Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 24, 1941, Image 1

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Volume 58, Number 8
P. P. & L. Rates
To Be Cut As Much
As 30 Pet., May 22
Minimum Residen
tial Rate to be 95c;
Schedules Given
The $410,000 rate reduction an
nounced Monday by Pacific Power
& light company will put rates for
residential electric service in Hepp
ner as much as 43 per cent below
the rates in effect in 1936 and as
much as 30 per cent below present
rates, according to Kenneth House,
local agent for the company.
The new rate cut is the third
made in Heppner since 1938 and
brings total rate savings to residen
tial, commercial, industrial and farm
customers of the Pacific company
to well over a million dollars a
year since that date.
The new schedules are system
wide, affecting all of the more than
130 communities served by the Pa
cific system, and will go into ef
fect May 22. Rural, commercial,
commercial light and power, and in
dustrial services also are affected by
the reduction.
"The new rate reduction is an
other step in the company's long
established policy of bringing rates
for electric service down just as
rapidly as increased use of electri
city and economies of operation
make it possible," House declared.
The reductions under the new set
up start right at the very bottom.
House reported, by cutting the min
imum charge for residential service
from $1 to 95 cents and adding ex
tra kilowatt-hours of service. The
minimum charge for rural service is
chopped even more sharply, from
$1.50 to 95 cents.
Another feature of the new sched
ule is their streamlined standardiza
tion. Under the new rates, the cost
for rural service will be the same
as for city service after the first
60 kilowatt-hours per month.
Commercial rates under the new
schedule will range as much as 29
per cent below present rates and
from 20 to 47 per cent below the
levels of only five years ago.
Heppner's new residential rates
will be: First 12 kilowatt-hours or
less per month, 95 cents; next 48
kwh at 4.3c; next 140 kwh at 2.5c;
excess at 1.5c per kwh. In addtion,
an optional block of 500 kwh at
only 7 mills per kwh is available
for automatic water heating under
single-meter service. The present
8-mill rate for separately-metered
water heaters also will continue to
be available.
The present residential schedule
is $1 for the first 10 kwh or less per
month; next 25 kwh at 7c; next 115
kwh at 2.75c; excess at 2c per kwh.
Typical bills for residential service
at rates effective in 1936, at present
rates and at the new rates compare
like this:
1936 Present New
25 kwh $2.50 $2.05 $1.51
50 kwh ........ 3.60 3.16 2.53
100 kwh 5.10 4.54 4.01
150 kwh 6.60 5.91 5.26
The new commercial schedule is
$1 for the first 12 kwh or less per
month; next 388 kwh at 4.9c; next
600 kwh at 3.5c; next 1000 kwh at
2.5c; all excess at 2c per kwh.
At present these are the commer
cial rates: $1 for the first 10 kwh
or less per month; next 190 kwh at
7c; next 600 kwh at 4.5c; next 700
kwh at 3c; all excess at 2c per kwh.
A comparison of typical commer
cial service bills under 1936 rate
levels, under present rates and un
der the new schedule follows:
1936 Present New
50 kwh $ 5.00 $ 3.80 $ 2.86
75 kwh 7.50 5.55 4.09
100 kwh ........ 10.00 7.30 5.31
200 kwh 17.50 14.30 10.21
In addition, changes have been
made in the schedule to benefit
power users, including combination
commercial light and power service.
Heppner Plays Host to Eastern
Oregon Churches April 30-May
1; Banquets to be Feature
The Church of Christ of Heppner
will be host to eighteen sister chur
ches of northeastern Oregon in an
nual convention on Wednesday and
Thursday, April 30-May 1. At least
one hundred delegates from out of
town are expected to come for this
two-day fellowship, announces Mar
tin Clark, local minister.
A challenging and instructive pro
gram has been arranged in which
Howard Cole, pastor of the Oregon
City church, will bring three mes
sages upon the theme of the con
vention, "Christ the Answer." The
convention opens Wednesday morn
ing at 11 o'clock with a women's con
ference and pot luck dinner at noon.
Two main attractions of the con
vention will be the men's banquet
Wednesday evening at 6 o'clock and
the youths' banquet on Thursday
night at the same time. Everyone
is invited, but the emphasis will be
for each particular group named.
The ladies of the church are serving
the banquets and proceeds will go
toward paying the church debt.
The most entertaining feature of
the convention will be the male
quartet from Northwest Christian
college who will be featured in spe
cial numbers and a special program
sometime during the program.
The messages of the convention
speakers will be to the point and
for the purpose of giving some an
swers to the perplexing problems
that face us today. The purpose of
the convention is mainly to gather
Christians together for a time of
common fellowship when they can
SCO that other people have problems,
too, and perhaps to find an answer
to some of them. -
In a day when our democratic
form of living is being shaken to the
very roots, this group of people
whose very basis for existence is a
democratic form of church govern
ment, challenge to greater effort in
uniting our forces to combat a com
mon foe, said Mr. Clark. We speak
of uniting labor this convention
comes with the plea to unite all
forces of the church.
Services will be held all Wednes
day afternoon and all day Thursday
beginning at 9:30 with simultaneous
conferences for men and women.
Everyone is welcome and urged to
attend any and all services.
Wool Sales Active,
With Top of 3434C
With shearing getting into full
swing in Morrow county, activity
has been lively in the wool and lamb
market, with lambs moving from 8
to 9 cents and wool from 30 to
34 3-4c.
Top price reported this week was
claimed by Harlan McCurdy whose
clip was clean and shrinkage low,
at the 34 3-4c mrk. Estimates place
the local clip at about 30 percent
taken. Among sales for the week
were Bill Kilkenny at 34c, Emil Gro
shens and Joe Hayes at 33c. The sea
son has been ideal for both lambs
and wool, growers report.
Band to La Grande
Tomorrow for Contest
Heppner's school band will go to
LaGrar.de tomorrow to participate
in the district band festival to be
held at Eastern Oregon College of
Education. Forty bandsters and their
leader, Harold Buhman, will make
the trip in cars furnished by parents
and friends.
Public ovation was given presenta
tion of the numbers to be played
in the contest when the band ap
peared at the dance given to benefit
the trip, at the Elks hall Saturday
evening, and a substantial sum was
Heppner won all six matches in
a tennis meet at Hermiston yester
day, between high schools of the
two cities.
Oregon, Thursday, April
County Schools'
May Fete To Draw
Many People Here
Grade Track Events
In Morning, Music
In Afternoon, May 2
Heppner will again be the center
of interest for schools of the county J
on Friday next week, May 2, when
pupils and teachers from all schools
of the county assemble here for the
annual May fete.
Plans this year have deviated from
former years to bring the grade
school track meet in the morning
and the music festival in the after
noon, instead of afternoon and eve
ning performances, to give all vis
itors opportunity to return home at
an earlier hour in the evening.
The grade school track meet in
charge of Kenneth McKenzie of
Heppner and' Lyle Eddy of Irrigon,
will begin at 9:30 in the morning at
the Rodeo grounds. All participants
are expected to be on hand promptly
at the hour named.
Noon plans call for a community
get-together at lunch and the Hepp
ner chamber of commerce and Lions
club will help extend the city's hos
pitality by serving green spot and
coffee free.
Winding of the Maypole on the
school lawn will feature the be
gining of the afternoon exercises at
1:30 o'clock. Music for this feature
will be played by the Heppner
school band.
At 2 o'clock the annual music fes
tival will begin in the gym-auditor-:
ium, including group singing by
different group divisions, both boys
and girls, and mixed groups, from
different grade and high school div
isions. Presentation of track awards
will also be made at this time. Bands
from Heppner and lone, the latter
to make its first appearance at the
county festival, will add to enjoy
ment of this occasion.
A ten-cent admission charge will
be made for the track meet to de
fray cost of awards, but admission
to the music festival will be free.
Peterson, Turner
Firms in New Homes
Formal opening of the new Peter
son Jewelry store next to the post
office was accorded warm reception
by the public last Saturday, and F.
W. Turner & Co., insurance, likewise
found business lively in their new
office next to Peterson's when they
started business there Tuesday.
Third of the new quarters to occupy
the space between the Masonic
building and postoffice will be Myr
tle's Beauty Salon, to move as soon
as finishing of the building is com
pleted. Coxen's barber shop will remain
in present quarters in the Heppner
hotel building, and will not move
into the new structure, as previous
ly reported.
Peterson's store front is finished
in the latest fashion with glass of
black paneled with lighter hues.
Interior furnishings are done in light
oak against a light green and cream
of walls and ceiling, and fluorescent
lighting makes the modernistic touch
Interior of the Turner office is fin
ished in cream with black trimmings,
and fluorescent lighting is also in
Due to plans for redecorating, the
Heppner public library will be clos
ed for one week beginning next
Monday, April 28. Mrs. Isom, librar
ian, announces that anyone having
books due during the next week
may bring them to her residence if
they wish, but there will be no
overdue charge if books are not re
turned. Vacant corner lot on Main street,
50 x 132 feet, for sale. Inquire this
24, 1941
Confraternity Aims Stressed With
Bishop McGrath, Other Leaders,
Bringing Important Messages
The fifth annual conference of the
Confraternity of Christian Doctrine
held at the Elks hall in Heppner on
Tuesday goes on record as being the
most successful held this far, re
ports Father Francis McCormick of
the local parish. Expectations of at
tendance were far surpassed by a
grand total of 350 delegates from!
the various local units. Last minute
arrangements had to be made to
provide seating accommodation for
the crowd.
Object of the convention was to
secure solidarity of purpose and un
ity of action for the C. C. D.; to
diffuse a greater knowledge of the
organization and teaching methods
among the laity and to stimulate in
them greater zeal and enthusiasm for
the cause of the confraternity. These
three ends were realized fully thru
the convention, Father McCormick
said. Delegates listened attentively
while they heard other delegates tell
how they made the confraternity
practical and operative. Teachers
told how they worked and conducted
their own classes. Reports of pro
gress in the enlisting of parents,
teachers and helpers in the cause
of the confraternity. Greater know
ledge of the working of the confra
ternity was otained by the delegates
through the "ask and earn" quiz
program and also through the var
ious talks given by several dele
gates. Bishop McGrath gave a very en
tertaining talk on the work and
qualifications of "Fishes" and Fath
er Thomas McTeigue very ably ex
plained the theme of the conven
tion, "Mobilization for the Cause of
Christ." The spirit and tenor of the
whole convention was such as to
arouse renewed energy and activity
and to animate the zeal of the laity
in the work of the confraternity.
The first part of the convention
was characterized by eloquent and
inspiring talks. Mayor J. O. Turner
gaye an appropriate and warm ad
dress of welcome to the visiting del
egates. Not less noteworthy was the
capable way in which the local pres
ident, Eddie Kenny, handled the
chairmanship of the sessions. In ad
dition there were interesting talks
and discussions by the laity.
Keen interest and lively discussion
Continued on Page Four .
Hunters-Anglers Club
Dines, Elects Officers
Morrow County Hunters and Ang
lers club got off to a flying start for
another year last Sunday evening
when a hundred persons, men and
women, assembled at Camp Hepp
ner, ate chicken dinner, listened to
speeches and elected officers. J. Lo
gie Richardson was retained as pres
ident, and Ralph Beamer was elect
ed secretary-treasurer to succeed
George Howard who declined furth
er service.
Representative E. Harvey Miller
made the principal address, telling
of game commission work as seen
from his position as vice chairman
of the house game committee. Dr.
L. D. Tibbies, local representative,
told of the Oregon Wildlife federa
tion set-up. Men About Town and
Walter Skuzeski entertained with
music, and two reels of wild life
motion pictures were shown. Adding
to pleasure of the occasion was pre
sentation of prizes, in lighter vein,
by President Richardson to Frank
Roberts as oldest active sportsman
in Morrow county; H. A. Duncan as
oldest inactive sportsman; P. W. Ma
honey, as best bird shot; Ed Bennett,
as best fisherman, and Bill Greener
as best elk shot.
A regular meeting of Ruth chap
ter 32, O. E. S., is scheduled for
tomorrow (Friday) evening at Ma
sonic hall, announces Mrs. Etta Dev
in, worthy matron.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Band Uniform
Benefit Auction
Slated For May 24
Districting Made
For Solicitation of
Articles to be Sold
Saturday, May 24, was named as
the day for staging the big com
munity auction to provide funds for
purchasing new uniforms for Hepp
ner's school band, by representatives
of organizations and districts who
met at Lucas Place for a dinner
meeting Tuesday evening. Fourteen
persons were in attendance, repre
senting most of the districts covered
by the territory from which the local
band draws its members.
While the sale will be known as
a "white elephant" auction, giving
a medium for the disposal of articles
of value for which present owners
have no use, those in charge do not
wish a deluge of "rotten eggs and
overripe tomatoes" which would only
add to the size of the city's garbage
pile. It was suggested that a mini
mum value of $1 be placed on arti
cles given, and this was even raised
to $2.50 in the opinion of some mem
bers of the committee. Anyway, ar
ticles of produce such as chickens,
eggs, butter, cream, etc., as well
as pies, cakes, cookies, jellies and
jams will not only be acceptable but
may find a better market than worn
out bonnets and nick-knacks, it was
Facilities will be provided for
handling perishable commodities and
livestock should community interest
in the band project provide such, and
everything will go on the block be
ginning at 10 o'clock in the morning.
Within the next three weeks ev
eryone in the district will be con
tacted, according to the plans made
Tuesday evening, and should anyone
be contacted more than once he need
not feel offended, but merely make
known the fact that his contribution
has already been made.
The whole idea of the auction will
be for everyone to' have a lot of fun
and not give till it hurts, with the
object of making possible the new
V. R. (Bob) Runnion, whose local
fame as an auctioneer is known to
all will be master of ceremonies
when the auction starts. Cliff Con
rad, county agent, is heading the
committee of workers until that time
and those in charge of the various
districts have been announced aa
City, Miss Harriet Pointer and Al
bert Schunk (to name workers);
Rhea creek-Eight Mile, Ed Rugg;
upper Rhea creek, Stephen Thomp
son; Hardman, Neal Knighten; lower
Willow creek, J. J. Wightman; up
per Willow creek, Ralph I. Thomp
son; Butter creek, W. H. Instone,
John Healy.
Rodeo Meeting Set
Next Wednesday
It's high time to get this year's
Rodeo plans under way. That was
the opinion of association directors
who met at the Elks club last eve
ning and set next Wednesday eve
ning, 8 o'clock, at the same spot as
the time and place for everyone in
terested in seeing the show go to
get together.
It is important to get the date set,
workers named and other plans set
tled, said the directors present: Hen
ry Aiken, president; Len L. Gilliam,
secretary; L. E. Bisbee, Lee Beckner
and Jim Kistner. Plans for grounds
improvement, prepared by himself,
were presented to the directors at
last evening's meeting by Jim Kist
Morrow County Woolgrowers aux
iliary announces a sale of choice
cuts of Morrow county lambs to be
held at Central market all day, Sat
urday, May 3.