Page Two Heopner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Thursday, June 20, 1940 IOiXE NEWS Trocdson Families In Annual Reunion By MRS. ELMER GRIFFITH Members of the Troedson families held their annual reunion at The Dalles auto park Sunday, June 16. Several members were unable to be present. Dinner was served at the noon hour followed by the business meeting. It was decided to keep the same officers for another year, with Nor man Swanson, president, and Mrs. Orlo Martin, secretary-treasurer. J. A. Troedson suggested that greet ings should be sent to C. W. Swan son who was unable to be present. A friendship letter, written by those present, was sent him. A telegram of greetings was sent the reunion from Carl Troedson and J. A. Carl son of King City, Cal. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smouse and Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swanson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clel Rhea and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lndell and family, all of lone, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Troed son and Mr. and Mrs. Foster Odom and family of Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Martin and family of Moro, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilkinson and Nancy, Mrs. Sophia Troedson, Mor man Swanson and Abagail Spauld ing, all of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Swanson went on to Salem to visit relatives fol lowing the reunion. The Women's Topic club met at the home of Mrs. Victor Rietmann on Friday afternoon. The book, "Grandfather Was Queer," by Rich ardson Wright, was reviewed by the hostess, Mrs. Rietmann, Mrs. Dorr Mason and Mrs. Omar Rietmann. Election for the coming year was held. New officers are Mrs. E. R. LundeU, president; Mrs. Cleo Drake, vice-president, and Mrs. Dorr Ma son, secretary-treasurer. Mrs. D. M. Ward, Mrs. Inez Freeland, and Mrs. L. E. Dick resigned, and Mrs. Albert Lindstrom was admitted to mem bership. Delicious refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. The social meeting for June will be at the home of Mrs. CM Rhea on June 22. Among those attending the Elks convention in Pendleton on Friday and Friday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Allyn, Robert Rietmann, Carlton Swanson; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Smith, Frank Engelman, and Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Haguewood. ' Mr. and Mrs. Werner Rietmann attended on Sat urday. The summer vacation Bible school opened on Monday morning for a period of two weeks. The teachers are: Pro-school, Mrs. Moffat Dennis and Mrs. Delia Corson; primary, Rev. Dennis and Bernice Ring; in termediate, Mrs. Ray Barnett, and jniors, Miss Florence Moyer and Mildred Lundell. The annual school election was held in the lone schoolhouse Mon day afternoon. Oscar Peterson was elected as director and Clarence Linn as clerk to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Mrs. Erling Thompson. Jack Farris and Otto Rietmann have returned from a fishing trip at Deep creek. The Morgan district held their annual school election on Monday and reelected Mrs. Franklin Ely as director and Mrs. Bert Palmateer as clerk. ' The budget was passed. Immediately following the election a school board meeting was held and Fred J. Ely was again hired as bus driver. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Engelman on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hall of South Bend, Wash., and Thelma Jean Kosky of Olympia, Wash. Also Mrs. Myrtle Oliver and son of Echo stopped by for a brief visit. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ray motored to Hood River and Lyle, Wash., on Sunday to visit relatives and friends. They also took back home their guest, Mrs, Macneil, who has been visiting in lone. Mrs. Alice Wiles and Mrs. V. M. Ray also made the trip down and back. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gorger have completed a small house on their ranch to replace the one destroyed by- fire last summer and are mov ing in. Miss Helen Lindsay, who is em ployed at the Ed Rietmann home near Condon, spent the week end at home. She was accompanied over 1 T T 1 1 T- i . 1 ! oy van ana vavia xueunann wno visited at the Victor Rietmann home. Their cosins, Robert and Billy Joe, returned with them on Monday. Frank Janzen, a graduate of .Ore gon State college, has signed a con tract to teach music in lone for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Howk and family of Condon were Sunday vis itors at the home of Mrs. Howk's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Linn. Mrs. Victor Peterson and sons of The Dalles are guests at the home of her mother-in-law, Mrs. Ida Pet erson. Miss Jane Huston who is a fresh man at the University of Oregon, has returned to the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Huston, for the summer. Mrs. Walter Bristow and infant daughter, Mildred Irene, returned from Hood River on Sunday. Mr. Bristow motored down after them. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Keller have receivea word of the birth of a son to Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Keller June 13 at Beaver Dam, Wis. He was named Frank Kenneth. Rose Marie Gorger spent the week end at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gorger. She is teaching in the sisters' summer Bi ble school at Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Erling Thompson left Tuesday morning by train for Detroit. They will purchase a new car there and drive home. Miss Ella Mason returned to her home in Portland on Friday after a visit with relatives here. Miss Ross Belle Perry, a student at University of Oregon, is spend ing the summer at the home of her father, Ross Perry, at Morgan. Mrs. Ida Fletcher is in Hood River receiving medical attention. Mrs. E. G. Sperry is caring for Mrs. Louisa Louy during her absence. Friends will be interested to know that Miss Miriam Hale, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hale of Tan gent and former residents of lone, was one of those graduating from University of Oregon this year. Mrs. Bert Mason and Mrs. Carl Feldman have been fishing at Deep creek for the last week. The dining room at the Park hotel opened again on Monday with Mrs. John Bryson in charge of the kit chen. PINE CITY NEWS School Renovating Voted at Pine City By BERNICE 'WATTENBURGER The annual school meeting was held Monday and re-elected Fay Finch, clerk, and Mrs. Harold Wil kins for the three -year term on the school board. It was also voted to paint the building and have it re shingled. Mrs. Marion Finch attended an all-day meeting of the grange ladies at the French home in the Lena dis trict. Pot-luck dinner was served at noon. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ayers and family were Pendleton callers Fri day. Burl Wattenburger and Harold Wilkins were Pasco callers Saturday morning. ' Mr. and Mrs. Bert Barnes of Pilot Rock were callers on the creek Thursday at the Marion Finch and E. B. Wattenburger homes. Mr. and Mrs. Duke Schiller called Thursday evening at the E. B. Wat tenburger home. Mrs. Jasper Myers and young son returned home Saturday from the Hermiston hospital. "Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith of Irrigon and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Moore spent Sunday fishing on the north fork of Butter creek and re ported a good catch. E. B. Wattenburger made a bus iness trip to Heppner Tuesday. IRRIGON NEWS Irrigon Folk Trek To Camp Meetings By MRS. W. C. ISOM Rev. and Mrs. Harness, Mrs. Tom Caldwell, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Hoag- lan and Mrs. Nora Wilson are at tending camp meetings in Pendleton this week. Mrs. Hazel Norcross and family from Portland are visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith. Mrs. Sam Umiker and daughter from Castle Rock, Wash., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Frank Leicht. Mr. and Mrs. George Kendler, Sr., from Umatilla visited Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Isom, Sunday. HOT WEATHER FOOD SUGGESTIONS Save yourself a lot of unnecessary discomfort by planning heatless meals for these hot days. . . . Salads, cold meats, veg etables, fruits and many other food items are obtainable at our store. They require less time to prepart and are rich in vitamin content. Salad Dressing, qt. jar ... 40c Tang pt. 25c Peanut Butter 2 lb. jar ... 45c DILL PICKLES Gallon jar 50c PORK & BEANS 2 for 25c ORANGES med size Doz. 35c TimmiimmTTtiTtrmmTTrmMimpntTTiMmf iJi ri -a1 b "&wx-mM&.mtzmiMi b v w m emma bmb bwk&.w?? wsawaeasMife i ll Y-i it The Master 85 Town Sedan,699 Chevrolet for '40 out measures all other lowest priced cars from front of grille to rear of body (181 inches) . . . and it also out sells all other makes of cars, regardless of price I It's the biggest package price range; and, of course, its extra length and extra weight meanextra worth to you, the buyer, In all ways. That's why people are saying, "Why pay more? Why accept less?" That's why they're buying more Chevrolets than any other car, for the ninth time in the last ten years! Heppner Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leach and son Tommy were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Isom, Sunday. Emmett McCoy left for Portland Saturday to visit his daughter, Mrs. Jay Berry, and family. Mrs. Marshal Markham and fam ily, Mrs. Emmett McCoy, Mrs. Dock McCoy and Mrs. J. A. Grabeil vis ited relatives at Imbler Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Browning and ivl. D. CLARK WUmUf.lHII WWJIPiMHMI JUMJBBIIIH I JWUW IlLWllllg III WWF.aWWa yMniWllll WW&'mVWmKm 1 B V - W I I ' i v im 0 V" mur mi FERGUSON, MOTOR COMPANY family and Tom Caldwell motored to Pendleton Sunday to attend the camp meeting services. Bert Dexter and family from Ad ams were visiting here Tuesday. Tommy Haddox is visiting his bro ther, Carl Haddox, and family. A. C. Houghton was elected direc tor for the coming term of three years at the annual school meeting Monday. Cucumbers fancy 4 for 25c TOMATOES red ripe 2 lb. 20c Don't forget to stock your re frigerator with a supply of fruit juices and soft drinks. 1 "ijt'f r , w -J- v X wv.v fir - $ APQ MASTER 85 UJ7 BUSINESS COUPE Other models (lightly higher Alf modeh priced at Flint, Mich. Tron. porofion based on rail rates, stale and local taxes (if any), optional equipment and accessories extra. Prices subject to change without notice. miT'TRYIT'BUYMi Oregon i t.