Thursday, June 12, 1941 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon IONE NEWS lone Ladies Have Grand Lodge Places By MRS. ELMER GRIFFITH lone chapter, O. E. S., will be well represented at grand chapter in Portland this week. Mrs. Roxy Krebs is grand representative of British Columbia, Mrs. Mabel Krebs is chairman of the grand temple fund, and Mrs. Beulah Mankin is a grand page. Locust chapter's wor thy matron and worthy patron, An ne Smouse and Henry Smouse are also in attendance. Their daughter, Shirley, accompanied them to the city. Miss Ellen Nelson, accompanied by her mother, Mrs A. H. Ndson of Oak Grove, returned Monday from a vacation spent in San Francisco and other Bay cities. Mrs. Ella Davidson returned Wed nesday from Forest Grove, ' where she attended the graduation of her grandson, Harlan McCurdy. Jr., from Pacific university. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swanson returned Tuesday from Salem where they spent the week end with rela tives. Miss Phyllis Boyd of Westport spent the week with her school friend, Katherine Griffith of Mor gan. She , was brought to Morgan by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Anderson, of Blalock, after a few days' visit at the Anderson home. Miss Helen Lindsay has j'eturned from La Grande where she attended school. She and her sister, Betty Lou, made a trip to Portland the first of the week. Marion and Mansell Krebs return ed home Wednesday from 0. S. C. for the summer vacation. Bert Mason, Jr., who has com pleted his junior year in forestry at O. S. C, returned home last week and Mondav entered the forest ser vice. He went out to Arbuckle mountain. Mrs. Alfred Swales has returned from Portland. Her little daughter will remain for treatment. Miss Patty Emert of Hermiston is at the home of her brother, Del bert Emert, where she plans to spend the summer. Mrs. Victor Rietmann will drive to The Dalles on Friday to take her sister, Mrs. W. G. Roberts, on bus iness. The library committee of the Top ic club is cleaning the library and painting the shelves, and altogether giving the place a very attractive appearance. Mrs. Minnie Farrens has retum 'ed home from Richland, Cal., where she spent the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Wilson and son, Earl Wilson, of Long Beach, Cal., spent several days the last of the week at the Martin Bauernfeind home at Morgan while looking af ter property interests here. Mrs. Eunice Keithley was brought down from Heppner Wednesday and is at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Walter Bristow. Mrs. Keithley has been bedfast since last fall. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Wade left last Thursday for their home in Walla Walla. They had been guests of Mr. Wade's sister, Mrs. E. J. Bris tow. The Women's Topic club will meet Friday of this week at the home of Mrs. Harry Yarnell. The Social club of the O. E. S. held a garden party last Wednes day at the Masonic hall and spent the day working on the lawn and flower gardens. Mrs. Omar Rietmann and son. . Gene and Larry, left Wednesday fo: Portland where they will visit Mrs. Rietmann's mother, Mrs. Inez Free land, and attend the Rose festival. New books on the shelves of the lone library are "Pelle's New Suit," Beskow, "Adventures of a Wliite Collar Man" Sloan, "Come Wind, Come Weather," DeMaurier. "The River of No Return" White, "Mort gage on the Moon" Gaddis, "The Swift Hour" Thurman, "Yesterday's Daughter" Lambert, "Nurse Into Woman" Marshall, "Raggedy Anne's Lucky Pennies" Cavelle, "Retrac ing Genghis Khan" Herman and Borg (gift from Rev W. W. Head), "Lost Lagoon" Sperry, "Mr. Skeff ington" Elizabeth. Don Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alva Jones, went to the San Fran cisco bay region at the close of his year's work at University of Oregon. Page Three COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL, EIGHTH GRADE GRADUATES LISTED BY SUPERINTENDENT Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers, county school superintendent, has released the following list of high school and eighth grade graduates for Morrow county at the close of the school year just ended. HIGH SCHOOL District No. 1, Heppner: Henry Aiken, Jr., Lowell Ashbaugh, Clar ence Baker, Don Bennett, Budd Blakely, Irl Clary, Hugh Crawford, Douglas Drake. Donald Evans, Har ry O'Donnell, Jack O'Harra, Norval Coxen, Mary Elinor Davidson, Mer lin James Wilkens, Sidney Otho Van Schoiack, Patricia Ann Kenny, Marylou Ferguson, Jean Carolyn Turner, Mary Kathryn Howell, Jo seph James Hughes, Darrel Stark I Glasgow, Alfred William Rugg, Jack (Hynd Schaffer, Raymond French. George Garnet Ashbaugh, Albert Bailey, Ted Ferguson, Jack Ed mondson. Dist. No. 10, Irrigon: Harmon Har vey Baker, Vivian Leaine Caldwell, Osborn, Roy Pettyjohn, Robert j Mae nmm, oarl Deios Knigh Swick, Alex Thompson, Lura Ste-!ton Robert Lekmd Larson. Delpha Dhens. Marv K. Blake. Lorraine lrio MarKnam, Patricia Daisy Bothwell, Agetha Butterfield, Mary Markham, Clifford L. Rucker, Fred irivm , uonaici wnne. Jean Hays, Anne Marie Johnston, Isobel McFerrin, Rita Robinson, Ka thryn Thompson, Laura Warfield, Beatrice Wilkens, Frances Wilkin son. Dist. No. 10, Irrigon: Echo lone Aldrich, Lucile Darline Jones, Alice May Frederickson. Marian Joy Markham, Frank Leicht, Glenn Poulson. Dist. No. 12, Lexington: Donald Campbell, Elden Padberg, Euger.e Majeske, Raymond Turner, Jerrine Edwards, May Rauch, Doris Scott. Dist. No'. 25, Boardman: Roy Part low. Harold Tyler, dlarence Ekker, Elbert Fisher. Dist. No. 35, lone: Walter Corley, Charlotte Cannon, Ernest Christoph erson, Melvin Brady, Claude Petty john, Clyde Pettyjohn, John Doher ty, Eileen Sperry. Dist. No. U. H. 1, Hardman: Vern McDaniel. EIGHTH GRADE Dist. No. 1, Heppner: Betty Marie Dist. No. 12, Lexington: Melba De Von Burnside. Dean Hunt, Louis: Hunt, Estelle Marie Ledbetter, Ma jo Marquardt, John Jason Miller, Jr., Georgia Aileen Scott. Dist. No. 24, Lena: Joe Charles McLaughlin. ' Dist. No. 25, Boardman: Mabel Walker, Frances Skoubo, Gene Al- NOTICE On and after June 20 the price of children's hair cuts will be 50c. KEYS BARBER SHOP COXEN'S BARBER SHOP mm Air ill tiff.Cl 1 i fPWMAUW ROSE. Co-Winner With Floyd 't'C I y I, 1 May 30h. Averaged 115.117 I J ,4&? 'V I M" P'T Hour en Firestone Gm- JJ??1"'?-; , A i.'&Vifc,3 Dipped Tirei Without a Tire Ckange jiife L .J9 " ' TrB"b" f A"Y PrT?! FLASHING down the straightaways at speeds as high as 160 miles an hour, Mauri Rose streaked to victory in the 1941 Indianapolis Sweepstakes without a tire change. 500 miles of grinding, pounding, torturing speed and not one tire failed! Here's proof of safety proof of blowout protection proof of endurance proof of tire superiority backed not merely by claims, but by PERFORMANCE!' For 22 consecutive years all the winning drivers in this great classic of speed and endurance have driven to victory on Firestone Tires. Why? Because race drivers know that their very lives depend upon the safety of their tires. They have made it their business to know how tires are built. And they know from experience that the patented and exclusive construction features found only in Firestone Tires provide the extra strength and durability necessary to safetv ; . victory! ROSEWALL MOTOR CO. Heppner len, Kenneth Forbes, Louise Hamil ton, Dale Ford, Edwin Ball, Clayton Allen. Ella Edge, Dagmar Skoubo, Betty Carpenter, Doris Wilson, El don Lily. Dist. No. 26, Pine City: Robert Gustava Schiller, 'Robert McGrer Gronwold, Kathleen Rose Daly. Dist. No. 35, lone: Maxine Eloise Allyn, Dorothy Alene Farrens, Dor othey Ellen Bergstrom, Zeima Dar leen Biddle, Robert Louis Lawlor, Mary Helen i Barnett. James Ray mond Barnett, Eunice Ann Louise Rietmann, Alton Harry Yamell. Ar thur Alfred Stefani. Dist. No. 40, Hardman: Ray Perry Patterson. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express ' our sincere appreciation and thanks to the kind friends and neighbors for their help and expressions of sympathy at the time of our bereavement. The Burton Peck family. The Yeager family. Vacant corner lot on Main street, 50 x 132 feet, for sale. Inquire this office. r NOW OPEN New RICHFIELD Service Station Corner Main and Center Sts. Heppner, Oregon Complete line Richfield Products Famous Fortified Hi-Octane Gasoline Richlube and Richfield Pennsyl vania Motor Oils O Wright's Richfield Service The (W) right place to go for your motoring needs aitmmmis Every Firestone Tire Carries a lifetime Guarantee ALLOWANCE WmmkmjS on your fff nZt7$f$fi OL OLD TIRES ?&&M0) i: Come In TODAY! M M'liI & J The same super-safety and dependability that are built into Firestone Tires for the speedway are also built into the new SaftuSured Firestone DeLuxe Champion Tires for the highway. Both are Safti-Sured against blowouts by the patented Safety'Lock Gum-Dipped cord body. Both are SaftuSured for longer wear by the exclusive new Vitamic rubber compound. Profit by the experience of famoris race drivers. Equip your car today with a set of these new Firestone DeJLuxe Champion Tires the world's first and only tires that are SaftuSured. HIGH SPEED TIRES First Quality longer mileage greater blowout protection greater non-skid safety less cost per mile. finest High speed l ire firestone ever built. Equip today. 10 L00.1t AND YOUR OLD TIRE f mm finston CONVOY TIRES We know of no other tire thaty delivers so much mileage and safety at such a low price. Here's thousands And Your OWTIr of txtra miles of dependable service. 35 V- S.00-11 cod SEES mm