Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 07, 1940, Page Page Six, Image 6

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    Page Six
o High Camp Morale
o Labor Shortage
o Valuation Slump
It was the privilege of this writer
to spend two days this past week
with the troops ofthe 41st division
at Camp Murray, Washington.
In a painstaking survey designed
to uncover conditions in the camp,
I found that in spite of almost con
tinual rainfall which has, naturally,
added to the discomforts of camp
life the troops are well fed, fairly
comfortable housed, adequately clo
thed; the morale of the troops is
high, the health of the camp excel
lent and there is a minimum of
complaint among the men themselv
es over the conditions under which
they live and train in the new role
as soldiers in Uncle Sam's regular
The last of the squad tents has
now been equipped with a board
floor and work is now under way on
board sidewalks for the tents to fur
ther protect the men against the in
clement weather of the wintry days
ahead. Each tent is equipped, and
has been from the outset, with a
Sibley stove, entirely adequate for
heating purposes. The men sleep
warm and comfortably on steel cots
supplied with good mattresses with
three heavy woolen blankets some
have four sheets and pillows, the
latter heretofore looked upon as a
luxury in an army camp.
Clothing issued to the men in
eludes two wool blouses, two pairs
of wool slacks, two pairs of heavy
army shoes, one complete fatigue
uniform of heavy blue denim, three
suits of long wool underwear, three
suits of light cotton underwear, four
pairs of wool socks and three pairs
of cotton socks, a heavy army over
coat and a raincoat, a regulation ar
my hat and a cap for dress wear.
A few of the men had not yet re
ceived their full issue of clothing,
due in part to inability to fit the
men with their proper size, partic
ularly in shoes, and in part to in
ability of clothing and shoe fac
tories to meet the suddenly extended
demand for army equipment.
On the day I visited the camp
only 130 men of the division were
in the hospital, which is not many
out of a city of 12,500 population,
especially when it is understood that
in the army every suspicious case
is immediately hospitalized where
as in civilian life most of these cases
would be treated in the homes or
the men would continue about their
usual activities with slight colds or
a touch of tonsilitis.
Major John W, Beard, veteran
chaplain of the 162d Oregon regi
ment, whose experience with the
troops of the Oregon national guard
dates back to pre-World War days
told me that he had never seen a
Stock Ranches
Wheat Ranches
Creek Ranches
See My Listings
V. R. Runnion
Heppner, Ore.
Home Comfort Range ....$65.00
Small Range, new -...$22.50
Oak Desk and Chair .....$10.00
Typewriter (Rem.) .$17.50
Typewriter (Under.) .....$25.00
Coleman Water Heater $10.00
DRESSER ..45.00
Davenport $6.00
Cream Separators $10.00
Winchester 30-30 car
bine, nearly new $20.00
Cloy Dykstra Heppner
time when the morale of the troops
was any higher than in this camp.
Most encouraging to one who has
been privileged to live with the
troops in camp during the past four
annual maneuvers was the attitude
of the enlisted men. While there
was some dissatisfaction as is only
natural in an army and under the
circumstances, the men were, gen
erally, not only uncomplaining but
highly appreciative of their treat
ment and of the improvements be
ing made in the camp for their comr
fort and convenience.
Oregon is seemingly short of skill
ed labor available for employment
in defense industries, according to
Otto R. Hartwig, vice-resident of
the state board for the mobilization
of labor. With good prospects for
the location of some of those new
industries in the Bonneville power
area on both sides of the Columbia
river this new board is now en
gaged in a survey of the labor sit
uation throughout the state in an
effort to discover just where skilled
men are available and the nature of
their skills.
Oregon's assessed valuation slump
ed another $4,430,000 during the last
year, bringing it down to $896,661,
000, or approximately on a level with
the valuation of 1911.
Compared with the peak valuation
of $1,125,100,000 attained in 1930, this
net loss of approximately $250,000,
000 represents a drop of 20 percent j
in the state's valuation in the last
ten years, according to figures com
piled by the state tax commission.
This situation is explained by tax
officials as due to four causes: De
flation of values following the de
pression; foreclosure on tax delin
quent properties which have thus
been removed from the tax rolls;
depletion of the state's stand of tim
ber either through fires or cutting
operations; acquisition of privately
owned properties by federal, state,
and local agencies.
With voluntary enlistments on
the increase Oregon will not have
to call up a single man in the first
quota of draftees to be ordered into
the army on November 18, in the
opinion of Lt. Col. Elmer V. Wooten,
state director of selective service.
The state board has just received
from national" headquarters
a copy of the tale showing each
state's quota of conscripts against
which is credited voluntary enlist
ments which in this state is expect
ed to more than offset the Novem
ber call with a good prospect that
even the second call will be largely
filled by volunteers.
The state liquor commission has
outgrown its present headquarters
in Portland and expects to move
into larger quarters following the
expiration of its present lease in
May, the liquor control board told
Governor Sprague at a conference
here this week. Liquor control poli
cies were discussed with the gover
nor' during the conference.
Possibility of a reorganization of
the parole set-up at the state train-
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a budget committee of the Non-high
School District of Morrow County, State of Oregon, at a meeting of said com
mittee held on the 18th day of October, 1940. prepared an estimate in detail of the
amount of money proposed to be expended by said Non-high School District for
all purposes during the fiscal school year beginning June 17th, 1940, and ending
June 16th, 1941, and an estimate in detail of the probable receipts of said Non
high School District from all sources for the school year 1940, 1941. The Board of
Education of said Non-high School District has fixed the 9th day of November,
1940, at the hour of 3:00 P. M. at the Court House in Heppner, Oregon, ae the
time and place at which said estimates may be discussed with the Board of Edu
cation of said Non-high School District, at which time and place any and all
persons interested will be heard for or against said tax levy or any part thereof.
That said estimates and attached original estimate sheets are on file in the office
of the County Superintendent of Schools and are there open to the inspection of
all persons Interested therein, and the same are by reference made a part thereof.
Cash on hand at the beginning of the year for which this budget ia
made - 8 294.40
Amounts received from other sources - 244.38
Travel Expenses of the Board Members
Total Receipts , ,f o2? I?
Total Expenditures 18,d75.00
DIFFERENCE (Amount to be raised by tax on the Morrow
County Non-High School District) $12,836.22
Dated this 18th day of October, 1940.
Chairman, Budget Committee
Secretary, Budget Committee.
Gazette Times, Heppner,
Vows Event of Week
Mr. Michael Gorham of Council
Bluffs, Iowa, brother of Jack Gor
ham of Boardman, is visiting for a
few days. He arrived in Echo at
the home of hi3 daughter, Mrs. Del
bert Wetherell last week, and came
on down here Friday. Mike Gor
ham is also the brother of Mrs.
Frank Ackerman.
Ed Skoubo and Warren Dillon
have obtained jobs near The Dalles
working on the river. They left for
there Sunday.
Among those going elk hunting
within the last week were Mr. Chas.
Dillon, Mr. Reese, Paul Smith, Char
les Smith, E. T. Messenger, Elmer
Sullivan, Glen Mallery and Lawton
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Raney and
daughter Phyllis were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. J. F. Gorham Saturday
night. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Raney
and Mr. and Mrs. Gorham went on
to Blalock where they visited Mr.
and Mrs. Wolfe, former residents of
Henry Graves is home from his
trucking job in Gibbon. He was em
ployed there for the last three
A grange card party was held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. C." A.
Tannehill Saturday evening. A fair
sized crowd attended.
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Bleakney were
visitors on the project Monday and
Tuesday. They came back for el
George McNabb of The Dalles is
here visiting Gilbert Petteys this
ing school for boys is seen here fol
lowing a report by Budget Director
David Eccles describing the present
system as "a mess." Governor Spra
gue at a meeting of the board of
control this week suggested that 'the
parole staff at the school be reor
ganized rather than place the. insti
tution's parole functions under the
state parole board which now exer
cises jurisdiction over inmates of
the state prison.
If the state game commission
wants to acquire lake bed lands in
Summer lake it will have to double
its offer of $5 an acre. The state land
board at a meeting this week set the
price of this land at $10 an acre.
Approximately 3100 acres are said
to be involved in the deal.
State Treasurer Pearson found it
necessary to dip into other state
funds this week for another loan of
$300,000 to the liquor commission to
finance relief needs. The loan is
underwritten by an issue of liquor
certificates. Liquor certificates now
outstanding total $600,000 and Pear
son estimates that these loans will
touch $750,000 by the first of the
The assessed valuation of utility
companies operating in Oregon in
creased by $1,347,125 during the past
year, it was revealed by the state tax
commission this week.'
$ 5,538.78
- - 500.00
Chairman, Board of Education.
Clerk, Board of Education.
week. He is hunting while here. I ft T
Mrs. Edythe Nickerson of Board- J. U. I U flier
man and Bob Hilder of Arlington ATTORNEY AT LAW
were married Saturday, Nov. 2, in phone 178
Boise, Idaho. Mrs. Chas. Nickerson, one
the bride's mother, accompanied Hotel Heppner Building
them to Boise where she attended HEPPNER, ORB.
the wedding and spent the week end
with her son and family, Mr. and ,
Mrs. Willard Nickerson. . . . . .
A. D. McMurdo, M. D.
COUNTY OF MORROW. office In Masonic Building
In the Matter of the Estate of B. F. Heppner. Oregon
DE VORE, Deceased. I
To Frank DeVore, Marvin DeVore ( .
and Neil DeVore of the heirs of j,
the above named deceased: Meppner
OF OREGON, you and each of you , LOG IB RICHARDSON. Mgr.
are hereby cited and directed to.be .
and appear before the above en- RATES REASONABLE
titled court within twenty-eight Roberts Building Heppner, Ose.
days from the date of the first pub-
lication of this citation upon you to i
show cause, if any exists, why an p MohonGV
order of sale should not be made '
authorizing A. G. DeVore, adminis- ATTORNEY AT LAW
trator of the estate of the above general INSURANCE
named deceased to sell the follow-
ing described real property of said Hggnjr Hotel Bunding
estate, to-wit: I
Lot two (2) in Block "G" of
the Town of Hardman, Morrow I
County, Oregon, J. O. PeterSOIl
and the date of the first publication . ,
t ii. -4 4- ni u 1-U.I. Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods
of this citation is October 10th, 1940. yookg Diamondi
WITNESS the Honorable feert ws"wies "
T , T . ... . ,. Expert Watch and Jewelry
Johnson, Judge of the above enti- Repairing
tied court with the seal of said court Heppner, Oregon
affixed this 8th day of October, 1940. I . ,
(SEAL) County Clerk. . n ,
Vawter Parker
Notice is hereby given that the ATTORNEY-AT-LAW
undersigned administrator of the es
tate of Hilda A. Klinger, deceased.
has filed his final account of his ad- First National Bank Buildlng
ministration of the estate of said I '
deceased with the County Court of '
the State of Oregon for Morrow n. - ,
County, and that said court has Dr R,chard C Lawrence
fixed Tuesday the I2th day of No- DENTIST
vember, 1940, at the hour of 10:00 X-Ray and Extraction by Gas
o'clock in the forenoon of said day
in the County Court room at the Furst Nat10nal Bank Bldg
Court House at Heppner, Oregon, Phone 562 Heppner, Oregon
as the time and place for hearing
objections to said final account and i i
the settlement of said estate and all I H Tibbies
persons having objections thereto 1 ,DU,es
are hereby required to file same Fh?siSan" Swgeon
with said court on or before the
t;mo t:voA fnr. eo;j i FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG.
time fixed for said heanng Rec. Phone 1182 Office Phone 492
Dated and first published this . HEPPNER OREGON
10th day of October, 1940. j -
Jos. J. Nys
Professional attorney at law
. Pitm BaUdlag. Willow Itreet
D I re C tO ry Heppner, Oregon
Maternity Home V. R. Runnion
Mrs. Lillie Aikea AUCTIONEER
tm. ami . Fait lal Mil Uy kxk a fjpMlaltf
Phone 064 P.O. Box 142 , JonM HeppneTonT
Heppner, Oregon Phone 453
, . I J
Phelps Funeral Home r.
... . Morrow County
Ambulance Service m
Trained Lady Assistant ADStrOCt & Title CO.
Phone 1332 Heooner Ore ABSTRACTS OP TITU
iriiuue itwi aicyyixi., ure. TITLE HTSXTBAKCE
V ' Office In New Peters Building
t I
Bodily Injury & Property Damage PfrCrn Ft PoamaN
class a $13.60 class b $17.00 Peterson r Peterson
See us before financing your ATTORNEYS AT LAW
next automobile.
TTX V. S. National Bank Building
Praotloe la State and Federal Court
--------------------- - --j '"
Heppner City Council rr jz
Meets First Monday Each Month Real Estate
Citizens having matters for di- GnenU "neMnsurance and '
cussion, please bring before
the Council . W. M. EUBANKS
G. A. BLEAKMAN, Mayor. Phona 63 otary
GLENN Y. WELLS m.l.case g.e.nikander
attorney at law Directors of
ATwater 4884 m
5th at Washington
PORTLAND. OREGON 862 Phones 261
Thursday. November 7, 1940