Pa ire Eight fleppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Thursday, June 6, 1940 SOCIETYCHIT-CHAT By JUNE SMITH The Eastern Star Social club met at Lucas Place last Saturday after noon with. Mrs. Fred Lucas and Mrs. Charles Cox as hostesses. The affair was a dessert bridge, with four tab les of cards in play. Mrs. L. E. Dick won high score and Mrs. R. B. Fer guson received the consolation prize. Other guests were Mrs. Garnet Bar ratt, Mrs. A. D. McMurdo, Mrs. W. H. Cleveland, Mrs. David Wilson, Mrs.. Glenn Jones, Mrs. W. E..Pruyn and her house guest of last week, Mrs. Stella Bailey of Portland, and Mrs. C. C. Patterson and her daugh ter, Mrs. LeGrand Guild, of Snoho mish, who has been visiting her, Mrs. Agnes Wilcox, Mrs. Gene Fer guson, Mrs. Anna Bayless, Mrs. C. W. McNamer and Mrs. Charles . Vaughn, Mrs. Charles Cox was hostess to members of the T. and C. club at her home today (Thursday). The affair was a dessert bridge. The guests were Mrs. Glenn Jones, Mrs. Fred Lucas, Mrs. Harlan McCurdy, Mrs. A. D. McMurdo, Mrs". Clarence Rosewall. Ted Ferguson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ferguson is in Fairview for a visit with his grandmother, Mrs. Anna Heiny. He drove down last week with. Mrs. Charles McEl ligott of lone, who' went to Portland to bring his family home. The children have been attending school in the city. Mrs. L. E. Dick and Mrs. Frank Wilkinson entertained the Home Economics club of the Lexington grange at Mrs. Dick's home this afternoon. Following the business! meeting, a social hour and refresh ments were enjoyed. The birthday party of the Epis copal auxiliary to be held Thursday, June 13, is to be open to the public, and everyone is cordially invited to attend. The committees are making final plans for the affair. The Kensington club met Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Glen Jones. Dessert was served to the members, after which a social after noon was spent. The Garden club met at the home of its president, Mrs. D. M. Ward, last Monday evening for a round ta ble discussion of its plans for the year. Mr. and'Mrs. Jasper Crawford re turned Monday from a week-end visit at the Moro home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Belanger, former Hcpp ner residents. Mrs. Herbert Cole of Ridgefield, Wash., who has been visiting her mother, Mrs. D. Fell, left Tuesday for her home, accompanied by her young daughter. Mrs. Hubert Gaily entertained members of her bridge club at her home Wednesday at a dessert bridge. Mrs. Phil Mahoney and Mrs. Jap Crawford were guests. Mrs. Craw ford won high score for the after' noon, with Mrs. Orville Smith sec Mrs. Mary Hadd of Lake Andes, South Dakota, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hamlin. Last week Mrs. Hamlin and Mrs. Hadd visited in Portland and Seaside. Robert Turner of Portland, son of Frank Turner, was a visitor in Heppner Monday and Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. L. D. Tibbies return ed Tuesday evening from Salem, where Dr. Tibbies attended an os teopathic convention. During their stay there they were guests at the home of his bother, M. Tibbies, and young Loren, nephew of Dr. Tibbies, returned to Heppner with them to be a visitor at their home. Mrs. G. A. Howard returned last Saturday from a short visit in Wal la Walla. Mr. and Mrs. William Bennett en- tertained a few friends at their home Saturday evening, after which all attended the dance held at the pavilion. Included were Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Pinckney, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ferguson and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith. The Woolgrowers will hold their monthly luncheon and meeting at Lucas' Place Friday, June 7. The luncheon will be at 1:15 p. m. Mrs. M. Summers of Spokane, who is a sister of Mrs. C. W. Mc Namer, is visiting at the McNamer home. Mrs. Harold Conn is entertaining her "What's Trumps" club this af ternoon at a dessert luncheon. An extra table besides the regular members will include Mrs. Ralph Thompson, Mrs. B. C. Pinckney, Mrs. Harry Tamblyn, Mrs. Phil Ma honey and Mrs. Orville Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nickerson left today for Eugene to attend the graduation exercises there Sunday. Their son, Francis1, is graduating. They were accompanied by Mrs. Alex Green whose son, Joe, is also in the graduating class. iiiiftiifiiiimitiiimmiiiiHimiiiiimiii At Heppner CHURCHES CHURCH OF CHRIST 9:45 Bible School. 11:00 Communion and preaching. 7:30 P. M., Wednesday, Choir Practice. 7:30 P. M., Thursday, Prayer Meeting. Evening services: Christian En deavor at 7 p. m.; evening worship 8 o'clock. METHODIST CHURCH Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; morning worship, 11 o'clock. Subject, "He Called a Little Child." In the evening beginning at 7:30 the Sunday school will hold its Children's Day program. Be sure to be present promptly at 7:30 be cause the little children will have the first half hour of the service. Following the primary program the senior department sf the Sun day school will present a choral reading entitled, "I Believe in God." You are all invited to these services. INTERIOR DECORATING Guaranteed PAINT OIL WALL PAPER FRED ROSS Don't Be Caught Napping! Harvest time is just around the corner. Is your equipment in shape to start? We want to call your attention to MOTOR RYTHM Motor Tune-Up . . . Carbon Remover Free Sticky Valves Put That Combine Motor In Condition Now-- and be ready to start the harvest with your engine ready to deliver capacity service. XAftTOR R YTHXA i0310 tune-up for ' l l I III VI muia restores and main tains peak motor performance. It quickly and safely removes carbon by dissolving gums and sludge left by burned motor oil and gasoline which act as carbon binders and cause sticky valves and rings, clogged oil lines, sluggishness, excessive wear and increased fuel consumption. Replace that old draper with a new Walla Walla draper-best on the market. Has a new style rivet that's a honey. Let us' show you. BRADEN-BELL TRACTOR and EQUIPMENT COMPANY ASSEMBLY OF GOD CLIFFORD W. NOBLE. Pastor Sunday services: School, 9:45 a. m. Worship service, 11:00 a. m. Evangelistic service, 7:30 p. m. Widweek services: Tuesday and Thursday, :30 p. m. Everybody welcome. Rattlers Grow Up Down Mexico Way Rattlesnakes attain gigantic pro portions in New Mexico, according to Lawrence Doherty, Morrow coun ty youth engaged in flood control work in the division of soil con servation service in the Pecos wat ershed of New Mexico and Texas. Recently Lawrence had an exper ience in helping to capture a dia mond back rattler, of which the Roswell, N. M., Daily Dispatch has the following to say: "An Oregon resident was proper ly impressed Sunday with the fact that New Mexico can produce big rattlers. Lawrence Doherty, visiting at the Doyal ranch near Cap Rock, helped Clarence, Floyd and Bunch. Doyal capture alive a tremendous diamond back, weighing 7 pounds and measuring 5 feet in length The critter had 13 rattles MISS BEAMER GRADUATES Mrs. Clara Beamer drove to Cor vallis Saturday and on Sunday at tended baccalaureate services for the class of 1940, Oregon State col lege. Commencement exercises were held at 10 o'clock a. m. Monday at which time Mrs. Beamer's daughter,. Irene, received her diploma along with 789 other graduates, the larg est senior class in the history of the school. Miss Beamer received a bachelor of science degree in home economics. She remained in Corval lis to teach during the 4-H summer school and will take summer school work there to get the required number of hours for a teaching certificate. k HAVC PRICES FOR JUNE 7 TO JUNE 13 U URlJ FRIDAY THRU THURSDAY NTTF. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Texene 46 oz. 15c Bleacher White Magic qt. 10c;V2gal. 19c COFFEE Edwards 4 lbs. 79c MILK tall Federal or Cherub tin 7c FLOUR Kitchen Craft 49 lb. bag $1.49 MALTED MILK Kraft 1 lb. 25c 2 lbs. 43c FLAVORADE a real drink .... 3 pkgs. 10c MARSHMALLOWS Fluffiest ... lb. 10c PANCAKE Flour Max imum Ig. pkg. 15c COFFEE Nob Hill "delux" 2 lbs. 35c MAYONNAISE Numade qt. 35c TOMATO JUICE Sunny Dawn 46 oz. 19c FLOUR H.B. 49 lb. $1.35 IDE 3 i CORN 3 25c (Country Kist) cream style GRAPEFRT 11c Del Monte fancy No. 2 tin SUGAR S1.45 TOMATOES 10c Argo brand No. 2' tin KARO SYR'P 35c Light or dark 5 lb. tin '" -,!--i.f FRI.-SAT. ONLY NEW PEAS well filled 3 lbs. 19c NEW SPUDS local . 8 lbs 29c CABBAGE new crisp, solid lb. 3c BUNCH BEETS, TURNIPS :.3 bu. 10c BUNCH ONIONS, RADISHES 2 bu. 5c TOMATOES red, firm fruit 2 lbs. 23c BANANAS golden yellow 2 lbs. 15c STRAWBERRIES KeRSCrtl-29 Lard 8 lb. 89c; 4 lb. 49c Armour's Star in pails KERR reg. Lids doz. 9c Self sealing CERTO Pectin 3 bot. 45c Fruit Pectin Economy Caps 2 dz. 35c KERR, self-sealing Jar Rubbers 3 doz. 10c RING LEADER Salad Dressing qt. 25c DUCHESS, it's tops AIRWAY .... 3 lbs. 35c COFFEE, full flavored ROYAL SATIN SHORT'NING 3 LB. TIN 45c Town House GRAPEFRT. JUICE 46 oz. TIN 17c