Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 26, 1940, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two
Study Club Elects
Officers for Year
Walter Gerard, small son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ernest Gerard, is ill at his
home with flu.
Mrs. Foos arrived Saturday to
make her home here during the
school year.
Juanita Padberg received a cut
on the head when she fell from the
back porch steps at her home Mon
day. She was taken to a Heppner
physician who dressed the wound.
Kenneth Jackson spent the week
end at home from his studies in
Forest Miller was a guest at the
A. M. Edwards home Sunday.
Local hunters who have bagged
a deer are Albert Edwards, Eldon
Padberg and Duane Johnson.
Claud Hill of Redmond joined his
family here this week to visit friends
and relatives. The family returned
home Saturday.
The Three Link club held a meet
ing Tuesday evening to discuss plans
for the Pioneers' Reunion,
A large crowd attended the P. T.
A. meeting Wednesday evening. Mrs.
Lilian Turner told of her visit in
Alaska and community singing was
enjoyed. Refreshments of cookies,
punch and coffee were served.
The local Rebekah lodge enter
tained the Rebekah convention Sat
There will be a social meeting for
the community at the grange hall in
the evening of Saturday, Sept. 28.
The study club met Monday eve'
ning to elect officers and outline
their program for the coming year.
Officers elected were president, Mrs.
Foos; vice-president, Helen Bresh
ears; secretary-treasurer, Mary Ed
wards. The club will study current
events until after election, then will
study conditions in the various for
eign countries. The next meeting
will be October 8 at the Gleason
Art Hunt was ill at his home this
Lola Padberg spent Thursday at
the Harvey Bauman home.
Estelle Ledbetter was a guest of
Eileen Scott Wednesday night.
Deanna Steagall, small daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall,
who was severly injured when she
fell from the back seat of the car
while coming from Heppner the
first of the week, is improving and
able to be up and around.
Maxine Gray spent Tuesday at
the William Van Winkle home.
Gene Gray of Stanfield was a
business visitor here last Wednes
day evening.
Dinner guests at the Tempa John
son home last Thursday were Sarah
"Thornburg, Melissa Stonebraker and
Xaura Scott.
. Mr, and Mrs. Eldee Vinson and
Mary Alice spent Sunday with rel
ati.es on Butter creek.
Mrs. Knighten and daughter have
moved from the Ralph Scott house
to the Alec Hunt house.
Crippled Children
Clinic Scheduled
A clinic for the crippled children
of Umatilla and Morrow counties
will be held in Pendleton on October
17, 1940, at the Vert Memorial build
ing. This clinic is part of the crippled
children's program of the state pub
lic welfare commission. Arrange
ments have been made for the clinic
by the Crippled Children's service
of the Oregon State Public Welfare
commission, the Umatilla County
Public Welfare comission and the
Umatilla Couaty Health unit, the
Morrow County Public Welfare com
mission and the Morrow County
Public Health nurse.
Admittance to the clinic is by ap
plication to the Umatilla County
Public Welfare commission, and the
Morrow County Public Welfare
Dr. C. Elmer Carlson will be the
examining orthopedic surgeon.
Heppner Blacksmith
& Machinery Co.
D. H. JONES, Mgr.
Expert Acetylene and Electric
lone College Students
Leave for Schools
Rev. C. F. Swander, state secre
tary of the Christian churches, will
hold services at the Christian church
in lone next Sunday morning at 11
Officers elected by the girls league
of the high school are Charlotte
Cannon, president; Eileen Sperry,
vice-president; Betty Lou Lindsay,
secretary; Barbara Ledbetter, trea
surer; Doris Palmateer, sergeant-at-arms.
The first home game of football
will be played with Umatilla Thurs
day. Freshman initiation was held Fri
day evening.
The Rebekah lodge will entertain
the assembly president, Vernisha
Newby of Salem, and Bertha McCol
lom, assembly warden, of Portland,
at their hall Thursday evening.
The social meeting of the Womens
Topic club will be held at the home
of Mrs. C. W. Swan son next Sat
urday, Sept. 28.
Students of state colleges are leav
ing this week to resume their stud
ies. Among those going are Thelma
Nelson, Clifford Carlson, Jane Hus
ton, and Paul Smouse to the univer
sity, Ted Palmateer and Marion and
Mancel Krebs to Oregon State, Ka-
therine Griffith to Monmouth, Helen
Lindsay to La Grande, Norman
Bergstrom to Pacific, and Arthur
Bergstrom to Reed.
Robert Smith and members of the
family went to Yakima Saturday to
attend the funeral of his brother,
Tom Smith. Mr. Smith was well
known here where he had visited
many times.
C. A. Franklin and son Rupert of
Camas, Wash., were Sunday guests
at the Laxton McMurray home. Mr.
Franklin and Mr. McMurray sol
diered together in Cuba during the
Spanish-American war.
Martin Nickleson of The Dalles
is relief station agent here while
Frank Ross is- enjoying a hunting
trip. Mr. Ross has bid in a position
at Keith.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yarnell went
to the mountains Monday for a hunt.
Among the successful deer hunt
ers returning are Bert Mason, Carl
Allyn, and H. V. and Paul Smouse.
Mrs. W. T. Sanderson (Lilly Al
inger) of Milwaukee was here last
week, looking after property inter
ests, t
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dobyns and
Mr. and Mrs. Noel Dobyns returned
Monday evening from a trip to San
Francisco and the fair. During their
absence, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Olden
of Gresham stayed on the ranch and
kept the home fires burning. The
Oldens returned home Tuesday.
Mrs. Leslie Roundy of Condon
is visiting her father, Louis Pad
berg, while Mr. Roundy is on a
hunting trip.
Charles Hudson of Pendleton
spent Thursday here, looking after
farm property.
Mrs. Henry Clark and little grand
daughter returned Sunday from
A surprise birthday party was
held at the Park hotel Wednesday
evening, honoring Robert GrabiL
Mrs. Arthur Ritchie, A. E. Stefani,
and George Snider. Mrs. Stefani and
Mrs. Grabil were hostesses. Others
present were Mr. Ritchie, Mrs. Sni
der, Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swan
son, V. R. Runnion, Louis Halvor
sen, Clifford McCabe, John Eu
banks, Ed Acton and Howard Eu
bank s.
Miss Ruth Johnson was a Sunday
guest at the Franklin Ely home at
Mr. and Mrs. Carl F. Feldman re
turned Thursday after spending sev-
Stock Ranches
Wheat Ranches
Creek Ranches
See My Listings
V. R. Runnion
Heppner, Ore.
Gazette Times, Heppner,
eral weeks at Sunnyvale, Cal. Mrs.
Feldman's mother, whom they were
visiting, passed away shortly after
their arrival. On their return trip,
Mr. and Mrs. Feldman visited at
Lake Tahoe and returned by way
of Burns, where they encountered
heavy rain.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Palmateer
went to Portland and Estacada Fri
day on their way to Corvallis to take
their son Ted, who enrolled at the
college there.
The Morgan school board has
Your Food Stamps
The aim of the FOOD STAMP PLAN, effective on next
Tuesday, is to assist the distribution of foods of which
there are surpluses among the people who need them.
You will find many items on the current surplus list rea
sonably priced at our store, and the stamps will be readily
received here.
tmvt rain mm
Tomato Tip Blight
and Dahlias Related
The close connection between tip
blight of tomatoes and proximity of
dahlias has been observed this year
in various sections of Oregon by F.
P. McWhorter, plant pathologist at
Oregon State college. A field survey
of locations where the disease has.
again advertised for bids on a school
bus, as they were unable to decide
on the last ones.
t avp signing the
e 011! voUR CAR
Low Cost Financing
Builds Bank P.rprlit
for your other needs in
41 statewide branches
B. C. PINCKNEY, Manager
Thursday, September 26, 1940
been present shows that dahlias had
grown or were being grown near
the centers of heavy infection. In
some cases dahlias showed typical
symptoms themselves.
While no conclusions are being
drawn as yet, Dr. McWhorter is
studying the situation and would be
glad to hear of any other observa
tions that would tend to either
support or disprove this theory.
To buy, sell or trade, use the G-T
Want Ads and get best results.
Welding, Blacksmithing