Page Six taapIteal news By A. L. LINDBECK Fewer Inmates o Asking Senator New Flag Pole Discovery of an unexpended bal ance of nearly $6000 in the state library building fund has revived discussion of a flag pole for Ore gon's capitol building. It will be re called that the state house archi tects had provided for two flag poles, one at either end of the building at a cost of $6000 each. Funds avail able for use on this building, how ever, were exhausted before the flag poles were reached. The state emer gency board,' called into session to provide the necessary funds approv ed the expenditure of $500 for this improvement but so far the Board of Control has not availed itself of the opportunity to spend this sum, apparently regarding the amount as inadequate. The board is now con' sidering the possibility of using the $6000 surplus in the library fund in providing the flag poles for the cap itol. The war in Europe and Uncle Sam's rearmament program was brought home to Oregon this week in an increase in the cost of the 1941 license plates, with the low bid ap proximately one-half cent higher on the pair than that of last year. This means an increase of nearly $2000 on the 400,000 sets of plates required to license Oregon automobiles next year. Another hike in liquor prices was reported to be in the offing follow ing a conference between members of the Liquor Control Commission and Governor Sprague this week. Members of the commission report ed that liquor profits for the current fiscal year would closely approx imate the $3,250,000 estimated as ne cessary to meet relief needs for this year. The solitary cell adjoining the le thal gas chamber at the state prison received its second occupant since its establishment three years ago when Claude E. Cline, 46-year, old Fossil prospector was brought in this week under sentence to die for the murder of his mining partner, George W. Chetty. So far the only use made of the gas chamber since its substitution for the gallows three years ago was in the execution of 26-year old Hershel McCarthy of Portland, in January, 1939, for the slaying of a gasoline station attend ant. The population of the state prison which stood at 1102 a year ago is now down to 1033. This reduction of 69 inmates is due in part at least to the operation of the new parole set up with its more liberal provision for supervision of parolees and the more liberal parole policy established by the new board. Records of the parole board at the end of its first year show that it had 582 former prisoners under its su pervision, compared to 178 men and women who were reporting to the state parole officer a year ago. In addition to 280 parolees from the state prison, 79 law violators who are at liberty under bench paroles and 37 who are out on conditional par dons, the field men of the new parole set-up are also checking on 79 per sons who are at liberty under pro bation. The next legislature will be asked to provide a new 300-bed treatment hospital for the state hospital for insane at Salem, according to Dr. John C. Evans, superintendent of the institution. Pointing out that more than 600 of the 2700 patients at the hospital are physically ill in addi tion to their mental ailment, Dr. Evans declares that the present 160 bed treatment hospital is entirely inadequate to the needs of the in stitutions. Other improvements to be sought for the state hospital will include a new chapel with recrea tional facilities, Dr. Evans said. United Spates Senator Rufus C. Holman has appealed to Dr. W. H. Heppner Lytle, state veterinarian, for advice and help. Senator Holman is some what of a farmer on the side. He owns a sizeable farm near Molalla on which he has a large herd of registered dairy cattle. But, he ex plains in his appeal to Dr. Lytle, it begins to look as though his dairy herd is headed for the rodeos. Of the last 26 calves born at his farm 20 were bulls. He wants to know of 'the state veterinarian if there isn't something that can be done to equalize this unbalanced ratio. Third Insurance Program Offered Wheat Producers For the third successive year, Ore gon wheat growers will be able in 1941 to protect themselves from crop hazards through the use of federal crop insurance, says an announce ment by Will Steen, chairman of the Oregon state AAA committee. Next year's crop insurance plan will be practically identical with the program now in effect, with the major exception that the closing date for accepting applications on winter wheat will be earlier. It will be necessary for winter wheat grow ers to apply for their insurance and pay the premium before the crop is seeded, or by August 31, 1940, which ever is earlier. The closing date for spring wheat insurance applications again will be February 28, Steen said. All applications will be accepted at county agricultural conservation offices, and county AAA committees will continue to handle local ad ministration of the program. Administration of the 1941 pro gram will be aided by the fact that more complete wheat production history for each farm will be on hand, Steen said. County commit tees are now at work computing new yields which farmers may insure, and insurance rates, for the farms in their counties. The yield and pre mium rate is determined for each individual farm on the basis of its yield and loss experience for a 14 year period. The 1941 wheat crop will be the third on which "all-risk" insurance has been available to growers. In the first year of the program, on the 1939 crop, 662 Oregon wheat grow ers insured their harvest. Due to crop damage, 188 experienced losses, receiving 101,380 bushels of wheat or cash equivalent in indemnities. In 1940, a total of 2011 insurance applications have been written in Oregon, which would guarantee growers a total of 3,700,000 bushels. Adjustment of early crop losses is now beginning in this state, although no actual losses have yet been paid. Traffic Fatalities Outnumber War Dead More Americans lost their lives in traffic accidents during the month of July last year than were killed in the Spanish-American war, ac cording to Earl Snell, secretary of state, who today urged Oregon driv ers to make every effort to prevent traffic accidents during the Fourth of July holiday period this year. The death toll for traffic accidents in America last July was 2,740, com pared to a toll of 1,704 during the war with Spain. As he announced that Oregon was to participate in the nation-wide campaign to reduce traffic accidents this July, Snell reminded citizens of this state that during the past four years, 23 persons have been killed in Fourth of July traffic accidents. "Each year, as we pay tribute to the memory of those who laid down their lives in the fight for our in dependence and liberty, we forget that more thousands are laying down their lives in tribute to carelessness, thoughtlessness and lack of consid eration for the rights of others," Snell declared. "It is truly ironic that these celebrations in honor of winning the right to live our lives as we see fit, result in snuffing out so many of those lives every year." Fourth of July accidents in Ore gon took six lives in 1939, five in 1938, six in 1937 and six in 1936. Chief causes of the greater than normal traffic toll during this period is increased traffic, high speeds and fatigue, it was said. Traffic during holiday periods in Gazette Times, Heppner, LEXINGTON NEWS Grangers Have Big Time at Battle Mt. By MARGARET SCOTT Many local grangers and their families attended the annual picnic Sunday at Battle Mountain park. Everyone reports an enjoyable time and plenty to eat. The feature of the afternoon was a softball game between Lexington and Rhea Creek granges with Rhea Creek the victor, 19-9. Mrs. Elmer Hunt was hostess for a birthday dinner honoring Mrs. Moffat Dennis Monday evening. Mrs. Dennis received a lovely gift. Those present besides the honoree and hos tess were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Du vall, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bauman, Carleton Tinkhem, Moffat Dennis, Eula Bamhouse, Elmer, Louise and Clair Hunt. C. C. Carmichael and Earl Warner spent the week end in Salem. They took Donna Leathers, who has been visiting here, to her home in Van couver. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Warner of Oak land visited at the Laura Scott and Vernon Scott homes Thursday and Friday. Kenneth Peck is at his parents' home for a visit. Elizabeth Edwards is spending the week with Marlene Miller Mrs. Ralph Scott spent the week end at home from The Dalles. Lester Wilcox of Hermiston is visiting at the John Graves home. Mr. and Mrs. Elwynne Peck and Jack Van Winkle spent Sunday at Hidaway springs. Miss Lee McCloud of Moro has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Ran dall Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Carr and family of Hermiston visited relatives here one day last week. They were accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. Archie Padberg and family. Sunday guests at the Laura Scott home were Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Manning and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ford and daughter of Pendleton. Mrs. Robert Allstott and daughter, Mrs. Sloan Spencer and children of Hermiston spent the week end at the Robert Burnside home. Mrs. Allstott reported that her son Don and Alma Laird of Hermiston were married in Weiser, Idaho, last week with Mr. and Mrs. Sloan Spencer as witnesses. The H. E. club will meet Thursday, July 11, at the grange hall in the afternoon. All members are request ed to be present as there is a large amount of business to be attended to. It would be appreciated if mem bers would bring their rakes. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Burchell and sons spent Sunday in Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Breshears and Helen spent one day last week in Pendleton. Edwina managed the post office during her mother's ab sence. The house belonging to Joe Eskel son is being remodeled. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones of Day ton visited friends and relatives here this week. House guests at the Al Fetsch home are his brother and son of Salem. Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rauch and daughters. Oregon increases approximately sev en percent, according to traffic checks on various Oregon highways. The desire to reach beach or moun tain recreation areas as quickly as possible often leads drivers to travel at speeds higher than would be safe under normal conditions, and with highways crowded with the holiday traffic, the high speeds are even more dangerous, Snell pointed out. Added to these factors is the fact that after the holiday period, drivers often are tired as they start the long trips homeward and many of the Fourth of July accidents involve cars that went off the road when the driver became too drowsy to react normally, or went to sleep at the wheel, reports in the secretary of state's office reveal. "Oregon drivers should remem ber that in crowded traffic, it is wise to reduce speed and on long drives, have a relief driver or pull off the road and take a short nap when fatigued," Snell said. "Let's put. safety first on the Fourth and avoid the tragic toll of death and injury on our highways this year." Oregon Crop Prospects Indicate Output Near 1939 Level Favorable growing conditions dur ing April, May, and into June have boosted prospective gross crop pro duction in the United States close to the 1939 level, despite slightly small er acreage, according to the month ly review of the agricultural situa tion and outlook just released by the Oregon agricultural extension ser vice. Feed crop and pasture condi tions appear very favorable, indic ating an abundance of feed for live stock, except in local areas. Wheat prospects have improved materially with production now ex pected to be near the ten-year av erage in the United States, although world wheat prospects are less fav orable than in 1939, especially in Europe. Prospects for feed grains and hay crops are above average, and pastures are generally good throughout the country. On the whole, conditions early in the season indicate that the supply of fruit, other than citrus, will be near average in 1940-41,- but smaller than the relatively large supply of 1939-40. The new citrus fruit crop promises to be large and above last year. The sweet cherry crop is expected to fall considerably below 1939 and Bartlett pears somewhat less than last year. Both crops are not as good in California as a year ago. The apricot crop is very small in Cali fornia, but a slight increase in dried prunes is expected in that state. Early season prospects for late pears and apples are fairly favorable gen erally and the sour cherry crop is larger than last year owing prin cipally to increases in Michigan and in Wisconsin. Nut crop prospects are not as favorable as last year, ac cording to information in the report. With respect to the general level of farm prices the data show an in crease of nearly 10 per cent compar ed with the general level of prices a year ago. The purchasing power of farm products is also higher than a year ago, as the disparity between prices received and paid by farmers is not as great. Most of the improve ment in the farm price situation is in grains, dairy products, and cotton. Professional directory Phelps Funeral Home Ambulance Service Trained Lady Assistant Phone 1332 Heppner, Ore. NEW AUTO POLICY Bodily Injury & Property Damage Class A $13.60 Class B $17.00 See us before financing your next automobile. F. W. TURNER & CO. Heppner City Council Meets First Monday Each Month Citizens having matters for dis cussion, please bring before the Council G. A. BLEAKMAN, Mayor. GLENN Y. WELLS ATTORNEY AT LAW ATwater 4884 636 MEAD BUILDING 5th at Washington PORTLAND, OREGON A. D. McMurdo, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Trained Nnrse Assistant Office In Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OF TITT.B TITLE INSURANCE Office In New Peters Building Thursday, June 27, 1940 J. 0. Turner ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 173 Hotel Heppner Building HEPPNER, ORE. Dr. Raymond Rice PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office First National Bank Building Office Phone 623 House Phone 828 Heppner Abstract Co. ' J. LOGIE RICHARDSON, Mgr. BATES REASONABLE Roberts Building Heppner, 0e. P. W. Mahoney ATTORNEY AT LAW GENERAL INSURANCE Heppner Hotel Building Willow St. Entrance J. 0. Peterson Latest Jewelry and Gift Goods Watches - Clocks Diamonds Expert Watch and Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon Vawter Parker ATTORNEY-AT-LAW First National Bank Building Dr. Richard C. Lawrence DENTIST X-Ray and Extraction by Gas First National Bank Bldg. Phone 562 Heppner, Oregon Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG. Rec. Phone 1162 Office Phone 492 HEPPNER, OREGON Jos. J. Nys ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Building, Willow Street Heppner, Oregon V. R. Runnion AUCTIONEER Farm Sales and Livestock a Specialty 405 Jones Street, Heppner, Ore. Phone 452 MAKE SATES AT MY EXPENSE Frank C. Alfred ATTORNEY AT LAW Telephone 442 Rooms 3-4 First National Bank Building HEPPNER. OREGON Peterson & Peterson ATTORNEYS AT LAW U. S. National Bank Building PENDLETON, OREGON Praotio in State and Federal Courts Real Estate General Line of Insurance and Bonds W. M. EUBANKS Notary Pnbllo Phone 62 lone. Ore. M. L. CASE G. E. NIKANDEB Directors of Funerals 862 Phones 262