Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 15, 1941, Image 1

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Volume 58, Number 11
Wheat Loans Out If
Marketing Quotas
Fail, Says Steen
State AAA Men
Bring Messages on
31st Referendum
The wheat marketing quota ref
erendum was discussed at Heppner
Tuesday, May 13, at a meeting at
tended by county and community
committteemen of the Morrow coun
ty ACA. Will Steen, Umatilla coun
ty farmer and chairmaij. of the state
AGA committee, was a featured
speaker and was accompanied by E,
L. Ludwick, state commodity loan
Mr. Steen pointed out in his talk
that United States wheat growers
were confronted with huge supplies
of wheat and nothing but a domes
tic market to look forward to in
the near future, and that without
the price stabilization effect of the
loan program, wheat prices would
undoubtedly drop to low levels. He
pointed out the following reasons
for the huge supplies of wheat in the
'" United States: Above average yields
for the past few years; loss of ex
ports due to blockade and encour
agement of wheat production in the
European area, and that these fac
tors, together with the fact that the
1941 wheat acreage allotment for the
United States was set at a high
level to guarantee plenty of food
through any emergency, leaves us
with a supply above prospective
needs of over 400,000,000 bushels.
He went on to say that United
States farmers had the means thru
the marketing quota and loan pro
gram to control these huge supplies
without allowing them to depress
the market and that the choice as
to whether this method would be
used will be up to the farmers them
selves in a nation-wide referendum
on wheat marketing quotas to be
held May 31. Mr. Steen warned that
if the quota referendum fails to car
ry there will be no loans on wheat
in 1941 and that this would be very
bad for our wheat prices. On the
other hand, if the referendum car
ries, the loan program will be as
sured and it appears likely that the
loan value will be increased from
present levels to between 75 cents
and 85 cents net to a Morrow coun
ty grower.
He closed his remarks by empha
sizing that it was a choice that far
mers themselves must make and
urged that all eligible voters make
it their duty to go to the polls on
May 31 and cast their ballots. Poll
ing places for Morrow county will
be as follows:
Morgan and lone communities, Le
gion hall at lone.
Lexington community, Leach hall
at Lexington.
Alpine community, Alpine school
house. Eightmile community, Eightmile
North Heppner and South Hepp-ner-Hardman
communties, Morrow
county courthouse.
Polls will be open from 9 a. m. to
9 p, m., Saturday, May 31.
At the close of the meeting it was
announced tliat a public meeting will
be held in the courtroom of the
Morrow county courthouse at Hepp
ner on Monday, May 26, starting at
1:30 p m. This meeting will be de
voted to explanations and discussion
of the wheat marketing quotas and
an interesting program will be pre
sented. Bob Taylor, vice-president
of the Eastern Oregon Wheat league,
will be the featured speaker. All
persons concerned with the welfare
of the wheat industry should attend
this meeting.
Additional showers this week to
taling .41 inch, brought total pre
cipitation for May to date at Hepp
ner up to 1.35 inch, reports Len L.
Gilliam, official observer.
Bare Margin for Organization
Indicated in Results; Formation
Pends Action of State Group
A favorable vote was cast by the
landowners within the proposed
Heppner Soil Conservation district
at the referendum held last Satur
day. Creation of the district is pend
ing on recanvas of the votes and
final approval by the State Soil Con
servation committee.
Eligible voters voting in favor of ,
the district equalled 50.6 percent.
This included 316 votes, while 11
ballots were cast against the crea
tion of the district.
Acres voted numbered 517,000 out
of a total of 702,500. Out of the acre
age voted, 504,000, or 7L7 percent,
voted for creation of the district and
13,000 acres were voted against it.
Fifty percent of the landowners
and at least sixty percent of the land
must vote for creation of the dis
trict before a district can be created.
According to C. D. Conrad, county
agent, the State Soil Conservation
committee must recanvass the vote
and give their approval before the
district will actually be organized.
25 More Men Set
For Classification
Another batch of questionnaires
is being mailed today from the local
Selective Service office, covering 25
more registrants who come .up for
classification. With order number,
name and address they are: .
238 Alfred Lawrence Lovgren,
Hardman; 239 Vernon Cecil North
ness, Hermiston; 240 Charles Howard
Davidson, lone; 241 Ronald John
Coblantz, Heppner; 242 Harold Ken
neth Peck, Arlington; 242-A Charles
Edward McMurdo, Fairbanks, Alas
ka; 243 Alfred Edward Turner,
Boardman; 244 Earl Sylvester Hott
man, Heppner; 245 Elroy Cecil Ellis,
lone; 246 Joseph Andrew Mahon,
Heppner; 247 Loyd Leeland Bur
kenbine, 7437 North Chicago, Port
land, Oregon; 248 Eugene Myles
Stone, Heppner; 249 Paul Kenneth
Gullings, 309 W Market. Aberdeen,
250 J. Deane Ekleberry, Morgan;
251 John Archie Padberg, Lexington;
252 Jack Raymond Bailey, Star Rte.,
lone; 253 Donald Clyde Tannehill,
Boardman; 254 Thomas Israel Wil
son, Heppner; 255 James George
Thomson, Jr., Heppner; 256 Adren
Allen, Irrigon; 257 Roy Dean Bab
cock, Eightmile; 258 Harold Oliver
Kincaid, lone; 259 Conley James
Lanham, Heppner; 260 Herman Blet
tell, Heppner; 261 Henry John
Phelps, Boardman.
Heppner Ladies Will
Make Trip to East
Because of their efforts as presi
dent and secretary, respectively of
National Woolgrowers auxiliary in
promoting the sale of woolen arti
cles, Mrs. Ralph I. Thompson and
Mrs. Harold Cohn of this city will
leave next week on a trip to New
York and Boston as guests of the
Botany Woolen mills.
Proffer of the trip recently came
as a complete surprise to the local
ladies, who feel that they have been
greatly favored by the gift.
As a memorial to Lena B. Cox,
his late wife. Charles B. Cox has
donated a hospital bed and acces
sories to the American Legion aux
iliary for use of the community. As
the auxiliary does not have a hall,
the bed has been loaned to the Mor
row County Health association for
their health closet, located in the
Humphreys building. Mrs Cox was
a past president of Heppner unit
and at time of passing was president
of District No. 6, also community
service chairman of the local unit.
J. I. Hanna shipped 796 head of
ewes and lambs from the local yards
Monday evening, consigned to Ahol,
Oregon, Thursday, May 15,
Round-Up Starts
For Community
Auction The 24th
Lists to be Complet
ed in Week; Variety
Offered on Block
Cows, sheep, pigs, chickens and
turkeys, as well as wheat and other
farm produce, machinery, furniture,
cakes and pies and what have you
are on the lists of donations for the
high school band benefit auction,
beginning at 10 o'clock in the morn
ing, Saturday, May 24.
Local people are working in all
rural communities and in all Hepp
ner districts getting the contribu
tions for the auction to raise money
needed by the band for new uni
forms. ,
C. D. Conrad, general chairman
for the event, announces that work
ers are expected to have lists com
pleted and turned in by next Thurs
day. The auction, with Bob Runnion
doing the "crying" will be held on
the city lot between the Standard
service station and Skuzeski's.
Persons donating perishable arti
cles and livestock are instructed to
bring them the morning of the sale.
Perishable articles should be left in
the corner room at Heppner hotel,
and livestock should be delivered
at the county sheds, at each of which
places workers will be on hand to
take charge of them.
Generous response is being en
countered by solicitors on every
hand, says Conrad, assuring that a
large variety of articles will be of
fered on the block. Heppner's school
band itself will be on the job to help
entertain with music.
To assist in advertising the event
the band will appear on Main street
next Saturday at 3 o'clock, weather
Scout Camp Dates
Set June 2 to 8
Scout summer camp dates were
set for June 2 through the 8th at a
meeting of the Boy Scout executive
committee last night. Summer camp,
an event eagerly looked forward to
by all scouts, will be located on up
per Willow creek at a site to be
selected by the boys, subject to ap
proval by the scoutmaster and the
the committee. Summer camp pro
vides an excellent opportunity for
the boys to put into practice the
knowledge of woodcraft they have
learned as they progress through
the various ranks of scouting. Every
effort is being made to provide ade
quate supervision and training and
plans are to make this, the second
summer camp, better than the first.
Under discussion by the committee
was participation of the troop in
community activities and it was sug
gested and approved that uniform
ed scouts assist in the band auction
to be held Saturday the 24th. Those
present were C. D. Conrad, Martin
B. Clark, scoutmaster, Merle Cum
mings and D. E. Woelfer. A special
meeting of the committee has been
set for May 28, just prior to the
opening of camp.
lone-Gooseberry Road
Oiling Slated in June
The Morrow county court has hope
of starting the oiling work on the
Ione-Goseberry road June first, an
nounces Judge Bert Johnson. Plans
call for oil surfacing eight miles on
the lone end. Contract has been
made with the state to do the work,
the judge said.
W. L. Williams, district engineer
for the state highway . commission,
was a visitor here Monday inspect
ing oiling work now in progress on
the Heppner-Condon road between
Rhea creek and Eight Mile.
50-Year Resident of Hardman
Section, Outdoors Lover and
Musician Passes at Age of 79
Funeral services are being held
from the Church of Christ here to
morrow for Nicholas Leathers, 79,
a 50-year resident of the Hardman
community who died at Heppner
hospital at 3:30 o'clock yesterday
morning following a lingering illness
complicated by age. Phelps Funeral
home is in charge of services, and
Martin B. Clark, Christian minister
will officiate. Services will begin at
2 o'clock ih the afternoon, with in
terment in Heppner Masonic ceme
tery. Nicholas Hanson Leathers was
born November 25, 1861 in Law
renceburg, Anderson county, Ken
tucky. At the age of four he moved
with the family to Missouri where
he lived five years. From there they
moved to Texas where they were
engaged in cotton raising. At the
age of 19 he returned to Kentucky
where, on October 1, 1884, he mar
ried Hethy Bell Hilton.
To this union ten children were
born, nine of whom survive, besides
the beloved wife. Surviving children
are Mit Leathers of Antone, Mrs.
Joyce Tower oi Deep River, Wash.,
Mrs. Fannie Emry of Vancouver,
Otto, Vancouver, Owen of Hardman,
Ivan of Monument, Vernon of Camp
Murray, Wash., Mrs. Vivian Marino
of Seattle, Mrs. Juanita Carmichael
of Lexington, also ten grandchildren,
three grandchildren, and two sisters,
Mrs. James Hilton of Klamath Falls
i and Mrs Nannie Fenton of Fort
Worth, Texas, besides an unlimited
circle of friends in eastern Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Leathers moved to
Morrow county near Hardman in
1892 where he spent the greater
part of his time, until three years
ago when he moved to Monument,
"Pappy," as he was known to his
friends, was an ardent lover of na
ture and spent much of his life in
the great out-of-doors. He was an
expert marksman and fisherman.
He often told his friends he had
possessed a hunting and fishing li
cense every year he lived in Morrow
It is doubtful if there ever lived
in this part of the country, a man
who was a more accurate reader of
music than he. He taught all of his
children to play or sing and in the
Leathers family several orchestras
have been organized. He was never
too busy to assist with funeral ser
vices in the Hardman vicinity. His
whole life was enriched with peace
and graciousness to his fellowmen.
REA Men Interview
Bonneville Head
Henry Baker, president)VEd Rugg,
! Vic Rietmann and John Krebs, di
rectors of the Mid-Columbia Electric
Co-op, left Heppner at noon yester
day for Portland where they had a
scheduled interview with Paul V.
Raver, Bonneville administrator, this
The local men expecfed to learn
from Raver the Bonneville adminis
tration's plans for supplying electri
city to REA projects to assist in ob
taining juice from this source for the
proposed local district.
Glen Richards of Condon resigned
as secretary of the local organization
at a recent meeting and the position
was combined with that of treasurer
and put in the hands of Ed Rugg
who, has served as treasurer since
the organization started. Richards
remained as a member of the board
j cf directors, but believed locating
the secretaryship in the same place
as the presidency would facilitate
handling the district's business.
A blaze starting from a fire in the
brooder at the Alex Green home
last Monday afternoon destroyed 87
fine poults for Mr. Green. Prompt
action by neighbors and the fire de
partment prevented further damage.
The brooder was located in the barn
at the Green home.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Graduation Time
For Grades, High
School Announced
Baccalaureate Next
Sunday for 29 High
School Seniors
Graduation exercises for the eigh
th grade and high school in Heppner
are set for the coming week. Pre
liminary closing events include the
junior-senior banquet to be held
Saturday evening at the Episcopal
parish house, and baccalaureate ser
vice Sunday at the high school aud
itorium. Grade, school graduation will be
Tuesday evening, May 20, in the
gymnasium at 8 o'clock. Mayor J.
O. Turner will be the speaker
High school graduation exercises
will be held Friday, the 23rd, in the
evmnasium, with Dean Jewell of the
I education department of University
of Oregon as speaker. The seniors
number 29.
Bishop Remington of Pendleton
will deliver the baccalaureate ad
dress at the exercises beginning at
8 o'clock Sunday evening. The pro-.
gram includes processional. Pomp
and Circumstance March,' by Ao
olph Schmidt, N. E. Peavy; invoca
tion, Rev. J. L. Wilkins; trio, "At
Dawning," by Cadman, Fegg 1am
blyn, Patty O'Harra, and Dorotha .
Wilson; scripture, reading, Rev.
Sterl D. Spiesz; sermon by Bishop
Remington; quartet, "Indian Dawn,"
by J. S. Zamecnik, Lucille Barlow,
Patty O'Harra, Jack O'Harra, and
Bud Blakely; benediction, Father
MeCormick; recessional, Mr. Peavy.
Tentative lists of graduates for
both the high school and grades are
given as follows:
Hieh school: Henry Aiken, Jr.,
Lowell Ashbaugh, Clarence Baker,
Donald Bennett, Warren Blakely,
Irl Clary, Hugh Crawford, Douglas
Drake, Donald Evans, Harry O'Don
nell, Jack O'Harra, Norval Osborn,
Roy Pettyjohn, Robert Swick, Alex
Thompson, Lura Stephens, Mary
Kay Blake, Lorraine Bothwell, Ag
etha Butterfield, Mary Eleanor Flor
ence, Jean Hays, Anna Marie John
ston, Isobel McFerrin, Rita Robin
son, Kathryn Thompson, Laura War
field, Beatrice Wilkens, Frances
Eighth grade: Betty Marie Coxen,
Mary Elinor Davidson, Merlin Jam
es Wilkins, Sidney Otho Van Schoi
ack, Patricia Arm Kenny, Marylou
Ferguson, Jean Carolyn Turner, Al
bert Bailey, Jack Edmondson, Mary
Kathryn Howell, Joseph James
Hughes. Darrel Stark Glasgow, Al
fred William Rugg, Jack Hynd
Schaffer, Raymond French, George
Garnet Ashbaugh, Ted Ferguson.
Three Rifles Go to
Crow-Magpie Hunters
The three Morrow county young
sters delivering the most trophies in
Morrow County Hunters and Ang
lers club crow-magpie contest will
each receive a brand new .22 rifle.
That is the announcement made fol
lowing, last Friday evening's meet
ing at which W. L. Smith, president
of Oregon Wildlife federation told
of that organization's work and
showed two reels of motion pictures
to the large audience. The pictures
depicted Yellowstone national park
and pollution in the Willamette riv
er. Receiving station for the hunt tro
phies were placed at the Archie Hill
service station in Heppner, Rugg"s
on Rhea creek and Carl Allyn's at
The marriage of Miss Mary Albee
to Mr. Bruce R. Gaines has been
announced for Wednesday, May 21,
at 7 p. m. at the Pentecostal mission.
The public is cordially invited.
Apartment for rent. Inquire at
Curran's Ready-to-Wear.