Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 13, 1941, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Thursday, March 13, 1941
Water Meters Being
Installed at Lexington
Lexington grange has postponed
its dance scheduled for March 15
in favor of the St. Patricks dance at
Guest at the Roy Williams home
Wednesday was Mrs. Williams' ne
phew, Earl Ellis of Fort Murray.
Helen Breshears and Everett
Crump spent Sunday in Pendleton.
Water meters are being installed
at Lexington residences. Frank Par
ker is the plumber in charge and he
is being assisted by Joe Thornburg
and Ralph Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McMillan and
family have moved to the S. G. Mc
Millan ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jackson were
in Portland from Sunday until Tu
esday. Mr. and Mrs. Callie Duncan
stayed with the Jackson girls during
their parents' absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Adam Blahm and
son of Hermiston called at the Ver
non Scott home Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Gray have
moved back here from Stanfield.
Mrs. Sylvannus Wright has re
turned from Portland where she has
been staying with her daughter. Ma
x bel Gale. Mrs. Gale recently under
went a major operation and her
condition was very serious for a
time, although she is now much im
proved and is convalescing at the
home of her brother, Russell Wright,
in The Dalles,
i Sunday guests at the Art Hunt
home were Ruth, Denny and La
vonne McMillan, and Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Hunt and daughter. Monday
guests were Gwen, Betty, and Glen
Gene and Bobby Gray spent Sun
day here from Stanfield. Skimw
xuihl returned home with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Breshears
and daughter Helen spent Tuesday
in fendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rauch and
daughter May, and Doris Scott shop
ped in Pendleton Mondav.
Edward Rice and Dale Lane were
Portland visitors this week.
Mrs. Clarence Hayes and Janice
of Corvallis are at the Earl Warner
home. Guests there Tuesday were
Mrs. Stephen Thompson and Mrs.
Jim Valentine of Heppner.
The Study club met Monday eve
ning at the home of Mrs. Charles
Breshears. Those present were Dor
is Amend, Vera Whillock, Charlotte
Chambers, Edna Turner, Mary Ed
wards, Helen and Emma Breshears.
Miss Charlotte Chambers, Miss
Merle Carmichael and Mrs. Edna
Turner were dinner guests of Mr
and Mrs. Ronald Foos Monday eve
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Edwards were
business visitors in Monument Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baun and Char
lene spent the week end in Yakima.
Mrs. George Allyn kept the two old
er children.
Maxine Deyine and Bettv Dono-
hue of Pendleton spent the week
end at the S. J. Devine home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Amend and
Ronald Foos spent the week end in
Mrs. Bill Schoonover and child
ren of Portland are visiting her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wav.
The 4-H cooking and calf clubs
met at the Adolph Majeske home
Saturday afternoon. Refreshments
were served after the meeting.
Mrs. Ronald Foos spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Callie Dun-
contracts to teach in the local school
next year.
George Tucker will hold services
Sunday morning at the Christian
church at 11 o'clock. Sunday school
will be at 10 a. m,
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Gleason spent
the week end in Union.
Mr. and Mrs. George Peck enter
tained with a "500" nartv at their
home Saturday evening. High score
was- received by Mr. and Mrs. Harry
J-hnges. Refreshments were served.
Doris Scott spent the week end
with Lavelle"Pieper.
Mrs. Roy Williams spent Monday
in Heppner.
New Election Called
In Morgan District
Williams school district held elec
tion on March 8 and decided to re
organize with the lone district by a
vote of 4-3.
The election held at Morgan on
February 21 was declared invalid by
the district attorney, and another
election will be held there on March
Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Balsiger of
White Salmon were visitors here
over the week end. They were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Troed-
Mrs. Alice Wiles returned home
Saturday after a five weeks' visit at
iygh Valley. Her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Brit
tin, brought her home.
Eleven grangers enioved a "m1
loping dinner" at the home of Mrs
Harry Yarnell Fridav. Thev found
her in the midst of housecleanine
ine tl. u. club will ho d an al
day meeting at the home of Mrs
Matthew Gordon, March 21. The
regular meeting of the grange will
be held March 15.
Mrs. Fred Mankin, acocmpanied
by Mrs. Bert Mason drove to Walla
Walla Fridav and brought Mrs Man-
kin's daughter, Betty Jean, home
lor the week end. She is a student
at St. Paul's school. Helen Webb
came with them and visited at her
I home near Heppner.
Word was received here of the
I death of Charles McNabb at Lyle,
Wash., last Saturday. Funeral ser
vices were held there on Tuesday
He formerly lived here.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Matthews
are guests at the home of Mrs. Mat
thews parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. O.
Ely of Morgan. Mr. Matthews is
employed on a turkey ranch near
Koseburg, and by a curious coinci
dence, found the name "H. O. Elv.
35 sax turkey red," on the inside of
a sack of feed which he had emp
Mrs. Ida Grimes, who operated the
lone hotel at one time, has sold her
hotel and cottages at Yachats, which
she has operated for the last nine
R. L. Ekleberry of Morgan had the
misfortune to severely sprain his
ankle on Tuesday.
A group of lone Masons attended
lodge in Arlington Tuesday evening.
Mayor and Mrs. Lonnie Hender
son are the parents of a son born
March 7 at the home of Mrs. Corda
Saling in Heppner. He has been
named Laddie Gene.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Grant and fam
ily of Condon have moved into the
Edna Hunt house.
Don't forget the junior-senior play,
"A Poor Married Man," to be given
in the high school auditorium on
Friday evening, March 28.
The Girls League entertained the
student body with a hayride and
wiener roast Friday evening. The
wiener roast was held on the hill
near the Johnny Hanna ranch. Ev
eryone reported an enjoyable time.
Mrs. Edna Turner, first and sec
ond; Mrs. C. C. Carmichael, third
and fourth, and Mrs. Frank Turner,
seventh and eighth, were offered
(oack'Jhaoei on
Dmlax Coaches deeply cush
ioned, adjustable seats wide
Isles lights dimmed at night
1x0 pillows and drinking
cups porter service commo
dious dressing rooms men's
smoking compartment. Auto
matic temperature control.
Clean I QuMl Economical I
m Bound r
w5p Chicago
$40.41 ONE WAY
3 Famous Trains East
From Portland
w:dS P. M. Low Coit ChalLng.r
Mali. lUgiiUiad Nurii-Stawardaas
e:uu A. M. f eaturing Dinar -loung
Coffea Shop Ssrvic.
Streamliner city of Portland
39-34 houri to Chicago. S sailing!
monthly, 6:30 p.m., on lit, 7th, 13th. '
19th and 23th. No uxlra fan.
Visit Sun Valley, Idaho, Every
Winter Sport " under -the-Sun"
C. DARBEE, Local Agt
Phone 132 Heppner, Or.
Jim Stevens, Hardman
Called for Service
Jim Stevens' number was called
for him to report for selective duty
at Portland, March 21. His number
was the second called from this dis
trict. Jim is employed by Ball and
Mahoney at present
J. J. McDonald has been confined
to his home several days this week
with a severe case of flu. Ha is th
high school janitor, and his son
Lewis took care of the work. Mr.
and Mrs. Marion Saline and small
daughter Arleta of Heppner called
to see Mr. McDonald on Friday.
The first baseball Baffle this vpar
between the grades and high school
was played on Monday. The result
was 23-15 in favor of the grades.
The grades are looking forward to
the game between Lonerock grades
and themselves the last day of school
Mrs. Harlan Adams and children
and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Lovgren
and children motored to Zornes
camp Sunday and visited at the
Duffwin McKitrick home there.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bleakman of
Heppner were dinner guests at the
C. H. McDaniel home on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Leathers and
son Junior went to Lonerock to
visit Mr. and Mrs. Carl McDaniel
on Friday, returning Sunday eve
F. M. Miller returned home after
spending about two weeks at Vale
visiting friends and relatives.
Edward McDaniel is visitine for
a week at the Victor Lovgren home
on iughtmile.
C. H. McDaniel. WPA trammer, is
suffering from a badly infected hand.
While on the trap line one day last
week he ran a briar into one of his
fingers. He removed it at once, but
infection set in.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Leathers and
Mrs. Carey Hastings and girls went
to Heppner Saturday night to the
show, "Melody. Ranch," starring
Lrene Autry.
Mr. and Mrs. Kinard McDaniel
and daughter Ramona visited at
L.onerock Sunday. While there thev
attended to the flowers and trees on
their property.
Ralph Craber visited in town Sun
Carey Hastings spent Tuesday at
home from the H. D. McCurdy lamb
ing camp.
One Guernsey-Jersey cross fresh
cow for sale. Frank H. Lindsey,
Morgan, Ore. ltf.
Dancing was enjoyed by the old
timers last Saturday night when Ed
Powll, Harry Yarnell, Algott Lun
dell and O. L. Lundell, Don Heliker
and Kenneth Lundell vied in recall
ing the tunes of yester-year. Others
assisted with the music, and every
one was saying, "Let's do this
Next Saturday night there will be
initiation in the first and second
degrees. A class of ten candidates
is in waiting and we trust that all
will be present for the exemplifi
cation of the degrees.
Later in the month the third and
fourth degrees will be given, also a
practice is called for the fifth de
gree. Morrow County Pomona grange
will meet with Lexington grange on
Saturday, April 5. A program of
interest is prepared by the lecturer.
Moving pictures depicting the Mas-
sey-Harris machinery in action, and
other features of unusual interest to
this particular farming section.
Fourth degree pins are again be
ing given away by Willows lecturer
to members. To receive a pin, the
one whose name is drawn must be
present to receive it. The February
pin went to Ivar Nelson. Next Sat
urday evening the pin will be
drawn for March.
A dance is slated for Willows
hall on Saturday night, March 29. '
Good music.
Phone 452 Heppner, Oregon
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REPUTATION for other
Bank Loans money for
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B. C. PINCKNEY, Manager