Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 05, 1940, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    Page Four
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Thursday, September 5, 1940
Gazette Times
Established March 30, 1883;
Established November 18, 1897;
Published every Thursday morning by
and entered at the Post Office at Hepp
ner, Oregon, as second-class matter.
One Tear
Three Years 6.00
Six Months 1.00
Three Months .75
Single Copies .05
Official Paper for Morrow County
Arteries of Progress
PJEVELOPMENT of rivers and
highways in the northwest have
brought transition short of miracu
lous within the last generation
Probably no more classic example
may be seen than the great Yakima
valley. Where lay a semi-desert
three-score years ago, now may be
seen one of the world's finest ear-
den spots, with thousands of acres
checkerboarded by fruit trees and
fields of produce so variable that
listing would be dificult. It is said
this region, a small dot on the map
of Uncle Sam, could feed a quarter
of his people.
The region is crisscrossed by good
roads, essential to getting the pro
duce to market. Its cultivation is
the result of conserving the waters
in the higher mountain country to
provide irrigation. And more and
more are the scenic beauties and
recreational wonders of the moun
tains being made accessible to the
people through good roads.
The story of good roads would
fill volumes. Morrow county has
paid dearly through bond issue for
the good roads she has. Still, who
will deny that the yearly saving in
transportation costs has not been
sufficient to more than pay for them.
Resources must be reached, and
in country so topographically cut up
by mountain streams as are Oregon
and Washington, it is mainly through
the building of roads that they have
been and will continue to be reach
ed. Nature of the country makes
construction expensive. But in hard
ly an instance has the expenditure
not been justified, though some
times the roads were obtained the
most expensive way.
Lack of sufficient watershed may
keep the valleys and sands of Mor
row county from ever attaining the
degreee of development that is evi
denced in the Yakima valley, but
our people might well take a leaf
from the book of development of
that section. There should be ever
more intensive study of possibility
of water conservation for irrigation;
of making more accessible the re
sources of the mountain region.
One of Morrow county's principal
arteries to the timber is the Willow
creek road. This road has received
much attention in past years but it
is still far from the state of im
provement that is demanded by
modern transportation facilities. It
taps the center of the county's wa
tershed. It makes needed recreation
grounds accessible. But more im
portant it will be the outlet for
much merchantable timber that one
day should come through Heppner.
One of the finest stands of timber
available to Heppner is that on
Shaw creek, now in the forest re
serve. The surest way of bringing
it here for cutting is to improve the
Willow creek road so that it may
be brought here so cheaply that no
one dare haul it elsewhere for cut
ting. The chamber of commerce is ask
ing for this improvement and it
should have the 100 percent backing
of everyone. It is important to
Heppner for trade reasons, and it is
important to all of the county in
stimulating development that will
take a good share of the tax load
from all shoulders now bearing it.
Such arteries of progress are no
idle dream. One has but to view the
Yakima valley.
r.fn ''in
Washington, D. C. Sept. 5. After
three weeks of interviewing in Ore
gon and Washington it can be assert
ed as of this writing that Oregon
win be carried by the Willkie-
McNary ticket and Washington state
will be in the column of Roosevelt
Wallace; that Idaho will go Repub
lican. This forecast is based on the
considered opinions of several hund
red men and women who are sup
posed to know the answers in mat
ters political. However, all forecasts
in this campaign are subject to what
may develop in the European war
between now and November.
In agreement are new deal poli
ticians and republicans that if Ore
gon does not go republican, with
Oregon's Charley McNary on the
ticket for vice president, then the
republicans will not carry even
Maine and Vermont; therefore Ore
gon is in the bag. It is known, how
ever, that the adniinistration. much
as Mr. Roosevelt admires Senator
McNary and feels obligated to him
for his sportsmanlike leadership of
the senate republicans, will bend
every effort to carry the state, and
there are whispers of large sums to
be dumped into Oregon for this pur
and the American people will begin
to realize what taxation really
means. Many commonplace articles
will become luxuries under the new
tax bill and Uncle Sam will reach
deeper into the pocketbook of John
Q. Citizen than he did during the
first World War. The one consola
tion of the average taxpayer is that
in the defense preparations there
will be little if any profiteering and
no flock of millionaires will be
made. '
Father Francis McCormick re
turned recently from San Francisco
where he attended the world fair.
Republicans claim they have a
fighting chance to carry Washington
state, but from talks with scores of
people that chance appears to be
very slender. There are more indus
trial workers in Washington tian
in Oregon and also more people on
rebel, and as a rule workers favor
Mr. Roosevelt. How far the attitude
of John L. Lewis of CIO and of
William Green of AFL (neither of
them enthusiastic for Mr. Roosevelt)
will influence the members of their
respective labor groups is anyone's
guess. Of the two, Lewis has been
abusive of the president, whereas
Green has placed his complaint
against the manner in which the
National Labor Relations Board has
administered the Wagner labor act.
CIO "got the breaks" from NLRB
and testimony shows the board was
prejudiced against AFL.
Because of the war, markets for
merly dominated by the British and
Holland are being lost, temporarily
at least, to the United States. A milk
evaporating plant in Washington is
operating 24 hours a day filling or
ders for the far east, a territory
neretolore held by Holland and Eng
lish milk factories. Pulp mills of
Oregon and Washington are speed
ing up to provide supplies for Aus
tralia, India and way points, as the
Scandanavian source has been shut
off by the blockade of the German
navy. This also applies to the United
States, as the Scandanavians are
shut out of this market for the
same reason.
Next week the senate finance
committee will get down to business
in studying new taxes to pay the
bill for national defense. What the
final form of the tax measure will
be no one is in position to sav at
this time, nor until it passes the con
gress. All that the congressmen can
say is that the bill will be devised
to raise more taxes than ever before
Twenty thousand men will be un
der General George A. White of
Oregon within a few months. Of
these 13,500 will be national guards
men from Oregon, Washington. Ida
ho and Montana and 6,500 more will
come from the selective conscription,
drawn from the same four states.
Meanwhile the Quartermaster de
partment is working overtime having
supplies and equipment manufac
tured for these citizen soldiers. With
uniforms, blankets, etc., the plan is
to place small contracts and give a
time limit instead of a large order to
a few firms.
National defense advisory commis
sion may do something about having
a magnesium plant established by
the government in the northwest.
The commission is being prodded by
members of the Washington and
Oregon delegations. Magnesium is
the lightest of known metals, much
lighter than aluminum, and could
be used to replace many parts of
airplanes where aluminum is now
used. Raw material is available in
the northwest.
At this writing concern is felt
whether the bill carrying funds for
federal aid roads will be enacted
The bill came out of conference
after passing both branches of con
gress, then at the request of the
president the conference report was
shelved. The president was quoted
as saying he thought the road money
should be used for national defense.
Should Mr. Roosevelt veto the bill
there are probably enough votes to
carry it over his veto. Meanwhile
the road program in the 48 states
is held in abeyance.
Drouth Relieved
By General Showers
Drouth of a rainless August was
relieved in Morrow county with the
passing of Labor day and arrival of
school opening the first of the week.
At Heppner the intermittent fall of
Tuesday and Wednesday brought .16
inch while reports of general visita
tion of the precious drops comes
from over the county. Continued
cloudy skies today give promise of
more precipitation.
Most welcome on summerfallow
fields, the rain comes iust in time
to allay fire hazard in the forest
area and to prepare the way for the
annual hunt, starting the 20th.
Leonard Carlson, observer at
Gooseberry, reported that August
passed there without one single trace
01 precipitation., One heavy shower
in July visited the countv. while
June was the driest of record, a
trace only being recorded at various
Small Boy Drowns
in Irrigating Ditch
Heppner Trading
"The House of Bargains"
Turkey Red
Forty Fold
Forty Fold and Rye Mixed
1 Rubber-tired Wagon .... $30.00
Fence Post 08
Kitchen Cabinet . 9.75
Wind Charger 8.00
Grain Scoops ..... 75 & 1.00
Hammers, Punches, Chisels,
Pliers, Wrenches, Saws, Etc.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Snvder
arrived home Monday from Miles
City, Mont., whee thev had been for
several weks and have again taken
up residence in their home here.
Mrs. Anna Q. Thomson and son
Ted left Tuesday for Portland, ac
companied by Scott McMurdo. Ted
expected to go on to Seattle to con
tinue his aviation course.
0 GEQB !
The 14-months-old son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Denton was drowned in
the irrigating ditch iust back of Mrs
Berta Leicht's store late Thursday
evening. Mr. and Mrs. Denton are
from Prineville and Mr. Denton is
employed on the telephone line work
Mr. and Mrs. Harness from Camas
Wash., are visiting his brother, Rev
Harness, and familv this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Larson had
Mr. Larson's parents as guests at
their home last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Grabeil who
have been visiting relatives here the
last week left for their home at
Imbler, Saturday.
Dave Grabeil and Miss Lula Per
kins are visiting at the home of Mrs,
J. A. Grabeil.
School opened Tuesday with the
full teaching staff present and ready
for work, Ladd Sherman is the new
school superintendent. Miss Lud-
milla Seidl of Portland and Mr. Hat
field from Seattle are the new high
school teachers. Miss Casteel is pri
mary teacher and Miss Culp. inter
mediate teacher, with Lvle Eddv.
seventh and eighth grade teacher. Mr.
and Mrs. Eddy are living in the
Leicht campgrounds. The other four
teachers are residing at the O. Cory
ell home.
Irvin Whipple, John Swearengen.
Robert Brace, Mitt Connell and
Glenn Powlson are in Pendleton at
tending the government school for
the coming year.
Mrs. Seites from California is vis
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.
C. Aldrich.
Doloror Haberline left Saturday
for Seattle to attend business college.
Clair Caldwell and Paul Haberline
are the school bus drivers for the
1940-41 school year.
Mrs. Edith Pitts from Portland
and Mrs. Baxter Hutchinson from
Hermiston were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. James Arnberg Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Rice and Elbert
Hutchinson of Pendleton were bus
iness visitors in this vicinity Mon
day. Bert Dexter is working on the
section at Willows.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Markham and
family from Richland, Wash., at
tended the fair here Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lucas were
visited here lately by Rev. and Mrs.
John J. Lucas, parents of Mr. Lucas.
Rev. Lucas is a Baptist minister of
Salem, and was on his way east to
Oregon Hay Plus
Local Grain and
Time Equals Lamb
"Just an opportunity to eat plenty
of alfalfa hay and grain, and to be
contented in a sheltered feed lot
with salt and water handy for a
short three months, is all that a
lanky feeder lamb needs to be ready
for market as a 'choice' fat lamb."
Such is the observation of D. E.
Richards, superintendent of the
Eastern Oregon Livestock branch
experiment station, as an introduc
tion to hes report on lamb feeding
trials contained in a new experiment
station bulletin, "Fattening Lambs on
Oregon Foodstuffs.
Oregon, as well as other Pacific
northwest states, is faced with a
problem of adjustment in livestock
production, Richards points out. This
is caused both by changed range
conditions and surplus production of
hay and grain in this region.
"Eastern Oregon produces highly
desirable feeder lambs that are heal
thy and in good condition to make
rapid gains in a feed lot," says Rich
ards. "The bulk of these lambs have
in the past been shipped to other
states for finishing. Eastern Oregon
also produces excellent feed for fat
tening these lambs, including alfalfa
hay, other roughages and various
"This bulletin shows the possibili
ties of bringing together these Ore
gon feeder lambs for fattenng on
eastern Oregon feeds. As alfalfa hav .
is the 'backbone' of a livestock-fattening
program, most of the feeding
trials reported on deal with lambs
fed alfalfa hay in different combina
tions with other feeds."
Tests with various grains showed
that wheat fed with alfalfa hav gave
slightly better results than barley,
and barley better results than oats. '
The lambs preferred to do their own
grain grinding, and did a better iob
of it than any mechanical device
and did it much cheaper.
Chopped hay was found preferable
to long hay, and practically as good
while being much cheaper than
hammered hay.
Edward Wells, meteorologist in
charge of the government weather
service at Portland, and Mrs. Wells
were Morrow county visitors the
end of the week, and Mr. Wells
checked the weather stations at
Heppner and Gooseberry while here.
They were guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Carlson in Goose
berry, Mr. Carlson being observer
for that section.
the Baptist conference at Burling
ton, Iowa.
I De Moss & Sons Moro, Ore.
I When the Rain i
I Came . . .
j We've been reminding you for several 1
j months that warm weather is the time 1
for roof repairing. Now the rains are 1
j starting, and we hope you were among 1
those who got ready in time, If not, there s
j may still be warm days ahead before 1
winter sets in. '
See Us for Estimates and FHA B
Phone 912