter of
Mrs. Faye (Young) George of Port
land, former Morrow county gir,
is reported to have passed away "a
the city this week, with funeral ser
vices there Sunday.
Oregon, Thursday, July 10,
Kathryn Thompson
Lends Charms As
Queen Of Rodeo
Royal Court to Make
First Appearance
at Lex Saturday
Miss Kathryn Thompson, 17, will
be quen of 1941 Heppner Ro-
deo, August 15-16-17, according to
the decision of the queen's com
mittee made at the council cham
bers last night.
Miss Thompson, whose charming
auburn locks have been swept into
the Morrow county breeze fro a
horseback since babyhood, and who
has graced the queen's court as at
tendant in former years, is the
daughter of Mrs. Sophrona Thomp
son. She was graduated with the
class of 1941 from Heppner high
The committee making the selec
tion was composed of Ralph Jack
son, chairman; Mrs. Orville Smith,
Mrs. J. G. Barratt, Henry Peterson,
D. R. Gibson, Charles Hirl and E.
M. Baker.
Queen Kathryn will be first in
troduced to the public next Satur
day evening at the first of the prin
cess's dances, to be held at Lexing
ton. The dance will honor the Lex
ington grange royal court represen
tative, Miss Frances Wilkinson. Oth
er members of the royal court, aljo
to be introduced are, Miss Patricia
Emert, lone, Willows grange; Miss
Rita Robinson,, Hardman, Rhe .
Creek grange, and Miss Colleen Kil
kenny, Heppner, Lena grange.
The queen and princesses will be
introduced at 11 o'clock.
J. Logie Richardson, chamber of
commerce rodeo committee chair
man asks that all members of the
royal court meet at his office at 9
o'clock Saturday morning to go to
Pendleton for pictures and costume
Lists of events for the coming
show were off the press this week
and are in the hands of Len L. Gil
liam, secretary. Plans call for fol
lowing closely the same events as
last year. One change is the substi
tution of bulldogging for bull riding.
Prizes totalling $1500 are being of
fered by the association.
The local ACA office announces
that they are now taking applica
tions for government loans on 1941
wheat and barley. The average l-an
rate for wheat at Morrow county
stations will be about 94 cents per
bushel, basis number one. The loan
rate on barley will be 45 cents per
First report of results of the
Keep Oregon Green association's
campaign for members is most
encouraging, according to John
B. Woods, executive secretary of
the movement to keep forest fires
out of Oregon.
Membership enrollment stations
have been established in nearly
all communities of the state and
citizens generally are showing an
interest in lending their full sup
port to the campaign, which has
for its slogan, "Forest Defense
is National Defense.".
Due to the interruption caus
ed by the Fourth of July holiday,
the intensive phase of member
ship enrollment is being contin
ued this week. Stations in most
communities will continue to re
ceive memberships and issue the,
official Keep Oregon Green pins
until further notice.
Albert Schunk is Keep Oregon1
Gieen representative in Hepp-i
. , ..
Large Group Up for
Draft Classification
Morrow county local board today
'mailed questionnaires to the regis
trants whose names, addresses and
order numbers are shown below:
451 Kenneth Percy Bleakman,
Heppner; 452 Earl Clauton Hogue,
Heppner; 453 Delbert Chauncey
Carpenter, Boardman; 454 Ora Ralph
Acock, Irrigon; 455 Dorr Godfrey
Mason, lone; 456 Harold Dudley Bu
ell, Hermiston, c-o O. H. Buell; 457
Philip William Mahoney, Heppner;
458 Charles Albert Carlson, Nolan;
459 Cornelius Walter Depuy, 7409 N.
Wilbur, Portland; 460 Harold Wil
liam Buhman, Heppner; 461 John
Toseph Horner, Hermiston; 462 Criss
Willson Aiken, c-o Mrs. Ruth Rob
i?on, Heppner; 463 Lyle Clair Cow
drey, 404 W. 8th St., Vancouver,
Wash.; 464 George Vernon Root,
Arlington; 465 Alex Cornett Green,
Heppner; 466 Claude Walter Bus
chke, Hardman; 467 Richard Louis
Proenncke, c-o Frank Wilkinson,
Heppner; 468 Eldon Joseph Garn-
mell, Heppner, R.F.D.; 469 David
Lam Chinn, Heppner; 470 Charles
Marion Cox, Heppner; 471 Joseph
Gilleese, 344 S.E. 3rd St., Pendleton;
472 Harlan D. MoCurdy, Jr., Hepp
ner; ,473 Raymond George Blahm,
Route 1, Hermiston; 474 Charles El
wood Hastings, Harrnan;
475 Thomas Wood row Huston ,
Eightmile; 476 Elijah Albert Boone,
Fallon, Nevada; 477 Henry Jophon
Delameter, Heppner; 478 Edward
Anthony Sosnowski, Hermiston, c-o
J. A. Terteling & Sons; 480 Oral
dentin Wright, Heppner; 481 Paul
Radke Slaughter, Irrigon; 482 Alvin
Carl Lass, Echo; 483 Thornton Dunn,
Heppner; 484 Hnrlan Nelson Ad
ams, Hardman; 485 Richard Ridg
way Borman, Heppner; 486 Clifford
Winston Miller, Lena; 487 Robert
LcRoy Griggs, Heppner; 488 Oliver
Perry Campbell, Heppner, c-o Alex
Wilson; 489 Anson Edward Rugg.
Heppner; 490 Raleigh Macon Wood
In, Heppner; '491 Eugene Debbs
Wardwell, lone; 492 Charles Wesley
Allred, Route 1, Mt. Airy, N. Caro
lina; 493 Arthur Raymond Reid,
Hatdman; 494 Kenneth Arthur Mc
Kenzie, Heppner; 495 Clifford De
Vere Conrad, Heppner; 496 Earl
Garline Pettyjohn, lone; 497 George
Wellington Wicklander, Jr., Casca
dia, Oregon, c-o Leonard & Slade;
IPS Clarence El wood Brenner, lone;
499 Harry Albin Lindbo, CCC,
Heppner; 500 Everett Leon Chapin,
Sand Country Scene
Of Large Grass Fire
A grass fire, thought to have been
started by lightning Sunday evening
in the vicinity of the ammunition
depot beyond the Wesland irriga
tion ditch near Hermiston, jumped
the ditch and burned over several
thousand acres of sand country in
the north end of Umatilla and Mo
row counties Sunday night and
Monday. It was put under control
late Monday evening after it had
spread from Butter creek to the
Kilkenny lakes some six miles to
the west.
A north wind drove the flam js
southward into Morrow county a.
a rapid rate Monday morning, re
sulting in an alarm being turned in
here shortly after noon, and a num
ber of local men, headed by Sheriff
C. J. D. Bauman, responded. Short
ly after the local men arrived on
the scene the wind changed direc
tions, and it was possible, with use
of tractors and plows supplied oy
local farmers, to backfire success
fully. 1942 ALLOTMENT
93,863 ACRES
Henry Baker, chairman of the
local ACA committee, announced
today that the 1942 wheat acreage
allotment for Morrow county had
been set at 93,863 acres He went
on to say that producers would be
notified of their individual allot
ments within the next two or
three weeks.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Civilian Defense
Registration Set
In County Saturday
Headquarters Set in
Each Community;
Ask Old Aluminum
Registration for Oregon Civil re
serves has been set for Saturday,
July 12, by the Morrow County De
fense council. Registration will be
open from 8 in the morning to 9 in
the evening at the following places
in the county:
Heppner, city hall; Hardman, post
office; Lexington,' Lon Henderson's
garage; lone, Jack Farris cafe;
Boardman, Jack Gorham store; Ir
rigon, Fred Houghton's office.
The Legion auxiliary has kindly
offered the services of its members
to act as registrars at the Heppner
All able-bodied men and women
who have passed their 18th birthday
are eligible to register for this ser
vice, which is under the national
directorship of Mayor Fiorella La
Guardia of New York, and which,
is an important link in the national
defense program
Younger men are urged to register
for Fire Department reserve, the
older men for Police reserve, and
people living in the country for
Aircraft Observers reserve, says W.
Vawter Parker, local commander.
Country people are particularly
urged to register, as the state is now
laying plans for the Aircraft Warn
ing service which is to be developed
first in the area west of the Cas
cades, and then in the eastern part
of the state.
Legionaires, although they may
have registered on the Legion pro
gram, are urged to register for this,
so that they may become a part of
the regular reserves.
The registration here is behind
that in the rest of the state, and it
is desirable that everyone make it a
point to register Saturday so that
Morrow county may catch up with
the rest of the state, Parker empha
sized. C. J. D. Bauman, at the request
of the State Defense council and
the army, has been appointed chair
man of the Aircraft Observer's
Warning committee for the county.
A. C. Houghton of Irrigon has
been appointed to the county de
fense council to represent that com
munity. The local defense council will co
operate with the statewide drive fo.
used aluminum articles slated for
the week of July 21st to 26th, and
urges everyone to check now a
I such articles as they may have and
for which they have little or no use.
Riding Club Meeting
Set Sunday Afternoon
All those interested in the new
riding club for Morrow county, de
signed after the Mustanagers of Pen
dleton, are requested by Jim Kist
ner, temporary chairman, to report
with their horses at Rodeo field Sun
day afternoon. Horses may be
brought ready to leave as Frank
Tousley of Athena, the hostler and
trainer, will be on hand and all
preparations will have been made
for their keep.
By-laws of the Mustangers were
read by Kistner to a group assem
bled at Frank Turner's office Tues
day evening, but final organization
was deferred due to absence of a
number of people who have indi
cated their desire to join.
It is not necessary for those in
terested to bring a horse to the
grounds Sunday, Kistner emphasiz
ed. Those who desire to bring hor
ses for a ride that afternoon, may
do so, and may leave them if they
wish. i
Apartment for rent Inquire at
Curran's Ready-to-Wear.