It Page Two 1 ' ' Just Arrived! New Shipment Glen Row DRESSES New! New! New! Assortment Girls' RAYON DRESSES 98c Crisp rayon taffetas, soft rayon crepes! With bows and ruffles or simply tailored. All in the newest colors. el SALLY LEA Gay, Attractive FROCKS 98c TERRY TOWELS Crisp, colorful little cottons 50c you'll wear everywhere! Smart EnhaRCC lhe lovcliness of your styles, with fu skirts and gay bathroom with picnty of trimmings, in the newest wash nuffy towels. fnbrics! Smart plaids and solids with C L CI IDC ray-striped borders. vynrnia aLira wash cloth to match 12c 98c Big! Absorbent! Perfect fitting little shadow Colored Reversible panel slips of rich rayon crepe. TERRY TOWELS Popular lacy styles for sum- mcr wear. 39c ln a11 siyes Towels pretty enough for a Womens Krinkle Crepe bridc'? ,hoPe, chest - sturdy enough for the men m your GOWNS 79C family. Adorable styles in fresh WASH CLOTH to match 10c floral prints. Cool! JUT AUKIVED! Lovely Rayon Taffeta Another shipment of those ln. .n Full Sized, Cotton SLIPS 49c BEDSPREADS Extraordinary values! q They're attractive well made Ot HVC serviceable! just the thing for summer Trimmed and tailored styles. sVening porches, etc. Priced for Savings! ALL RAYON PANTIES 15c SPREADS $1.98 Women's fine quality knit Jacquard-wovcn designed in rayon panties in regular and stunning patterns and colors, brief lengths smart step-in Scalloped edges, styles. Double-bed size. Prettily trimmed! Here's a value you'll long re member! Styles Girls Like! 1 " PAJAMAS 79e SoroHty'PRINTS One- and two-piece styles in ' all popular fabrics. 49c Yd. They're well made -nicely Prctty-as-a-picture prints in trimmed. our popular CROWN TESTED A large variety! dress fabrics. Sizes to 16. small size Formerly 59c Hose Printed SLEEPERS now only 49e q Medium weight chiffon un "VC usually lovely and long wcar- Sizes 2 to S, ing. too. Heppner 2-98 Girls SLACK SUITS 1.79 Made to Fit Right! Womens SLACK SUITS 2-98 They're expensive looking! Brand New Styles! rnrn IKJUVJ Gazette Times, Heppner, NEW BABY DEP'T. CRIB BLANKETS Softly napped imported AQC cotton. Stitched edges. 30" x 40". DAINTY DRESSES Fine quality batiste. All AQC hand made. BABY ANKLETS Cotton or rayon in dainty J JSC baby colors. CRIB SPREAD Pink or blue chenille. Cute 4 .00 nursery patterns. SWEATERS Fine zephyr wool. Hand "1 .49 oewn seams. Button front. INFANTS' SHIRTS Fine combed cotton. For all year wear. MV DIAPER PANTIES Double thick fine comb- "i AC ed cotton. ' CRIB SHEETS Fine, firmly woven cotton OffC long wearing. - MtM Lovely! Ringless! GAYMODES'9C Medium weight chiffon unusu ally lovely and long wearing, too. Silk picot top, cotton reinforced sole and toe. Formerly 69c Just Arrived! Nnw Shinment is ,w " Womens Spun Rayon DRESSES 1.33 Full sized Mattress Pad $1.00 A Real Buy Towels Terry 10c NEW Fast Color ACE-HI Broad cloth 10c yd. Bargains Lace Table Cloths $1.00 ea. Stock Up Now Wash Cloths 5c ea. Cleansing Tissue Box 500 15c NEW Curtain Dept. LATEST THINGS IN CURTAINS Ruffled Curtains 49c Priscilla Curtains 98c Cottage Sets 49c to 98c Straight Curtains 49c Lacy Curtains 98c Oregon Mens LOAFER JACKET BRUSHED RAYON Styled and designed for west coast. We were plenty "het up" and excited when we ran across the number at this price. Be sure to come in and see it. 2-98 ii IY1GII3 SPORT OXFORDS For Sports! For Dress! A 'way low price to pay YOUR summer foot comfort! BOYS' Sport SHIRTS 49c WITH PICTURES IjOw priced and what a value for summer! Light as a feath er, and plenty roomy and stretchy for real action! Short sleeve styles. BOYS' GABARDINE SPORT SETS $2.98 Sanforized Shrunk Luster-T one gabardines combine the richness of color with the strength of fabric that boys want most! Cool, neat, economical! Top-Hit Collar Styles! Brand New Stitches! BOYS' COTTON POLO SHIRTS 25c Economy? The price tag tells you plenty! But, more than that, you're getting comfort in the height of style! MEN'S COOL Sport SHIRTS 98c Look your best at ease! These handsome hopsacks, gabard ines and open mesh weaves air-condition your body in style ! Ladies BELTS 10c to 25c Silk picot top, cotton rein forced sole and toe. Lovely styles for Summer frocks! BOYS' SANFORIZED HOPSACKS SPORT SETS 1-98 Just made for his summer play days! Cool, porous hopsacks that will take picnty of punishment! In smartly tailored styles! SPORTIES for Sportswear .. Jor Lounging! Hopsacking OXFORDS 1.98 Blue and white... as sparkling, as clean as an ocean breeze! HEPPNER OREGON Thursday, May 30, 1940 In their new, modern and up-to-date build ing . . . new depart ments, new fixtures, but best of all, New Merchandise at a Greater Savings for Everyone. . . . v x for Men's Smart Styles STRAW HATS 98c Famous Solar straws in the right shapes and colors to make you look your best! Vent-O-Lated for cool com fort! Choose yours now! Men's Gentry PAJAMAS $1.49 Newest patterns or plain col ors. Well tailored, smartly trimmed! Fast-to-washing. A grand value! Men! Hero's Big Value SHIRTS 98c Our Topflight dress styles of fine combed broadcloth! Men's Trousers $2.98 Spring's top styles at this economy price! Hard finish, worsted weaves in men's fav orite suit patterns. Men's Cool Summer SPORT CAPS 25c On the links, at the beach, in town everywhere you go this summer take one along for the sake of head comfort and protection! Men's Sanforized Work PANTS 98c Covert! Long, hard workers every one! Strongly rein forced at all strain points for wear! Full, comfortable cut! All Mwvm m& i mm