Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 14, 1940, Page Page Six, Image 6

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    Page Six
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Thursday, November 14, 1940
o More for Relief
o Post Mortems
o Senate Head
Salem. When the state legislature
convenes in January it will have
before it a budget calling for ap
propriations out of the general fund
totalling $15,790,698.
According to Budget Director Ec
cls the amount which is approxi
mately $1,450,000 greater than ap
propriations approved by the last
session, is still well within estimated
revenues for the biennium.
Eccles explained that the budget
as approved by the governor pro
vides for an appropriation of $2,500,
000 out of the general fund for re
lief purposes, this amount to be in
addition to profits from the state's
liquor monopoly. The last relief
budget included only $600,000 from
the general fund of the current bi
ennium although there was a carry
over of $1,500,000 in an untouched
appropriation from the previous bi
ennium. There is also provision in
the 1941-42 budget for an amroDria-
tion of $3,943,000 from general fund
revenues within the six per cent
constitutional limitation for support
of the state's institutions of higher
education. This sum will be in ad
dition to special millage levies cal
culated to bring the state's contri
bution to higher learning ud to a
total of $5,782,088, a reduction of
$421,000 from budget requests pre
sented by the board of higher ed
ucation. ,
Institution budgets approved by
the governor call for appropriations
totalling $4,558,211, which is a small
increase over appropriations for the
current biennium.
consolation the Republicans of Ore
gon can glean from the result of the
presidential contest is to be found
in the fact that Roosevelt's lead in
this state was substantially reduced
from that piled up for the New Deal
candidate in 1932 and again in 1936.
But the Roosevelt victory was not
the only surprise administered the
Republicans in this state. The
strength displayed by A. L. Brown,
democratic candidate for treasurer,
and Bruce Spaulding, democratic
candidate for attorney general, has
also given the majority party lead
ers something to worry about.
Defeat of some of the ballot mea
sures. all nine of which were re
jected, can be laid to the doubtful
no vote, always an important fac
tor in Oregon elections. With inter
est in the campaign centered almost
entirely on the presidential contest,
the ballot measures were almost lost
sight of with the result that thou
sands of voters went into the Doll
ing booths uninformed and, being
m doubt, voted no.
Nineteen Oregon counties shared
in the distribution of $14,364.37 in
Taylor Grazing fees this week, rep
resenting the states share of rev
enues realized through leasing these
federal lands for grazing nurnoses
Apportionment of the fund, made on
the basis of the acreage of grazing
lands contained in each countv. ran
ged from a minimum of $3.82 to
Curry county to a maximum of
$4,757.35 to Malheur county. Other
counties participating in the distri
bution of this fund included: De
schutes $408.13, Sherman $212.36
Harney $3,593, and Wasco $186.02.
More than 250 Oregon men be
tween the ages of 21 and 36 years
have already applied to their local
boards for a chance to enlist for a
year of military training in the reg
ular army, according to Lt. Col. El
mer V. Wooten, state director of
selective service. Oregon's quota of
06 men for the first contingent to
be called into service this month
will be selected from this list of vol
unteers, Wooten said, making it un
necessary to "draft" any Oregon men
in the first call. Questionnaires have
been sent to all of these volunteers
and physical examinations are be
ing conducted to determine their
fitness for military service.
Oregon's presidential electors, cho
sen by the voters in the recent gen
eral election, will meet in Salem on
December 16 to cast this state's five
votes for Franklin D. Roosevelt and
Henry C. Wallace as the state's
choice for president and vice-president.
The result of the vote will be
sent to the president of the United
States senate by registered air-mail,
the custom of having this informa
tion taken to Washington by spe
cial messenger having been discon
tinued back in 1913.
Eight out of every ten "foreign"
cars entering Oregon this year came
from one of the ten western states,
according to a report compiled by
Secretary of State Snell. Washing
ton, Idaho and California accounted
for three-fourths of the state's tour
ist travel this year. The 120,445 out-of-state
cars registered in Oregon
this year represents a drop of 15
percent in tourist travel as compar
ed with the record for 1939.
The election is over but the post
mortems continue. About the only)
Speculation as to the next presi
dent of the Oregon state senate was
set at rest this week when Douglas
McKay of Salem announced his
withdrawal from the race in favor
of Senator Dean Walker of Polk
county whose election is thus as
sured. Walker's election to the sen
ate presidency will leave vacant the
important post of chairman of the
powerful ways and means commit
tee which he has held for the past
several sessions. Among those most
prominently mentioned to succeed
Walker in this post is Ronald Jones
of Marion county who has served
on the committee for the past two
sessions. It is said that McKav
would prefer to remain as chairman
of the senate committee on roads
and highways.
On the other side of the legis
lative chamber however, the battle
for the speakership continues to
wage between Robert Farrell, Jr., of
Portland and Wm. McAlister of
Medford, wtih John Steelhammer of
Salem standing ready to jump into
the breach if the contest between
these two candidates should devel
op into a deadlock.
A total of 372 prisoners have been
released from the state penitentiary
since the new parole board was cre
ated in June, 1939, according to a
report submitted by the board to
Governor Sprague. Of this number
310 were released on straight par
oles, 20 were paroled after commu
tations and six received conditional
Out-of-school youth between the
ages of 17 and 25 years are to be of
fered opportunities for training in
vocational agriculture, trades and in
dustries and certain phases of home
making under the national defense
program of the state board of voca
tional education, the board decided
at a meeting here this week.
Republicans will control both
houses of the next state legislature
with 28 members in the house to 22
democrats, and 24 members of the
senate to six democrats.
Washington, D. C, Nov. 14. Little
publicity has been given to the wor
ry the administration is having over
the prospect of inflation, of prices
going sky high and the cost of liv
ing soaring beyond the ability of the
consumer to nav. Secret meetings
have been held by high officials
seeking methods of preventing boom
prices without the drastic step of
price fixing. Prices can be pegged
by the government, but such a step
would be unpopular, although pos
sibly not with the purchasers.
At one of the executive meetings
behind closed doors officials studied
how commodity prices can be indi
rectly regulated. They decided a
brake on rising orices can be ap
plied by the government releasing
its immense stock of wheat, corn.
cotton and other commodities which
it owns or on which it has made
loans. These officials also considered
lowering tariffs which would permit
the importation of such commodities
as were going too high. The Latin
American countries whose friend
ship the United States courts, pro
duce many commodities competing
with farmers of the United States.
It would be possible to curb prices
on beef, turkeys, cotton, grains, etc.,
by allowing these items to come in
from South America.
First step toward curbing a com
modity price is the war department's
announcement that Australian, New
Zealand and South American wool
can be used in uniforms and blank
ets. Heretofore only domestic wool
could be used. War department is
admitting foreign wool to prevent
the price of American wool from
going too high.
synthetic rubber made principally
from alcohol extracted from prunes,
apples and pears.
Farm boys who have trap lines in
the northwest may soon find the
business more profitable. The army
is in the market, or will be soon,
for parkas to be worn by troops in
Alaska. First to be outfitted will be
the army flyers, then detachments of
soldiers stationed in the colder sec
tions of the territory. Last week
the war department ordered several
thousand skis, ski sticks and snow
shoes for the Alaska contingent. (Al
so ordered several hundred thou
sand yards of mosquito bar for troops
to be dispatched to the Philippines
and the Caribbean sea). Army re
quirements for furs are expected to
increase the price for raw skins.
For his success in obtaining fly
ing fortress bombers and destroyers
from the United States Ambassador
Lothian has been awarded the Order
of the Thistle by the British king . . .
A princess of a royal family who
flew from Europe is renting a house
near the national capital and secret
service men have to guard her. . . A
representative has "extended re
marks" in the Congressional Record
which cost $2,000 to print in that
document. . . Next major move of
President Roosevelt is to patch up
the war between CIO and AFL and
unite labor. ... At his first press con
ference after the election President
Roosevelt reprimanded a reporter
who inquired about a fourth term.
J. 0. Turner
Phone 173
Hotel Heppner Building
A. D. McMurdo, M. D.
Trained hm Assists!
Office In Masonic Building
Heppner, Oregon
Abstract Co.
Roberta Building Heppner, On
P. W. Mahoney
Heppner Hotel Building
Willow St Entrance
J. 0. Peterson
Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods
Watches . Clocks . Diamonds
Expert Watch and Jewelry
Heppner, Oregon
Snow Survey Work
Expanded by SCS
Snow survey work throughout
Oregon followed by water supply
forecasts will be continued under the
division of irrigation of the Soil
Conservation service the same as
for the past several years, according
to word from R. A. Work, federal
engineer stationed at the Medford
branch experiment station and in
charge of surveys for the past sev
eral years.
Because the task of gathering in
formation on winter sports area snow
and weather conditions has been
turned over to the weather bureau,
many have the impression that the
snow survey work has been discon
tinued, says Work. W. W. McLaugh
lin, chief of the division of irrigation,
has just issued a statement assuring
all inquirers that the survey work
is even being extended to additional
watersheds and to more considera
tion of ground water conditions.
News for the man of the house.
Give the lady of the house one of
Myrtle's distinguished permanents
for Christmas. 37f
If automobile prices get out of line
the officials believe the situation
can be met by imposing a tariff tax.
Same with radio sets and refrigera
tion appliances factories making
these articles are producing certain
gadgets for national defense and re
ducing their output of ice boxes and
For meeting inflation in real estate
the officials believe this can be han
dled by HOLC and Farm Credit
Administration tightening their cre
dit requirements and the Federal
Housing Administration increasing
requirements on insured mortgages.
As for bank loans, which might con
tribute to inflation, bank examiners
under the comptroller of currencv
are in position to drop a few gentle
The administration does not want
a repetition of the exorbitant prices
which prevailed during the first
world war. Officials are aware that
the 17 billion dollars already ap
propriated for national defense may
well cause a boom, and thev recog
nize that a boom will cause increas
ed distress among the nine million
unemployed. A paradox is that
while administration officials are
looking for a boom, other officials
are planning to ask congress in Jan
uary for more millions of dollars
for relief.
In the Matter of the Estate of John
Harrison, Deceased
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed ad
ministratrix of the Estate of John
Harrison, deceased, by the County
Court of the State of Oregon for
Morrow County, and all persons
having claims against the said es
tate are hereby required to present
such claims, duly verified and with
proper vouchers attacher, to the
undersigned at Randall & Perry's
office in the tangier building, in
Pendleton, Oregon, within six
months from the date of this notice.
Dated this 7th day of November,
Attorneys for Administratrix,
P. P.; Pendleton, Oregon.
Maternity Home
Mrs. Lillie Aiken
Phone 664 P.O. Box 142
Heppner, Oregon
Vawter Parker
First National Bank Building
Dr. Richard C. Lawrence
X-Ray and Extraction by Gag
First National Bank Bldg.
Phone 562 Heppner, Oregon
Dr. L. D. Tibbies
Physician A Surgeon
Rec. Phone 1182 Office Phone 492
Jos. J. Nys
Peters Building, Willow Street
Heppner, Oregon
Phelps Funeral Home
Ambulance Service
Trained Lady Assistant
Phone 1332
Heppner, Ore.
Henry Ford makes parts of his
automobiles from sov beans. Nvlon
hose comes from an industrial by
product. These and other develop
ments have come from private re
search. Now the government intends
investigating the industrial possibil
ities of apples, wheat, alfalfa, spuds,
vegetables, and poultry by-products,
such as egg white. A laboratory will
be opened within a few months
across the bay from San Francisco
in the town of Albany. Waste from
fruit canneries may, as a' result of
investigation and experimentation,
prove more valuable than the can
ned product. Think of a complete bi
cycle made from a vegetable garden;
it is now almost possible (except for
tires) from soybeans, and there is a
t : s
Bodily Injury & Property Damage
Class A $13.60 Class B $17.00
See us before financing your
next automobile.
Heppner City Council
Meets First Monday Each Month
Citizens having matters for dis
cussion, please bring before
the Council
G. A. BLEAKMAN, Mayor.
ATwater 4884
6th at Washington
V. R. Runnion
Farm Sales and Livestock a Specialty
405 Jones Street, Heppner. Ore.
Phone 452
Morrow County
Abstract & Title Co.
Office in New Peters Building
Peterson & Peterson
0. S. National Bank Building
Practice In State and Federal Courts
Real Estate
General Line of Insurance and
Notary Publlo
Phone 6a T0nCi ore.
Directors of
862 Phones 26Z