OREGON HISTORICAL SOCIETY PUBLIC AUD I TOK I U-v PO L A Volume 57, Number 17 Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, June 27, 1940 Subscription $2.00 a Year 4-H Club Work Gains Impetus At Annual School County Group Takes Prominent Part in Session Activities Added impetus was given 4-H club work throughout the state thru attendance of more than 1800 club bers at the annual summer school held on the Oregon State college campus in Corvallis, says C. D. Conrad, Morrow county agricultural agent and a member of the summer school faculty the last week of the session. Although the attendance was a little less this year than in 1939. when more than 1900 young people were assembled on the cam pus, interest was no less and, if any thing, was even higher than last vear. Conrad avers. One striking thing about the sum-1 mer session is the skillful handling of the young people by the college and extension instructors. Many children had never been away from home before and under ordinary circumstances might have become a problem to the instructors by vir tue nf homesickness, but they were not given an opportunity to think about how the folks at home must K mind them, for after the first assembly it was but a matter of 45 minutes until every boy and gin was in a class room, segregated in groups according to the nature of thev were taking. From that time on there was a carefully worked out program which was car ried through to the end ot toe ses cirm ... The clock-like precision with which the entire session was put tWucfh prompted comment by Mrs Ethel Knighten of Hardman, chap- erone for the Morrow county group, when speaking over station KOAC Mnrrow county night. A feature of the county broadcast was a girls' quartet, Peggy Tam Hvi, Nita Bleakman. Frances Skou- bo and Vera McDaniel, and a solo hv Frances Skoubo. Don Campbell of Lexington was elected president of his house and missed the presidency of the session by four votes. Announcement was made at the session that the eastern Oregon live stock tour will be made July 16, 17 and 18, in Union and Baker coun ties. This county will be represent ed, says Conrad, although how many will go has not been determined. There were eight boys from here last vear. Following the tour, local in terest will center on the 4-H club fair and preparation of exhibits for the Pacific International Livestock ' show. QUIET FOURTH IN PROSPECT LOCALLY No Planned Celebrations in County Advertised; Neighbor ing Towns Ready to Entertain Morrow county people wishing to hear the eagle scream in the regular American manner will be obliged to seek that privilege away from home. Up to the present no word has reach ed this office of a celebration of any kind to be staged within the borders of this county, and the time is grow ing a bit short to stir up much of a patriotic demonstration. There will be no lack of opportun ities for giving vent to patriotic fer vor, if such it may be termed, for numerous communities and private enterprises are offering a variety of celebrations from which to select one's natal day recreation. Aside from these announced programs, mountains, lakes and seashore offer lure to those who wish to observe the occasion aside from the madden ing throng, although it is difficult to choose a spot these days where one may gain seclusion without in cluding from one to a dozen car loads of people. In this section, Hermiston and Kennewick are making a bid for crowds with programs of sports and other diversions designed to provide entertainment and wrest the com oi the realm from cash customers. Ken newick in particular is offering a three,-Hav rodeo, featuring a wild cow that will fight man or beast, Bob Rooker, world-famous trick rider and roner, and Rock Richmond and his famous string of buckers, head ed by Conclusion and Challenger. While this county has no planned celebration, many of our people are counting on seeking the shade or the Blue mountains south of Heppner where they can spend the day as they please. Triple-A Set-up Held in Favor in Northwest Area Farmers of Three States Sounded Out at Pendleton Meet HOME EC MEETS JULY 11 The Home Economics club of the Lexington grange will meet at the hall Thursday, July 11, states Mrs. R. B. Rice, president. A full day's work has been outlined, including making stage curtains and remov ing fire hazards from around the building. Mrs. Harvey Bauman will be hostess, assisted by several mem bers Mrs. Rice urges the member ship to keen this date in mind and arrange work at home so that all may be present. 125 ATTEND PICNIC TVia trranee picnic at Battle Mt. park last Sunday attracted 125 peo ple, reports Mrs. Grace Turner, lec turer of Lexington grange. Lexing ton and Rhea Creek granges vre the only ones from the county par ticipating and both were well rep resented. Rhea Creek won the soft ball game from the Lexington grange by the decisive score of 19-9. Every body had an enjoyable time and there was plenty to eat, Mrs. Turner says. Republicans Get Ready for Action Morrow county republicans are nrenared for action m the forthcom int campaign, following a dinner meeting at the Lucas Place last Mondav evening. The memg was called to order by C. J. D. Bauman, incumbent chairman and was at tended by most of the precinct com mitteemen and committeewomen el ected at the May primary. Officers chosen included r. W. Mahoney, chairman; Mrs. Henry Smouse, vice chairman, and Mrs. Clothild Lucas, secretary-treasurer. Committee appointments "were as follows: State committeewoman, Mrs. Charlotte Gordon; state committee man, Ralph Jackson; congressional committeeman, Henry Peterson; dis trict nominating committeemen, George Ely, Cecil; Walter Luckman, Hennner: J. O. Lower, Boardman; Fred Houghton. Irrigon; Elsie M. Beach, Lexington; executive com mittee, Fred Ely, C. J. D. Bauman, Ralnh Jackson. Named to precinct committee posts were, Hardman, W. H. French, Mrs. Blaine Chapel; Eightmile, Mrs. Ben Anderson; Gooseberry, Carl Berg strom, Esther Bergstrom; Cecil, Beth Hynd; Lena, Leona Instone, Edwin Hughes; Pine City, L. D. Neill, Mrs. Marion Finch; Alpine, Frank Sal-ing. That a majority of the farmers of the Pacific northwest favor the pre sent AAA set-up was the opinion expressed at a meeting held in Pen dleton last Friday when some 100 representative farmers of Oregon, Washington and Idaho met with N. E. Dodd, west division administra tor. Dodd had just returned from Washington with latest information on the agricultural set-up. The administrator discussed gen eral conditions and also explained the main feature of the Pierce cer tificate bill. After clarifying some points in the bill and giving his hearers a clearer understandng of the workings of the agricultural pro gram, the farmers, who represented the Eastern Oregon Wheat league, the Eastern Washington Wheat lea gue and northern Idaho farmers, passed two resolutions which are to be forwarded to congress. The resolutions endorsed the triple-A program and the Pierce cer tificate plan. Considerable discussion of the cur rent wheat situation took place and it was pointed out the United States is anvolv protected at present with wheat supplies and with the 1940 crop made and harvesting ready to begin in some sections. Attending the meeting from Mor row county were Henry Baker, Os car Peterson and Merle Cummings. In line with the triple-A program it is announced from the Morrow county office that the county wheat allotment for 1941 is almost identical with the last year. The only excep tion is that an additional 10,000 acres have been listed. Farmers will begin to receive allotment notices right after the fourth of July, according to Merle Cummings, assistant secretary. ASIIBAUGH RITES FRIDAY Funeral services for Mrs. Ethel Ashbaugh were held from the Me thodist church Friday afternoon with commitment in Masonic cem etery. Rev. Moffat Dennis officia ted at the services, which were in charge of Case mortuary. The body was acomnanied here by Mrs. Ash baugh's daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth Deyo of Salem. Mrs. Gertrude Nash, sister of Mrs. Ashbaugh, was unable to be here due to the illness of her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Walbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Alfred had as week end guests, Mr. and Mrs. P. O. DeLap of Salem. Mr. DeLap is employed in the secretary of state's office. Hartford Elected Lions Club Head Election of officers was the order of business at the meeting of Hepp ner Lions club held at Camp Hepp ner last Mondav noon. When the balloting had ended it was- found Lt. Marius P. Hanford, commander of Camp Heppner, CCC, had been elected president for the ensuing year. His corps of assistants include Frank C. Alfred, first vice-presi dent; C. D. Conrad, second vice- president; Tom Wells, third vice president; J. O. Turner,, secretary treasurer; L. D. Tibbies, director; C. J. D. Bauman, tail twister, and B. C. Pinckney, lion tamer. M. L. Case, outgoing president, is included on the board of directors. Chief Yeoman J. L. Paulson of the U. S. Navy recruiting office at Portland was a guest of the club and spoke briefly on the object of his visit to Heppner. He asked the Lions club to cooperate in every way possible in the recruiting of men for the branches of service, pointing out that national defense is the subject uppermost in the minds of all Americans and that delay in building up our water, air and land forces may prove embar rassing. At the close of the meeting, Lieu tenant Hanford took moving pictures of the group leaving the mess hall. ARRIVE AT MANILA Relatives in Heppner have receiv ed word from Mrs. Patricia Espy that she and her husband are now located in Manila, P. I., where they expect to remain for two years. The trip was made on the U. S. transport Grant, which also carried their household goods and automobile. NATION'S DEFENSE NEEDS MAN POWER Navy Personnel to be Strengthened by Energetic Campaign for New Recruits Mere building" of ships, airplanes, tanks and other modem military machines will not save this country from invasion. There will have to be adequate man power to operate these great defensive weapons if, in case a foreign power decides to in vade our borders, we are not to suf fer the same fate of France and other European nations. Such was the opinion expressed by Chief Yeo man F. W. Paulson, who was in Heppner Monday making arrange ments for the visit of a recruiting party in the near future. A traveling recruiting unit con sisting of two men from the U. b. Navy recruiting station at Portland will visit this crty Tuesday, July 9, according to announcement made by Lt. Commander L. B. btuart, naw recruiting officer for the Port land district, through Mr. Paulson. Heppner has been selected as one of several leading towns in the state 7vr thft purpose of accepting the ap plications and making physical and mental examinations of young men for enlistment in the U. S. Navy. A memher of the party will also appear before public assemblies to exhibit sound motion pictures oi various phases of navy life and activities and to disseminate infor- matirvn on naval subjects. Arrangements have been made to open the recruiting office in the cor ner room of Hotel Heppner where Chief Watertender John bharpe, u. S naw. recruiter in charge, and Chief Pharmacist's Mate Frank N. Randall. U. S. Navy, medical exam iner, will receive applicants and discuss phases of life in the navy with interested persons. Chief Met alsmith Louis Cells. U. S. Navy, will exhibit motion pictures at the Elks dub at 8 o'clock p. m., Monday eve ning, July 8. The showing will be onen to the public. Paulson stated that young men interested in an honorable, health ful and remunerative career should investigate the many splendid oppor tunities offered by the navy. A vet eran of the first World war, he re entered the sevice last fall when it became apparent that Uncle Sams defense units would have to be strengthened. Speaking from exper ience, he urges the young men of the land to enter the service while they have an opportunity to make their own choice. They will be the ones to get the best breaks in case of active service, he concluded. Rodeo Plans to Get Under Way at Friday Assembly Association Calls for Action of Com mittees for '40 Show Craig Residence Destroyed by Fire Fire of undetermined origin de stroved the residence of Tom Craig early Wednesday morning, it was reported by Craig and Louis Mar- auardt. who were in Heppner yes terdy afternoon. The house and all contents were burned, Craig escap ing with one suit of clothes. The Craig place is situated nine miles northeast of lone. His nearest neighbor is Leo Gorger, whose house is about a mile distant. The elderly man made a heroic effort to save some of the contents but did not carry them far enough away from the building and as the fire spread through the building the flames spread to the belongings and con sumed them. Craig is at a loss to know how the fire started as when he discovered it it was burning in a room in which he had not been for more than a day. There were some matches in the room and it is possible that mice set them off, he thinks. He had oc cupied the house for the last 35 years. There is insurance on build ing and contents. Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Woodfin and son Billy returned Sunday evening from a visit of several days in Port land and Molalla. With more than 60 guarantors signed up, giving assurance that the show will be financed, President Henry Aiken has called a meeting of the Heppner Rodeo association to be held at the city council room tomorrow evening. A call has been issued for all rodeo officials, ' the committees appointed by the cham ber of commerce and all other cit izens interested in seeing the 1940 show go over in a big way to be pre sent and participate m this meeang. Announcement was made at last weeks chamber of commerce meeting that more than enough names had been signed on the guaranty, fin ancial assurance having been given, President B. C. Pinckney of the chamber announced his selection of committees to assist the Rodeo asso ciation in preparing and staging the cowboy epic. The finance commit tee, Frank W. Turner, George How ard and E. O. Ferguson, has ai roarlv functioned and the following groups are now charged with the duty of helping to stage the snow. Ticket sale: Frank C. Alfred, R. B. Ferguson. Advertising: D. A. Wilson, aaie Sigsbee, O. G. Crawford.- Civic interest: W. C. Koscwan. (To choose assistants). Housing: D. M. Ward. Parade: Chas. B. Cox, R. A. Thompson. Queen: J. O. Turner, Mrs. H. A. Cohn, Mrs. H. D. McCurdy, Dr. R. C. Lawrence. Concessions: E. R. Shaffer. Firot cimim to eo into action was the queen committee, which met Monday. Queen selection meinoua of previous years were studied ana the committee tentatively adopted the plan in vogue the last two sea sons, leaving choice of queers at tendants with the granges and the committee making the queen selec tion from a list of eligible candidates who have heretofore served as prin cesses. 1 TV, qualifications for selection as a queen's attendant, which past ex perience has shown to be the most satisfactory, are as louows. u" she be at least 17 years of age; 2, uf cTio. unmarried; 3, that she have a pleasing personality and make a good appearance on a norse oi u. the street; 4, that she be a member of a pioneer family; o, mat sne u a senior or graduate of a Morrow county high school. Selection of a date will be the hrsT nrrlpr of business at Friday's meet ing. This will be followed by a gen eral discussion of plans,' arrange ments for securing stock and num erous details. It will be the most important meeting in connection with the rodeo, according to Presi dent Aiken, and the success of this year's show will depend upon the attendance and interest shown. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH PICNIC Arrangements are complete and a full program on hand for the picnic to be held at Johnny Brosnan'a ranch house at Lena on Sunday next. The program of events will be early mass in Heppner at 8 a. m. to be followed by a second mass which will be celebrated in the open at 10 a. m. at Lena. At noon a pot luck dinner will be served. Var ious games and musical entertain ment will be the order of the pro gram during the afternoon. Every one is invited to come. Condition of Mrs. Harold Gentry, who has been seriously ill with spot ted fever the past week, was report ed slightly improved this morning.