Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 26, 1940, Image 1

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PORTIA-;:' . of. r .
Volume 57, Number 30
Food Stamps' to
Make Debut Here
Next Tuesday
$150,000 Surplus
y Products is Yearly
I Goal for District
s This Tuesday 6,000 public assist
ance persons in thirteen eastern Or
egon counties, including Morrow,
will come under the provisions of
the Food Stamp Plan.
Inauguration of the plan follows
a month of preparatory work in
which county commissioners, state
and county welfare departments,
various business groups, farmers,
wholesale and retailer food trades,
WPA, and the U. S. department of
agriculture all cooperated to have
the plan in effect at an early date.
Essentially a program to move
surplus crops off over-laden farms,
the Food Stamp Plan is expected to
result in an additional $150,000 bt
ing spent annually in the 13 counties
for surplus foods.
? The current surplus foods list as
designated by Secretary of Agricul
ture Wickard for the period October
1 to 31, includes: butter, eggs, pork
and pork lard, fresh apples, pears
and oranges, fresh Irish potatoes,
beets, cabbage, celery and carrots,
dried prunes, raisins and dry beans,
corn meal, rice, hominy grits, wheat
flour and whole wheat flour.
Inauguration of the Food Stamp
Plan eliminates the direct distribu
tion of surplus foods through com
modity depots and trucks. How
ever, distribution of surplus foods
will be continued in schools spon
soring free school lunch programs.
This latter program finds nearly 15,
000 undernourished Oregon school
children being served wholesome
luncheons every school day.
Complete instructions . on how to
secure food stamps have been mail
ed to all public assistance families
by ', the State Public Welfare com
mission. The sale of food stamp
books will be handled by mail with
participants remitting money orders
or ; cashier's checks in the correct
amounts to the Portland Stamp Is
suing office of the welfare commis
sion. A series of mass meetings were
held throughout the thirteen county
area to acquaint grocers and other
food retailers with the details of ac
cepting and redeeming food stamps.
Pioneer Reunion Set
at Lex October 19
Lexington's annual pioneer reun
ion, hag been scheduled to be held
this year on October 19, and a gen
eral invitation is extended by the
coriunittee in charge for everyone
in jthe county to attend.
Dinner will be served to all over
70 years of age as usual. Others are
asked to bring well filled baskets
for the cafeteria style dinner that
hagj always proved an attractive fea
ture of the event. Further program
details will be announced later.
1 Seven deer bagged by eight hunt
ers is the report brought home by
Blaine E. Isom who hunted the first
two days of the season with a party
in ' the Mt. Emily district near La
Grande. The party included T. How
ard Groves, prominent Portland in
surance man and Mr. Isom's super
visor, Fred Hoskins and Gerald
Rood of Heppner. Clarence Tubbs
of Pendleton, and Toots Miller and
Bill Edwards of La Grande were
other members of the party.
Al Troedson, A. C. Crowell and
R. L. Ekleberry were residents of
the Morgan district transacting bus
iness in the city Tuesday. They
reported conditions in their section
favorable for the new wheat crop.
Big Defense Program
Slated by Elks Order
' A nation-wide program to assist
in upholding the nation's defense
program is being launched today by
the grand lodge, B P. O. Elks, an
nounces Kenneth Akers, , exalted
ruler of the local lodge.
C. J. D. Bauman has been named
to head the local lodge committee
that will put the program into effect
here, with Lt. M. P. Hanford, Alva
Jones, Gene Ferguson and Ralph
Beamer as assistants. :
In informing lodges of the new
program James R. Nicholson, chair
man of the Elks National Defense
commission, gave as the most im
portant activities to which members
of the order should devote them
selves in their country's defense, the
upholding and teaching of Ameri
canism and the democratic form of
government discovery and reporting
treasonable, subversive and fifth
column activities in America and to
assist in the physical development of
the youth of the country.
Mustangs Take 6-0
Victory Over Fossil
The first game of the 1940 season
was of great success for the Hepp
ner Mustangs, who journeyed to
Fossil last Friday to win a 6 to 0
victory from the Falcons.
The lone touchdown came in the
latter part of the third quarter when
left half, Hugh Crawford, broke into
the open for a forty-yard gallop. The
try for extra point was thrown for a
loss. The only other threat for ei
ther team came in the first part of
the second quarter when Crawford
fell in dodging the Fossil safety on
the seven yard line. The next play
did not work, and the team was
thrown for a big loss.
Heppner, again on the road, plays
Arlington, Friday the 27th, Arlington
has not as yet played any team in
the Heppner league; but have play
ed Milton -Freewaters' B's, losing
7 to 12 and Klickitat, Wash., winning
a 10 to 6 decision.
Although the Mustangs do not
have the experience of the Arling
ton Honkers, as yet, they are ex
pecting to give them a run for their
Lt. Hanford Answers
Call to Service
Lt. Marius P. Hanford, comman
dant of Camp Heppner, CCC, and
president of the Lions club, told
the service club attendants Monday
that he had been called to service
in the aviation corps, non-combatant
division, to report at Camp
McCord by October 3. Successor to
his position with the camp here had
not been named.
Elevation of Clifford Conrad, first
vice-president to the club leadership
automatically follows Lt. Hanford's
departure, with Alden Blankenship
and Russell McNeill assuming the
second and third vice-presidencies.
Miss Marjorie Parker, who repre
sented Heppner Rodeo as queen at
the Grant county fair last week end,
reported a wonderful reception
Kenneth Ackley, reporter on the
Gazette Times a few years ago, vis
ited a short while in the city Sat
urday on his way to Walla Walla
from Portland. He is now employed
as a postal clerk in the city. With
him were his twin son and daugh
ter, and mother-in-law and sister-in-law,
Mrs. Daniels and daughter.
Mrs. Ackley was reported to have
passed away last fall.
Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Mahoney mo
tored to Portland Sunday and re
mained until Tuesday to hear Will
kie and transact business. Mr. Ma
honey is chairman of the republi
can county central committee.
Mrs. L. F. Plank of Toledo, Ore.,
left Heppner this morning after a
week's visit with her daughter, Miss
Virginia Plank.
Oregon, Thursday, September 26, 1940
Masonic Grand
Master Attends
Conference Here
75 Visitors Come
From Neighboring
Lodges for Event
Seventy-five Masons from neigh
boring lodges assembled with Hepp
ner Lodge 69, A. F. & A. M., last
evening to greet grand lodge officers
at a district conference here.
Most Worshipful Grand Master
Earl Snell of the grand jurisdiction
of Oregon was the principal speaker
of the evening, delivering an inspir
ing message on fundamentals of ma
sonry in which he emphasized the
important part played by the order
in establishing democracy and the
things it should do in assisting to
maintain democracy. Mr. Snell also
showed a 15 -minute colored talking
moving picture depicting the Wash
ington monument on the Potomac,
Gettysburg field and other historic
points of special masonic signifi
cance. ' ;
Other grand lodge officers present
included Right Worshipful District
Deputy Grand Masters Frank Sloan,
Stanfield, of district 16, and Harold
A. Eakin, Grass Valley, of district
14. and Grand Senior Deacon Harry
A. Proudfoot, Wasco.
Seven of nine lodges of district 16
were represented, and among former
Morrow county people in attendance
were Walter Hayes, H. J. Devin, F.
B. Mercer, W. N. Huddleston, Con
don; J. M. Spencer, Stanfield, and
C. N. Fridley, Wasco.
A baked ham dinner in the trrand
master's honor was served at Lucas
Place before the, session at the hall,
and following a luscious deerburger
feed was served by the local mem
bership. Third degree ritualistic
work was given by officers selected
from among members of visiting
lodges, with Bill Marshall of Ar
lington presiding as worshipful mas
ter. Tom Wells, senior deacon, pre
sided for the local lodge.
Foxy Gets Strike
For Master, But
Count Refused
A foxy dog is "Foxy," Lee How
ell's little fox terrier. This week
as Lee was bowling at the local
alleys, Foxy followed a ball down
the alley lickety split. The ball
took off half the pins, and Foxy,
the remainder. I
H. J. Strecker, Lee's opponent
in the game, wouldn't stand for It
when Lee attempted to count fa
Registration Books
Will Close Saturday-
Last opportunity to register for
the November presidential election
will be afforded next Saturday, an
nounces County Clerk C. W. Barlow.
JFor the convenience of the public
the clerk's office will be open that
day continuously from 8 o'clock in
the morning until 8 o'clock in the
evening., ',
Earl W. Snell, Arlington's favorite
"n, secretary of state and grand
master of Oregon Masons, remained
in Heppner overnight after attend
ing the masonic conference here last
evening, leaving for Salem this
morning. He had just returned from
a deer hunt with a company of
friends and was successful in bag
ging a nice specimen
Lexington grange announces a so
cial meeting for Saturday night at
8 o'clock at the hall. All members
and friends are cordially invited.
Please bring pot luck lunch.
George Shields Takes
Own Life With Razor
George (Mike) Shields was pro
nounced a suicide after he apparent
ly had slashed his throat and wrists
with a razor at the Taylor lodging
house Monday night. Shields breath
ed his last shortly after arrival of a
doctor who had been summoned by
Mrs. Henry Taylor when she dis
covered the body.
Shields, 43, was a native of Pilot
Rock, and lived in Umatilla and
Morrow counties all his life with
exception of the time spent in the
service in the World war when he
served with the 14th Infantry at
Vancouver, Wash., and Fort Dodge,
la. He had been in ill health for
several years and had returned to
Heppner but a few days before from
the veterans' hospital at Walla Wal
la. A brother, Frank Shields of Pen
dleton and three sisters, one of whom
is in Florida, survive.
Funeral arrangements had not
been announced today, holding of
the body having been ordered by
wire yesterday from the Florida sis
ter, pending word from relatives in
College has called a number of
Heppner young folk away during the
past week. Bill Barratt, accompan
ied by his parents, left last Sunday
for Corvallis. Harriet Hager, with
her mother, Mrs. J. O. Hager, spent
last week in Portland, and Harriet
is now at the University of Oregon.
Mrs, H. C. Happold and Betty spent
last week in Portland, and Betty is
leaving this week for the University
of Oregon. Miss Clarabel Adams,
after a week spent visiting-in Port
land has gone to Oregon State. Miss
Frances McCarty, Miss Shirley Wil
son, Don Turner, John Crawford,
Bob Scrivner, Norton King, Don
Jones are at the University of Ore
gon, Paul Doolittle, Don Frederick
son, Frank Anderson at Oregon
State, Miss Margaret Doolittle has
enrolled at the Northwestern Busi
ness college at Portland, and Miss
Kathryn Parken,departed for Eastern
Oregon College of Education.
Mrs. S. M. Sigsbee and Elaine
Sigsbee left last Monday by car for
Susanville, Cal., where they will
meet Mrs. Richard Lawrence, who
has been visiting her sister there.
The party will return to Heppner
this week end.
The Bookworms met Tuesday
evening" at the home of Mrs. Ture
Peterson, with Mrs. Lera Crawford
assisting the hostess. Mrs. J. O. Tur
ner reviewed "Cabbage Holiday,"
and refreshments were served at the
close of the evening.
Mr. and Mrs.'Vawter Parker will
move into their new home on Chase
street today. Mrs. Neva LeTrace will
occupy their former home.'
Mr. and Mrs. C. W; McNamer left
Sunday for Portland, where they
are spending the week.
Earle Bryant is ill at his home,
suffering from a sickness with which
he became afflicted while on a hunt
ing trip to Indian Rock. He bagged
a deer on the trip, nevertheless. Oth
er hunters in the party fortunate
enough to get their venison include
Charles Cox, Gene Ferguson, who
also shot and brought out a black
bear, Ambrose Chapin, Luke Bibby,
Ed Bennett, Dave Wilson, Lou Bis
bee and Harlan McCurdy.
Mrs. Frank Alfred is spending the
week in Heppner, making prepara
tions for a year's absence while Mr.
Alfred is in the army. Mr. and Mrs.
W. F. Barcla are taking the Alfred
home. Mr. Barcla is engineer in
charge of the new planing mill being
constructed at the Heppner Lumber
Additional 'Chit-Chat' on Page 8
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Ideal Conditions ;
Aid Hunters in
Bagging Many Deer
Two Men Slay Bear;
Assessor is Hapless
Slayer of Doe
Ideal hunting conditions following
good showers in the timbered hin
terland aided the horde of redshirte
returning from the early season
hunt in bringing an exceptionally
large load of venison with them.
Sixty carcasses had been checked
through local markets this morning,
which represented only a portion of
the bag of local sportsmen and many
from the outside who made Hepp
ner their point of exit.
Only one casualty has so far been
reported in the local district that
might be considered to have hunting
connections. Jerry Saling, 10, was
shot through. tle arm while placing
his "unloaded" gun on the rack at
home here Sunday evening.
While deer is the main quest of
the hunt, two sportsmen bagged
bear which inadvertently strayed
across their paths. Pete McMurtry,
driving back across Thompson flats
from a luckless deer hunt opening
day, espied a last year's cub in a
clearing some distance away; shot it.
It weighed 160 pounds. Gene Fer
guson got a 300-pound, coal black
bear while hunting in the Indian
Rock district in the Greenhorns.
The season's most hapless hunter
to date is Tom Wells, county asses
sor. He shot a late model buck wi,th,
disappearing horns "the morning of
opening day while hunting on Ditch
creek. The doe jumped between
Tom and a buck on which he had
taken bead, just as he pulled the
trigger. He reported the accident
and the doe was turned over to the
Among the many bucks so far re
ported are those taken by the fol
lowing: Clifford Conrad, Mrs. Her
man Green, Beth Hynd, Kathleen
Bleakman, Thnas Wells, W. H.
Batty, Thomas C. Hagerman, J. J.
Moore of Portland, Richard Wells,
Rose Leibbrand, E. L. Bucknum, H.
L. Penwell of Tillamook, M. L. She-'
pard, Wilbur D. Moore of Portland,
E. L. Matteson of Gaston, Bob Hoi-;
oelek of Cascade Locks, W. E. Irwin
of Portland, Ruth D. King of Tilla
mook, Millard Matheson of Gaston,
E. W. Matteson of Gaston, Harold
Hill, Ray Bosworth of Lafayette, R.
K, Drake, Harold Cason, Fred A.
Miller of Oregon City, L. H. Rill, A.
L. Casebeer, Earle Bryant, Ed Kelly,
Myron Huston, Marie Major of Wil
lamina, Vivian Kane, Bob Risley of
Oregon City, J. L. Blackburn of
Lebanon, Gladys Leek of Milwaukie,
E. Enid Gates of Portland, D. A.
Wilson, Harlan McCurdy, Gene Fer
guson, Chas. B. Cox, Delsie Chapel,
Blaine Chapel, Robert Blackman of
Molalla, Gene Willbroad of Molalla,
Louis Willbroad of Molalla, Mrs. J.
I. Starritt of Estacada, Edna M.
Jones, Bill MeCaleb, Chas. Petersen
of Portland, Terrel Benge, Martin
B. Clark, Claude Graham, Dick Wil
kinson, Alva Stone, Barton Clark,
Mrs. O. W. Osborne, Frank Holmes,
R. A. Wright, George ,Evans, Harold
Evans, J. Fetch of Salem.
J. S.. Rogers, state superintendent
of banks, was calling in the city
today working in the interest of the
constitutional amendment to appear
on the ballot in November which
would remove the double liability
against stockholders of state banks.
There is no longer need for this
provision in the law since the feder
al government has guaranteed de
posits, said Mr. Rogers, and the law
remains upon the books reacting un
fairly upon state bank stockholders
since stockholders of federal banks
are not held similarly liable.