Thursday, November 21, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Call for Bids . Sealed bids will be received by the lerk of Union High School District No. 1, Morrow County, in the City of Hardman, Oregon, on or before the 2nd day of December, 1940, for the remodeling of the Union High School Building, for drilling of a deep well and for school equipment, in the city of Hardman, Oregon, all as called for in the specifiations and plans prepared by C. B. Miller, Architect of Pendleton, Oregon, and as adopted by the School Board. All bids will be publicly opened at the clerk's office as soon after said date as is practicable. The Board reseres the right to accept or reject any or all bids, and to waive information. They reserve the right to hold all bids for ten (10) days for examination. Each bid submitted shall be ac companied by a certified) check, cash ier's check, or bid bond in an amount of not less than 5 of the amount of the bid and shall be made pay able to the school district as evi dence of good faith and a guarantee that if awarded the contract the bidder will execute a contract. Should the successful contractor fail to enter into a contract within ten (10) days following receipt of notice from the school board of the award the certified check, cashier's check or bid bond will be forfeited to the school district, as liquidated dam ages. The successful contractor is re quired to furnish the school district with a performance bond of the full amount of the contract to insure faithful performance of the contract and to insure payment to all per sons performing labor and furnish ing material in connection with this work. Said bond shall be with an authorized Surety Company doing business in the State of Oregon and as approved by the school board. . Separate bids will be received for drilling the well and its equipment. Separate bids will be received for school equipment. Separate bids will be received for the general contract covering build ing construction. Plans and specifications may be examined at the office of the clerk at Hardman, Oregon, or at the office of the architect at Pendleton, Ore gon. First publication, November 21, 1940. Second publication, November 28, 1940. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned administrator of the es tate of Thomas A. Hughes, deceased, has filed with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, his final account of his ad ministration of the estate of said de ceased, and that said Court has fix ed Monday, the 23rd day of Decem ber, 1940, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day at the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account and the settlement of said estate and all persons having objections thereto are hereby re quired to file the same with said court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. Dated this 20th day of November, 1940. JOSEPH J. HUGHES, Administrator. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, joint administrators c, t a. of the estate of Charlotta An derson, deceased, have filed their final account of their administra tion of said estate with the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, and said Court has set Monday, the 23rd day of December, 1940, at the hour of 10:00 A. M. of said day, in the County Court room of the Court House in Morrow, County, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing on and final settlement of the said final account; all persons having objections to the said final account are required to file the same with the said Court on or before the date set for said hearing. Dated and first published this 21st day of November, 1940. EMMA ANDERSON, AUGUST ANDERSON. 1940 Heppner GENERAL FUND WARRANTS FOR OCTOBER, 1940 Harriet Pointer, Deputy Sal ary $ 85.00 Neva S. Cochell, Deputy Sal ary 124.70 Earle Bryant, Deputy Salary 109.70 E. M. Kenny, Deputy Salary .. 85.00 J. O. Archer, Janitor Salary .. 75.00 Dr. R. M. Rice, Physician Sal ary 25.00 Henry E. Neer, Court Report er " 25.00 C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff $143.25; Cir.Ct. $7.42; Emer gency $23.60 174.23 Earle Bryant, Sheriff 11.45 Pac. Sta. & Print. Co., Elec tion $3.00; Clerk $6.63 9.63 A. E. Simmons, Clerk 7.00 Heppner Gazette Times, Clerk $42.50; Election $14.00; Off. Pub. $217.14; Water M. $4.75 278.39 West Coast Print. & Bind. Co., Election 13.00 Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Assessor ...... 1.00 Bushong & Co., Assessor .... 2.05 Thomas J. Wells, Field Work 52.60 Cecilia Healy, Tax Extension 12.00 Lucy E. Rodgers, Supt. $11.96 Travel Exp. $25.60 37.56 Lois Redding, Supt, Assistant 3.85 Lucy E. Rodgers, Institute .. 100.00 Pac. Power & Light Co., Ct. House 45.57 Kilham Stationery & Print. Co., Court House 1.32 E. R. Huston, Jail 5.31 Frank C. Alfred, District At torney ,. 7.50 Bender-Moss Co., District At torney , 45.00 Dist. Attorney Assoc. of Ore gon, District Attorney 5.00 Earle McCabe, Weed Control .. 99.50 D. H. Jones, Weed Control .. 12.50 Dr. R. M. Rice, Emergency .. 5.00 State Dept. of Agriculture, District Sealer 6.15 Bert Johnson, County Court .. 2.20 George N. Peck, County Court 30.85 L. D. Neill, County Court .... 29.60 State Ind. Accident Commis sion, Sher. $4.53; Sher. Sal. $0.30; Sher. Deputy Sal. $0.60 5.43 Heppner Market, Jail 1.45 Bert Johnson, Judge, General Assistance 168.86 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., Cur rent Expense 80.18 Harry Harrington, Ct. House 6.00 Bert Johnson, Judge, Old Age Assistance 338.80 Bert Johnson, Judge, Aid to Dep. Children 41.60 Bert Johnson, Judge, Blind Assistance 11.00 Inland Em. Waterways Assoc., Publicity & Advertising .... 250.00 K. C. Branstetter, Emergency 122.50 C. W. Barlow, Emergency .... 41.51 Chas. B. Cox, Current Exp. .. 33.84 WARRANTS DRAWN ON GENERAL ROAD FUND E. A. Kelly $80.27, Chas. WiUiams $40.10, Henry Schwarz $81.00, Albert Connor $112.25, H. S. Taylor $112.25, M. V. Nolan $110.00, L. N. Morgan $112.25, Jack Stotts $74.75, Robert S. Wilson $28.38, Roy Ball $5.59, Russ ell Miller $23.97, Frank Jones $16.97, Joe Muniz $1.11, M. T. McCarthy $2.24, Ralph Marlatt $101.07, H. Sher er $62.82, Wrex Langdon $56.81, Walter Gilman $50.83, Clair Ash baugh $81.79, Jim Farley $65.78, Bradley Castle $61.05, Frank W. Gentry $52.16, Dale Ray $25.42, A. J. Chaffee $79.70, Wm. Cunningham $41.11, Frank Nixon $29.85, Harry Tamblyn $124.44, Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. $22.33, Green's Hard ware Company $8.23, Union Oil Co. $148.90, Umatilla County $80.00, C. A. Kane $47.80, Gamble Store Deal er $38.60, City of lone $13.70, E. R. Lundell $10.85, General Petroleum Corporation $64.67, Henry Smouse $150.00, I. R. Robison $367.04, Isaac son Iron Works $2.00, Jackson Imple ment Company $218.51, City of Hepp ner, Water Dept. $2.80, Henry Tymer Co. $20.70, Braden-Bell Tractor & Primitive Methods Need Not Be Followed in Advertising Be Modern ADVERTISE HERE!.' Gazette Times, Heppner, Equip. Co. $9.84, Lexington Oil Co operative $150.42, Contractors Equip. Corp. $227.67, Scritsmier Company $75.89, Harold Becket $11.00, Hepp ner Garage $4.05, D. H. Jones $3.25, Pacific Power & Light Co. $9.70, Kilham Stationery & Printing Co. $19.92, Howard-Cooper Corp. $38.93, Feenaughty Machinery Co. $55.93, Shell Oil Co. $4.25, Ferguson Motor Company $78.00, Braden-Bell Trac tor & Equip. Co. $413.93, Jack Allen Supply Company $31.43, Gilliam & Bisbee $121.56, State Industrial Acc. Comm. $59.46, Aaron Agee $1.00, Rosewal-Gentry Motor Co. $413.63, Contractors Equipment Corp. $125.00, Harry Tamblyn $35.00, Harold Sher er $25.00, Standard Oil Co. $223.35. WARRANTS DRAWN ON MARKET ROAD FUND Ralph Marlatt $40.18, Harold Sher er $24.43, Wrex Langdon $17.94, Wal ter Gilman $5.98, Clair Ashbaugh $7.98, Jim Farley $5.98, Bradley Cas tle $14.95, Frank W. Gentry $85.09, Dale Ray $46.34, A. J. Chaffee $32.55, Wm. Cunningham $21.68, Harry Tamblyn $143.88, State Industrial Accident Comm. $10.45. Walter E. Pearson, State Treasurer, Rodent Fund ..$500.00 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MOR ROW COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of John Harrison, Deceased. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed ad ministratrix of, the Estate of John Harrison, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, and all persons having claims against the said es tate are hereby required to present such claims, duly verified and with proper vouchers attacher, to the undersigned at Randall & Perry's office in the tangier building, in Pendleton, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated this 7th day of November, 1940. PEARL E. HARRISON, Administratrix. RANDALL & PERRY, Attorneys for Administratrix, P. O., Pendleton, Oregon. NOTICE OF HEARING UPON FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MOR ROW COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of Frank Leicht, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undesigned executrix of the last will and testament of Frank Leicht, de ceased, has filed her final report with the Clerk of the above Court, and that the Judge of said Court has designated Wednesday, the 11th day of December, 1940, at 2 o'clock P. M., as the time, and the rooms of the above entitled Court in the County Court House in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, as the place when and where hearing is to be had thereon. All persons in terested are hereby notified to then and there appear and show cause, if any they have, why said report should not be approved, the execu trix discharged and the estate closed. Dated this 7th day of November, 1940. BERTA LEICHT, Executrix. NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY By virtue of an ORDER OF THE COUNTY COURT, dated November 6, 1940, 1 am authorized and directed to advertise and sell at public auc tion at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: Lots 2, 3 and 4, Section 17, Town ship 5 North, Range 27, E. W. M, for the minimum price of $110.00, 20 down and the balance in 2 equal annual payments. Lot 2 and the East 100 feet of Lot 5 in Block 4 of Adams Addition to the City of Hardman, for the min imum price of $15.00 cash. South 25 feet of Lot 3 Block L and all of Lots 4, 5 and 6 of Block L in Royses Addition to the City of Hardman, for the minimum price of $50.00 cash. Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16, Block 9, in the City of Boardman for the minimum price of $275.00, 20 down and the balance on 5-year contract, at 6. Lots 23 and 24, Block 7 in 'the City of Boardman, for the mini mum price of $125.00, 20 down, balance on 5-year contract at 6. Lots 23, 24 and 25 in Block 3 of the City of Boardman, for the min imum price of $25.00 cash. THEREFORE, I will on the 7th day of December, 1940, at the hour of 2:00 P. M., at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Ore gon, sell said property to the highest and best bidder. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Or egon for Morrow County,, the exe cutrix of the last Will and Testament of Barney McDevitt, deceased, and that all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present same to said executrix at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at" Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this notice. Dated and first published this 7th day of November, 1940. ANNIE SMITH, Executrix. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned executrix of the estate of Mary Kenny, deceased, has filed her final account of her administra tion of the estate of said deceased with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County and that said court has set Monday the 9th day of December, 1940, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M., in the County Court room at the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objec tions to said final account and the settlement of said estate, and all persons having objections thereto are hereby required to file same with said court on or before the time set for said hearing. Dated and first published this 7th day of November, 1940. CECELIA BUCKNUM, Executrix. NOTICE OF EXPIRATION OP PER IOD OF REDEMPTION FROM 1939 TAX FORECLOSURE Notice is hereby given that in that certain suit 'wherein Morrow County, a public corporation, and political sub division or the State of Oregon, was plaintiff, a. James F. Hardesty, et al., defendants, a Judgment and Decree was entered on the 18th day of October. 1939, foreclosing the tax lien on certain lands in Morrow County, State of Ore gon, I, the undersigned Tax Collector and Sheriff of Morrow County, will on the 1st day of November, 1940, deed all of the property described in the said Judgment and Decree to the County, provided the same is not redeemed in accordance with the law prior to No vember 1, 1940, and notice is hereby given that the period of redemption of such property from such Judgment and Decree will expire on November 1, 1940. and that every right or interest of any person in such properties will be for ever forfeited to Morrow County. ' Dated and first published this 24th day of October, 1940. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Tax Collector and Sheriff of Mor row County, State of Oregon. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, Executrix of the Estate of O. H. Warner, deceased, has filed with the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, her final account of her administration of said estate, and that said court has set Monday, the 25th day of November, 1940, at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M. in the forenoon of said day at the County Court room at the Court House at Heppner, Ore gon, as the time and place for hear ing objections to said final account and the settlement of said estate, and all persons having objections to said final account or the settle ment of said estate are hereby re quired to file the same with said court on or before the time set for said hearing. Dated and first published this 31st day of October, 1940. EVA L. WARNER, Executrix. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MOR ROW COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of R. H. LANE, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to an order duly made and entered by the above entitled court on the 30th day of October, 1940, the undersigned administrator of the estate of the above named deceased Want Ads Netted Gem potatoes, field run, 60c sack. Paul Webb, Jr., city. 37 -9p. Strayed, 2 white face steer calves, 6 mo. old. Notify Orville Cutsforth, Lexington. 37-39p. Apt. for rent, completely furnish ed. Halton Apts. 38-39p. For sale by widow, irrigated 40 A. dairy farm with or without stock and equipment. Address Mrs. Har ry Jayne, Boardman, Ore. Trade Maytag washing machine, gas motor for sewing machine or cash. Mrs. Sterl Spiesz, Heppner. Purebred Guernsey bull for sale. Arnold Pieper, Lexington. Will pay 6 per cent and give first mortgage on 1100 acres 10 miles from Heppner for $3,500.00 term loan. Write PO Box 402, Heppner. 35tf. For sale or trade, 40 A. farm. R. B. Rands, Boardman. 35-38p. For sale reasonable, davenport in good condition. Call 1400. Photographic Christmas Greeting Cards. Rose Leibbrand. Tel. 893 or 602 37-39p. will from and after the 29th day of November, 1940, offer for sale and sell at private sale for cash, subject to confirmation by the above entitl ed court, at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon, all the following described real property of said estate, to-wit: The West half and the West 16 feet of the East half of lots 6 and 7 of Block 10 of the Town of Lexington, Oregon; Lot 8 of Block 6 of the Town of Lexington, Oregon, and Lot 10 of Block 11 of the Town of Lexington, Oregon, said property may be sold as a whole or in separate parcels. Dated this 31st day of October, 1940. R. F. PHILLIPS, Administrator. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MOR ROW COUNTY. Kinzua Pine Mills Company, a corpor ation, Plaintiff, vs. The Chee Lumber Company, a corpor ation, Aztec Land and Cattle Com pany, Limited, a corporation, H. P. Bouffleur, and Mary Doe Bouffleur, his wife, Laura Shearer, and John Doe Shearer, her husband, A. S. Dres ser, and Mary Doe Dresser, his wife. Morrow county, a public corporation; all the unknown heirs of II. P. Bouf fleur, deceased, all the unknown heirs of Laura Shearer, deceased, and all the unknown heirs of A. S. Dresser, deceased. Also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein, Defendants. To the Chee Lumber Company, a cor poration, Aztec Land and Cattle Com pany, Limited, a corporation, H. P. Bouffleur, and Mary Doe Bouffleur, his wife, Laura Shearer, and John Doe Shearer, her husband, A. S. Dresser, and Mary Doe Dresser, his wife, all the unknown heirs of H. P. Bouffleur, deceased, all the unknown heirs of Laura Shearer, deceased, and all the unknown heirs of A. S. Dresser, de ceased; also all other persons or par ties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein, De fendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer plaintiff's complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons and if you fail to so appear or answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for the relief pray ed for in its complaint, to-wit: For a decree quieting plaintiffs title in and to the following described real property, situate in Morrow County, Oregon, to-wit: WV4 of NWVi of Section 19, SV4 of SE14 of Section 24, NE& and N of SE of Section 25 and EH of SE',4 of Section 31 in Township six (6) South, Range 25 East of the Willamette Meridian; and E of SW14 and SW of SWM of Section 30 and NE of NW!4 of Section 31 in Township six (6) South, Range 26 East of the Willamette Meridian, and that plaintiff be adjudged the owner in fee simple of said real prop erty and that you and each of you be forever barred from all right, title, es tate, lien or interest in and to said real property and every part and parcel thereof; and for such other and fur ther relief as may be Just and equit able. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof in the Heppner Gazette Times, a newspaper of general circulation, once a week for four suc cessive weeks pursuant to an order of Hon. Bert Johnson, Judge of the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, which order is dated October 22nd, 1940, and the date of the first publication of this summons is October 24th, 1940. JOS. J. NTS, Attorney for Plaintiff. Residenc and Postoffice address, Heppner, Oregon.