Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 20, 1941, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Thursday, March 20, 1941
Mrs. Geo. Peck's
Mother Passes in City
Mr. and Mrs. George Peck were
called to Portland Sunday by the
death of Mrs. Peck's mother, Mrs.
Mary Jane Millet, who passed away
in that city Saturday morning. Fu
neral services were conducted Mon
day morning. Mrs. Millet had many
friends here who were grieved to
hear of her passing.
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Bissinger
of Condon were visitors at the C.
C. Carmichael home Sunday.
Jack McMillan and Vernon War
ner of Portland were visitors here
over the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schoen
berger of Spray were visitors here
Stanley and v Joe Way and Mrs.
June Schoonover were visitors in
the Valley last week.
Jerrine Edwards was a week-end
guest of Lavelle Pieper.
George Peck was a Pendleton vis
itor Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baun and fam
ily have moved to Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Edwards and
family were visitors in Monument
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dinges spent
Sunday at the Karl Miller home
near Hermiston.
E. S. Leatherman of Richland,
Wash., arrived, Saturday to assist
A. M. Edwards with his work.
Dale Yocom of Salem has been
visiting his mother, Mrs. Jim Wren.
The Home Economics club met
Thursday afternoon at the Christian
church with Trina Parker and Ce
cile Jackson as hostesses.
Stanley Way departed Monday
evening for Fort Lewis, Wash.,
where he will be stationed in the
U. S. army.
Mrs Clarence Hayes and small
daughter, Janice, have returned to
their home in Corvallis after a visit
here with Mrs. Hayes parents, Mr."
and Mrs. Earl Warner.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Gleason were
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. R,
Foos Saturday evening.
Maxine Devine spent the week
end with her grandparents from
her school in Pendleton.
Rev. and Mrs. James Pointer were
visitors this week at the home of
Mrs. Pointer's mother, Mrs. Nettie
Jerrine Edwards, Lavelle and El
mer Pieper were dinner guests of
Maxine Devine Sunday.
The regular P. T. A. meeting was
held at the schoolhoue last Wed
nesday evening. An interesting fea
ture of the program was the discus
sion of various problems of the par--ents
and the teachers pertaining to
the school. Refreshments of hot dogs
and coffee were served after the
George Tucker was a guest at the
A. M. Edwards home Monday eve
ning. Irvin Rauch is spending the spring
Vacation at . home from his studies
at Oregon State college at Corval
lis. Edwin a Breshears and Douglas
Gibson attended the school play In
Hermiston Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whillock were
visitors in Spray Sunday.
No words of thanks can express
our sincere appreciation to our
many friends and neighbors for their
kindness, help and sympathy during
the loss of our beloved darling
Jackie Dean; also for the many
beautiful flowers.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Scott
and sons,
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sprinkel'
and Dean,
Mrs. Laura Scott and family,
Mr. Ed Warner and family.
The Lexington Beef club met at
the A. F. Majeske home with Mr.
Conrad in charge. All members were
present with the following elected
officers for the coming year: Elroy
Martin, president; Gene Majeske,
vice-president; Don Campbell, sec.
treas.; Dorothy Cutsforth, news re
porter. Gene Majeske was also el
ected local leader, with Orville Cuts
forth assistant leader. Refreshments
were served at the close of the
lone Benefit Friday
Aids Uniform Fund
A glee club and band concert will
be presented at the schoolhouse Fri
day evening, followed by a pie sup
per. All patrons of the school are
requested to bring pies, which will
be sold at auction and the proceeds
used to start a fund for uniforms
for the band.
A large party of grangers went to
the Lewis Ball home on Sunday to
surprise Mrs. Ball in honor of her
birthday. Mrs. Ball was just ready
to go out to the James Lindsay
home thinking that since that was
Mrs. Lindsay's birthday, she was the
one to be surprised. Both ladies re
ceived nice gifts.
The Cecil district voted last Sat
urday to reject the reorganization
plan to join them with District 39.
Mrs. Leslie Roundy and infant
daughter of Condon are guests at
the home of her aunt, Mrs. J. H.
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Padberg are
the proud parents of a baby daugh
ter, born in Portland on Sunday.
Mr. Padberg's aunt, Mrs. J. H. Bry
son, went to Portland to greet the
Mrs. Bert Mason and son, Bert,
Jr., are visiting relatives in Spo
kane. Mrs. Ida Moore returned to Port
land Thursday after attending to
business here.
The O. E. S. social club met Tu
esday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
W. J. Blake.
Investigation of the tax rolls prov
ed that the school election held in
the Morgan district was legal and
no further election was held.
The lone high school defeated
Heppner in the first baseball game
here this season on Tuesday after
noon. The score was 12-5.
Ted Palmateer, freshman at O. S.
C, was a visitor at the school on
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson of
Gooseberry enjoyed a visit this week
end from their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Darst
of Corvallis. Their son Clifford, a
student at U. of O., is spending a
week's vacation here.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Everson of
Hood River spent the week end here
with relatives and friends, and at
tended the St. Patrick's dance.
Miss Jane Huston is enjoying a
vacation from her studies at the
University of Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ekleberry of
Morgan have returned from Port
land, where they went to consult a
specialist concerning their little
daughter, Cora Louise, who is suf
fering from a stubborn case of ec
zema. They left the little girl at
the Doernbecker hospital for con
tinued treatment.
West winds and mild weather are
a welcome change from the severe
cold of last week, which caused old
residents to uneasily remember the
blizzazrd and freeze out of March,
1906. Some damage was reported to
the wheat, but no serious loss is
Gilbert A. Haller spent the week
end in Forest Grove. Ernest Mc
Cabe went with him and visited his
brother, Robert and family. Ray
Barnett also accompanied him.
A party of college students arriv
ed home Thursday night. They were
Mancell and Marion Krebs of Cecil,
Ted Palmateer of Morgan, and Bert
Mason, Jr., of lone, all students at
O. S. C, and Katherine Griffith of
Morgan, student at the college at
Monmouth. Irma Anderson of Bla
lock, Monmouth student, was also
in the party. VThey made the trip in
the Krebs boys' car.
Elmer Griffith spent several days
the first of the week in Portland
and Vernonia.
Miss Helen Lindsay who is at
tending school in La Grande, is
spending her vacation at home.
Mrs. Franklin Ely of Morgan is
enjoying a visit from her mother,
Mrs. Pierrot of Portland.
Mesdames C. W. Swanson, Hugh
Smith, and Erling Thompson en
tertained the Women's Topic club
at the Thompson home Friday after
noon. The hostesses gave an interest
ing review of "Tschiffley's Ride," by
A. F. Tschiffley. Mrs. A. W. Lundell
was admitted to membership, filling
the only vacancy.- Ladies present
were Mesdames Milton Morgan, Jr.,
Cleo Drake, Dorr Mason, Frank
Lundell, Omar Rietmann, Harry
Yarnell, M E. Cotter, E. R. Lun
dell, Elmer Griffith, Clyde Denney,
J. E. Swanson and Garland Swan
son. The social meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. Hugh
Smith, Saturday afternoon, March
Willows Grange Sets
Special Initiation
The first and second degrees were
exemplified to candidates last Sat
urday night. The degree work was
enhanced by tableaux presented un
der the direction of the tableaux
committee with Elsie Peterson as
chairman. Other members of the
team are Ida Fletcher, Clara New
lin, Marjorie Gordon and Kathryn
The fourth degree pin was drawn
by Geneva Palmer.
A special meeting is called for
Sunday, March 23, beginning with
a pot luck dinner at noon. The
third and fourth degrees will be
given immediately following dinner.
Grangers are invited to join in the
dinner, a form of social activity
which is gaining in popularity of
late. We trust that all candidates
for these two degrees will be pre
sent A dance has been scheduled by
the dance committee, Lewis Ball,
chairman, Mary Lindsay and P. C.
Willows grange ladies are prepar
ing a skit for the Pomona program,
April 5, as the program is given by
the Home Economics clubs of the
The next club meeting will be
Friday, March 21, an all-day meet
ing with a pot luck dinner at noon.
The galloping tea, suggested by
the lecturer, Barbara Heliker, has
become an entertaining fiesta as
well as a financial success. Besides
financing the purchase of fourth de
gree pins for the lecturer's work,
the funds will be used for back
stage curtains, so say the ladies.
This improvement is much needed,
as that part of the stage has never
been completed.
Movie Pictures Will
Feature Pomona Meet
Morrow County Pomona grange
will meet in the Lexington grange
hall Saturday, April 5 for an all-
day meeting. A business meeting
will be called in the forenoon, lunch
at noon hour, and the lecturer's pro
gram will begin at 1:30.
Numbers for the program will be
furnished by the Home Economics
clubs of the various granges and
there also will be an agricultural
talk by the county agent, C. D. Con
rad, and two movie pictures will
be shown. These are furnished by
the Oregon Grange wholesale at
Portland, and will be an educational
feature showing the Massey-Harris
machinery. One of the movies has
music and singing by the Prairie
Lexington grange will furnish a
duet, and two readings; Willows
grange will give a skit entitled, "Dad
Tells 'Em." Other granges will also
furnish program numbers. The pub
lic is cordially invited to attend the
program. Business will again be re
sumed in the evening and the fifth
degree will be exemplified by Wil
lows grange. .
Phone 452
Heppner, Oregon
The "R" months are back
again with a fresh supply of
choice sea foods always avail
able here.
Contributions Taken for
and Official Receipt Given
Meals at All Hours
ED CHMN, Prop.
Insure Your Eyesight . . .
by having a free examination, and having
your glasses fitted the modern way.
Dr. W. C. Stram, Optometrist
Pendleton, Oregon
TV W r Stram
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