Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 13, 1941, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    Page Four
Gazette Times
Established March 30, 1883;
Established November 18, 1897;
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Thursday, February 13, 1941
Published every Thursday morning by
and entered at the Post Office at Hepp
ner, Oregon, as second-class matter.
One Year
Three Years
Six Months
Three Months
Single Copies ...
Official Paper for Morrow County
0 Public Opinion
To the editor:
All of Europe is an armed camp,
indeed.' About all of the world is
preparing for war, so they say, but
1 do not agree. The purpose of Ger
many, Russia, Italy, Japan and oth
ers in preparing for war for years
has been to make war. That is, and
has been, their main business. Here
in the United States and in some
European and South ' American
countries tremendous expense has
been1' necessitated in making' arms,
airplanes and war munitions train
ing men for the army, navy, pilots
BUT NOT FOR WAR. On tiie con
trary this country and her neighbors
are preparing for PEACE. We want
no more territory. We have no as
pirations for bigger lands. We are
helping England, China, Greece, not
as an act of war but as an aid to our
peace. Whilst congress is debating
and appropriating billions, the ul
timate end in view is preparedness
for defense and not for aggression.
We honestly differ as to what will
be the best method to keep us out
of war. Remember there is this fun
damental difference between Amer
ica and the Axis powers: They are
following their professed and regular
business of war, pillage, and mass
murder; but we are asking and
praying for peace. Let's not forget
this all important fact.
Men Sought for
Marine Corps Reserve
Young men are being sought by
the U. S. Marine corps recruiting
service for enlistment in the Volun
teer Marine Corps reserve. Men en
listed in the reserve will be assign
ed to active duty upon enlistment
and transferred to recruit depots for
training the same as received by
those who enlist in the regulars.
If the Marine Corps is enlarged,
permitting a larger number of va
cancies for regular enlistments, they
may be discharged from the reserve
for the purpose of enlisting in the
regular Marine Corps, if they de
sire. The same standards and qualifi
cations that govern the enlisting of
men for the regular service will ap
ply in all respects to the reservists
enlisted. The term of enlistment,
training, duty and opportunities for
promotion will be the same as for
men enlisted in the regular service.
Although they are to be put on ac
tive duty immediately, a full four
years of active duty cannot be guar
anteed, as they would possibly be
placed in an inactive status if the
Marine Corps reserve should be de
mobilized prior to expiration of en
listment due to the termination of
the emergency.
Order now your baby chix for
March and April deliveries. Han
son, White Leghorns, 9c each; New
Hampshires, Reds & Buff, 9M:c each,
Phone 3F11 (Hepp.), or write Bau
man's Poultry Farm, Lexington, Ore.
Wanted 100 ton dry sheep man
ure, also scrap iron. We buy, sell
anything. State location plainly. Os
burn Bros., Rt. 9, Portland. 50-4tp.
For Business Supremacy
By Advertising
Farmers Study
Home Lighting
As more and more Oregon rural
homes become connected with elec
tric service, interest is increasing in
farm home lighting, reports 'Miss
Lois Lutz, home management spe
cialist of the Oregon State college
extension service.
Oregon has consistently had a
high percentage of rural homes
served with electricity, and many
of these wired years ago could mod
ernize their existing lighting sys
tems without much expense, to pro
vide beter light with less glare, says
Miss Lutz. Recent figures show that
about 42,000 of the 65,000 farms in
the state have electric service. Of
this number,'' approximately 4700
have been added by the eight REA
financed systems.
To answer the increasing requests
for information on rural home
lighting the extension service is
sued bulletin No. 531, some time ago,
entitled "Better Farm and Home
Lighting." About the same time the
United States department of agri
culture published Farmers' Bulletin
1838-F, "Electric Light for the
Farmstead.", Either of these may
be had free by Oregon citizens.
, Light specialists now recommend
much more light and better distrib
uted light in homes than they did
formerly. It is well for the eyes,
they say, if all light in a room is
well .diffused with a mipimum of
glare and with no sharp contrast
between lighted Objects and their
Ceiling fixtures in which bare
bulbs are used may be converted
into fixtures giving diffused light
by covering the bulbs with indiv
idual shades or by -using a diffusing
bowl, Miss Lutz points out. Methods
of making these changes at moder
ate cost are discussed in the two
Improvements of electric service
in houses wired years ago sometimes
involve putting in more convenient
outlets and switches. Double or
treble outlets in the living room
increase the number of table and
floor lamps the family can use, and
such outlets in bedrooms are equal
ly convenient for bedside lights and
lamps attached to the head of the
Homcmakcrs to Hear
Noted Men at OSC
Oregon State College An unusual
number of visiting speakers many
of them internationally known, have
been arranged for the eleventh an
nual conference for the study of
home interests, to be held at Oregon
State college February 25 to 28, ac
cording to the program recently is
sued by Mrs. Azalea Sager, head of
home economics extension. More
than 800 Oregon homemakers usual
ly attend the conferen.ee, and at
least this number is expected this
Dr. E. Stanley Jones, famed Chris
tian leader and author, will address
a convocation during the conference
on "The Part of Religion in Inter
national Affairs." Dr. John T. Reis
ner of New York, executive secre
tary of the International Rural Mis
sions organization, will speak on "Is
a Christian Rural Civilization Pos
sible?" Other visiting speakers will
discuss the international situation,
rural reading, home problems, and
many subjects in the fields of nu
trition, clothing, home management,
and recreation.
In the Matter of the Estate of Flor
ence E. Beach, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, as Administratrix with
the Will Annexed of the estate of
Florence E. Beach, deceased, has
filed her final account in the Coun
ty Court of the State of Oregon for
Morrow County, and that Monday,
the 17th day of March, 1941, at the
hour of 11 o'clock in the forenoon
of said day in the Court room of said
Court has been appointed by said
Court as the time and place for the
hearing of objections thereto and
the settlement thereof.
Dated and first published this 13th
day of February, 1941.
Administratrix with Will Annexed.
Certified Potato Seed
Growers Listed by OSC
The list of Oregon growers of cer
tified seed potatoes in 1940 has just
been compiled and is being sent
free to all those who request it,
says E. R. Jackman, extension farm
crops specialist at Oregon State col
lege. About 3000 acres, the most ever
entered for certification, were in
spected, vr spite of the increased
fees for the work. Of the total area,
2054 acres passed the field inspection
for certified seed.
Netted gems led with 834 acres,
the largest acreage being in Klam
ath county. White rose followed
with 655 acres, the bulk of which
were in Multnomah . county. Bur-
banks followed with 476 acres, and
miscellaneous varieties contributed
the remaining 89. The leading coun
ties in acreage were Multnomah,
Klamath, Lake, Clackamas, and De
Notice is hereby given by virtue
of the laws of the State of Oregon
that I have tak,en up the hereinafter
described animal, and that I will, on
Saturday, February 29, 1941, at my
place on Butter creek, 24 miles NE
of Heppner, Oregon, offer for sale
and sell said animal to the highest
bidder for cash in hand, subject to
redemption of the owner .thereof.
Said animal is described as follows:
1 bay horse, no visible brand; wt.
approximately 1300 lbs. '
Phone 5 F 13,
Heppner, Oregon.
WHEREAS, on the 25th day of
January, 1941, there was duly filed
in the office of the State Soil Con
servation Committee at Corvallis,
Oregon, a petition signed by at least
25 landowners, or the owners of 70
percent of the land in the proposed
district, pursuant to the provisions
of the Soil Conservation Districts
Law, Chater 555, Oregon Laws, 1939,
requesting the establishment of the
Heppner Soil Conservation District,
WHEREAS, the lands described
bv said petition, and any other lands
which will be considered for inclu
sion in the said district are located
in Morrow County, end are bounded
as follows:
Beginning at the southwest
' corner of Section 31, Township
3 S, R 24 E; thence north along
township lines to the northwest
corner of Section 6, Township 2
S, R 24 E; thence east along
township lines to the northeast
corner of Section 4, Township 2
S, R 29 E; thence south along
section lines to the boundary of
the Umatilla National Forest;
thence west and south along the
said Forest boundary to the
Morrow-Wheeler County line;
thence north and west along the
Morrow County line to the place
of beginning.
NOW, THEREFORE, notice is
hereby given that a public hearing
will be held pursuant to the said
petition, on the question of the de
sirability and necessity, in the in
terest of the general welfare, of the
creation of such district; on the
question of the appropriate boun
daries to be assigned to such dis
trict; upon the propriety of the pe
tition, and of all other proceedings
taken under the said Act; and upon
all questions relevant to such in
quiries. The said public hearing will
be held by the State Soil Conserva
tion Committee on the 18th day of
March, 1941, beginning at 1:30 o'
clock, P.m., in the Courthouse at
Heppner, in the County of Morrow.
All persons, firms and corpora
tions, and any state, county or mu
nicipal agencies, who shall hold title
to any lands lying within the limits
of the above-described territory, and
all other interested parties, are in
vited to .attend and will be given
opportunity to b heard at the time
and place hereinbefore specified.
GON, By Robert H. Warrens,
Dated this 11th day of February,
1941, at Corvallis, Oregon.
Portland Firm Gets
Hardman Bond Issue
Opening of bids for sale of $8000
bonds by Hardman Union High
School District No. 1, resulted in
the bonds being taken by Fordyce
& Co., Portland. Proceeds of the
sale will be used to construct a new
school building and to extend the
school's water supply system.
The successful bid paid $100.11 for
each $100 of the issue, with IV2 per
cent interest asked on $4000 matur
ing July 15, 1942 to July 15, 1945,
and 1 3-4 percent interest on $4000
maturing July 15, 1946 to July, 1949.
G-T want ads get results.
Past Noble Grand's club will meet
next Wednesday, the 19th, at the
home of Mrs. Ella Benge. Pot luck
dinner will be served.
Daily Except Sunday
Leave Heppner 10 a. m., making
direct connection each way to
Spokane, Pendleton, Walla Walla,
Salt, Lake, Portland, Bend and
southern points. Reduced one
STAGES. Hotel Heppner.
41-4 mo. p.
yon can make on the
Big New Ford tight now !
101! ,
You have TO get two things to complete a
really good "deal" when you get a new car
and your Ford dealer would like to have you try
him out on both! First, you want a good allowance
for your present car and all he asks is a chance
to make an offer! And next, you want a lot of value
in your new car and that means a Ford this year
more clearly than ever before!
This is the biggest Ford and biggest value in all
Ford history. Its passenger room exceeds anything
else in its field. Its soft and quiet new ride is one of
the motor year's most talked-about improvements.
Its engine is a smooth V-8, which you enjoy at no
extra cost for either gas or oil. And its bodies and
style are really new this year, all the way through.
If you're trading cars this year and want to be sure
you make the most of
your trade . . . the man to
see is your Ford dealer.
Now is the ideal time.
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