Page Eight Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Thursday, February 6, 1941 SOCIETY CHIT-CHAT By JUNE SMITH Miss Rosanna Farley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Farley of Hepp ner, was married Saturday morning to Mr. Oland Applegate, son of Mrs. Nancy Applegate of Hood River. The marriage was solemnized at 9:30 a. m. at the St. Patrick's rectory, with Father Francis McCormick of ficiating. The bride wore a rose costume suit of light weight wool with black accessories, and a cor sage of gardenias. Her bridesmaid was her twin sister, Miss Margaret Farley, who was dressed in a navy blue suit with navy accessories and a corsage of rosebuds and garden ias. The best man was the bride's brother, Joe Farley. A breakfast for the wedding party was held following the service at the home of the bride's parents. The couple left immediately after for a short trip. Out of town guests for the event were Mr. and Mrs. John Farley and son of John Day and Mrs. Clay Clark and daughter of Hood River. The couple will live in Hood River at 424 E. 3rd St. Mrs. Earl Gilliam gave a shower for the bride-to-be at her home last Thursday evening, at which 18 guests were present. Games and Chinese checkers were 'played, with first prize going to Mrs. James Hea ly and second to Miss Patricia Ca son. Refreshments were served by the hostess after the miscellaneous gifts were opened. The Wool growers Auxiliary will meet Friday at Lucas Place for lun cheon at 1:15 p. m. The new presi dent, Mrs. B. C. Pinckney, has pro mised an important meeting, and a program following. All members are urged to come. Mrs. B. C. Pinckney held a meet ing of the Woolgrowers Auxiliary at her home Tuesday afternoon where plans for the coming year were discussed and refreshments served at the close of the meeting. Mothers of all children who attend the Episcopal Sunday school have been invited to attend a meeting Friday evening at the home of Mrs. L. E. Dick to meet Miss Catherine Peterson, . missionary worker from Pendleton, and discuss the work of the school. Mrs. Raymond Ferguson is having the What's Trump club at her home this evening. Mrs. B. C. Pinckney is entertain ing the T & C club at her home this afternoon at a dessert bridge. A large crowd attended the Pres ident's Birthday ball held last Sat urday evening at the Elks hall. A most enjoyable evening was had by all. The Music club met Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Tom Wells. Mrs. Louise Thone was lead er, and the subject was American Spanish music, with piano solos by Mrs. J. O. Turner and Miss Marjorie Parker. Mrs. Russell McNeill and Miss Jean Mcllhinny sang vocal so- inmnnmninninmmmnnntninini At Heppner CHURCHES METHODIST CHURCH Sunday school at 9:45. Morning worship at 11 a. m. Epworth League at 6:30 p. m. Eve ning service at 7:30 p. m. Bible study and prayer service at 7:30 on, Tuesday and Thursday. Choir rehearsal Wednesday eve ning at 7:30. All are welcome to worship with us. CHURCH OF CHRIST Martin B. Clark, Pastor Bible School at 9:45. Communion and preaching, 11:00. Christian Endeavor, 6:30. Evening service, 7:30. PENTECOTAL ASSEMBLY OF GOD Sterl D. Spiesz, Pastor. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. Worship, 11 a. m. Evangelistic services, Sunday, 7:30 p. m. Tuesday, 7:30 p. m., Bible study at church. Thursday, Cottage prayer meeting. los, and Miss Rose Liebbrand gave two violin solos. Miss Marjorie Blair performed two dances in illustration of the music. Mrs. Ed Dick, Jr., and Miss Mary White were hostesses. Miss Leta Humphreys and Miss Rose Leibbrand drove to Portland Sunday and returned Tuesday eve ning. On their way they visited with Miss Leibbrand's sister, Mrs. Charles Flock, at Bingen, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson drove to Portland Tuesday, where they will spend a few days. Mrs. Frank Wilkinson drove to Pendleton Wednesday, accompanied by Mrs. Anna Bayless, Mrs. I. Vance and Mrs. Howard Bryant. Mrs. Harold Cohn and daughter Sally will leave Friday for Portland, where they will , visit Mrs. Cohn's sister, Mrs. Glenn Dennis, returning Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Davis left Tuesday for Condon, after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lucas. Mr. and Mrs. Davis live in Grass' Valley, and Mrs. Davis is the former Miss Isabel Fortner. Mrs. Charles Cox went to Pen dleton Tuesday evening to attend a meeting of the National Defense conference. Dinner and the meeting were held at the Pendleton hotel, with Mrs. William Horsfall, national chairman of the Oregon department, who has just retuned from a na tional convention in Washington, D. C, as main speaker, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kraft and small son of Bridal Veil were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith, remaining from Friday to Sunday. Saturday afternoon a small bridge party, with two tables in play, was held at the Smith home, with Mrs. Richard Lawrence win ning high score, and Mrs. Phil Ma- honey winning second, Mrs. Fred Lucas will entertain her bridge club with a dessert bridge at her home next Saturday afternoon. The Social club of the Eastern Star met Saturday afternoon at the hall, with three tables of bridge in play. Mrs. C. W. McNamer won high score, and Mrs. W. O. Dix received consolation, as well as the door prize. Election of officers was held during the afternoon with Mrs. Clarence Rosewall elected president, Mrs. Loyal Parker vice-president, and Mrs. Dave Wilson, secretary-treasurer. The affair was a dessert bridge, with Mrs. May Gilliam and Mrs. Hazel Vaughn as hostesses. Mrs. Raymond Ferguson enter tained her Wednesday bridge club at her home yesterday with a des sert bridge. High score was won by Mrs. Stephen Thompson and second by Mrs. Jap Crawford. Mrs. L. E. Dick and Mrs. Harlan McCurdy were hostesses at a des sert bridge Wednesday afternoon at the Dick home. Seven tables were in play and high score was won by Mrs. Harold Buhman. Second was won by Mrs. C. W. McNamer and low by Mrs. W. H. Cleveland. NOTICE OF STREET VACATION Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will at a regular meet ing of the Common Council of Hepp ner, Oregon, on the 3rd day of March, 1941, at the hour of 7:30 p. m., of said day present to said Com mon Council, a petition to vacate the following portions of streets within said city, to-wit: All that ortion of Huggins Street, Clark Street and Sterling Street within the following tract of land, to-wit: Begining at a point 26.8 feet west of a point on the East line of Section 27 in Township two (2) South, Range 26 East of Willamette Merid ian 1531.2 feet South of the East quarter Section corner of said Sec tion and running thence North 54 degrees 30 min. West 332.1 feet, thence South 35 deg. 30 min. West 60 feet, thence West 69.8 feet, thence South 54 deg. 30 min. East 424.9 feet, thence East 29 feet, thence North 102.7 feet to the place of beginning. ALSO, that portion of Center Street in the City of Heppner, lying be tween the East line of Chase Street, and the West line of Oregon-Washington Highway, and all persons having objections to the vacation of said portion of said Streets are hereby required to pre sent such objections and file the same with said Common Council on or before the time said petition will be presented. Dated and first published this 6th day of February, 1941. MORROW COUNTY GRAIN GROWERS, INC, a corpora tion. 49-51. 5S So Long, Folks! ! To seek you out to say goodbye would not drive the blues away. But we'll be thinking of you while grazing in pastures green er or browsing in hard rock where the ore has petered out. So you farmers, you ranchers, you folks from Heppner to lone, "so long." We're gone. Good luck and God bless you. 'Til we meet again, HERB and PAULINE. TJL CIVS I SIRLOIN PORK Off BEEF I ! gaJU3ATE I steak chops, lb. m9 roast I iZI'f I'lTi I IllliW I EVefy bite a " Tender I P ! I M i I I lafrn I pleasure VEAL fin Blado f!t I V-l I I I I AJ I I U U FRUIT imp steak, ub j.r I MO lb. beef MM. lb. ., ..,. RIBS, lb SAVE OH FRUIT JUICES! Town House Grapefruit 46-os. 1l Juice can 1 1 Starr Fancy 15-o. C Tomato Juloe con Tomato Juice No. 10 can 29c ot 15c pork ROAST Lean & Juicy Picnic Style lb. SKINNED HAMS. lb.. 27c SLICED BACON 1 lb. cello , QQn pkg iOs FRESH SMELT 10c pound 2 pounds for 19c rvvvvv SATIN or BROKEN MIX Cp 2 lbs JLDV CHOC. Ap DROPS, lb J.UI FANCY CREAM ASS'T. acp CHOC, lb MINTS Creme or Swedish 4 An lb. PcacSis Tomatoes Garden side Su-Purb Flour I Fine Gran. Sugar 10 lb. sack 53c 100 lbs $5.09 Keen Shortening, 4-lb. pkg 39c Peanut Butter, Beverly Mb. jar 25c Jell Well, ass't. flavors, 3 pkgs. 10c Hormel Soup 1 Noodle 3 cans 25C Tang, Pure Pork, 12-oz. can 20c Kraft Macaroni Dinner, pkg. 9c Emerald Bay Spinach 11c Briargate Gr. Beans, No. 2 can 11c Country Home Corn No. 2 can 10c Oregon Gem Fey Peas No. 2 can 11c Harper House Pears No. Vi cn 17c Sundown Kadota Figs No. 1 can 10c Sunbrite Cleanser, 3 cans 11c P&G Soap, reg. size, 5 bars 14c Puss V Boots Cat Food 8-oz. cn. 5c Wheaties or Corn Kix, 2 pkgs. 21c High- m iw.kv- ,.,r' I way Cans ft I 3 e,,,,25 JL Coffee WlEdwardsV fllllfi Coffee I ff 2-'139 yQj & lot IXA Canterbury flggPfc 25 Gran Soap 50-OZ.67) bx. I5e bfc Kitchen Craft 49-lb. Fancy home type Sack J1.29 Cherub Milk Com of $9 1Q 4 doxen 3cT:::20 Cabbage, fancy, solid, lb 3c Urapemut, doz. in shopping bag 25c Carrots, fancy, new. 2 bunches.. 9c Avacados, fancy fruit. 2 for 13c New Potatoes, 4 lbs 19c Oranges, 32 in shopping bag 49c Cauliflower, special, per head .. 10c Onion Sets, 4 lbs 25c Potatoes, U.S. No. 2, 100 lbs 89c TRY SAFEWAY TODAY!! At no food store in Morrow county! win your dollar go so far. WHY l' AY JHUKK? Anglo Corned Beef 2T 16 Duchess SALAD DRESSING Qt. Jor 23 Prices ore for Friday, Feb. 7 to Monday, Feb. 10, incf. SAN KA COFFEE Drink h and sleep- OOp 1 SUNNY BANK, Margarine. 2 lbs. 23c lb KITZ Crackers, 1 lb. pkg 21c CORN MEAL ManLou. Yellow 27C j ROMAN MEAL, Ige. pkg. 29c SHORTENING Ryal Satin Q O I SNOWFLAKE Crackers, 2 lbs. .. 27c 31b. tin w CI HI ID Harvest Blossom $fl .19 J SWEETHEART Toilet Soap. Bar 6c I COFFEE, Nob Hill. 2 lbs 33c 8 oz. 4 VANILLA Westag 25c I JS OATS II. o. . 25c PICKLES Paradise Dills I Qt. jar 15c KRAUT j COC'NUTj Highway j Bakcds Long Thr. j 2V2 tins .. 25c 112 17c