Thursday, November 28, 1940 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Mrs. Cecil Espey (nee Patricia Mahoney) is expected to arrive in the states on the SS Monterey, De cember 5th, having saild some weeks ago from the Philippine islands where she had been with Mr. Espey, an officer in the U. S. navy. With other wives of service men on the islands she was forced to leave due to the evacuation order of the pres ident. Her route home takes her to Samoa, PangoPango, N. Zealand and Australia, according to word re ceived by her mother, Mrs. W. P. Mahoney. Billy Cochell departed last eve ning for Mare Island, Cal., to report for naval duty after enjoying a sev eral weeks' furlough here at the home of his mother, Mrs. Neva Wells. Billy has been doing orches tra work during most of his several years' "stretch" in the navy, and while here assisted the "Men About Town" in the trombone section. Martin B. Clark accompanied C. F. Swander, secretary of Oregon Christian churches, to Corvallis to attend a church conference this week. Leaving Sunday evening they were accompanied by Billy McCaleb and Clarabel Adams, O. S. C. stu dents, who had been home for Thanksgiving. ( Tom Williams of Long Creek ac companied Earl and Len Gilliam and Ray Drake home from their recent elk hunting trip and has been en joying a visit with Heppner friends for several days. Mr. Williams is widely known here, having acted as race starter at the Rodeo for sev eral years. Logie Richardson returned home Monday from Portland where he went for Thanksgiving with his family. 1 E. L. Bucknum returned recently from a trip to Los Angeles and Phoenix, Ariz., where he visited with his sons Elmer and Gordon and their families. Elmer is located at Los Angeles as a member of the Los Angeles county fire fighters, and Gordon is teaching at Phoenix. Mr. Bucknum found a 16 weeks' old grandson at Phoenix, the first child of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bucknum. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil (Buck) Lieu alien and family of Pendleton were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Barratt. Mr. Lieu alien, brother of Mrs. Barratt and former Heppner boy, was recently reelected mayor of the Round-Up city. Mrs. L. E. Bisbee is reported to have undergone a major operation in Portland recently and on last word was making good progress to ward recovery. Mr. Bisbee, who was m the city with her, returned home Saturday. Blaine E. Isom was sufficiently recovered from his recent illness to be up town Monday. He was con fined at home for thirteen days suffering from influenza and ton silitis. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Happold spent Thanksgiving week end in Portland where they met their daughter, Miss Betty, student at Oregon State college. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Johnson of Range are in the city today to at tend funeral services for the late Michael Kenny. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Quackenbush are reported to be both quite ill at their home in north Heppner. SAFETY FIRST Have your headlights adjusted with our new photo-electric ma chine for only 75 cents. Rose wall - Gentry Motor Company Holiday special on permanents, all week days except Saturday for girls under 14 years, $2.50. Myrtle's Beau ty Salon. tf. Thanksgiving Is Feted at Pine City Miss Patricia Daly is working for Mrs. George Curin since her re turn from the hospital in Pendleton with their new son, Thomas Earl Currin. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Myers at tended the funeral of Mr. Robinson in Hermiston Sunday. Mr. Robinson is Mr. Myers' grandfather. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch and family spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bartholomew and Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Myers. Mr. and Mrs. Duke Schiller were callers Sunday at the Clayton Ayers home. Mr. Guy Moore who is attending Oregon State college spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Roy Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wattenburger and son Fredie, Mr. Lyle Whitter- right of Pasco, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Strain of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger and family spent Thanksgiving at the A. E. Watten burger home. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McGreer and Bobby Groundwald spent Thanks giving week end in Seattle with Mr. McGreer's sister. Miss Marjorie Kloges spent the week end in Portland. Mrs. Staver and Mrs. Helen Ringo spent Thanksgiving in Union. They report the road over the mountains to be very slick and dangerous to travel. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Acres of Eight Mile spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger, Mr. and Mrs. William Shaar of Hermiston spent Sunday duck hunt' ing on Butter creek. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger spent Friday in Pendleton on busi ness. ani completely modern. 17ewU sH!$m tor only forty dollars you can have the Joy and satisfaction of owning America's Fine Watch. Cased only in precious metals, Hamiltons are made with 17 or more Jewels. Other Hamiltons from $37.50 to $5,000. HAMILTON PETERSON'S Heppner, Ore. '"'''""uwiiiiiiiniiimujuuiiiJiiiiiuuuiiniuim TRACTOR SERVICE COMPANY of Morrow County LEXINGTON, OREGON Will have its official opening MONDAY, DEC. 2, 1940 We service Caterpillars, Internation al, A. C. and Combine Motors and Combines Volume - Quality - Price-is the main stay of our business. TWO SERVICE CARS If We Can't Make It.Run, It Must Be a Snail Phone Lexington 301 1 Managers McCarthy & Normoyle k Service Men McCarthy fir Link Nash Right-of-Way Rules Reviewed for Safety Few rules of the road are less understood or more misunderstood than those having to do with right-of-way, according to the legal de partment of the Oregon State Motor association. Pointing out that many accidents are caused by motorists who have either a vague or mistaken idea concerning right-of-way rules, the motorists' organization presented the following summary of revisions of the Vehicle Code on the subject: Drivers, when approaching high way intersections, shall look out for and give right of way to vehicles on the right, simultaneously approach ing a given point, whether such vehicle first enters or reaches the intersection or not; provided, that the foregoing provisions shall not apply at any intersection where and when traffic is controlled by traffic control signals or police officers. Any driver entering an intersec tion at an unlawful speed shall for feit any right of way which he would otherwise have under this rule. When intending to turn left, the driver must give a proper arm sig nal continuously for the last fifty feet before turning, but the actual turn must not be made until it can be done with reasonable safety. The person turning must yield the right- of-way to all oncoming traffic with in the intersection or so close as to constitute an immediate hazard. Thereafter the driver may proceed to make the turn, and oncoming traffic approaching the intersection must permit the turning car to pro ceed. Upon entering an arterial or through highway, the driver must first stop and yield the right-of-way to all traffic immediately approach ing. Thereafter he may proceed and all vehicles approaching the inter section on the through highway must yield the right-of-way to him. Drivers entering public highways from private roads or driveways Page Fivp have no right-of-way, but must wait until they can proceed safely.. Pedestrians have the right-of-way within marked crosswalks or in un marked crosswalks at the end of a block. While pedestrians who "jaywalk" do not have the right-of-way, their safety remains an obli gation of the motorist. DELICIOUS SEA FOODS OYSTERS CLAMS CRABS NOW I N SEASON The "R" months are back again with a fresh supply of choice sea foods always avail able here. Contributions Taken for CHINESE RELIEF SOCIETl and Official Receipt Given Meals at All Hours FOUNTAIN SERVICE Elkhorn Restaurant ED CIIINN, Prop. TheSTAR REPORTER Friday-Saturday RIDE, TENDERFOOT, RIDE Gene Autry, favorite cowboy No. 1, in a western that is splendid entertainment for everyone. Songs by Mary Leo, Smiley Burnctte and the Pacemakers. plus FIVE PEPPERS IN TROUBLE The screen's most popular family is on the loose again! With Edith Fellows, Dorothy Ann Scese. Sunday-Monday BOOM TOWN with Spencer Tracy, Clark, Gable, Claudctte Colbert, Hedy LaMarr, Frank Morgan, Lionel Atwill, Baby Quintanilla Life, love and stirring adventure in the wildest, battling, most colorful setting since Barbary Coast days a rugged fist-swinging story about drillers for oil. No increase in prices. Tuesday BARGAIN NIGHT: Adults, 20c each; Children, 2 for 10c MELODY AND MOONLIGHT with Johnny Downs, Vera Vague, Mary Lee, Jerry Colonna, Jane Frazec Brimful of liveliness, music, comedy, romance and just about every thing that makes up good all around entertainment. Wednesday-Thursday, Dec. 4-5 ANGELS OVER BROADWAY I with Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Thomas Mitchell, Rita Hayworth, John Qualen Smart dialogue, gripping suspense, outstanding photography. We recommend this as one of the best pictures to come out of Holly wood in a long time. STAR THEATER Heppner, Oregon