Thursday, November 21, 1940 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Page Three IQNE NEWS Spalding-Swanson Rites Week Event By MRS. ELMER GRIFFITH The district meeting of the East ern Star held here Monday evening had as its honored guest the Worthy Grand Matron, Mrs. Hallie Hunt ington. Beulah Mankin, W. M., pre-: sided for Locust chapter, which ex emplified the opening and closing and escort, and Etta Parker, A. M., of Ruth chapter presided while the ' officers exemplified balloting and initiation. Nearly thirty members of Ruth chapter were present and a like number of the hostess chap ter. The supper committee served refreshments in the dining room after chapter. Madge Thomson, W. M., of Ruth chapter, was unable to attend because of illness. The marriage of Miss Albertine Louise Spalding, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bartholomew Michael Sheehan, and Mr. Nelson Emil Swanson was solemnized in St. Mary's cathedral in Portland at high noon on Saturday, Nov. 16. The bride was gowned in white satin, with long veil, and was attended by her sister, Katherine Sheehan and four bridesmaids, one of whom was the bridegroom's sister, Eva Swan- son. The bridegroom's brother, Gar land Swanson, was his best man, and there were four ushers. A reception was held following the ceremony. The young couple will make their home in Portland. Mrs. Swanson is a graduate of St. Vincent's school for nurses, and Mr. Swanson is a graduate of the University of Ore gon. Relatives from here who at tended the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Swanson and daughter Eva, parents and sister of the bride groom, and his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swan son. Students taking part in the play which was presented at the high school Friday evening were Paul Rietmann, Melvin Brady, Eulenna Seehafer, Charlotte Cannon, Eileen Sperry, Jim Ledbetter, Ernest Mc Cabe, Bill Eubanks, Betty Lindsay and Glen Warfield. Special awards were made to the members of the football squad, and a mixed quartet, consisting of June Griffith, Freda Ball, Donald Peterson and Eugene Empey, sang two numbers. On number was played by an instru mental quartet composed of Donald Peterson, Bobby Rietmann, Gene Rietmann and Alton Yarnell. The Womens Topic club will hold the November study meeting at the home of Mrs. Garland Swanson on Friday, Nov. 29. Mrs. Effie Parkins was calling on friends in lone Tuesday. She was on her way to her home in Idaho . after spending several months in Lexington caring for her mother. Dr. Swander, superintendent of the Christian Churches of Oregon, will be in lone next Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock to meet with persons interested in the work of the church. Dwight Misner of Thornton, Wn., visited here Sunday with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mankin. The Ladies Aid will hold a silver tea and fancy work sale on Thurs day, Dec. 12. Mrs. Werner Rietmann and Mrs. Martin E. Cotter entertained with a luncheon and bridge party at the home of Mrs. Rietmann last Friday. Guests were Mesdames O. F. Feld man, Bert Mason, Victor Rietmann, Hugh Smith, Clel Ray, Fred Lucas, D. M. Ward, C. W. McNamer, Joseph Nys, L. E. Dick, Mark Merrill, Ray Kinne, O. Rasmus, Glen Jones, E. J. Blake and H. D. McCurdy. High score was won by Mrs. Dick and second by Mrs. Merrill. The same hostesses entertained with a dessert bidge on Monday af ternoon. Guests were Mesdames J. E. Swanson, Q W. Swanson, Clel Ray, Frank Lundell, E. R. Lundell, Frank Ross, Ted Blake, Hugh Smith, Vic tor Rietmann, Ella Davidson, Don Mason and O. G. Haguewood. High score was won by Mrs. Smith and second by Mrs. Mason. According to word received here, E. C. Heliker has so far recovered that he is able to leave the hospital, but will not be able to return home for probably two or three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mankin en- Dr. Gabrielson Listed As Wild Life Speaker Dr. Ira N. Gabrielson, who was well known in Oregon before he be came chief of the biological survey in Washington, is coming to the state to be the principal visiting speaker at the annual Oregon Wild Life federation conference , to be held at Oregon State college, Nov. 27-29. The name of the service head ed by Dr. Gabrielson has been changed recently, so that he is now chief of the United States Fish and Wild Life service. All citizens interested in wild life matters are invited to attend this year's conference, whether they rep resent any organization or not, says R. E Dimick, head of the fish and game management department at the college, who is in charge of local arrangements. William Smith, Portland, president of the federation, has arranged a program which he says will be of general interest. Among the prob lems listed for discussion are cor rection of stream pollution, the ef fect of flood control dams on fish life, recent advancements in wild life management, and proposed leg islation affecting fish and game in i this state. The first two days of the confer ence will be devoted to general meetings, with the annual banquet the evening of Wednesday, Novem ber 27, at which Dr. Gabrielson will speak. The final day will be de voted to committee meetings grow ing out of the conference. Fruit, Vegetable Movements Grow More carloads of fruits and vege tables moved out of Oregon in Oc tober than in the corresponding month a year ago, and than in the previous month, the state depart ment of agriculture reports follow ing compilation of the federal-state shipping point inspections. The Oc tober figures throw the first four months of the current inspection year 1400 carloads above the same period in 1939. Carlots inspections for October, 1940, were 3,212y2 and truck inspec tions, 1,098 compared with 2,409 carlots arid 1,259 trucklots a year ago and 2,266 carlots and 466 truck lots in September, 1940. Potatoes led the October, 1940, in spections with 1,207 V2 carloads and pears were next with 814 carloads. Lettuce shipments, mostly from the Malheur county fields, reached an all-time high of 395 V2 cars. Carlots of apples inspected numbered 380 and of onions, 286V2. Methodists Lead College Preferences Oregon State College. The Meth odist and Presbyterian denomina tions lead among 33 church pref erences given by the 4752 students enrolled here this term. The first tertained a party of friends with a venison dinner Monday evening. The guests were Mrs. Hallie Hunt ington, Mrs. Loyal Parker, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smouse and daugh ter Shirley. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Feldman are leaving this week for Sunnyvale, Cal., where they will remain for several weeks. The most individual gift a per manent from Myrtle's 37tf, New 1941 Zenith Radios ARE HERE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS LOWER PRICES Portable RADIOS.. $11,95 UP il Radio Repair and Service BRUCE GIBB Phone 1382 Agriculture Report Shows Growing Work Increased activity for all divi sions is shown in the fourth bien nial report of the state department of agriculture, covering the work for the two years ending June 30, 1940. Copies of the report, which shows the importance of agricultural pur suits ' to the state, are now being distributed. A new feature is a section devoted to short discussions by experts of newer phases and trends in the Ore gon agricultural scene. Other sec tions are devoted to division reports and show a considerable amount of statistical information. Financial reports of the depart ment, including both appropriatien revenues and expenses and income and outgo from the self-sustaining activities of the department for the biennium are included as is a finan cial statement of the state fairs held in the two-year period. 10 in number of preferences follow: Methodist, 681; Presbyterian, 620; Catholic, 324; Episcopal, 288; Christ ian, 280; Baptist, 247; Congregation al, 141; Christian Science, 138; Lu theran, 96; and Mormon, 69. A total of 1478 marked no pref erence, while 61 gave Protestant without denomination. Giving Jew ish preference were 12; Friends, 7; Buddhist, 4. One each signed up as Mohammedan, Mission Covenant, Meruionite, Full Gospel, Free Meth odist, and Bible. One said he was an atheist and one an agnostic. OSC Man Elected To Science Academy Dr. F. P. McWhorter, plant path ologist in the Oregon State college experiment station, has been elected to membership in the Washington Academy of Sciences. Election to this select group of scientific men is considered a recognition of high achievement in the scientific world. Dr. McWhorter has done a great deal of work in this state in disease control with flowering bulbs and other ornamental plants common to Oregon homes and important to the V. R. RUNNION AUCTIONEER and REAL ESTATE Phone 452 Heppner, Oregon Oregon nursery industry. The official notification said his election is "in recognition of your work on the ecology of cryptogams, protoroan diseases of plants, para sitic phanerogams, vegetable path ology, diseaes of ornamental plants and truck crops, diseases of toma toes, tropical fruits, and virus dis eases of plants." I WHY. wait any longer to dispose of those odds and ends. Bring them to us and trade for something you really need or want. TRADING POST Cloy Dykstra Heppner SHIP BY TRUCK The Dalles Freight Line, Inc. SERVICE BETWEEN PORTLAND : THE DALLES : HEPPNER AND WAY POINTS Arrive Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Warehouse: KANE'S GARAGE Carl D. Spickerman, Agent Through special arrangements with the mag azine publishers we offer America's finest farm and fiction magazines in combination with our" newspaper at prices that simply cannot be duplicated elsewhere! Look over this long list of favorites and make YOUR selection todayl This Newspaper 1 Year, and Five Magazines ALL FOR PRICE SHOWN GROUP A SELECT 2 MAGAZINES McCall's Magazine 1 Yr. Q Pathfinder (Weekly) Fact Digest 1 Yr. QScreenland v- American Boy ' v American Girl 8 Mo. Parents' Magazine 6 Ma 1 Yr. Modern Romances 1 Yr. Silver Screen 1 Yr. Sports Afield 1 Yr. Open Road (Boys) lYr. Science and Discovery.. 1 Yr. Christian Herald 6 Mo. ALL SIX ONLY FOR BOTH NEWSPAPER AND MAGAZINES GROUP B SELECT 2 MAGAZINES Household Magazine -1 Yr. American Fruit Grower 1 Yr. Home Arts Needlecraft.l Yr. Pathfinder 26 Issues Hunting and Fishing.l Yr. 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