Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 30, 1940, Page Page Five, Image 5

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    Thursday, May 30, 1940
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Page Five
A. E. Burkenbine returned Mon- I IONE NEWS
day afternoon from Dorris, Calif.,
where he visited several weeks at
the 'home of Dr. and Mrs. A. B.
Gray. He reports Dr. Gray fully
recovered from his recent illness
and again taking care of his prac
tice. Burkenbine said that driving
from Klamath Falls on a detour
around ' the overflow of the the
highway north of Algoma is unplea
sant but that the highway commis
sion is rushing completion of work
and expects to have the route open
"by this week end. The old grade
is being raised several feet to form
a dike and keep the water back.
Dr. L. D. Tibbies, D. A. Wilson
and O. E. Ferguson tried some Des
chutes river fishing the last week
end, returning home Sunday eve
ning. They joined some fishermen
from Portland who have a cabin at
South Junction, about 25 miles north
of Madras. Fishing was poor and
the local sportsmen returned home
somewhat disappointed.
Mrs. Orville Smith and Mrs. J.
G. Barratt motored to Naches, Wn.,
Sunday and returned Monday with
Mrs. Smith's son, Jimmy, who had
been brought that far on his way
home from Seattle after visiting at
the home of his grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Pfeiffer.
Dr. L. D. Tibbies left today for
Salem to attend the state convention
of osteonaths meeting in the capital
city Friday and Saturday. He plans
to return home via Bend and go
with Crockett Sprouls to one of
the central Oregon lakes for some
Miss Helen Van Schoiack has re
signed her position as operator at
the Myrtle's Beauty shop and is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Wilbur Nichols at Enumclaw, Wn.
Miss Virginia Plank of Portland has
taken her place at the beauty shop.
Guests at Hotel Heppner for a
few days this week are Mr. and
Mrs. Homer Harrington of Port
land. Back in the gay nineties Har
rington was a resident of Heppner
and he is spending part of his time
looking up old acquaintances.
Mrs. Ross Draper, who spent the
last week as the guest of her sister,
Mrs. R. C. Lawrence, left Monday
for her home in Susanville, Calif.
Mrs. Lawrence and Mrs Agnes Cur
ran took her to Arlington to catch
the train.
Vawter Parker left yesterday af
ternoon for Burns to spend several
days on business in connection with
the Federal Land bank. He was
accompanied by his father, F. S.
Parker, who went along to see some
new country.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Eberhardt
of Tigard are among former Hepp
ner people returning here for Dec
oration day. Mrs. Eberhardt was
Stella Penland and spent her girl
hood here.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thomson of
Portland were week end visitors in
Heppner. Mr. Thomson is a member
of the Portland police force and
they recently puchased a home
near the city.
Chance Wilson of Monument was
transacting business in Heppner Tu
esday. Chance won the republican
nomination for sheriff of rant coun
ty at the recent primary election.
Pruitt Cox and son Currin are
spending Decoration Day with Hepp
ner relatives. They came from their
home at Oregon City yesterday and
will return this week end.
A dance scheduled for Lexington
grange hall on Saturday evening,
June 1, has been cancelled by the
grange in favor of a dance at the
Rhea Creek grange hall.
Gilbert Dickson came over from
Pomeroy Sunday to take charge of
his store here during the absence
of Walter Depuy, who is honey
mooning this week.
Park Hotel Under
New Management
Mrs. Perry Enrtmny of Duncan
spent the wek end wi fh her parents,
Mr. and M M. R. Morgan. Her
npnhew and niece. Jimmy and Juan-
ita Morgan, returned home with her.
Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Morgan are
enjoying a visit from Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Morsan of Woodburn, ana
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Crisman of Val-
setz. They all lived in Morrow
county a few years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Reith of
Harrington, Wash., and their cousin,
Mrs. Ethel Pemberton of Spokane
drove to lone Tuesday to visit Mr.
Reith's mother, Mrs. Ellen Reith,
home for a visit.
Mrs. W. J.' Blake and her son and
daugter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Rlakp drove to Pendleton Monday
where they visited Mrs. Blake's
granddaughter, Mrs. Emery Coxen.
Mrs. Frank Engelman has receiv
ed word of the birth Sunday of a
Haiifht.pr. Millie Jane, to Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Koski of Olympia, Wash.
Mrs. Koski is Mrs. Engelman's niece
and often visits here.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rietmann
and Mr. and Mrs. Werner Rietmann
drove to Gibbon Sunday where they
were joined by Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Bergevin and the entire party went
to Bingham Springs,
Mrs. Samuel Pomerantz and ner
hihpr. Lowell Clarke, drove from
Los Angeles and arrived here Sun
day for a visit with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clark. Mr.
Clark who is employed at Van
home for a few days,
Monday. Lowell plans to remain for
a week, but his sister will be here
Mrs. Kittie Turner arrived Sun
day from La Grande and is the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Elmer Grif-
Byron Goodall of Chicago and
Miss Grace Cunningham of Post
Falls, Idaho, were over night guests
Monday at the Griffith home. Mr.
Goodall is a brother, ahd Miss Cun
ningham a niece of Mrs. Griffith
and Mrs. Turner.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Smith went to
McMinnville Sunday to take home
M Smith's sister, Mrs. Pete Ai
len, who had been their guest. They
plan to remain for a week or two.
flarfmrp Linn has leased the Park
hotel and will operate it in the
future. He will keep the dining
room open. Mr. Linn arrived from
Vrnonia. Mondav.
Allen Hoke of Hillsboro is visiting
with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs
Fred Elv. at Morgan.
Mrs. James Lindsay is visiting in
Ralph Thompson of Rainier is
visiting his brother, Erling Thomp-
Fred Ritchie has installed a chair
in the Allvn barber shop.
The Ladies Altar society of St.
Patrick's church met Wednesday at
the home of Mrs. Clara Newlm. At-1
pr the business meeting, refresh
ments of strawberry shortcake and
coffee were served. Those present
were Mesdames Agnes Curran, Ka-
- i
therine Gentry, R. C Lawrence,
Draper, M. E. Cotter, Harry Yarnell,
Henrv Goreer. Johnson, Waller,
Driscoll. Brinkman, Paul O'Meara,
Mr. and Mrs. Phelan, Miss Cassie
McDevitt, Father McCormack, and
Mr. and Mrs. Breshears and daugh
ters. Helen and Winona.
June Griffith is recovering from
an attack of measles.
Women's Topic club met Satur
day afternoon at the home of Mrs.
C. F. Feldman. Other hostesses were
Mrs. Hugh Smith and Mrs. Elmer
Griffith. Three tables of bridge
were in play and high prize was!
wnn bv Mrs. M. E. Cotter, low by
Mrs. Frank Lundell, and guest I
prize by Mrs. Werner Rietmann.
Others present were Mesdames Earl
Blake, L. E. Dick, Cleo Drake, E. R.
T.iindeU. Victor Rietmann, C. W.
Swanson, Clel Ray, Fred Mankin
and Pete Allen.
E. C. Sams, president of J. C.
Penney company, was born in
Simpson, Kansas. After several years
in the retail business he joined Mr.
Pennev in the capacity of clerk in
the Kemmerer store. His beginning
with the company as clerk is typ
ical of the start made by most of
the officers and eecutives of the
company. Most of them started be
hind the counter. Mr. Sams has
served as president of the company
since 1917. succeeding Mr. Penney
who resigned to become chairman
of the board of directors.
Let G. T. Want Ads help you dis
pose of surplus stock.
Wehmeyer Family in
Line for War Duty
If and when Uncle Sam goes into
war there is one Heppner family
that will be prepared to do yeoman
service. At least two members of
the family are now in the war zone
or headed that way and others are
in training or going into training
Carl Wehmeyer is radio man first
class on the U. S. cruiser Vincennes,
which in company with another
cruiser and a battleship has been
despatched to the coast of Portu
gal to protect American interests in
the war zone. Lawrence Wehmeyer
is a seaman on the U. S. battleship
Mississippi now cruising in the East
Indies to protect American interets
and to act as a deterrent to Japan's
ambitions in seizing the Dutch pro
Edith Wehmeyer is a nurse at Fort
Miles, Calif., prepared to do her
bit if called to the service. Stephen
Wehmeyer is a bombardier with the
aviation service and is stationed at
Fort Lewis, and Don will take
CMTC training at Vancouver this
summer. And Papa Fred thinks he
isn't too old to do his bit if his ser
vices are required.
Dan Barlow was transacting bus
iness in town yesterday from his
Eight Mile farm.
Heppner Blacksmith
& Machinery Co.
D. H. JONES, Mgr.
Expert Acetylene and Electric
Welding, Blacksmithing
Special Summer
$3 at Mill
Phone 20F2
Chow Mein,
Nodles, etc.
always on order.
Fresh Fruits and
In Season
Contributions Taken for
and Official Receipt Given
4th Annual Spring
(ED 03) E CD)
June I and 2
Complete Thrilling Program Daily
Bronc Riding . Band Music
Calf Roping Parades
. Brahma Steer Riding Carnival
with Hopalong Cassidy, Lucky and Speedy plus
The Farmers Daughter
Martha Rayc, Charlie Rugglcs, Gertrude Michael, Richard Denning,
William Frawlcy '
Sows at 1 and 2:40
with Edmund Lowe, Irene Hervey, Henry WHcoxon
with Henry Fonda, Jane Harwell, John Carradine, Charley Grapcwin
Based on the best-selling novel of the "Joad Family" and its migra
tion from Oklahoma to California.
PAL NIGHT: 2 adults 35c; 2 children 10c
Adventure In Diamonds
with George Brent, Isa Miranda, John Loder, Nigel Bruce, Elizabeth
Did you ever see an ostrich race?
Wednesday-Thursday, June 5-6
with Jean Arthur, Fred MacMurray, Melvyn Douglas
Miss Arthur is in doubt about her husbands, but there is no doubt
that this is hilarious entertainment.
March of Time: The Philippines
Heppner, Oregon