Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 06, 1940, Page Page Three, Image 3

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    Thursday, June 6, 1940
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Page Three
Workman Injured
on Store Building
Eber Hanks was painfully injur
ed Wednesday when a scaffold fell
with him while he was working on
the new Jackson store.
Sunday dinner guests at the Carl
Whillock home were Helen Beshears
and Everett Crump.
Billy Scott is the proud owner of
what he calls "a bicycle built for
two." He, with the help of Ken
neth Way, fastened a seat over the
rear wheel of his bicycle (complete
with springs). This extra seat is
very handy for taking extra pas
sengers for a ride.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Hunt, Shirley
and Dean spent last week in Port
land. They were accompanied by
Etta Hunt who returned to her home
after visiting here. Donald stayed
at Mrs. Allyn's.
Mrs. James Johnson and son of
Portland are guests at the Vester
Lane home.
Edward Burchell is working in
Aiken's pastime in Heppner.
Gene Gray and family, Laurel
Ruhl and family, Loren Mikesell and
family and Mr. and Mrs. James
Pointer were Memorial day guests
at the Nettie Davis home. .
Mrs. Gus McMillan returned home
from Ritter this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kistner were
Portland visitors this week.
The new store belonging to C. C.
Carmkhael is now under construe
tion and building operations are
progressing rapidly.
Meal service has been discon
tinned at the Hunt store.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wickersham
and children have returned home
to Portland after visiting at the
Harry Duvall home.
Mrs. Ralph Jackson and daughters
are visiting in Portland and vicin
ity. Mrs. Earl Warner has returned
home after visiting in Corvallis.
Mrs. Eula Barnhouse and daugh
ter visited in Antone last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Henderson and How
ard of Stanfield were guests at the
Lonnie Henderson home one day
this week.
Mr. and. Mrs. Oral Scott are in
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Scott and
family spent Sunday in The Dalles
visiting Erma. Doris Scott and
Thelma Stickney, who have been
staying with Erma, returned home
Albert Edwards left Friday eve
ning for Fairfield, Montana, to work
with his father.
Tvan Amend of Portland spent
last week end at the Elmer Hunt
Esther Thompson is visiting rela
tives in Hermiston.
Vacation Bible school started
Monday at the Christian church. It
is held from 9 a m. until 11:30 a. m.
for the younger Sunday school mem
bers. Those teaching are Jerrine
Edwards, Sylvia Severance, Eula
Barnhouse and Moffat Dennis.
Mrs. Elsie Beach is a guest at
the Ted McMillan home.
Lavilla Morris is a guest at the
home of her brother Eslie Walker,
Maxine Harshman was honored
with a bridal shower Tuesday af
ternoon at the aid room. Refresh
ments of jello, cake and cookies
were served.
Recruiting Reveals
Defense Energy
Expansion of the army and navy
recruiting quotas in the Portland
area brings the new national emer
gency closer home to Oregon peo
ple. The quota of 60 recruits as
signed the Portland naval recruit
ing district for the month of June
has been inceased to 100. This large
quota has been exceeded only once
during the period since the presi
dent declared a "limited national
emergency" last September. Local
waiting lists have been entirely de
pleted and men now applying are
usually accepted within 30 days
from the date of application.
The United States army reecruit
nit? office in the Pendleton post of
fice building is again open on a full
time schedule, announces Lieutenant
Colonel H. D. Bagnall, Portland re
cruiting officer. Vacancies under
"Preparedness Requisition No. 1"
call for heavy enlistments to be
made for field artillery, signal corps,
ordnance department and quarter
master corps for a number of army
posts and camps in the west. Un
married citizens, between 18 and 35,
physically fit, of good character, nor
mal intelligence and with no de
pendents, are being accepted.
Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Jones and
baby son from Longview, Wash.,
arrived Saturday for a few days
visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. V. Jones and family.
Mrs. Pierce and three children
from Lostine are visiting her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Slaughter and
other relatives.
Miss Gulp, with a sister and bro
ther and other friends from La
Grande visited friends here a short
time Saturday.
Mrs. O'Brien is visiting her son,
Glen O'Brien.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Isom and
daughter Donna visited relatives at
Echo Sunday.
Rev. and Mrs. Harness and family
left Monday for ' Camas, Wn., where
Mrs. Harness and daughter will re
main while Rev. Harness will motor
on to Salem where he will be or
dained in the ministry.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert, Dexter left
Sunday for Adams where they ex
nect to obtain employment.
Rev. and Mrs. Harness and Mra
James Warner were dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart
55 People Attend
Birthday Party
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wigglesworth
and family of Echo and John Wig
glesworth, and Mrs. Cleve Cox of
Hernuston called at the C. H. Bar
tholomew, John Harrison and E.
B. Wattenburger homes Memorial
Mrs. George Currin and son Ron
ald are staying a few days with
Mrs. John Harrison. Mr. Currin is
trailing his sheep to the mountains.
A birthday dinner was held Sun
day in honor of A. E. Wattenburger's
65th birthday. There were 52 rel
atives and three friends present. Out
side relatives present Were Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Consor and daughter, and
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Chisholm and
daughter of Walla Walla, Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Wattenburger of Pasco,
Mr. and Mrs. Reid J. Buseick and
family of Long Creek, Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Esselstyne of Pendleton, Mr.
and Mrs. Burl Coxen and family
of Heppner and Mrs. Ollie Neill and
daughter Neva of Heppner, Mr. and
Mrs. Dale Akers of Eightmile and
Mr. and Mrs. Buck Hermann of
La Grande. Mrs. Ollie Neill and
daughter Neva left that evening for
La Grande to visit Lena Hermann
for a few days, and then on to Cali
fornia for two weeks' visit with
Mrs. Neill's brother, Willy Watten
burger and then on to Greeley, Col.
where Miss Neill will go to school
this summer. They expect to visit
Denver and see the Grand canyon
while there.
Mrs. Lois Kent, teacher of the
Pine Qify school the last two years,
has asked to be released Sh has
accepted a position in her home
town of Rainier.
Jared Bartholomew and son Bob
by and Mrs. Eva Booley of Esta
cada nd Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Grif
fith and daughter June and Mrs.
Kitty Turner of lone called Mem
orial day at the C. H. Bartholomew
A deluxe model, the new
You'll enjoy all these features
usually found only in higher
priced electric ranges:
O New Calrod units (5 speeds)
O 6 -quart thrift cooker
O Over-sized all-purpose oven
O 3 large utility drawers
O Top light and condiment set
O 3 coats of porcelain enamel
See this beauty today, at
Pacific Power & Light Company
Always at Your Servici
1 $ l$k' u
I just collapsed and started
to cry. I wanted to be such
a good wife, but. .
11 That hot kitchen . . . was just too much
forme. The summer heat was bad enough,
but my old red-hot cook stove made cook
ing unbearable. And that wasn't all . . .
I had to carry in fuel, light the fire, and
clean up the soot and grime.
wCco electric COOking was my salva
tion. That beautiful new electric range
of mine cooks the food not me. No more
carrying in fuel, either. And, of course,
there's no mess to clean up, for electric
cooking is as clean as electric light!"
OYou don't have to work in a sweltering kitchen this summer. Not ,
when an electric range is so easy to buy, and Pacific Power & Light
Company brings you such cheap electricity.
The intense heat on an electric range, you know, is applied di
rectly to the bottom of utensils. None escapes to heat up the kitchen.
And when you bake, a blanket of insulation holds heat in the oven.
Investigate cool, clean and convenient electric cooking . . . today.
Electric Range Prices start under $100
Convenient Terms... See any Dealer or
Pacific Power & Light Company
Always at Your Service