Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 31, 1940, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two.
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Thursday, October, 31, 1940
The Home Economics club of the
Lena grange met at the home of
Mrs. Marion Finch with Mrs. Clay
ton Ayers as hostess. There were
eight members and two visitors pre
sent. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger
were Pendleton visitors Friday.
Mrs. Robert Smith of Irrigon spent
a few days last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bartholomew
made a business trip to The Dalles
Mr. and Mrs. Marion. Finch and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ayers
and family and Mr. and Mrs. E. B.
Wattenburger and family spent
Thursday evening at the Russell
Moore home.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Van Orsdale
and Miss Othelia Brandhagen of
Pendleton spent Sunday with Mrs.
Van Orsdale's sister and family, Mrs.
E. B. Wattentburger.
Mrs. Bill McDaid who has been
in Pendleton because of illness, re
turned home Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch, Mr.
and Mrs. Clayton Ayers, Mr. Daley
and daughters spent Saturday in
Mrs. Ruby Coxen and Jim Ayers
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Clayton Ayers.
Mr; and Mrs. Geo. H. Brewster,
Mr. and Mrs. D. Townsend and Mr.
and Mrs. R. L. Brewster were week
end guests of the R. E. McGreers.
Mr. and Mrs. Olan Ritchie and
daughter of Stanfield, Mrs. Mary
Ritchie of Hermiston, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Rauch, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Mar
ion Finch spent Sunday at the
Clayton Ayers home. The men en
joyed the day hunting pheasants.
Fred Rauch and Harry Andrews
were callers Monday at the A. E.
Wattenburger ranch.
Three men eligible to conscription
in the Pine City community are
Jaser Myers, No. 272; Russell Moore,
No. 507, Burl Wattenburger, No. 398.
Roy Neill and Clifford Conrad of
Heppner spent a few days last week
in Portland on business.
Mrs. Roy Neill spent a few days
last week with her daughter, Mrs.
Knighten of Hardman.
Lena Wilson from Idaho are visiting
Mrs. Nora Wilson and family.
Mrs. Farrell, who has been very
ill in the Pendleton hospital, is im
proving and expects to be able to
return home early this week.
Bert Dexter has returned home
and is employed on the section.
Miss Helen Powlson from Wal
lowa is visiting her grandmother,
Mrs. Abe Swearingen and family
and the Horner family.
The revival meetings being con
ducted at the Pentecostal church
under the leadership of Rev. Ricker
from Freewater closed Sunday eve
ning. Mrs. Edith Puckett from Portland
is visiting relatives here.
Mrs. Frank Frederickson who has
been visiting her daughters, Mrs.
West and Mrs. Wheeler and their
families, in Grabull, Wyo., returned
home recently.
Hardman Hunters
Lucky at Season End
The last few days of open deer
season . the Hardman hunters sure
brought in the bucks. Successful
hunters included Guy Chapin, Dick
Steers, Elmer Steers, Carl Leathers,
Claud Buschke, Sabin Hastings, Ted
Reed, Vic Lovgren, Darrel Farrens,
Buster Bleakman.
A large number of friends at'
tended the shower for Mrs. Bert
Burnsides on Saturday and many
ladies came from the country mak
ing one of the very nicest showers
given here. Mrs. Burnsides receiv
ed lots of lovely presents. Delicious
refreshments were served.
Mrs. Earl Redding and daughter
returned home Friday from the Ar
buckle camp where she had been
visiting the last week with Mrs.
Raymond Reid.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDaniel, Jr.,
moved to. town from Reed's mill.
They have worked there the last
summer, Mrs. McDaniel doing the
' Mrs. Al Lovgren and Mrs. Claud
Buschke gave Mr. and Mrs. S. T.
Robison a handkerchief shower at
the Buschke home last Wednesday
evening. There were 17 friends in
vited. The high school gave a masquer
ade party Friday nite. They put on a
program with the audience assisting
that was very clever. The freshmen
had charge of the program. Later
games were played and refreshments
of jello, doughnuts and maple bars
were sold, the proceeds to buy new
cups for the school.
Mrs. Maud Robison and sons Rich
ard and Jim Leach visited Mrs. Sam
McDaniel, Jr., Sunday afternoon.
She has been sick since moving
in from the mill.
Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Robison visited
in town Sunday afternoon. Mr. Rob
ison expects to start riding for his
cattle this week to ship them to
Bonanza in Klamath county.
Mr. and Mrs. Kinard McDaniel
and daughter ' moved to the Ed
Craber place below town Saturday
where they will live this winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Cannon were
visitors this week from near Camas,
There will be a dance at the I. O.
O. F. hall Saturday night, the 2,nd
O. F. hall, Saturday, Nov. 2, with
the Leathers orchestra.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Marquardt
left Sunday for a short vacation
in Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whillock and
family were business visitors in Pen
dleton Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer .Hunt and
family and Charlotte Chambers were
Sunday dinner guests at the Ivan
Amend home.
The Study club held its weekly
meeting Monday evening at the
Louis Foos home.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurel Ruhl and
son, Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Gray,
Mrs. Nettie Davis and son Jimmy
were visiting relatives in Stanfield
The local grangers enjoyed a Hal
lowe'en party at the hall Saturday
-www. "1 .
Home Comfort Range ....$65.00
Small Range, new $22.50
Oak Desk and Chair $10.00,
Typewriter (Rem.) $17.50
Typewriter (Under.) $25.00
Coleman Water Heater $10.00
Davenport .$6.00
Cream Separators $10.00
Winchester 30-30 car
bine, nearly new $20.00
Cloy Dykstra Heppner
Agricultural Adjustment Program.
Forest Conservation. (No more sawmill ghost towns.)
Soil Conservation.
Rural Electrification.
Columbia River Improvement and Development.
Irrigation and Flood Control in Eastern Oregon.
Range Improvement Program.
Interest reduction on federal farm loans, saving fanners of
this county $21,044.
Truth-in-Fabrics bill to aid wool growers. (Passed after 40
years struggle.)
Tariffs on farm imports.
Endorsed by Labor, Farmers, Townsendites
Competent - Aggressive - Experienced
Paid Adv.
Take This List to
the Polls With
General Election
for South Heppner Precinct
Morrow County, Oregon
President and Vice-Pres.
Wendell Willkic and
Charles L. McNary.
Mr. and Mrs. Chancey Grimm are
tuuvjng into ms residence nearer
town and have rented the house
owned by Mrs. Grimm (nee Mrs.
Ryder) to Mr. Whitney who is em
ployed near here with the Columbia
gold dredging company. He will
move his family in at once. Mrs.
Whitney is a niece of Fred Caldwell
and has been at his home the last
Mr. Duiss is having a well drilled
at his place northeast of town.
Milo Hinkley is laying the ex
tension pipe to his residence which
will suply water from the city
well now owned by W. C. Isom.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Acock are
staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Glen O'Brian while getting located.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom motored
to Bates Friday to visit their son,
Don Isom, and family. They re
turned by Monument where they
visited Mrs. Isom's sister, Mrs. Dave
Musgrave and family, arriving home
late Monday. They report six inches
of snow on the highway over Dixie
mountain, Sunday.
Mrs. Godwin and son and Mrs.
Congressman, 2nd District
15 Rex Ellis
19 Leslie M. Scott
Attorney General
22 I. H. Van Winkle
Representative, 22nd Dist.
23 Giles L. French
24 E. H. Miller (R&D)
District Attorney
Frank Alfred
f I
I Tell the Salesman -rVi
27 Roy Neill
28 Chas. Barlow
29 C. J. D. Baunian"
30 A. D. McMurdo
C Low-Cost Financing
) Builds Bank Credit
for your other needs . . .
in 41 state-wide branches!
B. C. PINCKNEY, Manager
mm mmmh bbbb
This adv. pii Itr by tat Ktpublictn Staf
Central Cemmitttt, Krm Crandtll, Cbm.;
S.W. 4th and Wuaingfa, Portland, Ota.
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