II Thursday, June 6, 1940 Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Paqre Fnrp Mr. and Mrs. Russell McNeill will leave Friday evening for a vacation trip to eastern points. They will take the Union Pacific streamliner from Pendleton to Chicago. At that point they will visit relatives of Mr. Mc Neill, including his grandmother, two uncles and an aunt, going from there to Harrisburg, Pa., to visit Mrs. McNeill's grandparents, an aunt and an uncle. They will visit the national capital before turning home ward, the trip consuming two weeks. A. H. Blankenship, superintendent of Heppner schools, returned home Sunday evening after a week's ab- sence during which time he took Mrs. Blankenship and the children to the home of his parents in Che- halis, Wash., and returned to Ore gon to enjoy some lake fishing in the Cascade mountains. He fished in Waldc and other lakes of the north fork oi" the Willamette with good results. Mis. L. E. Bisbee returned Wed nesday from Portland where she spent a few days visiting. She ac companied here daughter, Kathryn, and Miss Scott of Oregon City to the Rose City after they spent a few days visiting at the Bisbee home. Kathryn and Miss Scott are mem bers of the county health nursing staff of Clackamas county. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McCarty left today for Corvallis and Eugene to get their children, Frances, student at Oregon State college, and Paul, of the University of Oregon. They plan to return via the McKenzie Jiighway, not having been over that route before. Mrs. P. A. Anderson, who has been their guest this week, accompanied them to her home in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Tuner plan to drive to Salem to be on hand for commencement at Willamette uni versity Saturday morning. Mr. Tur ner was a member of the class of 1930, when he finished his course in law. They will bring their son, Don, home with them. Don has completed his junior year at the Uni versity of Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Alfred left this morning for Salem where they will visit a few days and attend commencement exercises at Willam ette university. This will be the tenth anniversary of Mrs. Alfred's graduation from the school. They will visit Silverton and other points before returning home. Ted McMurdo sailed Saturday from Seattle for Alaska on a vacation trip. He expected to penetrate the northern territory as far as Valdez, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Huddleston, before returning home. The sea trip is being taken with the hope that Ted's eyesight will be im proved, according to his father, Dr. A. D. McMurdo. Charles Hemrich, former resident of this section, was a week end vis itor at the Edmund Gonty home. He was accompanied by his chil dren, Raymond and Eunice, and on their return to Beaverton Sunday were accompanied by Mrs. Gonty and two childen who are spending a week in the valley. Z. J. Gillespie and family of Boardman were business visitors in Heppner Monday. Mr. Gillespie re ports that the first crop of alfalfa on the project has been in the stack for two weeks and that other crops are coming along nicely. The Women's Foreign Missionary society of the Methodist church will meet in the church basement at 2:30 o'clock p. m., Wednesday, June 12. This meeting has been changed from the regular date, Tuesday, June 11. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Depuy re turned to Heppner last Friday and have taken an apartment in the Case building, where they are at home to their friends. Mrs. P. A. Anderson of Portland spent Decoration day in Heppner and remained for a visit of several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McCarty. Daniel Chinn, student at Mt. Angel college, returned to Heppner Monday to spend the summer vacation with his father, Edward Chinn. Famous Orchestra to Play Tonight Fresh from successes in California and their present tour of Oregon towns, Gene Coy and his "olden Gate" orchestra will povide the mu sic for a dance at the county fair pavilion in Heppner this evening. The dance is under the sponsorship of the Heppner Rodeo association and all money received above the band guarantee and other expenses will go to the association to be used in conducting the 1940 rodeo. Arrangements for the orchestra's appearance was made last Thursday when J. B. Sparks, former theater operator in Heppner, Arlington, Condon, Prineville, Bend and Red mond, met with officers of the Ro deo association. Sparks has been in the ballroom business in Cali fornia the last 11 years and says he has been having grand success in booking Coy and his musicians. Aside from contracting dance en gagements, his band will play three nights at the Capitol, Bend's leading theater, next week and will return there for the celebration, July 4, 5 and 6. Tonight's dance will continue to the wee small hours, according to Dr. R. C. Lawrence, chairman of the Rodeo dance committee, and whether you are a dance fan or not you will get your money's worth in high class entertainment, he says. The "Golden Gate" orchestra is California's No. 1 colored stage and dance band, including entertainers as well as musicians. Let G. T. Want Ads help you dis pose of surplus stock. WE THANK YOU We wish to take this method of thanking the people of Morrow county who have responded so gen erously to the recent distress call of the American Red Cross. We have not reached the quota requested of us, but donations are still coming in and this county is to be congrat ulated on its manifested humanitar ian spirit We, in our homeland of peace and plenty, are in no wise responsi ble for the extreme suffering of helpless people across the Atlantic, but we can, and do, show out bene volent spirit in lending a helping G. T. Want Ads bring results. Heppner Trading Post "The House of Bargains" 32 & 110 Volt Motors $5.00 up Sheet steel camp stoves $250 GUNS $3.00 up Cream Separators $10 & $15 Axes ,double bit 80c 12x20 Canvas, 10 oz $8.50 MAIL BOXES G0c & $1.50 Guitars $3.00 & $6.00 VIOLIN $20 Fruit Jars 50c & 60c KITCHEN RANGE $12.50 BUY YOUR SLAB WOOD NOW Special Summer Rate $4.00 DELIVERED $3 at Mill HEPPNER LUMBER CO. Phone 20F2 re to meet' reset nation8 VACATION pleasure will be greater when you know there will be accommodations wait ing. ..price satisfactory... friends ready to join you. . . all details arranged. Telephoning is two-way communication. Let Long Distance prepare the way! THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY r 9 REFRESHING DRINKS AT OUR FOUNTAIN SPECIAL DISHES Chow Mein, Nodles, etc. always on order. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables In Season Contributions Taken for CHINESE RELIEF SOCIETS and Official Receipt Given MEALS AT ALL HOURS Elkhorn Restaurant ED CHINN, Prop. hand to blameless, pitiable folks in such dire circumstances. They, too, are human, and not so long ago, were good citizens in a little repub lic or kingdom, and have fallen a victim of the foul monster through no fault of their own. The present war situation is most regrettable, and we, as American citizens can do no less than to help alleviate and assuage the heartless suffering and grief. RUSSELL F. McNEILL, Chairman Morrow County Chapter, American Red Cross. Heppner Blacksmith & Machinery Co. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT D. H. JONES, Mgr. Expert Acetylene and Electric Welding, Blacksmithing County Fair Pavilion (GENE CflDY and his 'Golden Gate' Orchestra California's No. 1 Colored Dance Band Sponsored by . HEPPNER RODEO ASSOCIATION Tickets $1 .00 Extra Ladies 25c The STAR REPORTER Friday-Saturday SHOOTING HIGH with Gene Autry, Jane Withers, Marjorie Weaver plus The Ghost Comes Home with Frank Morgan, Billie Burke, Ann Rutherford, John Shellon, Reginald Owen, Donald Meek, Nat Pendleton, Frank Albcrtson, Harold Hubcr, Hohart Cavanaugh Sunday-Monday Alias The Deacon with Mischa Auer, Peggy Moran, Dennis O'Kcefe, Edward Brophy, Guinn (Big Boy) Williams and BOB BURNS in the role of a card sharper who assumes the charac ter of a "Deacon" and by combining the two callings manages to straighten out affairs in a small town. Tuesday PAL NIGHT: 2 adults 35c; 2 children 10c And One Was Beautiful with Laraine Day, Jean Muir, Robert Cummings The story of a beautiful girl who allowed a man to go to prison for a cime she had committed. Wednesday-Thursday, June 12-13 ITS A DATE with Dcanna Durbin, Kay Francis, Walter Pidgcon, Eugene Pallette, Harry Owens and his Royal Hawaiians Not only the best Durbin that has been made but a gorious adven ture in all-around screen entertainment. A "must see. STAR THEATER Heppner, Oregon