Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 09, 1941, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two
County Health Nurse
It seems suitable at this time to
give you a brief summary of the
work accomplished in public health
nursing for the year 1940, with stress
placed on the work that still needs
to be done.
The service as you know is div
ided into various parts, and in order
to make this report clear, each ser
vice will be discussed separately.
1. Communicable Disease Control
Smallpox vaccinations and diph
theria immunizations have been of
fered to the county in previous
years. This past year, these were
given to the school children of Irri
gon, Lexington, lone, Heppner and
Hardman. The pre-school children
obtained the immunizations at the
child health conferences held in
Boardman, Heppner, Hardman and
These immunizations should be
available to each child at each con
ference school and pre-school. In
this way, we will never relax in our
communicable disease control.
Typhoid immunizations will be of
fered to the people of Boardman
every two years. The next inocula
tinns will be due in the year 1941.
2. Tuberculosis Control
Tuberculosis tests were offered to
Boardman, Irrigon, Lexington, Pine
City and Alpine school children; and
next year it is planned to do the
test in lone, Hardman, Eight Mile,
Liberty, Twin Pines, Matteson and
Heppner schools the first, third,
sixth, eighth and tenth grades in
Heppner. In this way, everyone in
the county will have had an oppor
tunity to take the test every three
At the present writing, there are
no patients from Morrow county in
the Eastern Oregon State Tubercu
losis hospital. One patient was ad
mitted to the sanitarium during 1940.
We must always be alert tor new
cases and never relax our educa
tional program.
3. Maternity Service
A small proportion of pre-natal
cases were visited during the year
The Morrow County Health asso
ciation purchased three books, "Mo
ther and Baby Care in Pictures."
Two of these books were placed in
the libraries at lone and Heppner.
One is to be used by the nurse to
lend to the mothers desiring to learn
more about care of themselves and
their babies.
Mothers' classes should be taught
"Seems to me there's a real spirit of helpful
ness in the people behind this telephone."
ft 4! X
fed -J"
mm :
May we help you?
A trained army of telephone men and women are ready
at all times to serve you skillfully, courteously.
May we help you today to reach someone quickly
who is far away?
in various parts of the county. These
would prove of great value to mo
thers and mothers to be, with the
addition of what might be gained
from group discussion and activity.
4. IiTant and Pre-School
This apears to be a field of great
opportunity for a nurse. Mothers of
infant and pre-school children in
Morrow county are anxious to learn
how to properly care for their chil
dren. Dr. M. Carter Davis was added to
the staff of the board of health for
the purpose of helping with child
health conferences throughout east
ern and central Oregon. Morrow
county had two sets of these dur
ing the year 1940. Plans are to have
four of these a year, each time the
nurse is in the county. Children un
der eighteen months may attend each
time. Those over eighteen months
every other time.
Many home visits have been made
to give further assistance to moth
ers in their homes.
5. School Hygiene
Physical inspection of the children
in the first, fourth, seventh and
tenth grades were offered to the
children in Irrigon, lone, Lexington,
Heppner and Hardman. It is plan
ned to follow this program yearly
with the examination of the children
in all the schools every three years.
Dental inspections were given to
the children of Heppner only. This
activity should be made available to
all school children in the county.
Immunizations should be offered
at each school clinic.
Teachers may assist in the health
activities by doing vision testing,
dily classroom inspections and cor
relating health education into regu
lar classroom subjects.
6. Morbidity Service
Bedside nursing should be taught
to a reliable member of the family
by the nurse when possible. All
thetc crises should be referred by
the doctor.
Home hygiene and care of the
sick classes have been planned for
1941. It is hoped that these classes
will prove of great value to the
people of the county.
Crippled Children's Service
WUh the cooperation of the state
public welfare commission, two clin
icj lor crippled children were held
in Pendleton the past year. ,Two
children received hospital care dur
th year, with several children
from Morrow county attending the
A six months service is only' a
minimum service for Morrow coun
Gazette Time?, Heppner,
Masonic Orders
Install at lone
Locust chapter, O. E. S., held in
stallation of officers Friday evening
in . the presence of members and
invited guests. George Ely was in
stalling officer, and Margaret Blake,
Martha Dick and Jennie McMurray
as installing organist, marshall and
chaplain, assisted him. Those in
stalled were Anna Smouse, worthy
matron; Henry Smouse, worthy pa
tron; Lena Lundell, A. M.; E. R.
Lund-ell,' A. P.; Elaine Rietmann,
conductress; Mildred Lundell, A. C;
Orral Feldman, organist; Ruby Rob
erts, treasurer; Lola McCabe, chap
lain; Ruth Mason, secretary; Beulah
Mankin, marshall; Helen Long, Ad
ah; Dorothy Smith, Ruth; Fannie
Griffith, Esther; Mabel Krebs, Mar
tha; Marjorie Baker, Electa; Roxy
Krebs, warder; George N. Ely, sen
tinel. Shirley Smouse was the flow
er girl, and H. V, Smouse presented
the past matron's pin to the retiring
matron, Beulah Mankin.
Mrs. Margaret Rietmann is ser
iously ill at her farm home, follow-
ty. We have just merely made a be
ginning in the work that may be
accomplished in the county.
The cooperation of the county has
been excellent, otherwise so much
could not possibly have been ac
complished in a six rr.inths service.
Thanks to the Red Cross for their
kind cooperation, to Mrs. Clara !
Gertson, Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, Mr. j
Turner, Miss Rose Liebbrand, and j
Judge Bert Johnson; also to the!
women of the American Legion aux- '
iliary for their splendid assistance
and interest in the child health conferences.
ing a severe attack on Monday
Mrs. Eunice Keithley is a patient
at the hospital in Heppner where
she is being treated for pleurisy.
Clarence Harris, an employee at
the Standard station, returned Sun
day from a visit with relatives at
Arbuckle, Cal.
The Willows HEC will meet with
Mrs. George Krebs for an all day
meeting Friday, Jan. 17. There will
be a pot luck dinner at noon. A
white elephant sale will be held in
connection with the meeting and
each one is asked to bring something
for this sale. Installation of officers
will also be held.
The committee which solicited
funds for the community Christmas
tree, which was not held because of
so much illness, wish to report that
the money will be held for next
Christmas. Those who collected the
money did not keep a complete list
of the donors, so it would not be
possible to return the contributions.
Seven dollars and sixty-five cents
was held over from last year, and
sixty dollars and thirty-five cents
was donated this year, making a
total of $68.
The lone Masons have completed
the installation of their offioers
which was delayed by illness. The
new corps is Elmer Griffith, master;
E. M. Baker, S. W.; E. E. Hummel,
J. W.; E. R. Lundell, treasurer; Bert
Mason, secretary; George N. Ely, S.
D.; R. L. Ekleberry, J. D.; John
Krebs, S. S.; Alex Huber, J. S.; Wal
ter G. Roberts, marshall;; W. J.
Blake, tyler. The Masons enjoyed
an oyster stew after lodge.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clark return
ed Thursday from Los Angeles
where they spent the Christmas hol
idays with their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Po
merantz.' Their son Lowell came
iH')iEH bsTOiii rl!lj
Thursday, January 9, 1941
some with them for a few weeks va
cation. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davidson,
and three children departed Sun
day for their home in Los Angeles,
after a visit here with Mr. David
son's mother, Mrs. Ella Davidson.
Miss Linea Troedson, a teacher
in the Portland schools, returned to
Portland Sunday to resume her du
ties. Mrs. Albert Lindstrom of Morgan
is suffering from an injured foot.
Bert Mason, Jr., left Sunday for
Corvallis after spending the holidays
with his parents. He is a junior at
O. S. C.
The Union Missionary society met
last Thursday in the Congregational
church parlors. Mrs. Dale Ray and
Mrs. W. J. Blake were hostesses.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Heliker return
ed Saturday from Portland, where
Mr. Heliker had his foot placed in
a new cast, and received treatment.
The Womens Topic club will meet
Friday, Jan. 10, at the home of Mrs.
J. E. Swanson.
Katherine Griffith left Sunday for
Monmouth, to reenter school there.
Mrs. Dwight Misner, who has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Fred
Mankin, was called east Tuesday by
news of her husband's illness, and
left on the streamliner from Pendle
ton. Mr. Misner is at Grand Rapids,
Mich., and is ill with flu. They live
at Thornton, Wash.
Miss Helen Doherty of Heppner
is spending a few days as the guest
of Mrs. Fred Mankin.
Robert Rietmann, who has been
enjoying a sightseeing trip to the
Hawaiian islands, returned home
License to wed was issued at the
clerk's office last week to Edna Car
ol Stephens of Morrow county and
Clarence H. Shoenberger of Grant