Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 20, 1941, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Thursday, March 20, 1941
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Page Three
Reed Sawmill Starts
Month Ahead Normal
The Reed sawmill started work
on Monday, about a month earlier
than last year. Mr. and Mrs. Sam
McDaniel are cooking again. They
with their daughter Maxene moved
out on Saturday. Carl Leathers is
running the saw and Les Robison,
Everett Hadley and Forest Adams
are also employed at the mill. The
logging will start on Tuesday. Bill
Greener delivers the logs, with
Claud Buschke's two trucks. Elmer
Steers, Joe Mahon and Owen Lea
thers are part of the crew.
Mrs. Carl Leathers and Mrs. Sam
McDaniel visited at the Walter
Wright home on Thursday after
noon. The grade school gave a St. Pat
rick's party Friday afternoon and
invited everyone to come. Those
besides the mothers were Mrs. Fos
ter Collins, Mrs. Walter Wright and
girls, Mrs. C. E. Leathers, Mrs. Sam
McDaniel, Jr., Mrs. Everett Ely, Mrs.
Everett Her and children, Mrs. Sam
McDaniel, Sr., Mrs. Dewey Britt and
Mrs. Richard Steers. The children
entertained with a short program
and home-made candy was passed.
Lon Edwards completed the well
he was drilling for 'the union high
school. He drilled 159 feet and the
water came almost to the surface.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer - Nelson of
Portland spent the week end visit
ing W. H. French. Mrs. Nelson is
the only daughter of Mr. French. ;
Mike Greener spent Sunday at
the Bill Greener home, from Ver
nonia; i He is Mr. Greener's nephew.
Clarabel Adams is spending the
spring vacation at home from Cor
vallis. Mrs. Catherine Mclntyre and Mrs.
Marvin Hughes motored to Corvallis
on Thursday to bring Misses Mary
and- Ann Mclntyre home for"" the
spring vacation. Mrs. 'Hughes re
turned home from Gresham with
her brother, Turman and wife, who
spent the week end visiting and
also attended the party for Jim Ste
vens Saturday night. '
Misses Lucille, Jean, and Jake
Reed are spending their vacation at
the mill," coming down from Spo
kane to be with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Reed. Lucille Reed
is attending college at Corvallis.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDaniel, Jr.,
Mrs. Carey Hastings and Peggy and
Mrs. FJdon McFerrin went to Pen
dleton on Wednesday. Both Mr.
and Mrs. Sam McDaniel were con
sulting their doctor.
Ed Warren went to work this
week for Cleve Van Schoiack. Rich
ard Steers started work for Ed Cra-
ber, Max Buschke for Ball and Ma
honey, Gussie and Elmer Steers for
W. H. French, LaVern Hams for Bob
Mrs. Dallas McDaniel visited a
few days at the Kinard McDaniel
home this week.
Mrs. George Hayden and son Mar
ion returned home from Portland
where they have spent the last two
months visiting.
Miss Pat Bleakman came home
Saturday evening to attend the
party dance given for Jim Stevens
before he left for Portland to re
ceive his final examination for the
army. He left Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davis and
Mrs. Ralph Moore and children of
Kinzua visited over the week end
at the Clarence Rodgers home. Mrs.
Moore and Mrs. Davis are his sis
ters. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Robertson
of Kimberley visited at the Owen
Leathers home over night Monday
and Tuesday. Mr. Robertson is in
very poor health and is doctoring
at The Dalles. He recently disposed
of his ranch on Rudeo, and will make
their home at The Dalles for the
time being.
Mrs. Neal Knighten returned
home after spending two weeks at
Prairie City.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bechdolt and
son Adrian of Boardman visited
Sunday with Archie, also Mrs. Geo.
Hayden and Marion spent Saturday
and Sunday with Archie Bechdolt.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Robinson
took Willis Robinson to Condon on
Sunday after he had visited here
with them for two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Reed came
home from Zornes camp on Satur
day. They purchased a new car at
Pendleton last week.
Irrigon Residence
Being Remodeled
Marshal Markham is having a new
basement and a large addition add
ed to his residence. Cloyd Leach is
doing the carpenter work.
Rev. and Mrs. Murphy from Pros
ser, Wash., were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. A.f Grabeil Friday night.
Mrs. Nettie Flower from Heppner
is visiting at the home of her cou
sins, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom, this
Mrs. Jack Smith, who is teaching
near Lostine, spent the week end
with her family.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kendler and
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson from Uma
tilla visited Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom
Sunday afternoon.
Willard Jones, who has been at
tending normal school at La Grande,
returned home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brace and
Jerry Buell were week-end visitors
in Spokane.
Mrs. Tom Caldwell returned home
from Nebraska on Sunday. She ac
companied her son, Vernon Cald
well, on his return Jrip from the
east where he had purchased a new
Rev. Farrens from Stanfield is
holding meetings at the Pentecostal
church from Tuesday evening to
and including Friday evening of this
C. J. D. Bauman, sheriff, from
Heppner was a business visitor in
this vicinity Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Good Broad have
rented the residence of Mrs. Alma
Bob Smith took a truck load of
baled hay to Portland Tuesday.
Mrs. Harris visited her parents,
the Farrells, Sunday.
now only...
FLAT IRONER SHIRT IRONER -ft Man production by on, oltht world'
.. largeit and oldett makarg ol horn laundry
PRESSER STEAMER . tquipmtnt makei this low prlc. poaiibl:
Portable, light in weight. Use it, store, where
most convenient. More pressure per square inch
than any other ironer. More heat. Quick heat.
Uniform heat. Hot in VM minutes. Small diameter
roll. Exclusively THOR...for inside ironing. Roll
goes inside sleeves, skirts, dresses, shorts, rompers,
trousers, etc. Easy to operate.
Sea this big bargain In quick, easy Ironing at
Always at Your Service
Eastern Oregon College of Edu
cation, La Grande, March 20. The
scholastic record of students at the
Eastern Oregon College of Education
was slightly higher during the win
ter term than for the preceding term,
with 71 students, 47 women and 24
men, making the honor roll. To
earn a place on the honor roll a stu
dent must make a minimum aver
age grade of B and carry at least
12 hours of work. Kathryn Parker
of Heppner made the scholastic hon
or roll at the Eastern Oregon col
lege for the winter term.
Maxine McCurdy to
Start Flying Soon
Pacific University, Forest Grove,
March 20. Maxine McCurdy, junior
from Heppner, is the only girl en
rolled in the Civilian Pilot Training
course at Pacific, this semester and
is the second Pacific girl to take the
course since its incorporation in the
curriculum last fall.
The CPT class is scheduled to be
gin actual flying some time this
week, according to Ed Ball, super
visor of flight instruction. During
the past six weeks the students have
been receiving ground school in
struction in preparation to their ac
tual flying.
The Merry Mixers 4-H cookery
club met at the Adolph Majeske
home for their second meeting with
twelve members and six visitors pre
sent. At this meeting cookery bul
letins and record books were stud
ied by the members. Demonstra
tions were discussed and teams
picked to demonstrate at the next
meeting. They are Jo McMillan and
Merline Miller, first year cookery;
Carolyn Bauman and Audrey Ma
jeske, second year cookery. A dem
onstration team was also picked to
demonstrate at the local leaders
meeting, March 15. After the meet
ing refreshments were served. The
next meeting will be held March 29
at the Bauman home.
A G-T want ad will do wonders
if you have anything to sell, trade
or exchange. Results every time.
Daily Except Sunday
Leave Heppner 10 a. m.. making
direct connection each way to
Spokane, Pendleton, Walla Walla,
Salt, Lake, Portland, Bend and
southern points. Reduced one
STAGES. Hotel Heppner.
41-4 mo. p.
in half the time. $ -
.; . with my new Electric Ironer!
O Electric ironer prices are now so
low you, too, can afford the luxury of
sitting in a comfortable chair and do
ing the week's ironing in half the
operate lot .
time! Just arrange your clothes on the
pad and guide them through. The
machine does the rest. Save all the
hard work of lifting and pushing a
heavy hand iron. Save your feet and
your back. Modern ironers are so easy
to operate you turn out beautiful work
the very first time.
Electric ironer, washer and water
beater prices STILL are low and
you can buy on convenient terms.