Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 13, 1940, Image 1

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Volume 57, Number 15
Crop Prospects
In This Section
Appear Average
Heat Has Damaged
Crop Slightly Thus
Far, Farmers Say
Hot weather of the present week
is beginning to tell on Morrow coun
ty's wheat crop, which, up to the
last few days showed prospects of
making an average yield. This con
dition is shown by reports reaching
the county agent's office from var
ious parts of the county. Just how
far the 90 degree temperature and
dry winds will shorten the crop is
a matter for conjecture. Farther
north it is felt that the grain was
far enough along to be affected lit
tle, while greener fields to the south
are prone to be damaged materially.
Spring wheat sown early enough
to receive advantage of the exten
sive earlier rainfall is declared to be
in the best shape of any of the
county's crops. Spring wheat fields
are cleaner and the stand is as hea
vy as the fall sown grain. This crop
is said to be so well advanced that
material damage will not result
from hot weather. In the lower el
evations harvest is expected to be
gin early in July, in some places
even earlier, and that fact seems to
warrant belief that the grain there
is safe.
An average yield throughout the
county had been the prediction of
the county AAA office up to yester
day. An average yield would mean
approximately 12 bushels to the
acre and would result in a sizeable
harvesting operation within the next
few weeks. Due t a favorable
spring districts not faring so well the
last few years will have good yields.
Reports emanating from Alpine and
Ella districts are to the effect that
several promising fields are await'
ing the harvesters. The north Mor
gan and Cecil areas, accustomed to
reaping small crops the last few
years, will have something to ware
house this year.
Haying is general up and down
the creeks of the county, many of
the ranchers having their first crops
of alfalfa in the stack. The dry
weather has been favorable insofar
as harvesting is concerned. There
has been no cessation on most of
the ranches since the cutting start
ed, the ranchers taking advantage
of every day of dry weather.
Rainfall has been light in May
and June, the weather chart show
ing a total of .6 of an inch during
May and .06 of an inch so far in
June. The official thermometer
reading in Heppner for Tuesday was
93 and recordings by private ther
mometers ran from 94 to' 97 yester
day. Stock Movement- to
Forest About Over
Movement of stock on to the Uma
tilla national forest in this vicinity
has been general and it is expected
that all permittees will have occu
pied their grazing areas by June 15,
announces Fred Wehmeyer, district
ranger in charge of the Heppner of
fice. The quota for this district is 1500
cattle and 18,000 sheep not includ
ing lambs. In add tion to this quota,
approximately 100,000 sheep will
cross the district to other districts
and private ranges. Range conditions
generally, are better this year than
the average of the last few years,
Wehmeyer states.
The annual fire school of the Uma
tilla national forest will be held at
Toll Gate Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday of next week. The service is
replacing the heavy truck lost by
fire in the forest last year, with
a lighter, faster unit of trail build
ing type. The truck is expected to
arrive this week.
Dick Automobile
Burns on Highway
Fire of unknown origin destroyed
the L. K Dick automobile Sunday
morning as Mr. and Mrs. Dick and
Alex Green were enroute to Eugene
to attend commencement exercises
at the University of Oregon. The
party left Heppner at 6 o'clock a. m.
and had reached a point on the
Columbia highway about opposite
Maryhill when burning rubber
cuased Dick to stop the car. A rub
ber glove was found burning under
the front seat and this fire spread
to the upholstery.
Efforts were made to smother the
blaze with dirt to no avail. Other
motorists arriving on the scene en
deavored to quench it with chem
icals but the fire continued to spread.
Fear of exploding gas caused ab
andonment of the task of saving the
car and it was left to the mercy
of the flames.
Green caught a ride back to Ar
lington and phoned for the family
car. Mr. and Mrs. Dick continued
on to Hood River with E. J. Bristow
of lone, Mrs. Dick returning to
Heppner the next day, while Mr.
Dick went on to Portland. They
were going to Eugene to witness
the graduation of Ed Dick and Joe
Morrow County Pioneer Who
Died at Pendleton Home, Son
of One of First Families
Commitment services for Daniel
Clyde Wells, 64, a Morrow county
pioneer but a resident of Pendleton
since 1922, were held at the Masonic
cemetery at 2 o'clock p. m., Tues
day, Rev. Martin Clark officiating.
Folsom's mortuary of Pendleton was
in charge. Pallbearers were life
long friends of the deceased and in
cluded L. E. Bisbee, William Y. Ball,
Hanson Hughes, J. O. Hager, Frank
E. Parker and Chas. B. Cox.
Clyde Wells, as he was familiarly
known to every one in his native
town, was one of 12 children born
to Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Wells, pioneers
of Heppner. He spent is boyhood
here and engaged in business enter
prises of one kind and another until
moving to Pendleton 18 years ago.
As a young man he formed a part
nership with Celsus Keithley in the
house decorating business, operating
as "Buster & Clyde." . This partner
ship ran on for several years until
Keithley entered the forest service
and Clyde took up barbering. Mov
ing to Pendleton, he and Keithley
again formed a partnership, estab
lishing a real estate office, and they
were associated more or less until
death removed Keithley from , the
He was a survivor of the Heppner
flood of 1903 in which seven mem
bers of his family lost their lives.
Of the family of 12, but two mem
bers survive, Glenn Y. Wells of Port
land and Richard Wells of Heppner
Since 1934 Clyde was employed
with state agencies, first in the park
service for two years and then with
the state highway department as
right of way agent. He was engaged
in this pursuit when stricken with
the illness that closed his career.
Surviving, besides the brothers,
are his widow, Edith Imogene, and
a son, William W. Wells, both of
Pendleton, A son, Horace Clyde,
14, died in 1920. Wiliam Wells came
by plane from New York, where he
is a law student in Columbia uni
versity, to attend his father's funeral
and to be with his mother.
Heppner chamber of commerce
will hold a regular membership
meeting at 6:30 o'clock p. m., Wed
nesday, June 19 at the dining room
of Hotel Heppner. It will be a din
ner meeting to which every member
is invited. A special effort will be
made to formulate a program to
promote "Heppner Trade Days," a
movement to attract more trade to
Oregon, Thursday, June
FFA Team Wins
Second Place in
Judging Contest
Lose by 214 Point
Margin at Eastern
Oregon Stock Show
Morrow County's Future Farmers
of America livestock judging team
was nosed out by Halfway by the
narrow margin of two and a fourth
points in the contest staged at the
Eastern Oregon Livestock show at
Union last Friday. The local boys
scored 1626 out of a possible 2400
points and Halfway scored 1628V4
points. I
It looked like first honors for the j
boys from the Heppner school, par
ticularly after judging of dairy stock.
At that point the local team, Claude
Drake, Bernard Doherty and Don
Fell, held a lead of 40 points. When
it came to beef type the boys let
local pride get the better of their
judgment and they dropped behind
sufficiently to permit Halfway to
nose them out.
W. S. Bennett, Smit-Hughes in
structor here, says the show man
agement unwittingly played a trick
on his team which resulted in the
boys losing the contest One of the
animals judged in the beef type
was selected from the Morrow coun
ty exhibit. This particular calf rated
about class four and the boys, ap
parently not wishing to see some
of their own stock graded down,
gave it a class two rating. The
judges couldn't accept loyalty fcr
points and the 40 point lead attained
on dairy stock was wiped out.
Forty calves were judged by the
teams. Fifteen of these were rated
choice, the balance good. Douglas
Drake's white face Shorthorn cross
rated choice and the next four of
the beef type from here rated good.
Rating is termed as prime, choice
and good.
In the dairy class, the Morrow
county stock showed up well. Bruce
Lindsay's Guernsey heifer, over one
year old, took champion of junior
class over all dairy stock, and his
calf under 12 months took first.
Bernard Doherty's Guernsey took
third place.
Douglas Drake's steer sold at 102
cents per pound at the annual sale
of beef stock which follows the
judging contests. Dean Gilman and
Claude Drake received 10 cents a
pound for their animals and the bal
ance of the stock from here brought
from 9 to 9 cents.
Grain Growers Name
Wightman Director
J. J. Wighuiiun of Heppner was
placed on the board of directors of
the Morrow County Grain Growers,
Inc., at a meeting held in Lexington
Monday. This action was in keeping
with the company's policy to include
each district of the county in which
considerable blocks of stock are
Werner Rietmann was reelected
to represent north lone; Henry Bak
er, south lone, and George N. Peck
south Lexington. It is possible that
a readjustment of the board will be
possible in another year, permitting
the election of a second director
from the Heppner district.
Miss Mary Mclntyre of Hardman,
who took the Heppner town census,
has been complimented by W. W.
Sirrine, district supervisor, for the
efficient manner in which she han
dled the count here. Miss Mclntyre
is the daughter of Mrs. Tom Mc
lntyre, ranch operator in the moun
tain district south of Hardman.
Among Morrow county people at
tending the Rose Festival in Port
land last week end were Mr. and
Mrs. O. M. Scott of Blackhorse.
13, 1940
Band Awards Pins
To 1940 Graduates
Appearing in the final concert of
the season, the Heppner band parad
ed and played several numbers on
Main street Saturday evening. Wil
liam McCaleb acted as drum major
and led the corps of majorettes and
the musicians through their parade
drills to the entertainment of an
assemblage of people lining both
sides of the street.
A feature of the concert was the
presentation of band awards to the
musicians who were leaving the or
ganization by virtue of graduation
from high school. Pins were pre
sented to Omer McCaleb, Richard
Hayes, Don Jones, Paul Doolittle,
Clifford Fay, Jack Men-ill, Kemp
Dick, Harold Armstrong, Wilford
Worden, Shirley Wilson, Dorothy
Howell Huit and Norma Prock. Most
of the graduates had been with the
band since their grade school days
and all expressed regret at having!
to give up the pleasant associations
with other band members and their
leader, Harold Buhman.'
The band was organized ten years
ago and has been one of the leading
school organizations of its class in
the state for most of that period.
Special Takes 4-H
Clubbers to Corvallis
Twenty-five Morrow county 4-H
club members boarded the special
summer school train Monday at the
Heppner Junction.
The boys and girls were from all
parts of Morrow , county and will
spend the next ten days at CorvaL
Us, along with other boys and girls
from all parts of Oregon, where
they will be schooled in home ec
onomics and agriculture.
C. D. Conrad, county agent, says
much interest is being shown in
the county this year in the stage
and radio try-outs which are held
every year at summer school. The
radio review will be broadcast from
KOAC June 15, 7:30 to 8 p. m., and
June 19, 8 to 9:30 p. m. Each eve
ning during summer school, from
June 10 to 21, a forty-five minute
I 4-H club program will be broadcast
from KOAC from 7 to 7:45 p. m.
Each county is given an opportunity
to broadcast and Morrow county
boys and girls are scheduled for
June 19, between 7 and 7:45 p. m
Weed Control Will
Be Field Day Topic
A field day will be held at the
Umatilla county weed control ex
periment station, one mile north of
Cayuse, beginning at 1:30 p. m., June
Of special interest to farmers with
morning-glory is the possibility of
growing crops while destroying the
weeds. Work along this line shows
up very well in the Umatilla county
work, according to C. D. Conrad,
county agent.
In addition to the tillage and
cropping programs, which are very
complete at thu station, the station
is maintaining plots where various
chemicals are being used.
An invitation has been extended
by the Umatilla county people to
everyone in Morrow county and
Conrad states that he hopes the
local farmers will take advantage of
the opportunity to view the results
of this weed control experiment.
Materials are being assembled for
the erection of a house for Mr. and
Mrs. Vawter Parker on the lot re
cently acquired from Katie Minert
on south Chase street. Truman Babb
has the contract. The house will be
a four-room plan along latest lines
of architecture.
Rhea Creek grange announces that
the regular meeting scheduled for
Friday evening, June 14, has been
postponed for one week. This will
be the last meeting before the sum
mer vacation and the members have
been asked to turn out in. force and
make it a good one.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Construction at
New Mill Plant
Moving Steadily
Machinery Installa
tion Slow Process
at Heppner Factory
Progress at the Heppner Lumber
company sawmill is slow but steady,
a visit to the mill Saturday reveal
ed, and to those who may be a little
impatient about sawing operations
the only comment offered by those in
charge of construction is that re
building is taking longer than at first
contemplated. The nearest date
anyone will venture is shortly after
the 4th of July.
The new mill building is somewhat
larger than the one destroyed by fire
last fall. The work floor is several
feet higher and construction of the
foundation under the structure ha 3
been tedious. In addition a saw
filing room has been built over the
work room, raising the ronf at that
point to a third story elevation. In
the new set-up some of the machin
ery is being placed on the ground
floor, leaving more working space
on the main floor.
The band saw rig is in place, the
platform and track for the saw car
riage are set up and a machinist end
helpers are rigging up the rest of the
machinery as fast as possible. The
boiler is being overhauled and put
in first class condition.
To attain better working space for
grading the lumber, the green chain
dock has been built on the northwest
corner of the main .building. Lumber
leaving the line and going onto the
green chain will first pass through a
vat filled with a solution which pre
vents discoloring. It passes on to
the grading dock and is there picked
up by the carrier which moves it
out to the yards.
Machinery being installed is sub
stantially heavier than that making
up the sawing unit of the first mill,
according to Jack Ray burn, mill
wright in charge of construction. It
is a different type mill in several,
respects and installation work is
progressing slowly in order to attain
the highest degree of accuracy and
operating efficiency. Everything is
being done with a view to a long
time operation, it was pointed out,
and an effort is being made to avoid
mistakes which might cau.se costly
delay later on.
Logging operation are scheduled
to start soon, according to Orville
Smith, mill manager, although a
definite (Lite has not been set. The
logging road in the mountains will
need quite a bit of work before
hauling can undertaken on an
extensive seal 3.
Planing machinery is on the
grounds. Erection of a mill will
start when the sawmill has been put
into operation. The site chosen for
me planer is on the east side of
the railroad track opposite the rail
road spur.
Recruiting Officer
Scheduled July 9
A recruiting officer from the Uni
ted States navy is scheduled to be
in Heppner, Tuesday, July 9, ac
cording to announcement by M. L.
Case, Lions president.
Preceding the recruiting officer's
visit a representative of the navy
department will call and present
a motion picture depicting navy life
and activitiees and will speak on
"Our Navy." This is part of the
educational work now being used
to interest the young manhood of
the country in' the nation's seagoing
Unless other arrangements are
made, the city countil chambers will
be made available for the lecture.
Chas. Bookman, who has been a
sufferer from diabetes for some time,
is reported critically ill this week.