Page Eight fleppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Thursday, November 14, 1940 SOCIETY CHIT-CHAT By JUNE SMITH Some of the new books recently received at the Heppner Public li brary include "Parots Can Learn" by Helen Hanford, "Reader's Di gest Reader," "My Shadow in the Sun" Frances Davis, "Who Walk Alone" by Perry Burgess, and "One Foot in Heaven" by Hartzell Spence. Others are "Invitation to Live," Lloyd C. Douglas; "The Stone of Chastity," Margey Sharp; "Sergeant Lamb's America," Robert Graves; "Mrs. Miniver," Jan Struther; "The Bucharest Ballertine Murders," Van Wyck Mason; "For Whom the Bell Tolls," Ernest Hemingway. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Crawford held a supper at their home Sun day evening with members of the Kennel club as their guests. Three tables of contract bridge were in play, with the woman's high score being won by Mrs. Garnet Barratt, and Mr. Phil Mahoney winning high score for the men. Mrs. D. M. Ward had her dupli cate club at her home last Thurs day evening. Two tables were play ed, with the winning team composed of Mrs. Agnes Curran, Mrs. A. D. McMurdo, Mrs. J. J. Nys and Mrs. Frank Nickerson. The hostess serv ed dessert at the close of play. Miss Kathryn Farnsworth of The Dalles and Mr. Lou Strode were visitors at the D. M. Ward home last week end. Mr. Charles Nash of Wenatchee visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Ward last week. Mrs. Mark Merrill had two tables of duplicate bridge for members of her club at her home last Tuesday evening. Refreshments were served at the evening's end The winning team was Mrs. Garnet Barratt, Mrs. Dave Wilson, Mrs, Harold Cohn and Mrs. Agnes Curran. Mrs. Bruce Gibbs and Mrs. Wil iam Cox were hostesses for their bridge club at the Gibbs' home last Thursday afternoon, at a dessert bridge. Mrs. George Burroughs won high score, and Mrs. Oral Wright second. Others present were Mrs. Earle Bryant, Mrs. Cornett Green, Mrs. Anson Rugg and Mrs. Frank Connor. A number of Heppner members of the American Legion and auxil iary attended the banquet given by the Hermiston legion last Monday evening. Speakers and group sing ing made up the program. A parade was staged by the local bands and legion leaders on the Hermiston streets preceding . the football game between the Hermiston and Hepp ner high schools. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cox spent Monday in Hermiston, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Cox, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Payne. They later attended the legion banquet. Mr. Howard Bryant was confined at home a few days this week with an attack of quinsy. A first aid class, sponsored by the American Legion auxiliary and in structed by Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, will start next week. Mr. A. T. King of Portland, and Norton King, who is attending Ore gon State college, visited in Hepp ner last week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thomson, Jr., and small daughter are spending a week vacationing in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kinne and son Dickie spent the week end in Yak ima. Mr. Fred A. Miller of Oregon City has joined his son Dwight Miller here for elk hunting. Mrs. Truman Babb is in Portland this week. The Bookworms met Tuesday eve ning at the home of Miss Leta Hum phreys. Mrs. Ture Peterson review- niMinHHHiiiiiniiimiiiimmiiniiimi At Heppner CHURCHES m. METHODIST CHURCH Sunday school at 9:45. Morning worship at 11 a Epworth League at 6:30. Evening service at 7:30. Midweek service Thursday at 7:30 p. m. We invite you to come worship with us. James Wilkins, Pastor. dessert bridge Wednesday afternoon at Lucas Place for her duplicate club. The winning team was Mrs. Lawrence, Mrs. Fred Lucas, Mrs. W. I O. Bayless and Mrs. W. P. Mahoney. Ladies night has been announced for tonight by the Elks club. All members are invited. Bridge will be played by the ladies, with danc ing and refreshments following. CHURCH OF CHRIST Martin B. Clark, Pastor Bible School, 9:45. , Communion and preaching, 11:00. Christian Endeavor, 6:30. Evening service, 7:30. ALL-SAINTS CHURCH Sunday school at 10 a. m. Com munion at ,11, with Dean Eric Ro bathan officiating. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Evangelists, 7:30. Bible study, Tuesday, 7:30. Prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30. You are welcome and we encour age you to come to any or all of these services. Sterl D. Spiesz, Pastor. ed the book, "Quietly My Captain Waits," a historical novel of the 18th century, placed in Eastern Can ada. Colored slides taken of Quebec, the St. Lawrence river and Gaspe peninsula, which were featured in the book, were shown by Miss Rose Leibbrand. Eleven members were present and refreshments were serv ed at the close of the evening. Mrs. Ray Kinne was hostess to the Kensington club at her home Monday, November 4th. The Earle Bryant's baby son Bob by is reported to be quite ill at his home. Mrs. Stephen Thompson enter tained members of the Wednesday bridge club at her home yesterday. The afafir was a dessert bridge, with two tables of contract in play. High score was won by Mrs. Jasper Crawford and Mrs. Thompson re ceived second prize. Guests were Mrs. Robert Knox and Mrs. Mau rice Shepard. Mrs. Richard Lawrence held a NEW MADEMOISELLE SET Complete 61 Pieces NOW ONLY $29-75 Stt contain:-16 Teaspoons, 8 Hollow Handle Stalnlen Kniva, t Forks, 8 Soup Spoons, 8 Salad Forks, 8 Individual Butter Knives, 2 Serving Spoons, 1 Cold Meat Fork, 1 Butter Knife, 1 Sugar Spoon. The Open Stock price of these pieces is $39.75. You save when you buy this Complete Servicel Tudor Plate is made by Oneida Community ' Silversmiths and is backed by Wear-Proofed Guarantee. TERMS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET PETERSON'S Heppner, Ore. CALL FOR WARRANTS Outstanding warrants of School District No. 1. Morrow County, Or egon, numbered 6350 to 6361, both numbers inclusive, will be paid on presentation to the district clerk. Interest on said warrants ceases November 15, 1940. ROBERT V. JONES, Clerk, School Dist. No. 1, Heppner, Oregon. CARD OF THANKS Our sincere thanks and apprecia tion are extended to the many friends for their help, sympathy and floral tribute at the time of be reavement of our beloved wife and mother. The Turner Families. The most individual gift a per manent from Myrtle's 37t. WMSm SAFEWAY'S THE PLACE FOR THEM Low Prices on everything you need for your COMPLETE THANKSGIVING DAY DINNER TOU&KIEYS Our price on these finest grade, qual ity birds may change by Thanks giving. We recommend that you drop in and get an up-to-the-minute price before you buy. We are featuring "NORBEST" TURKEYS No. 1 Prime Quality Government graded, mountain-grown birds. The fin est money can buy. U. S. NO. 1 HENS e take orders for ALL j jj 1 QMS Plump, y'ng. lb. 24c CHICKENS or TURKEYS. QUALITY GUARANTEED Try one per lb. 19c SKINNED HAMS TENDER STEAX ! Pure PORK I SAUSAGE OfMH. in TirpiiiP i iioimay lreat : tor a mucK ivieai 2 LBS. MINCE MEAT PINEAPPLE ENGLISH MAID STOKELY SLICED 39c 3-lb. can 2-lb. jar 26c No. l'4 cans EDWARDS 2 lb 3OC lib. can can w Airway lb bg 12c Nob Hill lb. 17c FLOUR Kitchen Gjrtrigf Craft SW?i1 49-lb IWH Sack Q $129 Prices Fri. to thanksgiving Nov. 15-20, incl POULTRY SEASONING Sch,1"2nb0JI 13c OYSTERS, BLUE JACKET 5oz.t 10c CRANBERRY SAUCE 2 for 25c PUMPKIN, RAYMAL 2 2 can, 15c TUNA FLAKES, ABBEY , 10c JELL WELL, ASSORTED 3Pi. 10c WALNUTS, LARGE FANCY 25o 2 ib.. 25c Flulfiesl Lb. pkg IUC 4-oz. bottle I5c TEA, CANTERBURY ORflNGBP4&, 25c CRISC0 SHORTENING aibcn 46c RAISINS Sun-Maid Nectars 15ozp1cg IC CHOCOLATE CHOCOLATE DROPS MARSHMALLOWS VANILLA WESTflG HER3HEY BAKING I f ft lb caka I I B DUCHESS BREAD SALAD DRESSING Pint Jar 15c Qt. Jar 23 JULIA LEE WRIGHT'S IT'S PIRST DAY FRESH! PORK & BEANS KftT 2. 17c FRUIT COCKTAIL Sun Down No 1 oan 10c GRAPEFRUIT GLENN AIRE No 2 can II C BLEACH, WHITE MAGIC Mo.uug (7c KLEK Granulated SOAP 22ozpkj 170 SIERRA PINE Toilet Soap 3 cake, 17c fa T'i POTATOES U.S. No. Is. 100-lb. bag $1.29 U.S. No. 2s. 50-lb. bae: 59r Ci D A D F C Emperors, fancy Jumbo Utah bunch shop, bag IUHLtmUINJ K 10c I PARSNIPS Extra large CELERY CDADCCnillT ldoz. in UKHrLI KUII si ONIONS I PTTI IPC LLIIUL &firmhd I""" 1 inn 111 11 iiiiiiiiimiim 1 Tomato Juice, S.D. 46-oz 17c Pineapple, Gl. 4-oz. pkg. .. 10c Citron Peel, 8 oz. cello pkg... 17c Peas, Sugar Belle, fey. No. 2 11c String Beans, B.Gate, No. 2s 11c Corn, C'try Home W.K.No.2 11c Dates, Bordo. Fancy. V2 lb. 25c" Fruit Mix, Radiant 16-oz. .. 33c Syrup, SI. Hoi. 24-oz. tin .... 29c Pecans, paper shell, lb 25c Chocolates, Holiday 5-lb box 98c Candy, Gum or Or. Drops, lb. 10c SuPurb Gran. Soap. Ig. pkg. 17c Bleach, White Magic i gal 17c pound 5c II SWEET POTATOES 25c 19c c 5c I CABBAGE Sunkist dozen Local 3 lbs, Green and solid, lb. ... !C FLOUR I SUGAR 1 MILK HARVEST BLOSSOM 49-lb. Sack SI.19 Extra Fine Granulated 100-lb. Sk. CHERUB Tall Tins 4 for S5.09 I 27c SWANSDOWN RAISINS 20c Cake Flour large pkg. Market Day lb. catsup reae 10c DIP ll CC Paradise. Sweet or riUIXLLJ sweet mixed, qt. 23c lllllllllllllllllllllllMIMIIIItlMtMllllllllllllllllllfllllMIIIIIIIIIIIII Illlltllllllllllllllllllllllltl Illf llllllllllf lllf irllllllMllllftltf lfllMCllltltlIlirtltttttlllltlilittllt1iK 111111111111H11111111111 iiiiimiiiiiiiii 111 1 11 1 iiiiiii inn Minimi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1 MHTIPF StartinS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, this store will open on llUIILL week days at 8 a.m. and close at 6 p.m. EXCEPT Saturdays.