Page Two LEXINGTON NEWS Clayton Davis Does Service in Philippines By MARGARET SCOTT In a letter received by relatives here Clayton Davis of the U. S. navy says that he is stationed at Manila in the Philippine islands. The senior class motored to Pen dleton Friday where their gradua tion pictures were taken. They were accompanied by Mrs. Roy Campell, Mrs. A. F. Majeske and Mrs. Ted McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Gleason spent the week end in Union. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Amend and! Miss Dorothy Chambers spent the week end in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Knighten and family of Hardman were Sunday guests at the Ralph Scott home. Mrs. Claude Hill and family re- . turned to Redmond Saturday after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. McMillan. A large crowd attended the Easter services Sunday morning at the Christian church. An Easter pro gram was presented by the Sunday school after which services were conducted by George Tucker. George Peck and D. W. Glasgow were Portland visitors Monday. Mrs. Roy Johnson is visiting her husband in Burns. Ruth Hannaman is working at l the Lawrence Palmer home. Myles Martin spent the week end in Portland. Kenneth Jackson spent the Easter vacation at his parent's home here. The Study club met at the home of Alice Foos Monday evening. The evening was spent studying the sub ject of Mormonism. Mrs. Melissa Stonebraker is suf fering from an attack of flu at her home. Everett Crump and Helen Bre- shears spent Sunday in the moun tains. ivir. ana Mrs. uan w hillock and family motored to Spray Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Gray and Skippy Ruhl spent the latter part of the week at the Gene Gray home m Stanfield. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burnside and family spent the week end at the Wardwell home on Rhea creek. George Tucker will conduct ser vices in the Christian church Sun- day at 11 a. m. Sunday school will meet at 10 a. m. IONE NEWS Miss Veryl Crowe 1 1 Dies in Capital City , By MRS. ELMER GRIFFITH Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Crowell of Morgan receied word Monday eve ning of the death of their daughter, "Veryl Cool, in Washington, D. C. Miss Cool was a government em ploye and had been in Washington about . a year, Her death was due to complications following an attack of influenza, Sunday guests at the A. C. Crow ell home were Mrs. J. G. Jackson, Mrs. Vixen Wheeler, Mrs. Lon Mer rill, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shuler and Billie Rowell of Hermiston and V. R. RUNNION AUCTIONEER and REAL ESTATE Phone 452 Heppner, Oregon why PAY MORE for grain, feeds, seeds, salt, cement, shingles, seed potatoes, alfalfa seed, and many other materials. We have chick starter mash (also pellets), growing mash and scratch, broiler mash, lay ing mash (also pellets), oyster shells, grit, calf meat, and briquets, hese feeds are mighty fine. Try them and you will always use them. TRADING POST Cloy Dykstra Heppner Heppner Mr. and Mrs,, Rae Johnson of Neb raska. Arriving at the A. C. Crowell home Sunday evening were their daughter, Mrs. Jack Stevens and two small sons, and her father-in-law, Miller Stevens of Brewster, Wash., and Vester eNlson of Louisiana. They plan to remain for a few days. Everett Keithley and family and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright of Baker spent Easter Sunday in lone at the home of Mrs. Ida Grabil. who is the mother of the two ladies. Mr. and Mrs. John Turner of Bak er spent Easter here with Mrs. Tur ner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Engelman. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Grimes and Mrs. Blaine Blackwell and little daughter, Donna Jean, returned Fri day after a visit here. Mrs. Black well is the daughter of Mrs. Ida Fletcher. Mr. and Mrs. Grimes vis ited at Hardman. They live at Ya chats. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Heliker are enjoying a vacation trip in Idaho. A bridal shower was held at the home of Mrs. George Krebs at Cecil last Wednesday, honoring Miss Pat Bleakman, who, however was not able to be present. She was in the hospital in Heppner recuperating from an injury received in an auto accident. Fifteen friends were pre sent and brought lovely gifts. Norman Bergstrom, who attends' Pacific university at Forest Grove is spending the Easter vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Berg strom. Ruth Crawford, a senior at Maryl hurst college, is spending her vaca tion in the hospital at Heppner, where she underwent an appendec tomy Saturday night. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wait Craw ford. W. L. Van Horn is registered at I the Park hotel. He is the engineer in charge of construction of the Elmer Griffith elevator at Morgan. Donald Tannehill, the relief agent at the depot, is living at the Howard Eubanks home. Mr. and Mrs. John Krebs and children, and Margaret Anne Krebs of Cecil spent the week end in Port land. Easter guests at the Harry Yar nell home were Mr. Yarnell's father, G. A. Yarnell, and his sons, Lew and Glenn and Mrs. Glenn Yarnell, and Label and Willis, all of Bickleton. One hundred and thirty persons attended Sunday school Easter morning, and enjoyed the excellent program which was presented, and which consisted of appropriate songs and exercises. Rev. Berger held church services during the church hour, and 45 little children enjoyed an Easter egg hunt. DELICIOUS SEA FOODS OYSTERS CLAMS CRABS NOW IN SEASON The "R" months are back again with a fresh supply of choice sea foods always avail able here. Contributions Taken for CHINESE RELIEF SOCIETY and Official Receipt Given Meals at All Hours FOUNTAIN SERVICE Elkhorn Restaurant Gazette Times, Heppner, J The social slub of the O. E. S. met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Bert Mason. I The auxiliary of the Legion met ! Saturday afternoon at the home of I Mrs. Victor Rietmann. A pot luck dinner was spread at noon for 24 ' members and children. Two adults, ! Dorothy Shaefer of Mikkalo, and i two juniors, Ruby Anne Rietmann j and Norma Lou Lundell, were ini j tiated. Plans were made for a visit ' from the state officers on Friday, i Mr. and Mrs. Erret Hummel spent ' the week end in La Grande, visit 1 ing relatives. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Blake spent j Sunday at the home of their son, Kenneth, in Heppner. I Martin E. Cotter was greatly plea sed this week to receive a visit from an old friend, Chester Murane, from Austin, Minnesota. He now lives in Portland. Mrs. Dale Ray was called to Lyle, Wash., Sunday by news of the ser ious illness of her daughter, Mrs. Lester Goodrich. Mrs. Mary Pfeifer of Pendleton and two grandchildren from Lex ington visited at the Ray Barnett home Saturday. Mrs. Delia Corson went to The Dalles Sunday wth her niece, Lor aine Reed, and is visiting there. C. H. Hudson of Junction City, who has been spending several days here looking after his farm property, left Monday for Gibbon with Louis Bergevin. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fabian of Hood River spent Easter with Mrs. Fabian's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Haguewood. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Harris moved into the Congregational par sonage last Wednesday. Mrs. Alex Lindsay of Silverton arrived Friday for a visit with her son, James Lindsay and family. Mrs. 0 W " 0 V i! niiino Oregon Lindsay is a former resident of this county, but this is her first visit here in 23 years. Mrs. Markham Baker and co-hostesses, Mrs. Frank Lundell, Mrs. Milton Morgan, Jr., and Mrs. C. F. Feldman entertained the Womens Topic club at the Baker home Fri day afternoon. An interesting re view of the book, "Country Editor" by Hough was presented by the hostesses, and refreshments of waf ers and spring salads were served. The social meeting will be held at Mrs. Feldman's home on April 26. Rose Marie and Billy Gorger, stu dents at St. Francis academy in Pendleton, are spending the vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gorger. Miss Betty Jean Mankin, who at tends school in Walla Walla, is spending her vacation at home. Gene Wardwell has moved his family into town. They are living on Second street in the house known as the Louis Balsiger house. 1 Mrs. Fred Mankin visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Mis ner, at Thornton, Wash., last week. The best medium for selling or trading is a G-T want ad. SHIP BY TRUCK The Dalles Freight Line, Inc. SERVICE BETWEEN PORTLAND : THE DALLES : HEPPNER AND WAY POINTS Arrive Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Warehouse: KANE'S GARAGE Carl D. Spickerman, Agent BUILD YOUR CREDIT REPUTATION FOR OTHER BANK LOANS Money for any purpose, when you wonf if SAVE TIME AND RED TAPE... AND ARRANGE LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS to fit your budget requirements B. C. PINCKNEY, Manager immm mmw Thursday, April 17, 1941 Willows Grange Sets Program for Public Willows grange will present a short program on April 19, begin--ning about 9 o'clock to which the public is invited, and 'we would like to see the bright and smiling faces of all grange members," an nounces Barbara Heliker, lecturer.. The program follows: Opening song, "Bud and Bloom;" roll call, "Why I Like Spring" or "My Hobby;" tableau, Crucifixion; poem, "Down on the Farm" by Don Wetmore; style show by lone high school girls; song, "Easter Parade," girls quartet; talk, "A Puzzling New Legume," by Ivar Nelson; poem by Lee Palmer; drawing of 4th degree pin;' closing song, "Old Rugged Cross." MRS. JOSIE REASONER PASSES Mrs. Josie Reasoner passed away at 11 p. m April 11, at her home in Ellensburg, Wash., after an illness of some weeks, complications with a goiter operation causing her death, according to word received this week from T. M. Reasoner. The Reasoners are former residents of Monument and Heppner. OF PORTLAND PINANCI YOUR NEW OR USED CAR WITH THE LEADER! ED CHINN, Prop. rtiniwij.ib. 01!