Thursday, June 13, 1940 HARDMAN NEWS Hardman Clubbers ' Leave for Corvqllis On Monday morning-the Hardman delegation to the 4-H club summer school at Corvallis left for a happy two weeks. Molly Mclntyre had earned her scholarship in the style revue last August, at which time Vern McDaniel and Mildred Clary were winners in a demonstration. The Hardman clubs raised money and sent Vera McDaniel and Irl Clary. In ddition to the five young peopl, the community was repre sented by Mrs. Neal Knighten, who, at a recent county club leaders' meetings, had been selected as cha perone. On Sunday, Miss Ann Mclntyre left for Condon where she will teach in the Catholic summer school which will be held there for two weeks. On Mondy morning Miss Rita Mclntyre went to Heppner where she will likewise teach for the fortnight. Friends of Mrs. Kenneth Bleak mn will be glad to know that she returned to her home in Heppner on Wednesday of last week, from Pendleton where she had undergone a major operation. Mrs. Bleakman is getting along very well, and her mother, Mrs. John McDonald, is with her. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howell and son Clifford of Top were in town on Tuesday of last week, visiting relatives and friends. Miss Alene Inskeep, who has been suffering from a throat ailment for the last two weeks, is much better, but missed her trip to the 4-H sum mer school because of her illness. One day last week Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carmichael of Lexington passed through town on their way to Monument to get Mrs. Carmich ael's father, Nick Leathers, who vis ited a short time in Lexington be fore going on to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Knighten and Mrs. Lewis Knighten returned on "Wednesday from their trip to Port land. Juanita Byer came back with them and will stay indefinitely at the Neal Knighten home. Donald Morton, the small brother of Mrs. Marvin Brannon, also came with them from Portland. Donald will visit for some time at the Brannon home. Mrs. Ethel McDaniel and Cecil left on Monday for Enterprise where they will visit her sister, Mrs. Har lan Weeks. Then they will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Karry Owens in Union. They expect to be gone two weeks. The dance at Lonerock Saturday night attracted a number of Hard manites. Among those going over were Mr. and Mrs. J. B- Adams, Forest and Lavonne Adams, Ed McDaniel, Leon Chapin, and Dallas McDaniel. The Christian Endeavor held their regular monthly party on Saturday night at the Neal Knighten home. After an evening spent in games, Mrs. Knighten served waffles and chocolate. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. James Brannon and children and L. E. Brannon of Prineville visited in town at the Marvin Brannon home, and then went on to Heppner. The men returned to Prineville on Mon day but Mrs. Brannon and the chil dren remained for a couple of weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Cunningham. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Burnside and Herbert McDaniel were dinner guests on Sunday t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Knighten. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Saling and children of Heppner visited Sunday at the John McDonald home. Miss Isabel McFerrin is visiting at the Fred Reed home in Spokane, where she went to attend the grad uation of Miss Jean Reed. Mr. Reed and Ted also went up for the occa sion. On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Vern Leathers, Mr. and Mrs. Elza Ules and Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Wright, all of Portland, visited at the O. H. Leathers home. They had all come to eastern Oregon on the previous Wednesday and had been camping at Ditch creek and fishing. They left Hardman late on Tuesday and drove home in the night. Eddie Russell of Condon passed Heppner through here on Monday on the way to his allotment at Two Springs. When he returned on Tuesday he visited with Mr. and Mrs. O. H. LeShers. Because of the cold weather a couple of weeks ago, some of the grain is badly white-capped. The middle of last week was still cold but at this writing the farmers are having the warmest weather of the year. A good rain would be very acceptable as most of the fields are much too dry. County Warrants Paid for May, 1940, Term Neva S. Cochell, Deputy' Sal. $124.70 Earle Bryant, Deputy Salary 109.70 E. M. Kenny, Deputy Salary .. 85.00 Harriet Pointer, Deputy Sal. 85.00 J. O. Archer, Janitor Salary 75.00 Dr. R. M. Rice, Phys. Salary 25.00 Henry E. Neer, Court Report. 25.00 Bert Johnson, County Court.... 9.00 George N. Peck, County Court 21.90 L. D. Neill, County Court 27.10 I. J. Patton, Sheriff, County Court 1.60 C. W. Barlow, County Clerk, Current Exp. $8.00; Co. Ct. $.72; Court House $3.75 12.47 Gilliam & Bisbee, Court Hse. 5.31 Pac. Power & Light Co., Court House 31.75 Frank C. Alfred, Dist. Atty 10.00 Pac. Sta. & Print. Co., County Clerk ". 27.97 Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., Current r Expense 48.60 Chas. Peterson, Cur. Exp 7.50 Thomas J. Wells, Assessor , Field Work 65.20 J. O. Hager, Justice Court 20.45 Jack Merrill, Justice Court .. 1.00 Clifford Fay, Justice Court 1.00 Edmund Bucknum, Jus. Court 1.00 Albert Schunk, Justice 1.00 Lucille H. Vale, County Nurse 124.98 State Dept. of Ag., District Sealer 6.15 Heppner Gazette Times, Offi. . Pub. $17.60; Election $185.10 202.70 E. Breshears, Election Exp..... 1.30 A. C. Houghton, Election Exp. 1.30 Bert Mason, Election Expense 1.00 A. B. Chaffee, Election Exp 3.40 Marie Clary, Election Exp 3.20 W. M. Eubanks, Election Exp. $1.50; Bonds $10.00 11.60 E. R. Huston, Jail 32.64 Heppner Market, Jail 6.23 Harold Becket, Jail 75 Case Furniture Co., Jail $1.69 Sheriff $2.50 4.19 C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff 80.20 Earle Bryant, Sheriff 19.30 S. C. Russell, Sheriff 3.55 Jewel L. Wright, Sheriff .... 4.50 Archie D. McMurdo, Coroner 5.00 Harry Tamblyn, Water Master Exp ; 9.50 Ray Lewis, Supt. Travel Exp. 6.00 Juanita Carmichael, Supt. Travel Exp 6.70 West Coast Print. & Bind. Co. Superintendent 3.25 John W. Graham & Co., Supt. 1.83 Lois Redding, Supt. Assist 7.53 State Ind. Acci. Com., Sher. $4.53; Sher. Sal. $.30; Sher. Deputies $.60; Emergency $2.65 8.08 Wm. Lee McCaleb, Emergency 81.50 Bert Johnson,, Judge, General Assistance 168.91 Harvey Miller, Bang's Disease Control 4.00 W. D. Jackson, Court House... 16.80 Lucy E. Rodgers, Supt. $3.80; Mileage $51.05 54.85 Boys & Girls Aid Soc., De pendent Children 6.00 Bert Johnson, Judge, Blind Assistance .' 11.00 Bert Johnson, Judge, Depend ent Children 51.20 Bert Johnson, Judge, Old Age Assistance 329.40 R. C. Timmons, Sheriff, Sher iff's fees 11.10 Election Expense: Dan Lindsay $6.00, C. Melville $11.00, Russell Moore $6.00, E. L. Ditty $6.00, Frank Saling $6.00, Grace Macomber $14. 20, S. C. Russell $6.00, Roy E. Ball $6.00, Flossie Coats $6.00, Sophia Barlow $6.00, R. L. Ekleberry $6.00, J. A. Troedson $6.00, John W. Krebs $6.00, Fannie G. Griffith $12.20, Her bert Hynd $6.00, Walter Becket $6.00, M. Akers $10.00, E. M. Worden $6.00, John Bergstrom $6.00, L. Redding $6.00, A. W. Lundell $11.00, O. G. Bergstrom $6.00, Wm. Bergstrom $6.00, Irene E. Zinter $6.00, C. F. Bergstrom $6.00, J. B. Adams $10.00, Neal F. Knighten $6.00, Lewis Batty $6.00, Floyd N. Adms $6.00, Frances Gazette Times, Heppner, Leaters $6.00, R. M. Akers $3.00, E. R. Lundell $3.00, Claude Charles O'Connor $3.00, Juanita Rietmann $3.00, Mabel Cotter $3.00, Elizabeth Clark $3.00, Frank M. Lundell $3.00, W. M. Eubanks $6.60, Fred Mankin $3.00, H. W. Grim $6.00, Geo. W. Rand $19.00, H. C. Warner $6.00, M. F. Caldwell $6.00, F. C. Frederick son $6.00, Catherine J. Higgins $6.00, Kathleen M. Hisler $11.00, Leona Instone $6.00, Mabel A. Hughes $6.00, Annie Schaffer $6.00, G. J. Ryan $3.00, L. A. Palmer $5.20, Margaret Leach $3.00, Grace M. Turner $3.00, Cora E. Warner $3.00, E. J. Evans $3.00, B. H. Peck $3.00, Vera B. Whillock $3.00, H. O. Bauman $3.00, Helen Breshears $3.00, Vivian Kane $6.00, Ealor B. Huston $6.00, Mar garet McNeill $6.00, Kathleen Gen try $6.00, Alex Green $4.50, Walter B. Carlson $4.50, Robert A. Jones $4.50, John W. Hiatt $4.50, Roy A. Campbell $4.50, Phebe A. Bartholo mew $6.00, Bertha Ayers $6.00, Clay ton H. Ayers $6.00, Marion Finch $6.00, Faye Finch $12.00, C. N. Jones $6.00, Etta Howell $6.00, Grace Nic kerson $6.00, Ruth Tamblyn $6.00, Sara McNamer $6.00, F. E. Parker $4.50, H. A. Duncan $4.50, Terrel L. Benge $4.50, E. L. Ayers $4.50, Jose phine Mahoney $4.50. Bert Johnson, County Court 13.50 Warrants Drawn on General Road Fund, May, 1940 Glenn Sherer $90.74, Albert Gib son, Jr. $23.92, L. N. Morgan $112.25, W. Cunningham $74.75, Ralph Mar latt $151.49, Harold Sherer $90.74, Wrex Langdon $77.74, Clair Ash baugh $90.74, Walter Gilman $77.74, Robt. S. Wilson $41.70, Henry J. Phelps $2.24, Pete Helm $2.24, Neil Bleakney $36.00, Roy Ball $1.75, Al bert Connor $107.74, H. S. Taylor $114.49, M. V. Nolan $103.74, Jack Stotts $89.70, A. J. Caffee $111.11, Vernon Munkers $97.74, James Far ley $72.50, Frank W. Gentry $93.33, Dale Ray $50.83, Union Oil Com pany $296.05, Heppner Garage $3.00, I. R. Robison $216.27, Chas. Wil liams $41.63, Martin Ekker $5.50, Ed ith K. Hendricks $6.78, Tom Hen dricks $5.00, Crystal Barlow $8.93, Paul Haberlein $10.00, Rosewall Gentry Motor Co. $16.65, Frank Nixon $29.85, Rogers Super Tread Tire Ser. $11.52, V. L. Carlson $26.20, S. C. Russell $3.97, Charley Ondrick $1.00, Penland Brothers Transfer Co. $.60, E. W. Peck $7.29, Air Reduction Sales Co. $5.35, City of Heppner Water Dept. $1.60, Kane's Garage $25.95, Heppner Blacksmith & Mch. Co. $12.75, Lexington Oil Coop. Want Ads Want contracts for combining grain. New 20-foot machine use your power or mine. Prefer men with tractor and having no less than 2000 acres to cut. Box 162, Kinzua, Ore. 14-16p. LOST On Main street, two linen lariats. Finder please leave at coun ty agent's office. For Sale Red fryers, dressed and delivered any time. Phone 3F11. 15-16p. Singer Sewing Machines, vacuum cleaners. Repairs on all makes. Write Singer Agency, 418 S. Main, Pendleton. ll-15p Apartment for rent. Call 722. Reserve Friday evening, June 14 annual church dinner, Methodist church basement, 5:30 p. m. to 8 p. m.; chicken dinner with strawberry shortcake. Adults 50c, children 25c. Public invited. 14-15. Wood for sale $6.00 per cord. Fir and tamarack post 8c delivered to Heppner. Green cut wood at Ar buckle corrals $3.50 a cord. W. H. Tucker. 8-mp-tf. Six-room house and bath, full plumbing, good location, $1500. See Clara Beamer. 24th Summer range for 3000 yearlings, or 2000 ewes and lambs. Well water ed. Inquire this office. 3tf. For rent, summer range for 3 bands of sheep. Will rent all or part of it. Sid Seale, Condon, Ore. 3tf. Satisfaction Breakfast Cereal, the Cereal That Satisfies. Three grinds fine, medium and coarse. On sale at your local grocer's. Other pro ducts will be featured later. Made by Neal F. Knighten. ' Oregon $14.92, Gamble Stores Agency $4.84, Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. $2.50, Jack Aen Supply Co. $14.67, Feenaughty Machinery Co. $60.14, Columbia Equipment Co. $139.15, Harry Tam blyn $91.94, Harold Becket $7.40, Pac. Power & Light Co. $3.68, Gil liam & Bisbee $39.87, C. W. Barlow County Clerk $1.89, State Ind. Acc. Com. $56.09, City of Heppner $1, 519.58, City of lone $243.51, City of Lexington $170.93, City of Board man $54.75, W. D. Jackson $21.00, B. Baer $9.75. Warrants Drawn on Market Road Fund, May, 1940 Harry Tamblyn $118.66, Frank W. Gentry $43.92, Dale Ray $23.92, State Industrial Accident Com. $2.78. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that Edith Miller, executrix of the estate of Margaret Reaney, deceased, has filed her final account of her ad ministation of the said estate with the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow and said Court has set Monday the 5th day of August, 1940, at the hour of 10:00 in the forenoon of said day, as the time and the County Court Room of the Morrow County Court in Heppner, Oregon, as the place for hearing on said final account. All persons having objections to said final account must file the same with the said court on or before said date for final hearing. Dated and first published at Hepp ner, Oregon, this 6th day of June, 1940. EDITH MILLER, Executrix. NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School District No. One, of Morrow County, State of Oregon, that the ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING of said District will be held at City Council Cham bers to begin at the hour of 2 o'clock A. M. on the third Monday of June, being the 17th day of June, A. D. 1940. This meeting is called for the pur pose of electing One Clerk for the term of one year; One Director for a term of three years, and One Di rector for a term of one year and the transaction of such other busi ness as may come before such meet ing. In districts of the second and third classes the ballots shall not be count ed until one hour after the time set for the meeting to begin. Until the count begins, any legal voters of the district shall be entitled to vote upon any business before the meeting. Dated this 31st day of May, 1940. C. N. JONES, Chairman Board of Diectors. Attest: DAISY SHIVELY, District Clerk. NOTICE OF EXECUTOR'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Albert F. Palmateer, as Executor of the Last Will and Testament of William F. Palmateer, Deceased, pursuant to the power, authority, and direction conferred upon me as such executor by the Will of said William F. Palmateer to sell any property of the estate of said deceased, not otherwise therein specifically devised, for the purpose of distribution under the terms of said will, will, on the 29th day of June, 1940, at tha hour of 11:00 o'clock A. M. at the front door of the County Court House in Hepp ner, Morrow County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell at public auction, subject to confimation by the Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, to the person mak ing the highest and best offer there for, for cash, all of the estate, right, title and interest of the Estate of William F. Palmateer, deceased, in and to the following described real SHIP BY TRUCK The Dalles Freight Line, Inc. SERVICE BETWEEN PORTLAND : THE DALLES : HEPPNER AND WAY POINTS Arrive Tues., Weds., Friday, Sat. Warehouse: KANE'S GARAGE Carl D. Spickcrman, Agent "PREVENT FOREST FIRES IT PAYS" Page Seven property situated in Morrow Coun ty, State of Oregon, to-wit: Section Twenty -five (25), in Township Two (2) North, Range Twenty-three (23) East of the Willamette Meridian, situate in Morrow County, Oregon. The said property will be sold subject to existing encumbrances thereon and for cash upon confirm ation of the sale by the Court and upon execution and delivery of good and sufficient deed therefor. Dated this 29th day of May, 1940. ALBERT F. PALMATEER, Executor of the Estate of Wil liam F. Palmateer, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that Em ma Anderson and August Anderson have been duly appointed joint ad ministrators s.t.a. i of the estate of Charlotta Anderson, deceased, by the County Court of Morrow Coun ty, Oregon, and have accepted such trust. All persons having claims against the said estate are required to present the same, duly certified, to J. O. Turner, at his office in Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published thia 30th day of May, 1940. EMMA ANDERSON, AUGUST ANDERSON. NOTICE OF BOND REDEMPTION Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Treasurer of Heppner Lodge No. 358, Benevolent and Pro tective Order of Elks of the United States of America, will on the 1st day of July, 1940, at his office at Heppner, Oregon, redeem and pay all outstanding bonds of said Lodge No. 358, at par value thereof, and accrued interest upon presentation and surrender of said bonds and interest coupons, and that all inter est on said bonds shall cease from and after said date for redemption. Notice is hereby further given that said bonds are redeemed pur suant to and in accordance with the redemption option reserved in said bonds, and the mortgage securing the payment thereof. Dated and first published by or der of the Trustees of said Heppner Lodge No. 358, Benevolent and Pro tective Order of Elks of the United States of America, this 23rd day of May, 1940. J. O. TURNER, Treasurer of Heppner Lodge No. 358, Benevolent and Pro tective Order of Elks of the United States of America. 12-18. HOME ELECTRIC LIGHT SYSTEM Ratterieg Guaranteed 80 Pet. of Orig inal Capacity at End of 6- or 10-Year Period. Investigate the Refrigerator with separate frosted compartment 7', 8V2' and 10' sizes for farm or city. 3-YEAR PAYMENT PLAN Free Estimates Without Obligation DE MOSS & SON Moro, Ore. Res. DcMoss Spr. LEXINGTON OIL CO-OP CORRECT GLASSES For Eye Comfort Better Vision Come to Pendleton for Your Optical Needs! Eyes Examined by Mod ern Methods. Glasses Ground to Fit When Needed. Reasonable Prices. DR. DALE ROTinVELL Optometrist - Pendleton Over Woolworths Phone 535-J