Page Two Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon Thursday, June 6, 1940 IONE NEWS Lodge Folks Stage Strawberry Feed The Eastern Star members and their families enjoyed a strawberry supper at the Masonic hall Saturday evening. About fifty were present. The P. N. G. club met Friday at the home of Mrs. Matthew Gordon. Those present were Mesdames E. J. Bristow, E, R. Lundell, Frank Lundell, Delia Corson, Clel Ray, J, E. Swanson, Ella Davidson, W. M. Eubanks, Milton Morgan, Jr., Ida Fletcher, Louvisa Louy and the hos tess. Mr. and Mrs. French Burroughs returned Thursday from Eugene where Mr. Burroughs has been a pa tient at the hospital. Henry Clark departed Friday for Vancouver, Wash., and his son Low ell started on his return to Los Angeles the same day. The Cleo Drake and Norton Lun dell families of Heppner spent Mem orial day at the E. R. Lundell home. Mrs. Clarence Brenner, Mrs. John Eubanks, Mrs. Howard Eubanks, and Mrs. Terrel Benge were hostesses Friday for a bridal shower at the grange hall for Mrs. Darrell Pad berg. Mrs. Donald Padberg was honored with a bridal shower a week ago Saturday. Mrs. Frank Engelman, Mrs. Henry Clark, A. G. Pettys and Joe Engel man attended the funeral of Mrs. George Ganger in Pendleton Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Young of Salem spent Memorial day at the home of Mr. Young's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young. Visitors at the Charles Botts home Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brown of Hardman, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Griffin and children, Don Botts, Fred Lindsey and Charles Dugan all of Natches, Wash. Charles Du gan is Mr. and Mrs. Botts great grandchild. Mrs. Kittie C. Turner, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Elmer Griffith for the last week, departed Saturday evening for Portland; where she will attend the rose fes tival before going to Orcas Island, Wash., for the summer. Fred Hoskins attended the com mencement exercises at the E. 0 C. E. at La Grande Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Christopher son and sons Ernest and Ersel vis' ited last week in Portland with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Smith and son Philip have returned from i trip to Portland. Mildred Lundell assisted her sis ter, Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn, to enter tain a party of friends Saturday eve ning in honor of Mr. Pettyjohn's birthday. Court whist was played and prizes were won by Mrs. Nor ton Lundell, Howard Eubanks, Nor ton Lundell and Mrs. Howard Eu banks. Others present were Lloyd Morgan, Lee Pettyjohn, Fred Hos kins and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lundell. Mrs. Eiling Thompson left Sat urday for Salem where she will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Scharf. Mr. Thompson plans to join her on Wednesday, and they will attend the graduation of Mr. Thomp son's brother, Ted Thompson, from the University of Oregon. Mrs. Marion Palmer announces that her sister, Mrs. Glen Sherer and infant daughter, Barbara Kay, have returned from the hospital to their home in Heppner. Rose Marie Gorger was taken to a physician at Heppner Tuesday, suffering from a badly sprained ankle. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Buschke of Heppner spent last Wednesday with their son Ed and family at Morgan. It was the first time they had visit ed in that vicinity in twenty years. Mrs. Letha Buschke and her daughter, Mrs. Persons, spent Mon orial day in lone. They live at Pen dleton. Mrs. Carrie Cason left Saturday for her home in Lone Rock after a visit here with her sister, Mrs. Ida Grabil. Mrs. Ida Moore and her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wrex Hicock of Portland were Memorial day visitors here. Mrs. Elmer Griffith and children, George and June, drove to La Grande Monday to attend the com mencement exercises at the college. Miss Katherine returned home with them on Tuesday. Mrs. Ivar Nelson and daughter, Thelma, went to Eugene this week to attend the graduation of another daughter, Elaine, who is completing her course at the university. Alfred T. Odom of Salem is visit ing at the home of his son, Foster, at Morgan. " Students Complete Course in Driving Seven Heppner young people re cently completed a course in the state driving school conducted here by Chauncey Del French, instructor under supervision of the secretary of state. The course was completed Thursday, May 23, when two lessons were given due to the last one fall ing on Decoration day. The students, took a deep interest in sale driving methods and made progress in that endeavor, French stated in a letter to this paper. "As a representative of Earl Snell's traf fic safety division I would like to express my deep appreciation of the splendid spirit of cooperation given to me by your paper, by the school authorities and the citizens of Hepp ner," French concluded. Students completing the driving course are Calvin William Crawford, Margaret Emma Doolittle, Howard Edwin Gilliam, Russell James O' Donnell, Raymond Frederich Par- rish, Donald Delbert Wehmeyer and Rev. Frank McCormick. Wild Life Intrigued by Orchestra Music Luring wild game to its death by means of music may not be legal but it holds possibilities if the ex perience had by Charles McElligott and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Blakely last Sunday counts for anything. While riding m the mountains Sunday afternoon the party saw several deer in the vicinity of Ar buckle mountain. The animals were little concerned over the presence of an automobile and while not lingering long after its approach they just casually faded out of the picture. McElligott turned on the radio at one spot and the deer be gan to venture closer. This expeir ment was tried in several places where the animals were spotted and had the same result in each instance. They would stand still and listen intently, turning their heads first one way and another trying to detect where the strange sound was com ing from. Music seemed to have a special appeal to them, the experi menters reported. Visitor Talks to Missionary Group The Women s Missionary society of the Church of Christ met Wed nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Frank Turner. Mrs. R. J. Kitchen, district secretary, was a guest. Her home is in La Grande. A program dealing with coopera tion in missionary work was pre sented by the leader, Mrs. Jeff Jones. This was followed by an inspirational talk by Mrs. Kitchen. Officers elected for the ensuing year include Etta Howell president; Bertha Johnson, vice president; Mary McMurtry, secretary and Mil lie Doolittle, treasurer. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Neighbors Approve Oregon's Methods California department of agricul ture dairy leaders and butter scor ers last week voiced generous praise of the improvement that Oregon is making in its butter, says A. W. Metzger, chief of the Oregon de partment's foods and dairies division. Metzger headed five men from the Oregon department who attended a joint conference and butter scoring at Eureka late in May. The Cali fornians said they had adopted the Oregon idea for scoring butter. G. T. Want Ads bring result. Barley, Wheat Loans Will Assure Incomes Regardless of uncertain markets due to troubled world conditions, Oregon farmers who grow wheat and barley will have assured incomes as a result of 1940 federal loan pro grams just announced. The state AAA office in Corvallis gave as an example a typical Uma tilla county farmer who markets his wheat in Pendleton. If he has com plied with the AAA farm program, he will be eligible for a loan of 58.6 cents a bushel on his No. 1 soft white wheat. In addition, he may earn conservation and parity payments totalling 19 cents a bushel on the normal yield of his acreage allotment. If he has an average yield, this means he will have a guaranteed return of approximately 78 cents a bushel for the wheat har vested this year. Eligible barley growers may bor row 35 cents a bushel for No. 1 grain on the basis of farm storage. Rates will be seven cents less if the barley is stored, in warehouses. Interest rate is 3 per cent. CALL FOR WARRANTS Notice is hereby given that School District No. 12, Lexington, Ore., will pay all warrants from 180 to 229, incisive. Interest stops June 12, 1940. LORENA W. MILLER, Clerk. VCUIllllllllUIIIUlUllllI iiiuimuiuiiuuiiuiiiiiiuijimmuiuimuinnnn RIGHT PRICES Good food at right prices are the two things every grocery -man must deliver to his cus tomers day in and day out in order to hold their patronage. We pride ourselves on ths ability to deliver. Look these prices over: CRYSTAL COFFEE lb. 18c Drip Grind COFFEE lb. 35c CERTO 3 bottles 53c Grapefruit Arizona 6 for 25c New Potatoes US Is 10 lbs. 4c SODA CRAX 2 lb. box 33c Kellogg's Corn Flakes 3 - 25c Post Toasties Ig. pkg. 3 for 25c RIGHT FOODS Biscuit Flour 40 ox. 35c Puffed Wheat .3 pkgs. 10c Fresh Fruits Cr Vegetables Turnips, Radishes, Green Onions 3 bu. 10c BANANAS IblOc TOMATOES 2 lbs. 25c lvl 0 OLA I'tMiMiiTimiMMmiiimiiiiiiiiimHiiiiiiMiMiiHiMiiiimiiiiiHiMimiiiii.......... ,. "M......,...,,...,,.,.,,.,..,,,,,, TIIIITIIIII'IIIHHMTiniiiii.m.mmmit..i.i.iii.i ..,,.iiii,...i,.,i,...,. THE PUBLIC MAM OWRf CAR LEAD ITS mwhiH"-"" :J 'MiI "BiJBPP T!m" rcBjfrwBB ' GENERAL GD OHO &S2MB WW Cf 035 THE "moK' OMll!JffidlDCiai ' nation's car fv caaaflaaflteflDffiDttfflaaD .. i FERGUSON MOTOR COMPANY Heppner Oregon