Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 15, 1941, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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    Thursday, May 15, 1941
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Page Seven
Want Ads
Need a Good Used Harvester?
14 ft. Model W Case ready to go
into field; Cheney reel, Calkins shoe,
rubber on header and front wheels,
50 bushel bulker. 16 ft. Harris 22 x
33xfe Cheney reel, Calkins shoe, bag
ger. Terms if desired. Pendleton
Grain Growers, Inc., Phone 141,
Pendleton, Oregon. It.
LOST Boy's glasses in steel case.
Return' to P. P. & L. office. Reward.
FOR SALE About 50 New Hamp
shire pullets, 10 wks. old, also fryers.
Rev. James Wilkins, city. 11.
Chicks hatched to fill at the date
you want them. Suddarth Hatchery,
Irrigon., Ore. 10tf.
15 acres in crop, electric pump,
eleven milch cows, 10 heifers, regis
tered bull, 3 horses, pigs, chickens,
fruit, implements, $3500 terms.. Fred
Rieks, Irrigon, Oregon. 9-11.
tersection of "A" Street, thence
North along the East line of said
"A" Street four hundred and
twenty (420) feet to the place of
beginning, being a portion of
the Northeast quarter (NE14) of
the Northeast quarter (NEV)
of Section number nine (9) in
Township one (1) South, Range
twenty-four (24) East of the
Willamette Meridian, and situa
ted in Morrow County, Oregon.
Lots Four (4) and Five (5),
Block fifteen (15) 2nd Addition
to the City of Redmond, De
scnutes County. Oregon.
Terms and conditions of the sale
are cash in hand or one-third (1-3)
cash with bid and the remainder in
installments.' .
WAYNE B. ALLEN, Guardian.
6 wks. White Leghorn cockerels.
Call at ranch. Mrs. H. O. Bauman.
FOR BETTER saw filing call 702.
WANTED Couple wants job on
ranch. Experienced. Fred Esteb,
Washougal, Wash. 8tf.
To those who wish glasses:
There is available at my office an
oculist experienced in treating eyes
ting glasses. Only a few can be
cared for each week. No appoint
ments Saturday or Sunday. DR. A.
D. McMURDO. 50tf.
20 head of young mares, saddle
horses and mules for sale. W. H.
French, Hardman, Ore. 4tf.
By virtue of an ORDER OF THE
COUNTY COURT, dated April 23,
1941, I am authorized and directed
to advertise and sell at public auction
at not less than the minimum price
herein set forth:
Lot 5 in Block 1 of Guffs
Addition to the City of lone,
Oregon, for the minimum price
of $10.00 cash.
The N of SWy4, SWV4 of
NWV4 of Section 31, Township
2 North, Range 24 East of Wil
lamette Meridian for the mini
mum Drioe of $1.00 per acre, 20
percent, down and balance on
THEREFORE. I will on the 24th
day of May, 1941, at the hour of
2:00 P. M., at the front door of the
Court House in Heppner, Oregon,
sell said property to the highest and
best bidder.
C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff,
Morrow County, Oregon.
On June 14th the new personal
nrorjertv tax law becomes effective.
This law makes it mandatory that
the sheriff issue warrants against
persons whose personal property
taxes are delinquent. These war
rants after service upon the tax
payer, if not paid, are filed with the
county clerk and by him placed up
on the jugment docket which there
after becomes a lien upon any real
or personal property owned by the
person against whom the warrant is
issued and subject to enforcement as
any other execution in a court of
. Any n person having delinquent
personal taxes should call at the
tax collector's office and get their
taxes straightened before this law
goes into effect.
C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff,
9-13. Morrow County, Oregon.
In the Matter of the Guardianship
ANN BAIRD. Minors.
in pursuance of an Order of the
County Court for the County of
Morrow, State of Oregon, made on
the 8th day of May, 1941. in the
matter of the guardianship estate
of Ellen Allen, Mildred Werst and
Beverly Ann Baird, minors, the un
dersigned, guardian, of said estate
will sell at orivate sale in separate
parcels, to the highest bidders upon
the terms and conditions hereinaf
ter mentioned and subject to con
firmation by the County Court on
and after the 16th day of June, 1941,
all the right, title, interest and es
tate of the said minors in and to the
following described lands, to-wit:
Lots one (1) and two (2) of
Block four (4) Sperry's second
Addition to the town of lone,
Morrow County, Oregon.
Beginning at the Southwest
corner of Lot three (3) in Block
No. one (1) Halvorsen Addition
to the City of lone, Oregon, run
ning thence East two hundred
and twenty (220) feet, thence
South two hundred (200) feet,
thence East one hundred and
forty (140) feet, thence South
thirty-two (32) feet to the cen
ter of Willow Creek, thence in a
Southwesterly direction down the
Center of said Creek to the in-
District Land Office, The Dalles,
Oregon, April U, 1941. Notice is
hereby given that on April 11, 1941,
Abraham W. Hertzka, of 1428 Polk
Street, San Francisco, California,
filed formal application, No. 031715
under the Act of March 20, 1922 (42
Stat. 465; U. S. C. 485), to exchange
land for timber within the Umatilla
National Forest, Oregon. The appli
cant offers the SWV4 Sec. 34, T. 5 S.,
R. 27 E., W. M., containing 160 acres,
in exchange for an equal value of
timber from approximately 86 acres
of the following described lands:
Sees. 11, 12 and 14, T. 7 S., R. 23 E.,
Sees. 4, 5, 7, 18, 19, 20 and 30, T. 7
S., R. 24 E., W. M. This notice is for
the purpose of allowing all persons
claiming the selected lands, or hav
ing bona fide objections to the pro
posed exchange, an opportunity to
file their protests or other objections
in this office, together with evidence
that a copy of such protest or objec
tion has been served upon the appli
cant within 30 days from the date
of the first publication of this notice.
W. F. JACKSON, Register.
33; all in Township 2 North, Range 34
East of the Willamette Meridian. South
east quarter of the Southwest quarter
OI section , rvoruieaai qum ici ui me
Southwest quarter of Section 18; South
half of the Southwest quarter of Sec
tion 28; Lot 4 and the Southeast quar
ter of the Southwest quarter (also de
scribed as the South half of the South
west quarter) of Section 30; North half
of the Southwest quarter of Section 35;
all in Township 2 North, Range 35 East
of the Willamette Meridian. West half
of Section 16, Township 3 North, Range
28 East of the Willamette Meridian.
Tract II in Umatilla County, Oregon.
Northeast quarter of Section 25; North-
east quarter, casi nan 01 ooumweai
quarter, West half of Southeast quarter
of Section 27; West half of the North
west quarter, the Northeast quarter,
North half of the Southeast quarter, of
Section 35, all in Township 2 North,
Range 27 East of the Willamette Mer-
iinn GrmtViwoat nnnrtor nf Rpr.tinn 7:
West half, Northeast quarter of Section
19; all of Section 31, all in Township 2
Nortn, itange cast 01 uie wuium-
half, Southwest quarter of Section 31;
... n 11 it. 1- OO TPn-.t
au in rownsmp a inuiiii, rtange lo mui
of the Willamette Meridian. Excepting
any and all water rights-of-way. Tract
III in Umatilla County, Oregon. South
halt OI trie soumwesi. quarter ui sec
tion 4, except the East 16 feet thereof,
Township 2 North, Range 28 East of
the Willamette Meridian. Southeast
quarter, except the West half of the
Northeast quarter of the Northeast
quarter of the Southeast quarter, the
Southeast quarter of the Northeast
quarter, East half of the Northeast
quarter of the Northeast quarter
of Section 17; the West half
of the Northwest quarter, Northeast
quarter, South half of Section 21;
Southeast quarter of Section 33, all in
Township 3 North, Range 28 East of
the Willamette Meridian. Tract IV in
Umatilla County, Oregon. All of Sec
tion 13; Southeast quarter of Section
24; West half, Southeast quarter of
Section 25; South half of Section 26;
South half of South half of. Section 35;
all of Section 36; all in Township 2
North, Range 27 East of the Willam
ette Meriaian. aixcepuns uiai uui uuu
thereof conveyed to County of Uma-
Lllltl, KKi.e ii viea"", fcj . , ;
in Book 120, page 68, Deed Records of
Umatilla County, Oregon, described as
follows: A strip of land 60 feet wide,
being 30 feet on each side of the center
line of said road, as surveyed over and
across the Northwest quarter of Sec
tion 13, Township 2 North, Range 27
East of the Willamette Meridian begin
ning at station 55336 of the Butter
Creek Highway Survey which station
is approximately ou ieei cjaat "i
Section corner which is common to
Sections 11, 12, 13 and 14 in Township
2 North. Ranee 27 East of the Willam
ette Meridian; thence running in a
southwesterly direction approxinmiciy
107 feet to station 55443 of said survey,
which station is approximately 87 feet
South of the Section corner which is
common to Sections 11, 12, 13 and 14 in
Township 2 North, Range 27 East of the
Willamette Meridian, to be known as
the Butter Creek Highway. North half
of Section 6; Southwest quarter of Sec
tion 8; West half of Section 17; North
west quarter of Section 18; Southeast
quarter of Section 19; West half of Sec
tion 29; all of Section 30; North half of
Section 32; ail in rownsnip i norm,
Range 28 East of the Willamette Mer-
fji All nf Softinn A- West half.
iuio.il. in uvv.... -, rr ,y. 1
Northeast quarter of Section 10; West
half of Northwest quarter of Northeast
quarter; soutnwesi quarter oi munu
east quarter, Northeast quarter of
Southwest quarter. South half of South
west quarter; West half of Northeast
quarter of Northeast quarter of South
east quarter of Section 17 ; all in Town
ship 3 North, Range 28 East of the Wil
lamette Meridian. Except any and all
luuiene jjicimiini. " ""-- - "j ----- -u;.,u..,.,c
Tront T in MnrpftW f,nlimv..Or-
egon. North half, North half of South haif
of Section 1; all of Section 2; North
east quarter of Northeast quarter of
Section 3; all of Section 6; Southeast
quarter, West half of Section 10; all of
Section 12; East half, North half of
Northwest quarter and a tract in Sec
tion 14 described as commencing at the
Northwest corner of the Southwest
quarter of the JNortnwest quarter ui
Section 14; running thence South 9.50
Ikons Smith F2 TCftHt 16
UlltLlllO, Lii.nv. " " , , 7,
chains; thence East 7.50 chains; thence
South -23.50 chains; tnence &outn oa
East 26.75 chains to the Southeast cor
ner of the Southwest quarter of said
Section 14; thence North 60 chains;
thence West 40 chains to the place of
beginning; the North half of Northeast
iiu Violf nf Snuthwpst ouar-
ter of Northeast quarter, West half
of West half of Southeast quarter.
West half of Section 15; West half of
xt u,i nnoptar nf 7I Art h An at fluart-
er, North half of Northwest quarter of
Section 22 ; Northwest quarter of North
east quarter of Section 23; all in Town
ship 1 North, Range 27 East of the Wil
lamette Meridian. All of Section 6;
Tir . nf MnrtliiiroQt nilBftflP And
vveat nail ui i . . . v . . . . . -
North half of Southwest quarter of
v. rvr rrT naaor nnnripr iti nwi mil
18, Township 1 North, Range 28 East
kA wm.imottA Morlriian Southeast
Ul '11C friniiiii..vv , - r
quarter of Southwest quarter of Sec
tion 30 ; East nail OI woruiwesi quaii-ci
and Northeast quarter of Southwest
quarter of Section 31, in Township 2
t,th, PonoA oi Tilnst of the Willam-
.1111 111, lWMlt,u .
ette Meridian. Tract II in Morrow
County, Oregon. iNortneasi quarter,
tnnn half i.f Via Qniithaaat rilinrtpr East
nasi 1 1 c 1 1 1 v.. -a -
half of the Northwest quarter of Sec
tion 1, Township 1 North, Range 26 East
of the Willamette Meridian. South half
of South half of Section 1; Southeast
quarter of Northeast quarter, South half
of Southwest quarter of Section 3; all
of Section 7; all of Section 9; all of
Section 11, Northeast quarter, South
half of Southeast quarter, West half of
Section 13, Township 1 North, Range
27 East of the Willamette Meridian; all
of Section 7; all of Section 19, in Town
ship 1 North, Range 28 East of the
Willamette Meridian. East half. South
east quarter of Southwest quarter, West
half of West half of Section 31, Town
ship 2 North, Range 27 East of the
Willamette Meridian. Tract III in Mor
row County, Oregon. North half of
Southwest quarter of 6ection 18 ; North
west quaner oi section in lownsmp
1 North, Range 28 East of the Willam
ette Meridian. Tract IV in Morrow
County, Oregon. East half of Southeast
quarter, Southwest quarter or soumeasi
quarter of Section 3, excepting 3 acres,
more or less, in tne iNonnwest curnei
quarter lying West of the County Road;
jNorcneasi quarter ot oecuuu iu, ex
cepting 3 acres of land, more or less,
l..ro- V,p CmtViaaat nnarlop nf thp.
said Northeast quarter and now owned
by School District No. 26, Morrow Coun
ty, Oregon, and scnooi uistrici: mo. ot.
Umatiuauounty, uregon, aim tu. n. wat-
t A.iKi.rr,M, Hiiiar in rTrtWTl hi Yl 1 "Wfirth.
Range 27 East of theWillametteMeridian.
Tract A in Union County, Oregon. South
east quarter of the Northeast quarter,
Southwest quarter of Northwest quarter,
n;ast nail oi tneaoutnwest quarter uioeu-
n II . . .1 1TT..1 I. .. 1
tlona; in onnwest quarter aiiu vvcniun.ii.
of Southwest quarter of Section 10;North
west quarter of Southwest quarter and
Cnnh Vinif nf Qmithwpiat minrtpr of Sec
tion 11 ; Northeast quarter of Northwest
quarter oi section it; iiunnwrai uu'
ter of Northwest quarter of Section 15,
n in T..rv,oVi 0 Smith Panffl Hfi East
of the Willamette Meridian. Tract B in
Union County, Oregon. XNorineasi
quarter, East half of Southwest quarter.
North halt 01 soutneast quarter uu
d,,ni,ni,t nimrfnii nf Smithpdst niiRrter
of Section 13; North half of Northeast
quarter, East half or Nortnwest quarter
of Section 24. in Township 4 South,
Range 37 East of the Willamette Mer
idian. North half of Southeast quarter
of Section 7, Township 4 South, Range
38 East of the Willamette Meridian.
Now, therefore, by virtue of said exe
cution, judgment order, decree and or
der of sale and in compliance with the
commands of this writ I will on the
16th day of June, 1941 at 2:00 o'clock
T TUf f Vi AnfianfiA nf t Vi P MntTOW
l , ui, ai 1. 1 ' ii,iuiiuu w - - -
County Courthouse, in Heppner, Morrow
1 111 1 1 L J Vl'lWl UlllUUVl ... - 1 ' ' " "
r!,.it,, flraeruM apll nt fYllhllp. AUCtlOn.
subject to redemption, to the highest
bidder for cash in hand, all the right,
title and interest which the within
named defendants in the above entitled
suit had on the 7th day of February,
1940. the date of the mortgage herein
foreclosed, or any part thereof, to sat
isfy said execution and decree, interest,
costs and accruing costs.
Dated this 23 day of April, 1941. Date
of first publication May 15th, 1941.
Date of last publication June 12th, 1941.
J. T. SUMMERVILLE, United States
Marshal. .
AL. In The District Court of The
United States for the District of Ore
COMPANY, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs.
m T-t 1 Tw nrxA T,l Vl TpllT-lnP "RrtV-
len, husband and wife; R. E. McGreer
and Margaret McGreer, husband and
wife; R. E. McGreer, trustee; Marie E.
Johnson; S. L. Johnson and Charles A.
Johnson; Wilbur Akers; Charlie Hirl;
Pat McLaughlin; Mount Emily Lumber
Company, a corporation; Edward Rice;
James T. Ayers ; Arthur Thompson and
Verna Thompson, husband and wife;
and Morrow County, Oregon, Defend
ants. No. CiV. ol3. isy virtue ot aii ex
ecution, judgment order, decree and or
der of sale issued out of the above en
titled court in the above entitled cause,
i At. nA nnH riatpri thp 10th flftV
LI J Hie UllvTJicu aiiu ui .
of April, 1941 upon a judgment render
ed and entered in said court on the 9tn
day of April, 1941, in favor of The
Travelers Insurance Company, a cor
poration, plaintiff, and against Tom
Boylen Jr. and Ruth Jeurlne Boylen,
husband and wife, and each of them,
defendants, for the sum of $55,000.00
with interest thereon from November 1,
1940 at the rate of 5M- per annum, the
further sum of $1789.79 interest due
November 1, 1940, with interest thereon
from said date at the rate of 8 per
annum, the further sum of $2600.00 at
torney fees, the further sum of $419.50
searching records, and plaintiff's costs
and disbursements incurred herein tax
ed at $122.91 and costs or anu upon mis
writ, commanding me to make sale of
the following described real property
-u t vm nnnntiAa nf TTninn. TTma-
Sltuuieu in liic JL i i A ' Z
tilla and Morrow, State of Oregon, to-
wit Tract I in umatina uounty, Ore
gon. Northeast quarter of the North-
west uuui lci ui u'-i'iii" ,v - " " , -
North, Range 34 East of the Willamette
Meridian. Lot 4 ana tne ouulhwchi
quarter of the Northwest quarter (also
described as the West half of the North
west quarter) of Section 3, Township 1
North. Range 35 East of the Willamette
Meridian. Northeast quarter of the
Southeast quarter of Section 13; South
half of the Southwest quarter of Section
23; the South half of the Southeast
quarter of Section 25; South half of
the Northeast quarter of Section 27;
Southwest quarter of the Southeast
quarter of Section 28; Northwest quar
ter of the Northeast quarter of Section
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