Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 20, 1941, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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    Thursday, March 20, 1941
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Page Seven
Want Ads
Tn those who wish classes:
There is available at my office an
oculist experienced in treating eyes
with the new Roto scope and fitting
glasses. Only a few can be cared for
each week. Free examination. Fair
prices. DR. A. D. McMURDO.
Rooms to rent and board if pre
ferred for men. 2nd house west li
brary. 47tf .
Black stallion, 1700 lbs., 7-yr.-old,
broke single or double, a good bree
der. Will trade even up for Here
ford bull, yearling or 2-yr-old. W.
H. French, Hardman, Ore. 48tf.
For Sale White Pekin duck
eggs, $1.00 a setting. Mrs. Instone,
Heppner, Ore. lf-
For Sale Baby chicks from 100
pet blood tested breeders; New
Hampshire and Hanson White Leg
horns from 2 and 3 year old hens,
mated to pedigreed, U.S.R.O.P. cock
erels. $9.00 per hundred.- Rates on
lots of 500. Suddarth Hatchery, Irri
n, Oregon. ' Itf.
For Sale Hanson strain W. L
chicks from old hens, 8c. Custom
hatching hen eggs 2V4C Salter Hat
chery, lone. 52-4t
For Sale Electric range with tim
er. Call 408 Jones St., or P. P. & L.
FOR SALE Registered Hereford
Hull, four vr. old this winter. Bred
bv Reese B. Brown Stock Farms,
Yakima. Paul Webb, Jr. , s-JP
FURNISHED apartment for rent.
Halton Apts. 2-3p.
Botulism Fatal to
Chickens as to Man
Any spoiled canned foods which
are even suspected of containing
the botulism organisms are best
completely destroyed or buried be
cause thev are lust as poisonous to
chickens as to man, says G. V. Cop
son, head of the bacteriology depart
ment at Oregon State college. Whole
flocks of chickens have been de
stroyed by feeding spoiled corn or
beans to them, causing the disease
commonly called limberneck, which
is in reality botulism.
"Since the same germ causes bot
ulism in man and limberneck in
fowls, it is highly dangerous to feed
spoiled vegetables to chickens," says
Copson. "Furthermore, any chance
appearance of limberneck in chick
ens is a warning to be on the look
out for spoilage in home canned
vegetables The only safe way to
be certain of avoiding botulism poi
sonine is to make sure that all
home canned vegetables are boiled
for 20 minutes before being tasted,
and on the day they are to be con
In fowls botulism produces a gen
eral intoxication by which the mus
cles become progressively paralyzed,
Copson explained. First there is a
naralvsis of the lee and neck mus
cles, followed by a stopping of the
heart. In a recent test conducted at
the college a bantam hen fed canned
corn inoculated with laboratory culr
tures of the botulism organism de
veloped limberneck in 24 hours and
died in two days. '
Wanted: Children to care for. Lie,
Kwirdini? home, good care, prices
reasonable. Mrs. Geo. M. Allyn,
Lexington, Ore. 26P
"Vicor-bilt" chicks are quality
bred and 100 pet. bloodtested. New
Hampshires, Leghorns, Black ana
White Minorcas, Barred Rocks, Buff
Omitifftons. Hatches twice weekly.
Sexed and straight run chix. Start
ed chicks. 19 years experience.
"Vigorbilt" Hatchery, Hermiston,
Ore 3-4p.
TTniversitv of Oregon, , Eugene,
March 19. Jane Huston, lone, has
been elected representative to the
Independent Students' association at
th University of Oregon. Miss Hus
ton, a graduate of lone high school
is a sophomore majoring in English
at the university. She is the daugh
ter of Mr .and Mrs. Claud Huston.
Netted Gem potatoes for sale at
Hardman, $1.25 per sack. J. E. Cra
ber. 3.
For lease: Baker Chapman sheep
ranch on Upper Big Butter creek.
About 4900 acres. Write Ethel Ba
doux. 1400 S. W. Emigrant, Pendle-
iic1 Tinnns now in storage near here
must be moved at once tor quicK
snip. Easv terms if desired. For in
formation write Tallman Piano Store,
Salem, Ore. 3-5
Booking orders for purebred
Hampshire pigs. Frank H. Lindsey,
Morgan, Ore. 3-4p.
Truck for sale, stock rack. Fair
condition, good rubber. '34 Dodge,
159 in w.b., duals. Terrel Benge.
Wheat, Ladino Clover,
Fatten Beef Profitably
The use of wheat as a feed for
fattening cattle with irrigated pas
ture is proving practical on a num
ber of farms in Oregon, and it is
shown by demonstration figures to
be an economical method of produc
ing beef. The results of such a feed
ing test are included in an experi
ment station bulletin entitled "Sur
plus Wheat Feeding Experiments in
Ch-eecm." issued at Oregon State
In tests carried on last summer it
was found that wheat fed to cattle
on irrigated ladino clover pasture
gave results equal to or better than
those obtained a year earlier when
harlev was used as a grain supple
ment. The test was made by using
twelve head of beef calves pastured
as two groups on the same area.
Rven head were fattened first, fol
lowed by five later, with the result
that the pasture supported almost
exactly three animals per acre dur
ing the 190-day feeding period.
It was found that an average feed
int? of 3.76 pounds of wheat per
head per day gave with the pasture
an average gain per head of 156.91
pounds or an average daily gain
per head of 1.65 pounds. Of the to
tal gains on wheat and pasture am
ounting to 941.5 pounds per acre oi
pasture, 546.19 pounds were cred
ited to the ladino clover and 395.13
to the wheat.
The returns from both pasture
or, A tfrnin were somewhat better
when wheat was fed than when bar
ley was fed under similar conditions
a year earlier, the bulletin shows.
As irrigated oasture is becoming
more and more common throughout
oEron. its use in connection with
wheat offers an important source of
profit for the livestock raiser, ac
cording to those who are mteresiea
in livestock feeding.
The bulletin which reports on this
phase of wheat feeding experiments
also includes the results or using
wheat as a feed for growing and
fattening cattle with hay, growing
and fattening sheep and lambs, and
fwxlintr wheat to dairy cows, hogs
and draft horses. Copies may be
had free at any county extension
New $1.50 Drivers'
Licenses Coming Soon
the legal voters of School District
No. One of Morrow County, btate
of Oregon, that a SPECIAL SCHOOL
MEETING of said District will be
held at the Council Chambers, on
the 31st day of March, 1941, at 2:30
o'clock in the afternoon, for the fol
lowing t objects: To elect a School
Clerk to fill the unexpired term of
Robert A. Jones, resigned.
Dated this 15th day of March, 1941.
Chairman Board of Directors.
District Clerk. 3-4.
In the Matter of the Estate of James
H. Allen, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, as Administratrix de
Bonis Non of the estate of James il.
Allen, deceased, has filed her final
account in the County Court of the
State of Oregon for Morrow County,
and that Monday, the 7th day of
April, 1941, at the hour of 11 o'clock
in the forenoon of said day in the
Court room of said Court has been
appointed by said Court as the time
and olace for the hearing ot objec
tions thereto and the settlement
thereof. Dated and firsf published
this 6th day of March, 1941.
Administratrix de Bonis Non.
In the Matter of the Estate of Mir-
tUlUA iXATw-J.., I - -
Notice is hereby given that the j owner in fee simple ot said reai
Section, running thence North
54 deg. 30 min. West 332.1 feet,
thence South 35 deg. 30 min.
West 60 feet, thence West 69.8
feet, thence South 54 deg. 30
min. East 424.9 feet, thence East
29 feet, thence North 102.7 feet
to the place of beginning;
ALSO, all of Blocks twelve
(12) in Wills' Addition to the
Town of lone, Oregon as desig
nated in Book 1 at page 18 of
Plats in the office of the County
Clerk of Morrow County, Ore
gon; ALSO, a certain tract of land
designated as Arbitrary Tract
No. 20 on "W. H. Hill Plat of said
Town," which tract is on file in
the office of the County Clerk
of Morrow County, Oregon, and
which Tract No. 20 is more par
ticularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the
South line of the Right of Way
of the O. W. R. & N. Co., 60
feet Westerly from the Northeast
corner of Block 12, Wills' Addi
tion to the Town of lone, Ore
gon, running thence Westerly
following said railroad right of
way's South line 200 feet, thence
South 45 feet to the County road
or the Westerly extension of
Main Street, thence Easterly
along the Northerly line of said
road or street, 200 feet to the
West line of Surething Avenue,
80 feet to the point of begin
ning; and that plaintiff be adjudged the
nronertv and that you and each of
you be forever barred of and from
all right, title, estate, lien or interest
in and to said real property and
every part and parcel thereof; and
for such other and further relief as
may be just and equitable.
This summons is served upon you
by publication thereof in the Hepp
ner Gazette Times, a newspaper oi
general circulation, once a week for
four successive weeks pursuant to
an order of Hon. ;Bert Johnson,
Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon for Morrow County,
which order is dated February 19,
1Q11 arA Via Aut nt iht first Tub-
SScmCUIT COURT OF THeI lifti- of this summons is February
b.j Administratrix of
the estate of Miranda Allen, deceased,
has filed her final account in the
Hmintv Court of the State of Ore
gon for Morrow County, and that
Monday, the 7th day of April,
at the hour of 11 o'clock in the tore-
nmn of said dav in the Court room
of said Court has been appointed
by said Court as the time and place
for the hearing of objections there
to and the settlement thereof.
Dated and first published this 6th
day of March, 1941.
Morrow County Graingrowers, In
cornorated. a corporation,
Plain till,
Attorney for Plaintif.
Residence and postoffice address:
Heppner, Oregon. 51-St.
rsr t.rJ 1 1 ma
When Oregon s aau.wv onver, rmne Hevttor Com
SJr,",JSIr1 a corporation, Id. B. C.eh-
pay $1.50 for their new licenses m
cfoarl nt rm dollar, as in the past
Tiimpnt licenses expire June 30 and
new permits will be required on the
first of July.
Under the act passed by this year s
legislative session, a fund to be
railed "motor vehicle accident tuna
is established in this state. Along
with the one dollar fee for each
driver's license, the secretary of state
ie iwinired bv the new law to col-
additional fiftv cents which
into this fund. The fund will
he. uwd to oav hospitalization ex
penses for indigents injured in au
tomobile accidents.
pony, !' - jy vinue or an vxvlteixv vr
ran and John Doe Cochran, her BOUNTY COURT, dated March 12,
husband, all the unknown heirs of 1941 j am authorized and directed
Ida B. Cochran, deceased. Also . advertise sell at public auc
tion at not less than the minimum
price herein set forth:
Block 7 & 8 in the town ot
all other Dersons or parties, un
known daiming any right, title,
estate, lien or interest in the real
estate described in the complaint
herein, Defendants.
To Ida B. Cochran and John Doe
Cochran, her husband, all the un
known heirs of Ida B. Cochran,
deeased. Also all oher persons or
parties unknown claiming any
right, title, estate, hen or interest
in the complaint herein, JJetena
m You can make a rl saving by using Mad-Well Banker.
Flap Envelopes when mailing your heavy or valuable mail.
Ihe deep gummed flap seals so tightly that the usual sealing
wax or gummed tape is not necessary.
These envelopes are made in all colors, Silver Gray particu
lar y bespeaks the dignity of the financial institution, Tan
&reen. Gold, and Orange lends prominence to the salesman .
mail. All colors of a strong Kraft paper. ,
We all consider it a favor to be requested to show samples.
"Mail-Well Envelopes Exclusively"
DUa ,1 QF OREGON, you and each of you
There has been no change in the I , ' . . . j
..iii an tiAreov reauirea iu uvixtu. onu
examination requirements lor anv- plaintiffs complaint filed
er's licenses this year, according to er piai v
word from the secretary of state s " "Jhin four weeks
office. Drivers holding current li- -
censes may renew without submit- mmmonj and if yoU fail
ting to any examination this year. . ,
Those who were ,not licensed during to the Tf TpSl, & hour of
the current penod-1939 to 1941 .
will be required to take tne law laint t-wif. I ..J. ' 4 wnr Wnn.
examination, the eye test and tne r auietine plaintiffs mli a ,rrtv to the highest and
drive test. Persons over 70 years o - - - w r - ... '
age, regardless of whether Ihey hold " . I y;
current licenses or not, also must -. .fc
Irrigon, Oregon for the mini
mum price of $30.00 cash.
The Southwest Quarter of sec
tion 27, Township Z Norm,
Range 24, E. W. M., for the min
imum price of $1.00 per acre;
20 pet. down payment and bal
ance on contract.
The North One Half of the
Southeast Quarter. Southeast
Quarter of the Southeast Quar
ter of Section 26; and the Nortn
east Quarter of Section 25, all
in Township Two North of
Range 24, E. W. M., for the min
imum price of $1.00 per acre;
20 pet down payment with con
tract for five years on balance.
THEREFORE, I will on the lzttt
Morrow County's Newspaper
j)W these tests.
Amplication forms for renewals
will be available about May 1 and
unll Ka distributed through various
sources including sheriffs, chiefs of
rw,1ire license examiners, or they
may be obtained by writing to the
owrptarw of state's office at Salem.
The 1941-1943 drivers' licenses will
not be valid till June 15th, however.
Charles Walton Sheckler, 2, grand
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Walton,
formerly of Heppner, died March 14
at the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Sheckler. in Yakima,
Wash., of a heart ailment. Graveside
services were held in Yakima on
Saturdav the 15th with interment in
Terrace Heights Memorial Park with
the Rev. Glen Hutton officiating.
County. Oregon, to-wit:
Beginning at a point 236.1 feet
West of a point on the East line
of Section 27 in Township two
(2) South. Range 26 East of the
Willamette Meridian, 1168.1 feet
South of the East quarter Sec
tion corner of said Section, run
ning thence North 48 deg. 17
min. West 446.5 feet, thence
South 41 deg. 43 min. West 100
feet, thence South 48 deg. 17
min. East 331 feet, thence South
89 deg. 10 min. East 152.8 feet
to the point of commencement;
ALSO, beginning at a point
25.8 feet West of a point on the
East line of said Section 27 in
Township two (2) South, Range
26 East of the Willamette Merid
ian, 1531.2 feet South of the East
Quarter Section corner of said
J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff,
Morrow County, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been duly appoint
ed administratrix of the estate of W.
F. Pettyjohn, deceased, by the
County Court of the State of Ore
gon for Morrow County and has
accepted such trust. All persons
having claims against the said es
tate are hereby notified and requir
ed to present the same, duly certi
fied ta as required by law, to me
at the office of J. O. Turner in
Heppner, Oregon, within six months
from the date hereof.
Dated and first published at Hepp
ner, Oregon, this 20th day of Feb
ruary, 1941.