Page Six County Warrants Paid For November Term Harriet Pointer, Deputy Sal. $ 85.00 Earle Bryant, Deputy Sal 109.69 E. M. Kenny, Deputy SaL ...... 85.00 J. 0. Archer, Janitor Salary.... 75.00 Henry E. Neer, Court Report. 25.00 Neva S. Cochell, Deputy Sal. 124.69 Earle Bryant, Sheriff Mileage 14.65; Tax Col. Mil. $26.10.... 40.75 C. J. D. Bauman, Mileage & Incidentals 26.78 Rogers Super Tread, Sheriff 12.98 C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff .... 2.00 Thomson Bros., Jail 72 Case Furniture Co., Jail .59 Heppner Market, Jail 4.10 Thomas J. Wells, Assessor $3.00; Field Work $60.95.... 63.95 West Coast Print. & Bind Co., Assessor 3.20 Pacific Tel. & Tel, Co., Cur rent Expense 49.13 Gilliam & Bisbee, Court Hse. 1.49 Pac, Power & Light Co., Ct. House - 34.06 Humphreys Drug Co., Elec tion $4.70; Supt. $1.25 5.95 Heppner Gazette Times, Offi. Pub. $78.07; Supt. $65.42; Election $123.80 : 267.29 Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co., El ection 1.05 Emma M. C. Breshears, Elec 2.10 Bert Mason, Election 3.70 Earle Bryant, Election 2.25 A. B. Chaffee, Election 1.20 Department of Agriculture, District Sealer 6.15 Vivian Kane, Emergency (Health) 4.50 Mrs. L. G. Rumble, Emerg 5.00 General Petroleum Corp., Weed Control 24.82 Earl McCabe, Weed Control 80.65 E. R. Lundell, Weed Control 27.58 Bert Johnson, Emergency $3.- 00; County Court $11.60 .... 14.60 George N. Peck, County Ct. 48.15 L..D. Neill, County Court .... 49.20 Lucy E. Rodgers, Supt. $11.- 64; Supt. Mil. $23.50 35.14 Betty Robinson, Supt. Asst. 25.00 C. W. Barlow, Clerk, Current Expense $6.00; Election $.60 6.60 Ed Breslin, Ct. Hse. Fuel .... 300.69 State Ind. Acc. Com., Sheriff $4.53; Sher. Dep. $.62; Sher. Salary $.31 5.46 J. O. Hager, Justice Court .... 10.75 Chas. B. Cox, Current Ex pense (Stamps) 6.00 C. Melville, Election 11.00 Dan Lindsay, Election 6.00 Russell Moore, Election 6.00 E. L. Ditty, Election 6.00 Frank Saling, Election 6.00 Grace Macomber, Election .... 6.00 S. C. Russell, Election 6.00 Flossie Coats, Election 14.40 Roy E. Ball, Election 6.00 Sophia Barlow, Election 6.00 R. L. Ekleberry, Election 6.00 J. A. Troedson, Election 6.00 John W. Krebs, Election 6.00 Fannie G. Griffith, Election.... 6.00 Herbert Hynd, Election 12.40 Walter Becket, Election 10.00 F. M. Akers, Election 6.00 Marjorie Worden, Election .... 6.00 John Bergstrom, Election .... 6.00 L. Redding, Election 6.00 A. W. Lundell, Election 11.00 O. G. Bergstrom, Election 6.00 Jesse Warfield, Election 6.00 Irene Zinter, Electi6n 6.00 C. F. Bergstrom, Election 6.00 J. B. Adams, Election 10.00 Neal F. Knighten, Election .... 6.00 Floyd N. Adams, Election 6.00 Lewis C. Batty, Election 6.00 Frances Leathers, Election .... 6.00 R. M. Akers, Election 3.00 E. R. Lundell, Election 3.00 Claude C. O'Connor, Election 3.00 Ruth Lundell, Election 3.00 Juanita Rietmann, Election.... 3.00 Elizabeth Clark, Election 3.00 Mabel Cotter, Election 3.00 W. M. Eubanks, Election 6.60 Frank M. Lundell, Election .... 3.00 Beulah Mankin, Election 3.00 H. W. Grim, Election 19.00 Geo. W. Rand, Election 6.00 H. C. Warner, Election 6.00 M. F. Caldwell, Election 6.00 F. C. Frederickson, Election 6.00 Catherine J. Higgins, Election 6.00 Kathleen Hisler, Election 6.00 Leona S. Instone, Election .... 6.00 Hazle Swaggart, Election 9.80 Annie Shaffer, Election 6.00 Sam G.' McMillan, Election .... 3.00 L. A. Palmer, Election 5.20 Ann Johnson, Election 3.00 Cora E. Warner, Election 3.00 Grace M. Turner, Election .... 3.00 E. J. Evans, Election 3.00 Heppner B. H. Peck, Election 3.00 Maude H. Pointer, Election.... 3.00 H. O. Bauman, Election 3.00 Helen Breshears, Election 3.00 Vivian Kane, Election 6.00 Ealor B. Huston, Election 6.00 Winifred Biggy, Election 6.00 Margaret McNeill, Election .... 6.00 Kathleen Gentry, Election ...... 6.00 Alex Green, Election 4.50 Walter B. Carlson, Election.... 4.50 Robert Jones, Election 4.50 R. A. Campbell, Election ...... 4.50 John W. Hiatt, Election 4.50 Bertha Ayers, Election 6.00 Chas. W. Bartholomew, Elec. 6.00 Clayton Ayers, Election 6.00 Marion Finch, Election 6.00 Faye Finch, Election 6.00 C. N. Jones, Election 6.00 Etta Howell, Election 6.00 Grace O. Nickerson, Election 6.00 Ruth L. Tamblyn, Election .... 6.00 Sara E. McNamer, Election .. 6.00 Frank E. Parker, Election 4.50 H. A. Duncan, Election 4.50 Ella Benge, Election 4.50 E. L. Ayers, Election 4.50 Josephine Mahoney, Election 4.50 American Legion, lone, Elec. 1.00 Roy E. Hurst, Election 5.00 Neal F. Knighten, Election (Janitor) 2.50 I. O. O. F. Lodge,' Lexington, , Election 5.00 Margaret McNeill, Election (Abstracting) 4.50 Lorena Jones, Election (Ab stracting) 4.50 Morrow Co. Abstract & Title Co., Supt. I.... 4.50 A. C. Houghton, Election 3.10 Judge Bert Johnson, General Assistance 148.83 Wheeler, Reynolds & Stauf, Weed Control 254.08 Chas. B. Cox, P.M., Election Expense .. 4.30 George N. Peck, County Ct. 26.70 Bert Johnson, Blind Assist 11.00 Bert Johnson, Judge, Old Age Assistance 33.80 Bert Johnson, Judge, Aid to Dependent Children 41.60 C. W. Barlow, Clerk's Inci 9.10 C. J. D. Bauman, Stamps & Envelopes 180.00 Carl Baer, Tax Collections .... 7.50 Carl Baer, Tax Collections .... 7.50 WARRANTS DRAWN ON GENERAL ROAD FUND E. A. Kelly $98.84, H. S. Taylor $121.23, M. V. Nolan $211.23, Clair Ashbaugh $107.73, Jim Farley $79.23, Henry Schwarz $87.48, C. R. Lang don $2.99, Chas. Wililams $43.64, L. N. Morgan $85.31, Jack Stotts $79.98, Robert S. Wilson $13.36, Paul Smith $13.98, Frank Jones $9.99, G. Mc Louth $2.24, Roy Ball $2.24, J. b'. Adams $7.47, Ed Warren $6.72, Ev erett Hadley $8.04, Henry Coats $6.- DELICIOUS SEAFOODS OYSTERS CLAMS CRABS NOW IN SEASON The "R" months are back again with a fresh supply of choice sea foods always avail able here. Contributions Taken for CHINESE RELIEF SOCIETl and Official Receipt Given Meals at All Hours FOUNTAIN SERVICE Elkhorn Restaurant ED CIIINN, Prop. Gazette Times, Heppner, 72, Forest Adams $2.24, Albert Con nor $80.82, Bradley Castle $44.85, A. J. Chaffee $80.82, Wm. Cunningham $52.32, Contractors Equipment Co. $125.00, Valvoline Oil Co. $25.92, Feenaughty Machinery Co. $164.39, Howard-Cooper Corp. $4.50, Colum bia Equipment Co. $47.19, Penland Brothers Transfer $5.46, United Steel Co. $19.31, E. J. King $1.50, Jack Allen Supply Co. $19.48, Alas ka Junk Co. $130.10, A. C. Haag & Co. $37.66, Kilham Stationery & Printing Co. $1.36, Lexington Oil Co-op $87.90, Mercer-Ashenfelter $4.70, Union Oil Co. $345.06, Thom son Bros. $.75, Frank Nixon $29.85, Standard Oil Co. $167.88, C. A. Kane $38.53, Ferguson Mator Co. $47.51, Jackson Implement Co. $26.27, Gill iam & Bisbee $169.71, Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. $8.00, Gamble Stores Dealer $42.00, Harry Tamblyn $70.00, Braden-Bell Tract. & Equip. Co. $35.12, E. R. Lundell $12.55, Rose-wall-Gentry Motor Co. $49.90, Har old Becket $9.75, 1. R. Robison $453. 86, Pacific Power & Light Co. $3.54, Humphreys Drug Co. $1.25, F. W. Turner $26.00, Braden-Bell Tract. & Equip. Co. $210.00, Green's Hard ware Co. $6.12 State Ind. Acc. Com. $39.04, City of Heppner Water Dep. $2.40, Harry Tamblyn $50.00, Jim Farley $10.00. WARRANTS DRAWN ON MARKET ROAO FUND Albert Connor $35.02, Bradley Castle $35.88, A. J. Chaffee $40.41 Wm. Cunningham $26.91, Ralph Marlatt $152.61, H. Sherer $100.35 Wrex Langdon $82.98, Walter Gil- man $80.73, A. Johnston $26.91, Frank W. Gentry $142.74, Dale Ray $74.75, Harry Tamblyn $143.28, State Industrial Acc, Comm. $24.77, Holiday special on permanents, all week days except Saturday for girls under 14 years, $2.50. Myrtle's Beau ty Salon. tf . ! MOST POWERFUL TRUCK ENGINES IN THE LOW-PRICE FIELD 90-HORSEPOWER STANDARD ENGINE 93-HORSEPOWER HEAVY DUTY "LOAD-MASTER" ENGINE (Optional of extra cost on Heavy Duty truckt) 60 MODELS ... ON NINE LONGER WHEELBASES . . . A COMPLETE LINE FOR ALL LINES OF BUSINESS Heppner Oregon Mattresses to be Made by Groups In Low Brackets Highest quality cotton mattresses, made out of surplus cotton from southern states, will be available for low income rural families in Oregon at a cost of only the effort required to make them out of materials to be furnished, as the result of a coop erative arrangement completed re cently, announces W. L. Teutsch, assistant director of the extension service at Oregon State college. The mattress-making project will be started first in Malheur county next February, and will then be extended to Deschutes and Klamath counties in March, and to other counties as rapidly as the available staff can carry on the instructional and superviory work, says Teutsch. This is a cooperative project with the extension service carrying on the education work, while the AAA and Surplus Marketing administra tion will supply the materials and be responsible for their delivery and distribution. Mattress-making centers will be established in the selected counties, where trained local leaders will be available to assist eligible families SHIP BY TRUCK The Dalles Freight Line, Inc. SERVICE BETWEEN PORTLAND : THE DALLES : HEPPNER AND WAY POINTS Arrive Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Warehouse: KANE'S GARAGE Carl D. Spickerman, Agent I mm IS WW: FERGUSON MOTOR COMPANY Thursday, December 5, 1940 in making the mattresses. Exper ience in other states has shown that one mattress can be made in about a day by a family of four. Ordinary baled cotton, as well as a good grade of cotton ticking, will be supplied without cost. Only rural families with an an nual cash income of $500 or less (based on a family of four) will be eligible to make these mattresses out of free material. The AAA will certify the eligibility of families. A mattress-making demonstration was recently held on the O. S. C. campus, with extension leaders from Washington, D. C, and from Texas explaining how the program has been carried on elsewhere. In Tex as alone 191,000 such mattresses have been made. Miss Lois Lutz, extension home management specialist, is leader of the project for Oregon. The pro gram will be carried out only in such counties where it is approved by the local AAA committee and the program planning committee, says Teutsch, who adds that this offers an excellent reciprocal pro gram for Oregon, whch now pro duces some two million dollars' worth of winter legume seed used by the southern cotton farmers. MASSIVE NEW TRUCK STYLING making these new 1941 Chev rolet trucks the best-looking as well as the best-performing trucks in the entire lowest price field. NEW LONGER WHEELBASE NEW RECIRCULATING BALL-BEARING STEERING GEAR greatly reduces steering effort brings true passenger car steering ease to truck operation. NEW, MORE COMFORTABLE DRIVER'S COMPARTMENT with greatly increased leg room and better, form-fitting seat and back in cabs, giving much greater driver comfort. Oregon mm