Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 20, 1940, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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    Thursday," June 20, 1940
District 25 Holds
Annual Election
The voters of school district No.
40 met at . the school on Monday,
with 25 in attendance. Mrs. Stanley
Robinson was elected as .chairman
of the meeting and Mrs. Marvin
Brannon, secretary. The budget was
accepted unanimously. Mrs. Neal
Knighten, the present clerk, was re
elected unanimously. Walter Wright
is the new director, elected for the
regular three-year term.
Mrs. Raymond McDonald, who had
. been ill for several days, was taken
to Heppner on Monday to consult
a doctor.
Our sick and injured citizens are
all getting better. Mrs. Sam Mc
Daniel, who has had a long illness,
is enjoying the . warm weather. Mrs.
Max Buschke, who lost part of a
finger and injured another in a
wood-cutting accident at their Long
prairie camp, was in Hardman over
the week end and reports that both
fingers are healing nicely. Lee Me
Roberts, who suffered a leg injury,
had the stitches removed. Miss Al
ene Inskeep is gaining back those
pounds she lost during a recent
sickness. But Jim Stevens injured
one of his eyes and is under a doc
tor's care.
Miss Ho Merrill left on Sunday
for Eugene where she is attending
summer school. Miss Merrill, who
teaches English in the high school at
Molalla, had spent two weeks at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. J. Merrill, before leaving for the
Ivan Leathers of Monument visited
at the Owen Leathers home on Tu
esday of last week. He was on his
way from Heppner where he had
gone with a load of hogs, raised on
his ranch near Monument.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Leathers and
daughter Jean who are located for
the summer in a place near Pilot
Rock were' in town on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Clemmer
and daughter Sylvia of The Dalles
visited here on Sunday at the home
of Mrs. Clemmer's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Sabin Hastings.
John McDonald, Jim Stevens,
Charlie McDaniel and Everett Had
ley were called out to fight fire
which was burning near Grouse
springs. After it had been put out,
Mr. McDonald was left there to see
that there was no further trouble.
- One day last week S. T. Robison
moved his cattle from their winter
range to his place in the mountains.
The latter part of last week Wil
liam Greener went to Pendelton to
attend the Elks convention.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bumside and
children of Rood canyon are moving
into the Leon Chapin house here in
On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Camichael of Lexington and Miss
Donna Leathers of Vancouver visit
ed at the home of Mr and Mrs. O.
H. Leathers. Miss Leathers is the
daughter of Otto Leathers, a brother
of Owen's, and she is spending two
weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Car
michael in Lexington.
Jim Brannon came over from
Prineville on Saturday, visited here,
and went on to Heppner to get Mrs.
Brannon and the children who have
been visiting at the William Cun
ningham home'.
Most of the sheep and cattle which
pass through Hardman in the early
summer have reached their moun
tain range. On Thursday the Cason
sheep were taken from the lower
ranch to the mountain place.
The voters of Union Hight district
No. 1 will meet on Monday June 24,
for the purpose of electing one di
rector for a period of five years.
He will be from the Rood canyon
Work on the road still continues,
causing a very dusty condition west
of town. It seems to be no tempor
ary affair, and will be better ap
preciated when the wet weather
season arrives.
Slight, and at times violent, breezes
tempered what might have been
uncomfortably hot weather during
the week. Wednesday of last week
was the worst, some thermometers
registering 96 on that day. Except
on that one morning fires were wel
comed for comfort during the first
hours after sunrise. There is need
of a good rain.
Town Originally
Standsbury Flat
To some of the older citizens of
Heppner it will not be news that the
town has not always been known
by that name, but it may be news
to many later comers that the orig
inal name was Standsbury Flat. That
was the name given the spot where
Heppner now stands when the set
tlement consisted of a log cabin and
a store, according to the state's first
complete guide book, "Oregon: End
of the Trail," written by the WPA
Oregon Writers' Project under the
sponsorship of the Oregon State
Board of Control.
Rye grass grew in abundance in
the Heppner section in 1858 when
the cattlemen drove their herds into
the region to graze. George W.
Standsbury's log cabin was the first
around which settlements grew from
the. cattle camps. Henry Heppner
and Jack Morrow established the
store in 1872. Later, at Standsbury's
suggestion, the name of the settle
ment was changed. Thus, in select
ing names for the town and the
county, these two pioneer merchants
were honored.
Car Registrations
Increase Over 1939
There were enough motor vehicles
registered in Oregon as of May 31,
to supply one to every man, woman
and child residing in Portland, Sa
lem and Eugene, figures compiled
at' the secretary of state's office
disclosed today.
Registrations totaled 332,160 vehi
cles, an increase of 5.91 percent
over the registration for the same
period last year. Registration fees
amounted to $2,453,495.93.
Private cars numbered 298,139, an
increase of 5.39 percent over the
same period last year, the figures
ROW. State Land Board, a public corpora
tion, Plaintiff,
W. H. Teeter and Jane Doe Teeter,
his wife; the Unknown Heirs of
W. H. Teeter, deceased; Mabel
Harvey and James Doe Harvey,
her husband; Bertie Grooves and
John Doe Gooves, her husband;
the Unknown . Heirs of Bertie
Grooves, deceased; Gussie Grooves
and Richard Roe Grooves, her
husband; the Unknown Heirs of
Gussie Grooves, deceased; George
Stewart and Jane Doe Stewart, his
wife; the Unknown Heirs of George
Stewart, deceased; Ethel Stewart
and John Roe Stewart, her hus
band; the Unknown Heirs of Ethel
Stewart, deceased; Mary Tarn and
Robert Doe Tarn, her husband; the
Unknown Heirs of Mary Tarn, de
ceased; Isabell Harrington and G.
W. Harrington, her husband; the
Unknown Heirs of Isabell Harring
ton, deceased; the Unknown Heirs
of James H. Wyland, decased; the
Unknown Heirs of Annie Crich
ton, deceased; the' Unknown Heirs
of Helen Donohoe, deceased; the
Unknown Heirs of C. R. Wyland,
deceased; the Unknown Heirs of
Amanda Keithley, deceased; Mar
tha J. Robison, a widow; S. T.
Robison and Mabel Doe Robison,
his wife; Also all other persons
or parties unknown claiming any
right, title, estate, lien or interest
in the real estate described in the
complaint here, Defendants.
TO: W. H. Teeter and Jane Doe
Teeter, his wife; the Unknown
Heirs of W. H. Teeter, deceased;
Mabel Harvey and James Doe
Harvey, her husband; the Un
known Heirs of Mabel Harvey, de
ceased; Bertie Grooves and John
Doe Grooves, her husband; the
Unknown Heirs of Bertie Grooves,
deceased; Gussie Grooves and
Richard Roe Grooves, her hus
band; the Unknown Heirs of Gus
sie Grooves, deceased; George
Stewart and Jane Doe Stewart, his
wife; the Unknown Heirs of
George Stewart, decased; Ethel
Stewart and John Roe Stewart,
her husband; the .Unknown Heirs
of Ethel Stewart, deceased; Mary
Tarn and Robert Doe Tarn, her
husband; the Unknown Heirs of
Mary Tarn, deceased; Isabell Har
rington and G. W. Harrington, her
husband; the Unknown Heirs of
Isabell Harrington, deceased; the
Unknown Heirs of James H. Wy
land, deceased; the Unknown- Heirs
of Annie Crichton, deceased; the
Unknown Heirs of Helen Donohoe,
deceased; the Unknown Heirs of
C. R. Wyland, deceased; the Un
known Heirs of Amanda Keithley,
deceased; Also all other persons
or parties unknown claiming any
right, title, estate, lien or interest
in the real estate described in the
complaint herein.
OF OREGON: You are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the
complaint filed against you in the
above entitled Court and Cause with
in four weeks from the date of the
first publication of this summons and
if you fail to appear and answer, for
want thereof, the plaintiff will ap
ply to the said Court for relief as
prayed for in the said complaint,
to-wit: for a decree that the plaintiff
is the owner in fee simple of the
following described real property:
North Half of North Half and
North Half of South Half of
North Half of Section Sixteen
(16), Township Three (3) South,
Range Twenty-five (25) East of
Willamette Meridian.
And that the plaintiff is the owner
in fee simple of the said land free
of any right, title, estate, lien or in
terest of you and each of you and
that you or any one of you have no
right, title, estate lien or interest
in the said land or any part thereof
and perpetually restrain and enjoin
you and each of you, your heirs and
assigns, from asserting or claiming
any right, title, estate, lien or inter
est in the said land or any part
thereof, adverse of plaintiff.
This smmons is served upon,you
by publication thereof for four con
secutive weeks in the Heppner Ga
zette Times, by order of Honorable
Bert Johnson, Judge of the County
Court of Morrow County, State of
Oregon, and which said order was
made and entered the 19th day of
June, 1940, and the first date of this
publication is the 20th day of June,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Postoffice Address: Heppner, Ore
gon. ,
Notice is hereby given that the
Want Ads
Want contracts for combining
grain. New 20-foot machine use
your power or mine. Prefer men
with tractor and having no less than
2000 acres to cut. Box 162, Kinzua,
Ore. 14-16p.
LOST On Main street, two linen
lariats. Finder please leave t coun
ty agent's office.
For Sale Red fryers, dressed and
delivered any time. Phone 3F11.
Singer Sewing Machines, vacuum
cleaners. Repairs on all makes.
Write Singer Agency, 418 S. Main,
Pendleton. ll-15p
Apartment for rent. Call 722.
Reserve Friday evening, June 14
annual church dinner, Methodist
church basement, 5:30 p. m. to 8 p.
m.; chicken dinner with strawberry
shortcake. Adults 50c, children 25c.
Public invited. 14-15.
Wood for sale $6.00 per cord. Fir
and tamarack post 8c delivered to
Heppner. Green cut wood at Ar
buckle corrals $3.50 a cord. W. H.
Tucker. 8-mp-tf.
Six-room house and bath, full
plumbing, good location, $1500. See
Clara Beamer. 24th
Summer range for 3000 yearlings,
or 2000 ewes and lambs. Well water
ed. Inquire this office. 3tf.
For rent, summer range for 3
bands of sheep. Will rent all or part
of it. Sid Seale, Condon, Ore. 3tf.
Satisfaction Breakfast Cereal, the
Cereal That Satisfies. Three grinds
fine, medium and coarse. On sale
t your local grocer's. Other pro
ducts will be featured later. Made
by Neal F. Knighten.
undersigned executrix of the last
Will and Testament of Anna Natter,
deceased, has filed her final acount
of her administration of said estate
with the County Court of the State
of Oregon for Morrow County and
that said court has fixed Monday,
July 22nd, 1940, at the hour of 10:00
o'clock in the forenoon of said day
in the County Court room at the
Court House at Heppner, Oregon,
as the time and place for hearing
objections to said final account and
the settlement of said estate and all
persons having objections thereto
are hereby required to file same
with said court on or before the time
set for said hearing.
Dated and first published this 20th
day of June, 1940.
KATIE MINERT, Executrix.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned, Administrators of the
Estate of Charles C. Shilling, de
ceased, have filed with the County
Court of the State of Oregon for
Morrow County, their final account
of their administration of said Es
tate, and that said Court has set
Monday, the 22nd day of July, 1940,
at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore
noon of said day, at the Court Room
at the Court House at Heppner,
Oregon, as the time and place for
hearing objections to said Final Ac
count and the settlement of said
Estate, and all persons having ob
jections to said Final Account or
the settlement of said Estate are
hereby required to file the same
with said Court on or before the
time set for said healing.
Dated and first published this
20th day of June, 1940.
Date of last publication, July 18,
Administrators of the estate of
Charles C. Shiling, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that Edith
Miller, executrix of the estate of
Margaret' Reaney, deceased, has
filed her final account of her ad
ministation of the said estate with
the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Morrow
and said Court has set Monday the
5th day of August, 1940, at the hour
of 10:00 in the forenoon of said day,
as the time and the County Court
Room of the Morrow County Court
in Heppner, Oregon, as the place for
hearing on said final account. All
persons having objections to said
final account must file the same
with the said court on or before said
date for final hearing.
Dated and first published at Hepp
ner, Oregon, this Cth day of June,
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned Albert F. Palmateer,
as Executor of the Last Will and
Testament of William F. Palmateer,
Deceased, pursuant to the power,
authority, and direction conferred
upon me as such executor by the
Will of said William F. Palmateer
to sell any property of the estate
of ,said deceased, not otherwise
therein specifically devised, for the
purpose of distribution under the
terms of said will, will, on the 29th
day of June, 1940, at the hour of
11:00 o'clock A. M. at the front door
of the County Court House in Hepp
ner, Morrow County, Oregon, offer
for sale and sell at public auction,
subject to confimation by the Coun
ty Court of the State of Oregon for
Morrow County, to the person mak
ing the highest and best offer there
for, for cash, all of the estate, right,
title and interest of the Estate of
William F. Palmateer, deceased, in
and to the following described real
The Dalles Freight Line, Inc.
Arrive Tues., Weds., Friday, Sat.
Warehouse: KANE'S GARAGE Carl D. Spiekerman, Agent
Page Seven
property situated in Morrow Coun
ty, State of Oregon, to-wit:
Section Twenty -five (25), in
Township Two (2) North, Range
Twenty-three (23) East of the
Willamette Meridian, situate in
Morrow County, Oregon.
The said property will be sold
subject to existing encumbrances
thereon and for cash upon confirm
ation of the sale by the Court and
upon execution and delivery of good
and sufficient deed therefor.
Dated this 29th day of May, 1940.
Executor of the Estate of Wil
liam F. Palmateer, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that Em
ma Anderson and August Anderson
have been duly appointed joint ad
ministrators s.t.a. of the estate of
Charlotta Anderson, deceased, by
the County Court of Morrow Coun
ty, Oregon, and have accepted such
trust. All persons having claims
against the said estate are required
to present the same, duly certified,
to J. O. Turner, at his office in
Heppner, Oregon, within six months
from the date of this notice.
Dated and first published this
30th day of May, 1940.
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned Treasurer of Heppner
Lodge No. 358, Benevolent and Pro
tective Order of Elks of the United
States of America, will on the 1st
day of July, 1940, at his office at
Heppner, Oregon, redeem and pay
all outstanding bonds of said Lodge
No. 358, at par value thereof, and
accrued interest upon presentation
and surrender of said bonds . and
interest coupons, and that all inter
est on said bonds shall cease from
and after said date for redemption.
Notice is hereby further given
that said bonds are redeemed pur
suant to and in accordance with the
redemption option reserved in said
bonds, and the mortgage securing
the payment thereof.
Dated and first published by or
der of the Trustees of said Heppner
Lodge No. 358, Benevolent and Pro
tective Order of Elks of the United
States of America, this 23rd day of
May, 1940.
Treasurer of Heppner Lodge
No. 358, Benevolent and Pro
tective Order of Elks of the
United States of America.
Batteries Guaranteed 80 Pet. of Orig
inal Capacity at End of 6- or 10-Year
Investigate the Refrigerator with
separate frosted compartment
7', 8y2' and 10' sizes for farm or
Free EHtimatca Without Obligation
Moro, Ore. Res. DeMoss Spr.
For Eye Comfort Better Vision
Come to Pendleton for Your Optical
Needs! Eycs Examined by Mod
ern Methods. Glasses Ground to
Fit When Needed. Reasonable
Optometrist - Pendleton
Over Woolworths Phone 535-J