Thursday, January 9, 1941 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Page Five Rev.F. R. Spaulding, pastor of the Methodist church here for several years, some years ago, is visiting friends in the city this week from his home at Dallas. He announced the passing of Mrs. Spaulding late in December. Himself an early day circuit rider, he is the son of still an earlier circuit rider who held a pastorate in Dallas, present home of Mr. Spaulding, 72 years ago. Mr. Spaulding is now residing at the home of his son, Bruce, district at torney of Polk county, who he said was not at all broken up by results of the recent attorney general race in which he was defeated, and is enjoying a good practice. He carried appreciation of his son for the good support given him in Morrow coun ty in the recent election. Miss Irene Beamer returned the end of the week to her teaching po sition in the Central Point high school after spending the holidays here with her mother, Mrs. Clara Gertson. It was mistakenly report ed in these columns last week that Miss Beamer is a student at Oregon State college. She finished her work at O. S. C. last year, and is now teaching home economics. Word has been received from her friends in Portland that Miss Lu cille McDuffee, formerly of this city, has been very ill with flu at her home there, but is now able to be back at her work in the United States National bank. Ivar E. Nelson, who farms in the Gooseberry district, was transact ing business in the city Tuesday. He reported that he never saw pros pects better at this time of year for the growing wheat crop. F. H. Grey, manager of Copeland Lumber yards in Portland, was a week-end guest in the city, accom panying Mr. and Mrs. T. Babb. They returned to the city Monday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Goheen of Portland were holiday visitors at the home of Mrs. Goheen's mother, Mrs. Clara Gertson. Mrs. Oscar Keithley of lone has entered the Morrow General hos pital for treatment of a light case of pneumonia. O. C. Stephens was a business visitor in the city yesterday from the farm on McKinney creek. Pat Lenin is a patient at Hepp ner hospital, suffering a severe at tack of the flu. Specimen Manual Ready for Teachers Oregon State College. A manual for the use of high school biology teachers in collecting and preparing living speciment for classwork is now available at merely the cost of materials, through the division of information of the state system of higher education. The 82-page mim eographed publication was originally submitted by Ruth Ann Bates as a thesis in graduate work at Oregon State college. It is one of numerous theses reproduced for general dis tribution as the result of a WPA project sponsored by the division of information. The publication includes a section on the plant kingdom, one on the animal kingdom, and another on me thods of keeping plants and live animals for class use. Typical spe cies of plants and animals obtain able in Oregnn, particularly in the western parts of the state, are des cribed, together with a statement of dwelling place, the season in which they are most easily obtained, and the reason for their inclusion in high school biology courses. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE Coats, Suits, Hats, Dresses, Parka Gowns, Pajamas and Robes. CUR RAN'S READY-TO-WEAR. Use the G-T want ads for results. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the kind friends and neighbors for their help, sympa thy and floral tribute at the time of our bereavement. We are especially grateful to the Masons for their as sistance. Edmond Gonty and family, Thomas Gonty, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Gonty. STATE CAPITAL NEWS Legislative Message New Treasurer Less Indebtedness By A. L. LINDBECK Salem. Governor Sprague put the finishing touches to his legislative message Saturday and the document is now in the hands of the printers. If the organization of the House and Senate is completed Monday morn ing as is expected unless a hitch de velops in the selection of a Speaker, the governor is expected to address the lawmakers, assembled in joint session, shortly after noon Monday. While the contents of the message are being closely guarded it is ex pected that the governor will touch on such problems as the proposed reorganization of the state industrial accident commission, experience ra ting as applied to the unemploy ment compensation act, proposed changes in the forestry laws and the financial condition of the state which is flattering when compared with conditions in the neighboring states of Washington and California. Leslie M. Scott took over his new duties as state treasurer Monday morning at a brief ceremony attend ed by Governor Sprague, Secretary of State Snell and representatives of the press, in which Walter E. Pearson turned the office over to his successor. Pearson who was ap pointed to the post two years ago to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Rufus C. Holman to become a United States senator, was not a candidate to succeed himself but will return to Salem next Mon day as a member of the Multnomah county delegation in the state senate. The state highway deartment spent a total of $15,100,000 during 1940, a report by R. H. Baldock, state high way engineer, shows. This total in cludes $7,100,000 for new construc tion; $3,530,000 for maintenance of roads and bridges; $2,075,000 for bond retirement, and $685,000 for pay ment of bond interest. Most note worthy accomplishments of the year as noted by Baldock include comple tion of the Pacific highway route from Ashland south to the Califor nia line, grading and oiling of the last link in the new Willamette high way and completion of the new Pa cific highway route through the city of Albany. Prisoners who are domiciled at the new penitentiary annex south of Salem, will have to be content with a stairway as a means of reaching their sleeping quarters on the third floor of the new building. The state board of control this week turned down a request for $5300 to cover th cost of an elevator for the build ing, on the ground that the "trusties" had plenty of time to walk up the three flights. " The Board of Control has author ized Secretary of State Snell to offer the new codes to county officials and state boards, commissions and institutions at the reduced price of $58.75 a set. The state is paying $61.87 per set for these self same codes in 1000 lots but the publishers are offering to sell them at the lower price and the state found it necessary to meet this competition in order to dispose of its surplus supply amounting to approximately 400 sets over and above those requir ed to supply the members of the leg such other state officials as are en titled to receive them without cost. Governor Sprague will ask the state legislature for authority to or ganize a state guard. Not that he exects to create such an organiza tion, but just in case it might become necessary to do so in an emergency that might occur during the absence of the national guard troops now undergoing training at Camp Mur ay and Camp Clatsop. Oregon and its political subdivi sions counties, cities, school dist ricts, etc. have reduced their out standing indebtedness by $71,548,780 in the, past ten years according to a survey by Walter Pearson, state trea surer. On July 1, 1930, the state and its political subdivisions owed a total of $185,643,457. By July 1, 1940, this cfebt load had been whittled down to $114,094,677, a reduction of nearly 40 per cent. The net debt of the state in 1930 according to Pearson's survey, was $31,308,132. That figure is now down to $13,G81,578a reduction of $17, 626,554. The cities cut $29,202,673 off their debt load in the 10 year period from $76,681,848 in 1930 to $47,479, 175 in 1940. School districts whittled $9,168,068 off their debt load in the period from 1930 to 1940 from $22,539,320 to $13,371,252. The net debt of the 36 counties was reduced from $24,460,729 to $15,-551,451-down $8,909,278. The progress of other political sub divisions in their efforts at debt re duction are shown in Pearson's sur vey as follows: Port districts from $9,556,117 to $4,998,258 down $4,557, 859: irrigation districts from $17, 637,947 to $16,398,061 down $1,239, 886; drainage districts from $2,097, 159 to $1,337,-554 down $759,605; fire protection, highway improve ment and other districts from $214, 074 to $99,183 down $114,891. The only subdivision group to show an increase in the debt load were the water districts whose net debt in creased from $1,148,131 to $1,178,165 up $30,034. Incidentally with this reduction in the public debt has come a reduction in the annual interest charge. While figures are not available for the po litical subdivisions the annual in terest bill of the state which totalled $2,928,323 in 1928 was down to $1, 617,633 in 1940. The State Land Board has employ ed Marvin Klemme to supervise the "blocking" of the state's 700,000 acres of school lands. This is the first definite step in a program that has been under conisderation for more than five years. The program in volves the exchange of school sec tions scattered throughout the pub lic domain to the federal govern ment for an equal acreage grouped in larger tracts and more convenient ly accessible to stockmen to whom it is proposed to lease the "blocks" for grazing purposes. Klemme was formerly with the federal grazing service in charge of grazing interests in Oregon and is thoroughly ac quainted with the problem presented by the blocking program. It is ex pected that the "blocking" will re quire the better part of two years. The first blocks will be made on an exchange-of-use basis. If the ex periment proves satisfactory ex change of title will be made later. TRACTOR SERVICE Company of Morrow County Lexington, Oregon Phone 3011 CO-OP BUILDING Stock Ranches Wheat Ranches Creek Ranches FOR SALE See My Listings V. R. Runnion Heppner, Ore. The Lost is Found By Our Want Ads When you lose V advertise They Don't Stay Lost Long Today's Forgotten Man Quit Advertising Yesterday LOW RAIL FARES East DELICIOUS LOW COST MEALS Breakfast ... 25 cents Luncheon ... 30 cents Dinner ..... 35 cents TOTAL PER DAY 90 cents rved to those traveling by Coach and Pullman-Tourist cars on . . . The Portland Rose Daily from Portland - 9:35 p. m. 2 Other famous trains from Portland Pacific Limited dally 8 a. m. Stream. linar-3 tailing monthly on 1, 7, 13, 19, 23. Portar Sarvce and Fraa Pillow In Coaches on all Trains l-ENJOY WINTER SPORTS' 0 I Visit Sun Valley, Idaho, where winter sports, brilliant sun shine and splendid acoom- L-modations await you. For all fravml information inqairo oi C. Darbce, Local Agent Phone 132 Heppner, Ora sow -g East g Round-Trip to B I CHICAGO 1 1 IN COACH I V $40.41 way SHIP BY TRUCK The Dalles Freight Line, Inc. SERVICE BETWEEN PORTLAND : THE DALLES : HEPPNER AND WAY POINTS Arrive Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Warehouse: KANE'S GARAGE Carl D. Spickennan, Agent TRAVEL BY BUS Daily Except Sunday . Leave Heppner 10 a. m., making direct connection each way to Spokane, Pendleton, Walla Walla, Salt, Lake, Portland, Bend and southern points. Reduced one way fare. HEPPNER-PENDLE-TON STAGES. Hotel Heppner. 41-4 mo. p. New 1941 Zenith Radios ARE HERE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS LOWER PRICES Portable RADIOS.. $11,95 UP Radio Repair and Service BRUCE GIBB Phone 1382 STAR Reporter FRI.-SAT, JAN. 10-11 Mexican Spitfire Out West with Lupc Valez, Leon Errol, Don ald Woods Cockeyed comedy of a blazing bride who goes to Reno to hold a hus band! plus Street of Memories with Guy Kibboc, Lynno Roberts, Sterling Hollo way DISNEY CARTOON SUN.-MON., JAN. 12-13 The Howards of Virginia with Cary Grant, Martha Scott, Sir Ccdric Hardwicke, Alan Marshal, Richard Carlson, Paul Kelly "The Tree of Liberty," Elizabeth Page's famous novel of America's fight for freedom and independence is the basis for this excellent pro duction. TUESDAY, JAN. 14 Bargain Night: Adults 20c, Child. lc PIER 13 with Lynn Bari, Lloyd Nolan, Joan Valerie, Douglas Fowlcy Comedy drama, plu Outside the Three Mile Limit with Jack Holt, Harry Carey Secret service melodrama. "wiaaaaaaaaawaaaaaaaaBBBaaBaaBaaaBBaBMaaBBBaieiBBaBav WED.-THURS., JAN. 15-16 HIT PARADE OF 1941 with Kenny Baker, Fances Langford, Hugh Hcret, Mary Boland, Ann Miller, Borrah Minevitch and His Harmonica Rascals, Patsy Kelly, Phil Silvers, Sterling HoIIoway, Six Hits and a Miss. A star-studded mery musical. EYES O FTHE NAVY THE MARCH OF TIME islature for the next ten years and