Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 13, 1940, Page Page Two, Image 2

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Page Two
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Thursday, June 13, 1940
lone Sunday School
Holds Lawn Picnic
The lone Union Sunday school
held a picnic Sunday for members
and families on the lawn at the
Marion Palmer ranch three miles
west of lone. Sunday school and
church services were held on the
lawn in the morning followed by a
picnic dinner and games in the af
ternoon. About fifty people enjoy
ed the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Erret Hummel and
baby son left Friday for La Grande
where they will spend the summer.
On Monday Mr. Hummel registered
for the summer course at Eastern
Oregon College of Education.
Bert Mason, Jr., returned from
Corvallis Sunday evening, where he
has been a student at the Oregon
State college for the past year. Miss
Ella Mason, his aunt, came up from
Portland with him to visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Erling Thompson
returned Monday from visiting Sa
lem and other valley points.
Paul Smouse, a student at the
University of Oregon, returned home
for the summer on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Troedson
and child of Portland are visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Elmer Griffith spent Friday in
Pendleton attending the Pacific N.
W. grain dealers convention.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bristow are
the proud parents of a baby daugh
ter born Friday in Hood River. The
young lady weighed 7 pounds and
10 ounces and has been named Mil
dred Irene.
Mrs. Harry Yarnell has been quite
ill the last week and a physician
was called.
The summer Bible school will
open on June 17 for a period of
two weeks, and all those wishing
may enroll their children.
The schoohou.se in the Ella district
was burned down Saturday after
noon due to a weed fire around
the building which got out of con
trol. It was covered by insurance.
Jack Farris has purchosed the old
Sperry house opposite the ware
house and is having it torn down
and remodeled. Mrs. Farris' parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Clark, are visiting here
and Mr. Clark is doing the work.
Miss Ruth Crawford has returned
home for vacation with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wait Crawford, who
motored to Portland after her. Ruth
has been attending Marylhurst col
lege for the last two years and has
just been elected president of the
student body for the coming year.
Mrs. Matthew Gordon, Bernice
Ring of lone and Naomi Nunn of
Hermiston arrived back home Mon
day evening from a vacation that
took them to Seaside, the Portland
rose show, Salem, and other valley
Wheat in the Morgan section is
beginning to change color and some
farmers expect to begin harvest the
last week in June.
Mrs. Fred Mankin motored to
Walla Walla on Wednesday to bring
vback her daughter, Miss Betty Jean,
who has been attending St. Paul's
school there this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blake and fam
ily were visiting friends and rela
tives in lone on Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. Blake had just returned fom
Arlington where he met Mrs. Blake,
Donald and Joanne, who have been
visiting in Portland.
Mrs. Fred Mankin, Betty Jean and
Buddy left for Portland on Monday
afternoon. While in the city Mrs.
Mankin Will attend grand chapter
of the Order of Eastern Star. She
is worthy matron of lone chapter.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwynne Peck were
visiting Mrs. Peck's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Farris, in lone Sat
urday and Sunday. They have re
turned from Corvallis, where Mr.
Peck has been attending college.
Mr. Peck went on to Lexington to
visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
School Elections to
Be Held June 17
Next Monday, June 17, at 2 p. m.
at the school house the annual school
election will be held. The purpose
of the election is to elect a school
director and vote on the budget.
Lyman Randall, Mrs. Ed Kunze
and daughter Ruth left Thursday
for a few days in Portland visiting
and on business.
Jack Gorham made a business trip
to Portland over the week end. Mar
dell Gorham and Clara Mae Dillon
ran the store during his absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messenger
and children, Betty Lou and Gerald,
were here from Meacham Saturday
and Sunday. The other children,
Truman, Franklin and Rena, who
have been here visiting,' returned
home with them.
Lora Messenger left Sunday for
La Grande where she will attend
summer school for six weeks at the
Eastern Oregon College of Educa
uon lannehin was in Portland a
few days last week.
A bridal shower is to be given for
Mrs Alvin Deulan, nee Mary Kunze,
on Tuesday, June 18, at the grange
Frances Skoubo, Edwin Ball, Hil
ma Lee Tyler, Robert Garvison and
Ivera Olson left Monday for two
weeks in 4-H club summer school.
Ben Buschke left Saturday for
Seaside to visit at his daughter
Grace's home. Mr. Buschke is some
what improved from the stroke he
suffered recently but is forced to
take things easy.
Control of Weeds
Pine City Subject
The county agent of Morrow coun
ty met with the farmers of Pine City
and Lena districts to discuss the
weed, control plan.
Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Myers are
the parents of a son born Wednes
day. The young man has been nam
ed Charles Thompson. He weighed
9 pounds, 8 ounces.
Miss Betty Finch who spent the
last winter in Olympia, Wash., re
turned home Saturday evening to
spend the summer.
Callers Friday evening at the E.
B. Wattenburgers were Mrs. Art
Hughes, Mrs. Ed Hughes of Lena,
Mrs. Marian Finch and Mrs. Clayton
Ayers of Pine City.
First crop of haying is well under
way on Butter creek.
Mrs. Ruby Schiller and Mrs. Schil
ler were callers Thursday evening
at the John Harrison home.
A number of Pine City people
attended the dance at Lena grange
hall Saturday evening.
Tom Linheart, state bee inspector,
and Mrs. . Linheart called Friday at
the E. B. Wattenburger home.
Mr. and Mrs. John Brosnan, Mrs.
Jerry Brosnan and Mrs. George Cur
rin called Sunday at the John Har
rison home.
Tom Boylen, Jr., of Pendleton was
a Monday morning caller at his
ranch on the creek.
A new tractor and equipment has
been delivered at the Barney Do
herty ranch, and also another new
tractor to the Boylen ranch.
State Distributes
County Fair Funds
A total of $44,954.60 of state tax
funds was distributed to the coun
ties of the state by the secretary of
state recently, infomation received
from that office discloses. The mon
ey is for maintaining county fairs
and comes from a state levy of one
twentieth of a mill upon taxable
property in the various counties.
Counties receiving the largest am
ounts were Multnomah with $15,
473.72, Clackamas with $2,162.89,
Lane with $2,185.11 and Marion with
Morrow county with an assessed
valuation of $7,346,074.98 received
$367.30 under the disbursement.
While splitting kindlings at a camp
in the mountains south of Hardman
one day last week, Mrs. Max Bus
chke had the misfortune to strike
her hand with the axe. The middle
finger of her left hand was severed
near the tip of the second joint and
the tip of the index finger was cut
Mrs. Ricks Hostess
To Church Women
Mrs. Fred Ricks entertained the
members of the Laidies Aid at her
home last Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Hoaglan is visiting her sister
at Mt. Vernon.
Alfred Gooding from Grants Pass
is visiting his sister, Mrs. Russell
McCoy, and family.
Mrs. Harris from Portland is vis
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Far
rell. Rev, and Mrs. Harness and family
returned home from Camas, Wash.
Saturday. Rev. Harness motored to
Pendleton Monday to assist in ar
rangements for the camp grounds
where camp meeting will be held
from June 14 to 24.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Steward have
installed a new refrigerator in their
Mrs. Grieves is visiting her daugh
ter, Mrs. Cross, at Chelan, Wash.
Mrs. Williams from Junction City
arrived Friday for an indefinite stay
with . her sister-in-law, Mrs. Tom
Mrs. Alexander and two daughters
from La Grande spent the week end
with her mother, Mrs. Fred Ricks.
The Marshal Markham and Mc
Coy fmilies motored to Portland last
Friday to attend the graduation of
Barbara Berry, a granddaughter of
Mr. and Mrs. McCoy.
Dr. Clarke, the eyesight specialist
of Portland, will be in Heppner two
days, Monday and Tuesday, June
17 and 18, all day and evenings, at
the Heppner hotel. See him about
your eyes.
Joe Snyder was confined at home
by illness for several days after re
turning from Seaside last week. He
had expected to return to Miles City,
Mont, after his vacation and will
go as soon as his health permits.
Summer Heat
THESE WARM DAYS raise the question of what to eat . .
We are not hading out advice, but beg to offer some
FIRST-Use a generous amount of Fruits and Vegetables.
SECOND-Keep your ice box filled with citrus and other
fruit juices and soft drinks.
THIRD-Stockyour larder with canned goods, cold meats,
cheese and other articles so you can prepare a
tasty, wholesome meal without sweltering over
a stove.
FOURTH-(and this is important) -Buy these supplies
from your old reliable grocer and you will have
that satisfaction which only the best foods can
ING with your Merchant and Doctor?
Why jeopardize the greatest asset you
in your community?
STOP, THINK, don't forget when you
asked for credit you asked for a PER
REMEMBER you asked for confidence when you asked for credit and you were not com
pelled to sign a note or put up any kind of collateral as security. This is called a CHAR
ACTER LOAN by the banks, so don't lose that confidence that your Merchant or Doctor
bestowed on you. Start now to pay, part pay or satisfactorily arrange to pay on that
CHARACTER LOAN. REMEMBER you lose your character and you lose something you
may never regain.
Eastern Oregon Credit: Board
operated BY
Division Offices - - - Eugene, Oregon