Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 21, 1940, Page Page Five, Image 5

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    Thursday, November 21,
O. M. Clark pf Hermiston, distri
butor in Morrow county for a well
known firm for the last five years,
has been confined at the U. S. Vet
erans hospital at Portland for the
last two weeks undergoing treat
ment for a service, connected injury.
He reports fair progress and hopes
to be back in the territory by the
first of December.
It was on December 14, 1934, that
Morrow county's wheat crop was
entirely frozen out, recalled J. H.
Padberg when in the city on bus
iness Tuesday. He wasn't pessimis
tic over the prospects for this year,
saying the stand was one of the best
he had seen in his many years of
residence here.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh B. Smith re
turned home Thursday night last
from Portland where they had been
for two weeks with Mr. Smith's mo
ther who is critically ill. It was nec
essary for Mrs. Smith the elder to
undergo an operation while they
were there.
Lawrence Redding was a business
visitor in the city" today from the
Eight Mile farm. He was pleased
with the abundant supply of mois
ture this fall and winter.
A dinner for the Mustang football
squad was served Friday evening
in the domestic science room at the
school, honoring the boys' for their
work in the season just closed. Fif
ty guests were served by the home
economics girls under direction of
Miss Jean Mcllhinny, including fac
ulty, school board and team mem
bers. Coach Robert Knox as toast
master introduced speakers, who in
cluded Charles Jones representing
the school board; Supt. Alden H.
Blankenship for the faculty, and
Kay Ferguson, Dean Gilman, Billy
Padberg and Captain Claude Snow
for the football team. Musial num
bers included vocal solo by Patty
O'Hara, and numbers by the girls'
trio, Lucile Barlow, Patty O'Hara
and Dorotha Wilson. Balloons dec
orated the music room where guests
assembled and the banquet hall was
attractive with purple and gold
Marriage vows were exchanged
here Tuesday afternoon at 2:45 o'
clock by Mr. Clyde Dewey Davis
and Miss Frances Isabelle Fortner,
both of Sherman county. Rev.
James Wilkins performed the single
ring ceremony at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. James Driscoll, brother-in-law
and sister of the bride, with
the Driscolls . attending. The bride
is a grand daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Lucas.
A garage at the home of Mrs.
J. H. Gemmell was destroyed by
fire Saturday night when it became
ignited from- an overheated stove.
Oscar Davis had living quarters in
the building. Quick action of the
fire department prevented the
flame from spreading to buildings
near by.
Our sincere thanks and apprecia
tion are extended to the many
friends for their help, sympathy and
floral tributes at the time of be
reavement of our beloved mother
and grandmother.
Maud Robinson and family,
G. A. Booher and wife,
W. T. Brookhouser and family.
Harry M. Archer and Letha E.
Smith have announced their mar
riage as an event of November 8.
They were married at the Methodist
parsonage in The Dalles by Rev.
Oliver J. Gill. The couple was char
ivaried by friends here on the 14th.
They are living at the Smith resi
Watkins customers wanting any
product please order by mail as I
am still at the U. S. Veterans hos
pital at Portland. 0. M. CLARK.
Mrs. H. O. Bauman and children
are spending Thanksgiving at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H. E. Cool, at Carlton, Wash., and
will visit with other relatives at
Wenatchee before returning.
Blaine E. Isom has been confined
at home for two weeks suffering a
severe attack of influenza and ton
silitis. He is reported much im
proved but not yet able to resume
his regular work.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Babb returned
home from Portland the first of the
week. Mr. Babb is still indisposed
and will not be back to work for
some time.
Arthur Johnson was a business
visitor in the city Monday from the
farm in the lone section.
Livestock Prices
Show Generally Firm
(North Portland Livestock Mar
ket News.)
The livestock market at the Port
land Union Stock yards, North Port
land, for the week ended November
15th, showed steady to 25c lower
for cattle; an improvement in the
hog market, with weakness in the
late trading; a good strong to 15c
higher fat lamb market, with
slaughter ewes fully steady. There
were 3,100 cattle, 290 calves, 4,750
hogs and 2,870 sheep sold on the
open market during the past week.
The trading opened this Monday
with 2,650 cattle, 175 calves, 3,135
hogs and 1,075 sheep for sale on the
open market
Some of the best steer offerings,
as well as canner cows, sold about
steady on Monday's market, but
most of the better cows and many
of the heifer and short fed steers
were around 25c lower. Bulls shared
the decline, while good vealers held
fully steady. A load of good fed
steers brought $10.00. Short fed
and grass fat steers sold mainly at
$8.25 to $8.75. Common heifers sold
around $5.75 to $6.50, with fleshy
grass heifers around $7.50 to $8.25,
with some fed heifers going at $8.50
to $8.65. Canner to common cows
sold mainly from $3.25 to $4.75, hea
vy Holsteins reached $5.50 and bet
ter. Good beef cows bulked at $6.25
to $6.50, with a few young cows
above. Good beef bulls sold around
$6.50 to $6.75, with a few to $7.00
or over. Good to choice vealers made
$10.00 to $10.50.
Tuesday's cattle market was on
practically a steady basis with the
bulk of Monday sale. One outstand
ing sale of vealer calves reached
$11.00 for an outside price.
Carlot hogs Monday sold at $6.50.
Good to choice truck -ins weighing
around 170 to 215 pounds bulked at
$6.25 to $6.35. 225 to 270 lb. butchers
sold from $5.65 to $5.85, with some
in the rail division to $6.00. Light
weights moved at $5.50 to f $5.75
mainly. The bulk of the packing
sows brought $4.50 to $5.00.
Tuesday's hog market was about
in line with Monday's close or ar
ound 10c below Monday's best time.
Fat lambs sold at fully steady
prices and slaughter ewes were as
much as 25c higher in Monday's
trading. Good to choice wooled lambs
brought $8.50 to $8.75, with medium
to good grades at $7.75 to $8.25. Good
to choice shorn lambs sold at $7.50
to $7.75. Good slaughter ewes brot
$3.50 to $4.25.
Tuesday's trading in the sheep
alleys was on a steady basis, with
prices generally unchanged from
The following quotations are bas
ed on prices being paid in Tuesday's
CATTLE: Good grain-fed steers
$9.65 to $10. Good grass steers $8.25
to $8.75. Good grain fed heifers $8.50
to $8.65. Good grass heifers $7.50 to
$8.25. Good beef cows $6.25 to $6.50.
medium $5.00 to $6.00; common $4.25
to $5.00, canners $3.25 to $3.75. Bulls,
medium to good, $6.25 to $6.50; com
mon $5.00 to $5.75. Vealers, good to
choice, $10.00 to $10.50.
HOGS:, Good to choice carlots,
Gazette Times, Heppner,
quotable, $6.40; 170 to 215 lb. truck-
ns $6.25 to $6.35; 230 to 285 lb. but
chers $5.50 to $5.75; lightweight but
chers $5.50 to $5.75; packing sows
$4.00 to $4.75. Feeder pigs $4.25 to
SHEEP: Good to choice wooled
lambs $8.50 to $8.75; medium to
good, $7.75 to $8.25; common $6.75
to $7.50. Slaughter ewes, good to
choice $3.50 to $4.25. Feeder lambs,
good to choice $7.25 to $7.50. Shorn
lambs $7.50 to $7.75.
Farms, Businesses
In Labor Survey
With Oregon's skilled labor in
ventory well under way, local com
mittees are turning their attention
to farms, small business and other
concerns in an effort to enlist every
possible experienced worker for de
fense industries.
Under the direction of the Board
for the Mobilization of Labor, cen
tral registration points are being set
up in communities all over the state.
City or county offices, fire stations,
chambers of commerce, hiring halls
and similar places are being desig
nated by the local committees nam
ed by Governor Charles Sprague.
In Morrow county complete infor
mation can be secured through the
local committee, including E. Harvey
Miller, chairman; P. W. Mahoney,
secretary; C. J. D. Bauman, C. D.
Conrad, L. H. Frederickson, H. A.
Cohn, Jasper V. Crawford.
While early reports from blanks
filled out by Oregon's larger em
ployers have not yet been tabulated,
early indications are that thousands
of skilled workers have registered
their trades with the board. In banks
and hotels, factories and mills, in
surance offices and department
stores have been found many men
who have not worked at their pri
mary trades for years.
Although most of the registrants
are mehanics, electricians or carpen
ters all necessary trades many
quite unusual workers have been
brought to light by the inventory
In one packing plant in a valley
town were found asbestos workers,
pipe calkers, hoisting and refriger
ating engineers, ship joiners, acety
lene welders and a single-spindle
drill press operator.
Last week the survey was ex
tended to city, county and state
employes through meetings in Port
land, Salem and other towns. With
this third and final step reaching
uncovered employes and the self
employed, the labor mobilization
board hopes to have a comprehen
sive picture of the skilled labor res
ervoir available for defense indus
tries in any emergency that n ay
arise in this area.
It has been estimated that state
and federal gasoline taxes amount to
$2,106 a minute, or $35.10 a second,
throughout the year, acocrdins to
the Oregon State Motor Association.
Total state, local, and federal motor
vehicle taxes amount to proxim
ately $3,333 a minute or' $55.55 a
Company of Morrow County
Lexington, Oregon
Stock Ranches
Wheat Ranches
Creek Ranches
See My Listings
V. R. Runnion
Heppner, Ore.
Homemaker Meets
Scheduled for County
Three home economics demonstra
tions are being given for the home
makers of Morow county this winter
by the U. S. D. A. extension ser
vice. The demonstrations will be on
clothing materials with the first
meeting being held at the Rhea
Creek grange hall, beginning at 10
o'clock Tuesday, November 26. This
meeting will be on the selection of
clothing materials and ready-made
clothing. A similar meeting will be
held the following day beginning at
10 o'clock at either the Lexington
grange hall or the lone grange hall
for which final arrangements have
not been made. All homemakers in
terested in the second meeting can
find out the place where it will be
held from the county agent's office.
Thursday and Friday a two day clo
thing clinic, or remodeling school,
will be conducted at the Boardman
grange hall. All meetings will be
gin at 10 o'clock in the morning and
will last until about 4. Ladies at
tending are asked to bring potluck
These demonstrations are being
conducted in cooperation with the
home economics clubs of the sub
ordinate granges but all homemak
ers in the county are more than wel
come to attend.
When tires are shifted from front
to rear, be sure to place matched
tires on the front wheels, otherwise
steering difficulties may be encoun
tered, suggests the Oregon State
Motor Association. Modern cars re
quire balanced wheels all around in
order to insure proper performance
at all speeds.
Announcement has been received
of the birth of an 8-pound daughter
to Mr. and Mrs. Wally Cashaw at
Rockaway, November 12. Mrs. Ca
shaw was formerly Miss Betty Ir
win of Heppner.
Charles Starrctt and Iris Meredith in a roaring western melodrama
with songs by Sons of the Pioneers.
with Lucile Fairbanks, George Tobias, Ernest Truex, George Reeves,
Florence Bates
Domestic Comedy.
Sunday-Monday 1
with Deanna Durbin, Robert Cummings, Mischa Auer,
Butch and Buddy
For fun and song, dances and romances, nothing can compare to
this thrilling entertainment triumph!
BARGAIN NIGHT: Adults, 20c each; Children, 2 for 10c
with Dick Foran, Peggy Moran, Wallace Ford, Cecil Kellaway,
Eduardo Cianclli, George Zucco, Tom Tyler
Here is a shocker! The spookiest, eeriest, wierdest of all mystery
yarns so beware if you can't stand thrills, bring someone along
with you so you won't be afraid to go home in the dark!
Wednesday-Thursday, November 27-28
with Rosalind Russell, Brian Aherne, Virginia Bruce, John Carroll,
Robert Benchley
A gay comedy about an advertising agency executive who marries
the right girl although he doesn't
Heppner, Oregon
Page Five
Brother Wilkins will conduct ser
vices in Hardman at the regular
afternoon hour of 3:00 o'clock this
Holiday special on all week days
except Saturday for girls under 14
years, $2.50. Myrtle's Beauty Salon.
The "R" months are back
again with a fresh supply of
choice sea foods always avail
able here.
Contributions Taken for
and Official Receipt Given
Meals at All Hours
want to.