Page Four Heppner Gazette Times THE HEPPNER GAZETTE. Established March 30, 1883; THE HEPPNER TIMES, Established November 18, 1897; CONSOLIDATED FEBRUARY 16, 1912 Published every Thursday morning by CRAWFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY and entered" at the Post Office at Hepp er, Oregon, as second-class matter. JASPER V. CRAWFORD, Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year Three Years Six Months Three Months Single Copies $2.00 5.00 1.00 .75 .05 Official Paper for Morrow County Land Use Plans Told In Report Of County Committee Post War Effects Considered;' Timber Value Emphasized The Gazette Times presents here with the report of the land use committee at the recent farm econ omic conference. Reports of the three other major committees will be given in later issues. 1. All indications are that follow ing the present war stimulation per iod, aa has been the case after ev ery other war, agricultural products will be the first to feel the effect. Our committee feels that one of the best ways for the farmer to meet the repercussions of the present war is for him to avoid over expansion and attempt to liquidate his present in debtedness as far as possible while relatively favorable prices prevail. 2. The standing timber in Morrow county is one of its valuable assets. One third of the national annual timber cut comes from Oregon and Washington. Seventeen billion feet is being cut annually in these two states while only three billion feet are being produced. One half of the timber land is in private owner ship and this 50 percent of the tim ber is furnishing over 80 percent of this annual cut. Recognizing the value of this timber and the rapidity with which we are losing this asset, we recommend the cutting of pri vately owned timber on a sustained yield basis. 3. In order to compensate the DELICIOUS SEA FOODS OYSTERS CLAMS CRABS NOW IN SEASON The "R" months are back again with a fresh supply of choice sea foods always avail able here. Contributions Taken for CHINESE RELIEF SOCIETY and Official Receipt Given Meals at All Hours FOUNTAIN SERVICE Elkhorn Restaurant E3 CdtZf , to Heppner counties for taxable assets lost when Drivatelv-owned cut-over land is turned over to the Forest Service, we recommend the passage of the Pierce Bill (H.R. 615) with amend ment to include all publicly owned land, public domain as well as Na tional Forest. 4. Recognizing the need for con tinued erosion control work in the county, this committee approves the formation of the proposed Heppner Soil Conservation District 5. We recommend longer term farm leases throughout the county with three years being the minimum. 6. The establishment of the Gov ernment's Ammunition Depot and practice bombing range in North Morrow county has reduced the an nual revenue in taxes to this county by approximately $8,000. Any new industry which may be located in the county will compensate for this tax base loss and will benefit ev eryone in the county, therefore we recommend that immediate steps be taken by all organizations in the county to encourage the establish ment of the proposed new ammuni tion factory in Morrow county where water, rail and highway transporta tion is already available and where there is large areas of low value land, an inexhaustible supply of wa ter and a potential supply of hydro electric power available. 7. Because of the sandy conditions on the Taylor Grazing District No. 7 and the tendency for that land to blow when it is loosened, and rec ognizing the problem of land use which may develop not only with in the district but on adjacent lands on the east, this committee recom mends to the War Department that steps be taken to tie down with oil, brush or other practical means the bombed areas on the proposed bom bing field as soon as practice bomb ing begins. We further recommend that a brief of existing conditions and a copy of this recommendation be prepared and submitted to the War Department for their consider ation. Use G-T want ads to dispose of your surplus stock. STAR Reporter FRIDAY- SATURDAY MELODY RANCH with Gene Autry, Jimmy Durante, Ann Miller A roundup of music and, fun. Plus TORRID ZONE with James Cagney, Ann Sheridan, Pat O'Brien, Andy Devine Comedy 'melodrama. SUNDAY-MONDAY NORTHWEST MOUNTED POLICE (In Technicolor) w. Gary Cooper, Paulette Goddard, Madeleine Carroll, Robert Preston, Preston Foster, Lynne Overman, Akim Tamiroff Mighty adventure told against the blazing beauty of northern torests. TUESDAY Bargain Night Adults 20c; 2 Children 10c GALLANT SONS with Jackie Cooper, Bonita Gran Ville, Gail Patrick, Ian Hunter, Gene Reynolds Dramatic story of high school -youngsters. wednesday-thursday TRAIL OF THE VIGILANTES with Franchot Tone, Warren William, Broderick Crawford, Andy Devine, Mischa Auer A rare combination of action and comedy. March of Time Gazette Times, Heppner, 'Must' Bills Keep Legislators Overtime By GILES L. FRENCH Well, folks, prophesy is one of those things that schools of journal ism always warn against to students of news writing and even editors are not much given to it. xnow comes the time when your deponent must agree with this time-honored philosophy for his prophesy as to the date for the final gavel in the 41st legislative assembly of the good state of Oregon Unless there is a fire or some other public catastro phe of greater magnitude than this session of the legislature the ses sion will go on and on after Marc 8, which seemed like a good time to quit. This is that time in a legislature in which' bills that have been re posing in the pocket of the chair men of committees suddenly become 'must" legislation in the 'minds of some legislators and these bills are dragged ceremoniously on to the floor and oft times passed. A large part of these are not very good bills, and because of the approach ing end of the session they are sel dom amended as carefully amended as are the important bills at the first of the session, this is when poor legislation is passed. As an example, the sales tax bill is lying in the house committee on taxation and revenue. It has been there about a month. It will very ikely come out during the last week of the session. People are right in wondering why this is necessary. There is reason for not bringing out important measures for the first month, but not for such dilatory procedure. Some one may do the public a favor by analyzing the bills that have passed this legislature. He may find that a goodly part of them have given a small group additional YomsArmsrBWAiSEffiuwESTr , (MM to x $ mvrm FERGUSON MOTOR COMPANY Heppner Oregon Oregon power over the public. Maybe it is always that way and maybe it is not. Just what is the motivating influ ence in this legislature is hard to tell. Many committees have done a good job with the bills sent to them, many members study the bills care fully. However, these do not seem sufficiently in a majority to pre vent much legislation that will be no source of pride to members when newspapers and individuals take time to analyze the new laws. The tax law passed that puts a millage of 5.9 on all property is not a good measure and will not bear analysis from those who are able to make a study of its effect within individual counties. The involved bill to divide $6,000, 000 between schools and taxes tak- TRAVEL BY BUS Daily Except Sunday Leave Heppner 10 a. m., making direct connection each way to Spokane, Pendleton, Walla Walla, Salt, Lake, Portland, Bend and southern points. Reduced one way fare, HEPPNER-PENDLE-TON STAGES. Hotel Heppner. 41-4 mo. p. SHIP BY TRUCK The Dalles Freight Line, Inc. SERVICE BETWEEN PORTLAND : THE DALLES : HEPPNER AND WAY POINTS Arrive Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Warehouse: KANE'S GARAGE Carl D. Spickerman, Agent flllM DM1 SIX A 1M, Thursday, March 6, 1941 ins it from the income tax fund has little merit and will result in higher taxes. The same is true of the fire men's pension bill. There is some remedial legisla tion of value, of course, and it may be of sufficient worth to redeem the many mistakes of the house on more important measures. STATE TAX HELP DUE 7111 An auditor from the office of the Oregon State Tax commission will be at the court house in Heppner on March 7. He will be pleased to help taxpayers in preparing their Ore gon income tax returns, announces the commission. Stock Ranches Wheat Ranches Creek Ranches FOR SALE See My Listings V. R. Runnion Heppner, Ore. WWII . . . because it's o VAIVE-IN-HEAD SIX-the only one biggest-selling low-price group! . . . because VAIVE-IN-HEAD'S THE VICTOR" in perform ance on land, sea, and in the air! mulHiq; im,in umw'i whlllllliftilldMU'lll I'lHTtillll a . . . because its CYLINDERS save you money on gas, oil and upkeep! 3 it's thoroughly ' DEPENDABLE as mil- if owners will testify!