Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 13, 1941, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Thursday, February 13,
Lex Hoopsters Lose
Hot Game to Irrigon
The Three Link club wishes to
thank those who took part in the
cabaret, those who loaned them
property, and those who assisted in
other ways. The cabaret, presented
Friday evening, was a huge, success,
and a good crowd attended. Many
humorous and enjoyable numbers
were presented, the highlight being
a mock wedding with Callie Duncan
at the bride and Charlotte Chambers
as the groom. Supper was sold and
dancing was enjoyed the latter part
of the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Gail Williamson and
daughter Suzanne have moved to
Baker where Mr. Williamson has
been transferred with the state high
way department.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Breeding and
family of Spray were guests at the
Wilbur Steagall home Friday night.
Local people who went to Pendle
ton Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Char
lea Breshears and daughters Helen
and Edwina, and Mr. and Mrs. Jul
ian Rauch.
Orville Cutsforth and William
Smethurst were business visitors in
Baker Saturday.
A. M. Edwards and son Albert
were business visitors in Pendleton
and Walla Walla Saturday.
The local high school basketball
team lost a fast and thrilling game
to Irrigon Thursday night on the
home floor by a score of 26-23. The
Irrigon grade school defeated Lex
ington in the preliminary game by
a score of 22-7.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Phillips and
daughters of Arlington spent Sun
day visiting friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Edwards and
son Clyde were visitors in Lind, Wn.,
Audrey Majeske was a guest of
Lorene Van Winkle Monday night.
Suzanne Buchanan has returned
home from Arlington where she has
been working.
Roger Campbell was a guest of
Albert Edwards Sunday.
Doris Williams entertained with a
, party at her home Friday evening
to celebrate her birthday. Games
were played and refreshments of
jello and cake were served. Guests
were Elizabeth Edwards, Ida Buch
anan, Marjory Miller and June Stea
Mrs. Wilbur Steagall and daughter
Barbara Kay returned home from
Heppner Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Ivan Amend entertained the
Study club Monday evening.
Mrs. Lonnie Henderson entertain
ed the Ladies Aid at her home last
Elizabeth Edwards spent Monday
evening with Marlene Miller.
Mrs. Roy Williams and daughter
spent the week end in Heppner at
the home of Mrs. Williams' mother.
George Tucker will conduct ser
vices at the Christian church Sun
day morning at 11 o'clock. Everyone
is cordially invited to attend.
Mrs. Buel Harshman of Hardman
spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Dan Way.
Mrs. Alex Hunt, Mrs. Arnold Pie
per and Mrs. Grace Turner left
Monday night .for Portland where
they will spend a few days.
There will be an old-time dance
at the Lexington grange hall Satur
day, February 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Petteys have
moved into the house recently va
cated by the Gail Williamson fam
ily. Mr. Petteys is with the state
highway department.
Douglas Gibson has returned home
from a Pendleton hospital where he
underwent an appendicitis opera
Ira Lewis has returned home from
the Heppner hospital where he was
ill with the flu.
Vera Whillock was in charge of
the local postoffice Friday while her
mother was in Pendleton.
Mrs. Ida Moore of Portland, who
has spent the last several weeks at
the home of her nephew, Buck Pad
berg, returned home Saturday.
Sunday guests at the Ernest Ger
ard home were Mrs. Gerard's neph
ews, Lester Dungan of McDonald,
Kansas, and Hubert Wilson of
Heppner. Monday guests were Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Sparks and two
small daughters.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurel Ruhl and
Mustard Seed Arrives
For New Industry
Lee Beckner was distributing yel
low mustard seed last week to far
mers who have contracted to grow
mustard for the Rodgers and Han
sell Co. of Spokane. Mr. Beckner
will plant three hundred acres, and
Leo Gorger and Delbert Emert, the
next largest growers, will plant two
hundred fifty acres each. Thirty
eight farmers, scattered throughout
the county, will plant mustard, with
34 hundred acres being devoted to
it. This is the first time yellow
mustard has been grown in this
county, but it was successfully
grown in Umatilla county last year.
The lone school board has offered
contracts to all teachers now regu
larly enployed by the district
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ray went to
The Dalles Tuesday to be with Mrs.
Ray's son, Claude, who underwent
an eppendectomy at the hospital
there that day.
Mr. and Mrs. David Rietmann and
Mrs. E. J. Bristow drove to Yakima
Friday to take Mrs. Ida Grabil. Mrs.
GrabiL who has been ill, will visit
with her sister, Mrs. Cynthia Coch
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yarnell and
son 'Alton spent the week end at
Bickleton, Wash., where they visited
Mr. Yarnell's father, G. A. Yarnell.
The Study club meeting of the
Women's Topio club was held last
Friday at the home of Mrs. Clyde
Denney. Book reviews were given
by Mrs. E. R. Lundell and Mrs. E.
J. Blake, co-hostesses. Mrs. H. D.
McCurdy was a guest and members
present were Mesdames Hugh Smith,
Erling Thompson, Omar Rietmann,
C. W. Swan son, Garland Swanson,
M. E. Cotter and Milton Morgan, Jr.
The resignations of Mrs. Albert
Lindstrom and Mrs. Lana Padberg
were accepted and Mrs. Harry Yar
nell became a new member. The
social meeting will be held on Fri
day evening of this week at the
home of Mrs. E. R. Lundell.
Mrs. Margaret Rietmann, who has
been quite ill at her farm home for
some time is reported to be consid
erably better.
Billie Biddle, who is enrolled in
the N. Y. A. school at Pendleton,
spent a few days here this week,
visiting his mother, Mrs. Vemon
Dale Ray returned the first of the
week from Eugene where he has
been with his brother, Roy Ray, of
Hood River, who is a patient at the
hospital there.
Mrs. Laxton McMurray, Mrs. John
Eubanks, and Mrs. Matthew Gordon
are hostesses for a bridal shower
for Miss Bernice Ring, which will
be given Friday of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bergevin and
son Denward went to Vancouver,
Wash., Wednesday, where Denward
took his final examination for en
tering training as an army air pilot.
Mrs. Emma Holub returned Tu
esday from Scio, where she had
been visiting for about a month.
David and Van Rietmann spent
the week end here visiting relatives.
They live at Blalock.
Vernon Brown spent the week end
in Portland.
The Morrow County Grain Grow
ers have purchased the old barber
shop building from John Troedson,
and are opening an office there for
Walter Bristow, superintendent of
the . warehouse in lone.
Mrs. E. M. Baker is enjoying a
visit from her mother, MrS. C. G.
Henderson of Pullman, Wash.
The social club of the O. E. S. met
Wednesday at the home of Mrs.
Laxton McMurray. Twelve members
were present. It was decided to de
vote one meeting a month to Red
Cross work. The material will be
available in about another week. The
club is planning to present a home
talent play on April 12.
Franklin Ely was fortunate enough
to escape injury when the bridge
across Willow creek at his ranch
near Morgan collapsed when he
drove across it Thursday evening.
Mr. Ely was alone, and the princi
pal damage done to the car was a
broken head light and two crumpled
sons, Mrs. Nettie Davis and son
Jimmy spent Sunday night with Mr.
and Mrs. Gene Gray in Stanfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Gray visited
here Monday and Tuesday.
Gazette Times, Heppner,
Boardman Teacher
Gets Government Call
Glen Mallery, high school teacher
and local basketball coach, received
word Thursday of a civil service ap
pointment at Washington, D. C, in
the war department. He left by
train Friday night. Mr. Corwin left
Thursday evening for Portland
where he engaged a new teacher to
fill the vacancy. The new teacher,
Joe Enzler, of Battleground, Wash.,
is a graduate of Portland univer
sity. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gililland of
Weston are spending two weeks vis
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bradley ar
rived Friday from Tacoma for a
few days visit with his mother, Mrs.
John Jenkins. Sunday there was a
family reunion held at Jenkins"
with the following persons present:
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sundsten of
Oneonta, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brad
ley of Tacoma, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Harwood and Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins
of Boardman.
Friday afternoon a bridal shower
was held at the home of Mrs. N. A.
Macomber in honor of Mrs. George
McNabb, the former Janet Gor
ham. There were about sixty ladies
The Boardman basketball team
defeated the lone hoopsters on the
local floor by a score of 29-22 on
Friday night The second string also
scored an easy victory over the
fenders. The truss kept the car from
going into the creek.
W. G. Palmateer returned Thurs
day from Idaho Falle, Idaho, where
he had been visiting his sister, Mrs.
Lillie Desha zer, for some time.
Mrs. Ada Christopherson, presi
dent of the Legion Auxiliary, an
nounces that the report that the
auxiliary has surrendered its char
ter is an error. She says they have
more members than last year, and
hope to carry out an active pro
After March 1st the price will be double.
$1 for each male and spayed female.
$2 for each female.
AFTER March 1st
$2 for each male and spayed female.
$4 for each female.
Sheriff and Tax Collector.
Irrigated Land Saved
By Sand Dune Control
Irrigon D. J. Kenney, a local far
mer, can testify that all the Colum
bia river sand dunes are not out on
the coast and the the inland variety
likewise can be controlled.
Moving dunes threatened to ruin
about a fourth of his 80-acre farm
northwest of Irrigon when he took
the place over three seasons ago.
Today, the dunes no longer are
moving, and he has been able to go
ahead with leveling and seeding all
but a small part of the formerly
threatened 20 acres, bringing his ir
rigated area up to 60 acres.
The job was done with the assist
ance of the Stanfield Soil Conserva
tion service CCC camp, with which
Kenney was the second man to be
come a demonstration cooperator.
The dunes were "tied down" by
building rush fences across them
at right angles to the wind. As soon
as the sand stopped moving, Rus
sian thistles and other native veg
etation started coming back on the
dunes that meanwhile had been pro-
lone five.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barlow and Car
ma spent the week end in Heppner
visiting relatives.
Local persons in Pendleton Sat
urday included Mrs. Elvin Ely and
children, Mrs. Maud Kobow, Mr. and
Mrs. Lawton Hamlin, Elmer Lier
man, Miss Denise Peyralans, Miss
Echo Coats and Clayton Allen.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bradley and
Mrs. Dan Ransier spent Monday in
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Petteys and
children moved to Lexington Sun
day, where Mr. Petteys has secured
employment with the state highway.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jenkins spent
Monday visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Marlow spent Sunday in
The Dalles visiting his wife.
At the pinochle party in the
grange hall Thursday night high
honors went to Mrs. C. A. Tannehill
and Claude Coats. Doris Lilly and
Paul Smith won the consolation
Page Three
tected from livestock.
"Those dunes sure haven't moved
a bit since," Kenney reports. "There
is just one way you can farm in
this country, and that is to protect
the land against the wind. That's
why those trees are a great thing."
The trees mentioned are in a
windbreak approximately a mile and
a quarter long. They are black lo
cust, chiefly, Russian olive and oth
er trees the CCC's helped him plant
as three-row windbreaks on the
south and west sides of his fields.
Other trees are to be planted around
the base of the dunes. Kenney's
erosion-control farm plan also in
cludes protective crop rotations,
pasture seedings, and specially de
signed concrete-wooden checks to
slow down the water and stop wash
ing in his irrigation ditches.
Another example of successful
inland sand dune control is on the
nearby branch experiment station
at Hermiston where a fire on adja
cent uncultivated land removed na
tive vegetation and started a sand
"blow" that threatened part of the
station property.
R. E. McGreer is in Portland on
Mrs. Ray Brewster left Wednes
day for her home in Spokane. She
had been visiting her daughter, Mrs.
K E. McGreer and family. ,
Butter creek is still receiving its
share of rain and fog.
Howard Myers of Jerome, Idaho,
is here visiting his brother, Jasper
Myers and family.
A number from Butter creek at
tended the fights in Hermiston on
Thursday evening.
The Pine City -ladies have made
seven sweaters for the Red Cross.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger
and family spent the week end in
Long Creek with Mr. and Mrs. Reid
J. Buseick.
The Rebekah lodge will hold a
social meeting Friday evening, Feb.
21. The second meeting each month
will be devoted to a social meeting
throughout the year.