Thursday, January 16, 1941 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Page Three HARDMAN NEWS Hardman Lodges Install Officers Jointly By ELSA M. LEATHERS The Mistletoe Rebekah and Lonel Balm Odd Fellows lodges held joint installation Saturday evening. Fol lowing the program, cards were played. Mr. and "Mrs. Roy Robinson at tended the stockmens meeting in Gilliam county at Condon, going over on Friday and returning Sun day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Buschke and boys moved to their new home, that they purchased from S. T. Robison recently. Darrel Farrens underwent an ap pendicitis operation Saturday eve ning at the Heppner hospital, fol lowing a few days' illness. The ap pendix was found to be ruptured, and he is getting along as well as can be expected. Mary Greener and Maida Britt were in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Knighten and children spent a week in Portland visiting, returning on Saturday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Farrens and Mrs. Catherine Mclntyre went to Heppner on Monday to see Darrel Farrens at the hospital. Jess Coats was in town the first of the week from the Walter Wright ranch where he works. Mrs. Owen Leathers visited Thurs day and Friday with Catherine Mc lntyre at her ranch home. The Eldon McFerrin children and Devin children from the mill were absent from school due to flu. Junior Leathers was also absent. Everett Her had the misfortune to cut his foot quite badly Sunday night while chopping wood at his home. Mrs. Ethel Knighten is sick at her home. Marvin Hughes was out to town from his place near Burton Val ley. It was snowing hard and was about an inch of snow when he left. tion. A farewell card party was held at Hendricks' last Tuesday night for Mr. and Mrs. William Nickerson, who are moving to The Dalles. Mrs. A. E. McFarland and Mr. Dan Ran sier won high honors. Lyle Tannehill left Sunday for Eugene where he is working, after spending three davs visiting his parents and friends here. Miss Elsie Jones who is employed in Pendleton spent Sunday with her mother here. A dance was held in the grange hall Saturday with a good crowd attending. Miss Esther Jones from Hermiston spent Monday and Tuesday in Boardman visiting. BOA RDM AN NEWS Gorham-McNobb Nuptials Interest By MRS. CLAUD COATS Neal Bleakney, now residing in Mabton, Wash., visited on the pro ject a few days last week. He left Thursday for his hbme. Miss Janet Gorham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Gorham of Board man, became the bride of Mr. George McNabb of Umatilla on Tuesday, January 7 in Walla Walla. Mr. and Mrs. McNabb returned to Board man Thursday for the remainder of the week. The bridegroom is em ployed on a river boat running be tween The Dalles and Umatilla. Miss Margaret Myers underwent an appendicitis operation in the Morrow General hospital on Tues day of last week. Mrs. Claud My ers spent a few days with Margaret, who is reported to be improving rapidly. Mrs. Olive Attebury who has been visiting in southern Oregon for sev eral weeks, returned to her home here last Monday night. The local high school basketball team 'lost a hard fought game to Umatilla on Friday night by a score of 28-26. The score was tied several times during the game, which made a very fast and exciting game. Miss Awilda Bleakney, a student at the University of Washington at Seattle, and a former resident of Boardman, was operated on for ap pendicitis at the Walla Walla hos pital on Tuesday, Jan. 7. She was sent home from school a week be fore Christmas because of her illness which had been bothering her for some time. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Ransier and Mrs. Claud Coats motored to Hepp ner Monday evening to take Mrs. Claud Myers to be with Margaret the following day for her opera- TRACTOR SERVICE Company of Morrow County Lexington, Oregon Phone 3011 CO-OP BUILDING B'm busy just .on MM rn izJLb Some PEOPLE THINK the steel mills and ship yards do all the national defense work. They don't stop to realize the important part that plenty of good, wholesome milk and cream plays in keeping America healthy and strong. "I'm proud to be doing a productive job and glad I can get all the electricity I need to help me do it!" That cream separator is a tiny item in the nation's use of electric power, but it's typical of the thousands of efficient and economical ways in which electricity is helping to SPEED PRODUC TION throughout America. ? ELECTRICITY IS READY HERE AND EVERYWHERE as much as you want wher ever you want it whenever you want it. Let it help you live better, produce more. de Electric Industry has network of lines ready to iver power anywhere! 3 You read of shortages of airplane engines, ships and anti-aircraft guns. But have you ever heard of a shortage of electric power except from somebody running for political office? National SECURITY of the power supply has increased tremendously since 1918. America today has 4y2 times as much electric generating capacity as it had only 22 years ago. Thousands of miles of high voltage transmission lines have been built to interconnect power plants and power load centers. Who did this great job? The private power companies the much-maligned "holding com panies'they've done more than 90 of it. They have provided America with the most com plete and efficient electric service in the world. That's why America is prepared, electrically, and why Government funds and manpower can be used for OTHER defense preparations where there is an ACTUAL need. toclav't lre Power Pacific owee a Light C 30 Years of Public Service Y