Page Four Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Thursday, June 12, 1941 Heppner Gazette Times THE HEPPNER GAZETTE. Established March 30, 1883; THE HEPPNER TIMES, Established November 18, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 15, 1912 Published every Thursday morning by CRAWFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY and entered at the Post Office at Hepp ner, Oregon, aa second-class matter. JASPER V. CRAWFORD, Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year $2.00 Three Years 6.00 Six Months 1.00 Three Months 75 Single Copies 05 Official Paper for Morrow County OLD GLORY" AX'HEN the nation pays special tri bute to Old Glory next Satur day, Flag Day, it will signify inten sified patriotic service for everyone in the land. Bursting shells and rockets, glare through which it stood in troublous days of the past, are again jeopardizing its principles of freedom, and in these days of un limited emergency Old Glory be comes nearer and dearer to all. Just now Morrow county is be ing organized for civilian defense work, part of the broad national de fense program, and there is a call for funds to assist U. S. O., a democratic institution to assist the government in making the nation stronger in its defense. These are but beginning steps in a new order that will come home more forcibly to all. Old Glory today calls for service by all. It asks for the dimes, quar ters and dollars of everyone for the purchase of defense bonds and stamps, not only to provide funds for the government to carry on the nationally organized, defense pro gram, but to prevent undue price inflation and resulting chaos, which, more than a foreign enemy might rock the country to its very foun dations. Old Glory, through the president, has asked that our nation be unified today as never before. Personal ad vantage must not be considered by capital, by labor, or by anyone. The national safety must be paramount in this emergency, and it is vital that everyone do the job he is given to do and to do it well. That is the signi ficance of Old Glory not only next Saturday, but every day in the year. "In union there is strength," "un ited we stand, divided we fall" -these and all the great patriotic words of the past must have their meaning renewed and cherished in the minds of every true American. Society Aids Boys, Girls From County Portland, June 12. Three depend ent children from Morrow county are receiving care from the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society of Oregon at the present time, according to a re port released this week from society headquarters. Under supervision of the society, which provides clothing and medical and dental care, the children are placed in private family homes throughout the state. Fifty-five percent of the society's wards come from counties other than Multnomah, yet substantial finan cial support from private sotirces is provided by no other county, offi cials of the organization point out. Without additional funds from the countes to meet the increased cost of living, services to dependent chil dren will have to be curtailed. The agency is asking the coopera tion of every Oregon community in meeting the present needs which to tal $5,000. The fund-raising appeal, organized on a state-wide basis, is going forward rapidly in Morrow county. Establshed in 1885, the Boys' and Girls' Aid society has cared for more than 7,300 Oregon children since its inception. ' At the present time 355 boys and girls are receiving care un der its supervision, C. C. Chapman is president of the organization and Mrs. Myrtle C. Dalziel serves as state director. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Wilson motor ed to Portland Friday to meet their daughter, Miss Shirley Wilson, who had just completed her first year's work at University of Oregon. Let's go it's the starting whistle for another Guess Again race. Let's see if you can be first to "break the tape." Indicate your ansivers in the space pro vided and then add your score for your rating. (1) If you're a bank teller you might know that on the fifty-dollar bill there is a picture of (a) John Quincy Adams; (b) U. S. Grant; (c) Thomas Jefferson; I I (d) Zachary Taylor. f (2) Picture yourself aboard ship early in the morning. You hear the ship's clock ring "one bell," which tells you it's (a) 2 a. m.; (b) 1:30 a. m.; (c) 12:30 I 1 a. m.; (d) 1 a. m. (3) Attention radio fans; Lanny Ross' daily program immediately follows: (a) Amos 'n' Andy; (b) Myrt and Marge; (c) Char- H I lie McCarthy; (d) Bob Hope. (4) Oh, yeah, it's a fish, all right (at left) , but which of the following: (a) shark; (b) marlin; J" I (c) tuna; (d) tarpon. (5) If you miss this one, write Emily Post. If a girl is in the com pany of a man and she drops her handkerchief (a) the gentleman should pick it up; (b) she should get it hersef; (c) she should ignore it; (d) he should give I I her his handkerchief. (6) The American Red Cedar, is an evergreen that's not a cedar at all, it's (a) a pine; (b) a cypress; (c) a juniper; I I (d) a spruce. (7) Hey, football fans, which of these was (during his college days) a member of Knute Rockne's fa mous "Four Horsemen"? (a) Grant land Rice; (b) Walter Winchell; (c) Ted Husing; (d) Elmer Layden, "GUESS AGAIN" 1 HTrnrrnTin Score AJASWILttS Here 1. (b) for 25 pts. (toughie) 2. (c) for 15 more....; 3. (a) for 10 (only) 4. (d) for another 10 5. (b) for 15 pts 6. (c) for 15 7. (d) for the last ten HERE'RE YOUR RAT INGS: 90-100, tape- TOTAL breaker; 80-90, good stepper; 70-80, mighty brisk; 60-70, still a racer. Attend Pendleton Mattress School Eight leaders from Morrow coun ty attended the two-day cotton mat tress making school held in Pendle ton last week to learn the technique of making matresses with the tick ing and cotton furnished by th? Surplus Commodities corporation. Applications have been received by the county AAA committee and cotton and ticking ordered for 150 mattresses. The making of the mattresses is under the direction of the extension service and is expected to begin the latter part of July. Maggie Hunt, Mrs. Russell Brown ing and Mrs. Joseph Hughes will serve as volunteer leaders at the Heppner mattress making center. W. A. Baker, Mrs. Olive Atteberry and Mrs. John Fisher are leaders at Boardman. and Mrs. W. R. Haney and Mrs. Glenn O'Brien at Irrigon. The purpose of the mattress mak ing program as set up under the AAA 'program, according to C. D. Conrad, county agent, is to make use of the large surplus of cotton that is on hand and at the same time improve the standards of living for many people by making high quality mattresses available. Each family that applies for a mattress must come to the mattress making cen ter and make their own mattresses. What is June 14th? It's more than just a summer day ... it's a day for reflec tion ... a day for thinking of our country and its advan tages. June 14th is Flag Day, when you can show your pa triotism by displaying the colors before your home or business. Current conditions make our flag and its day more significant than ever . . . remember Flag Day. HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES counties reported a unanimous vote in favor of the plan, these being Columbia, Deschutes, Grant, Mor row, Multnomah. In Crook and Jo sephine counties there was only one negative vote. In announcing the results the state AAA office paid a tribute to the educational work in the various counties by the county and com munity committeemen and the ex tension service, which resulted in such a heavy vote being recorded. i vitrgwil gave vtiv j majorities in the nation in favor of the plan, which was carried nation ally by a more than 80 per cent favorable vote. Game Licenses for Aged Folk Due 14th Persons eligible for old age fish ing and hunting licenses may apply for them after June 14 when new game laws become effective. Under the provisions of the bill passed by the legislators, any per son over the age of 65 and who has been a resident of the state of Ore gon for 10 yearS or more, who makes an affidavit before a county judge or chairman of a board of county commissioners that he is unable to pay the regular fee, may obtain a special license for fifty cents. Special affidavit forms have been furnished to all county judges and also may be obtained from the offce of the Oregon State Game commis sion, 616 Oregon building, Portland. The fifty-cent fee together with i report on the game and fish taken in the previous seasons, as required by law, must accompany the application. SHOP WELL EQUIPPED With strain of general contracting bearing down a little heavily for his years, N. D. Bailey is preparing to retire more from that field and to surmlant the activity with work in his shop at home. To this end he re cently purchased a factory-type lawnmower sharpener, and expects soon to equip himself with special saw-filing machinery. He is specia1 izing in lawnmower, knife and scis sor sharpening, saw filing, band saw work, cabinet making and floor sanding for which he also has special equipment. The new Iawranower sharpener grinds the blades of the machine in its own frame, making blades and bar hit exactly true. Ma chine bearings and other parts ar also adjusted to make old machines run like new, Mr. Bailey says. In 4-H Clubbers to Help Increase Meat Output Oregon's 4-H club members will join 250,000 other 4-H-ers through out the nation in responding to the call for greater production of meat this year to supply home and na tional defense requirements, says H. C. Seymour, state club leader. Many club members are enrolling in the 1941 livestock projects, where they will produce all kinds of meat ani mals. All those enrolled in such clubs are eligible to share the benefits of the national 4-H' meat animal competition. Last year the nation's four sectional winners, which in cluded Robert Zielinski, Salem, re ported grass returns on their en terprises totaling 924,618 and cash prizes on exhibits totaling $3247. The competition will start in the coun ties under the direction of county agents or county club agents. Oregon Approves Quotas 5555 to 260 Official returns from the 30 Ore gon counties having growers eligi ble to vote in the wheat marketing quota referendum show that Ore gon growers approved the quotas by a favorable vote of 95.5 per cent of the 5815 votes cast. The final total showed 5555 votes in favor of the quotas and 260 against Approx imately 83 per cent of the growers eligible to vote actually cast their ballots. Lake was the only county failing to approve the quotas by the neces sary two-thirds majority. The vote there was 47 yes and 31 no. Five a short time, Mr. Bailey expects to have one of the most completely and best equipped shops of its kind in this part of the state. Miss Katie Minert accompanied Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Turner to Port land last week and is visiting with a cousin, Harold Brinson, near Al bany. " " NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was duly appointed by the County Court of' the State of Oregon for Morrow County, admin istrator, of the estate of J. L. Yeager, deceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased, are hereby required to pre sent the same to the undersigned administrator with proper vouchers, at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon, within six mon ths from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 12th day of June, 1941. B.-H. PECK, Administrator. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables a Springtime has arrived, bringing with it new, good foods from the earth. We're serving them now. O Good food is more than something pleasant to eat. It is a sound investment, one that pays dividends in health and satisfaction. You get good food when you eat here. Contributions Taken for CHINESE RELIEF SOCIETS and Official Receipt Given Meals at All Hours FOUNTAIN SERVICE Elkhorn Restaurant ED CIHNN, Prop. Swim In 1941 Style GET into the plunge a lot but be sure you've got an attractive swim ming suit, that DOES things for you! See our new collection all styles, colors, sizes! See the new Jantzen suits for women, men and boys. New prices, new styles, 1.95 to 5.95 WILSON'S MEN'S WEAR The Store of Personal Service 7jf 4