Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 16, 1940, Page Page Seven, Image 7

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    Thursday, May 16, 1940
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Page Seven
Pine City, Alpine
Schools May Unite
Those attending "Gone With the
Wind" in Heppner included Mrs.
Charles Bartholomew, Mrs. Emil
Groshens and Mr. and Mrs. Marion
Pine City school enjoyed their
annual school picnic on the lawn
at the Roy Neill home. The Alpine
school joined them for Friday and
contributed the lunch.
Mrs. R. K McGreer returned
from a week's trip with Mr. Mc
Greer, Friday.
Mrs. R. E. McGreer spent Satur
day afternoon in Pendleton. She
took Mrs. Lois Kent, John Edward
Harrison and Bob Gronveld, and the
boys enjoyed the carnival.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Wattenburger
and family spent Saturday in Pasco
and Walla Walla transacting busi
Mrs. W. A. Moore of Rainier spent
the past ten days with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Russell Moore. Her daugh
ter and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Clay Hiemuller and son from Port
land spent Wednesday and Thursday
here and took Mrs. Moore back-
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ayers and
family were Heppner callers Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Young and
son and Mrs. Wilma Roberts and
son of The Dalles are visiting their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill McCarty.
A group of Pine City friends, in
cluding Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ay
ers, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Moore,
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Finch and
Mrs. R. E. McGreer surprised Burl
Wattenburger on his birthday Mon
day evening. The evening was spent
playing pinochle and refreshments
were served by Mrs. Wattenburger.
A surprise handkerchief shower
was held honoring Mrs. Frank Helms
at the Chas. Bartholomew home
Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Helms is
leaving the last of the week for her
new home in Spokane.
Parents attending baccalaureate
services at Heppner from Pine City
included Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wil-
kins. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neill, Mr,
and Mrs. John Healy and Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Daly. The graduates are
Gordon O'Brien, Cecilia Healy, Mary
and Patricia Daly and Guy Moore.
Graduation exercises will be held
Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bartholomew
spent the week end in Spokane,
eturning Monday evemng.
Mrs. Ethel Knighten spent Sun
day evening with her mother, Mrs,
Roy Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neill spent
Thursday in Pendleton.
The Pine City school district met
jointly with the Alpine school board
Monday evening to- discuss joining
the schools for the coming year.
Commissioner Roy Neill spent!
Monday visiting in Irrigon and
Board man.
Services at the Lutheran church at
Gooseberry for Sunday, May 18, in
clude confirmation at 10:30 o'clock
a. m. and communion services in the
evening. Rev. Sakrison of Colton
will be present and preside. A
class of six will be confirmed at
the morning service. An invitation
has been extended to the public to
attend these meetings.
Want Ads
Pendleton Music House 11-12.
Singer Sewing Machines, vacuum
cleaners. Repairs on all makes.
Write Singer Agency, 418 S. Main,
Pendleton. ll-15p
Elvin Hughes suffered a slight
concussion Saturday when struck
on the head by a shearing gear. He
and Delvin Matteson had rigged up
a power outfit to shear their own
and their neighbors' sheep and were
at work at the Hughes place in the
Matteson district when the accident
happened. He was brought to town
for treatment.
Read the Wincharger ad.
Hardman Boy Wins
Oratorical Contest
On last Thursday night in Hepp
ner, the Hardman high school was
represented by Irl Clary in the ora
toxical contest sponsored by the
Elks. Irl took first place and will
speak again in The Dalles on May
Miss Frances 'Inskeep was the
only graduate this year of the
Hardman union high school. The
exercises in her honor were held in
the high school auditorium on Fri
day evening at which time the fol
lowing program was given.
Processional; "In a Little Dutch
Garden," sung by Nona Inskeep,
Vern McDaniel, Jeanne Leathers,
Mildred and Irl Clary, with Vera
McDaniel at the piano; "Whispering
Hope," Mrs. Neal Knighten and
Mrs. Marvin Brannon; a reading,
"Let Me Walk With the Men in the
Road," Miss Patricia Bleakman; "To
You Sweetheart Aloha," sung by
high school group; the address by
Frank C. Alfred; a talk and pre
sentation of diplomas by Mrs. Lucy
Rodgers; solo by Mrs, Knighten, ac
companied by Mrs. Brannon. Mrs.
Clary introduced the speakers. Af
ter the program almost everybody
remained for several hours of dancing.
Mrs. Ralph Corrigall of Echo with
little Shirley Anne, and Mrs. Corda
Saling visited friends and relatives
here on Saturday.
Mrs. Sam McDaniel, who has been
very ill the last week, is much im
proved. Also Pad Howell, who was
on the sick list, is about again.
Mrs. Neal Knighten entertained
at a 1 oclock luncheon baturday
for Mrs. Marvin Brannon, Mrs. G.
Clary, Miss Lurline Sparks and
Miss Oleta Raimey.
Vern and Vera McDaniel, Nona
Inskeep, Jeanne Leathers, Mildred
and Irl Clary of the high school and
Miss Oleta Raimey attend the Wed
nesday matinee of "Gone With the
Wind." Others who went to see the
show on Wednesday or Thursday
were Mrs. Carl Leathers, Mrs. Cath
erine Mclntyre, Miss Molly Mcln-
tyre, Leslie Bleakman and A. D.
Achievement day for the five lo
cal 4-H clubs was held at 2:30 p.
m. on Tuesday, May 7, at the high
school. They met first out of doors
around a camp fire where Irl Clary,
Junior Leathers and Cecil McDan
iel prepared a meal, which the
guests sampled. Then Delmer Bus
chke showed how to put out and
cover a camp fire. Inside, various
demonstrations were given: On
making seams by Jeanne Leathers
and Vern McDaniel; making an ap
ron of handkerchiefs, Mildred Clary
and Vera McDaniel; taking out
spots, Alberta and Evelyn McFerrin;
caring for small wounds, Ollie Has
tings and Alene Inskeep; bandag
ing by Jeanne Leathers and Vern
McDaniel; artificial respiration, Mil
dred Clary and Vera McDaniel.
There was also a playlet by the
grade school health club, and talks
by Ollie Hastings, Nona Inskeep
and Irl Clary, as well as numerous
songs. Mrs. Lucy Rodgers, Miss Lu
cille Vale and County Agent Con
rad were special guests and gave
talks. Most of the mothers were
present, and several of them served
attractive and delicious refresh
ments at the close of the exercises,
One of the main announcements was
that Alene Inskeep, Vera McDaniel
Jeanne Leathers and Irl Clary were
the four students selected to attend
summer school. Junior Leathers is
first alternate and Cecil McDaniel,
second. Mary Mclntyre has a schol
arship to Corvallis, which she earn
ed in the style revue; and Vern
McDaniel and Mildred Clary also
have scholarships, earned as a dem
onstration team Anne Mclntyre is
also going.
Mrs. Zinter and Miss Irene Zinter
were business callers here on Tu
esday of last week.
Miss Lucille Vale, county nurse
met with Mrs. Owen Leathers, local
chairman of the health association
on Tuesday of last week to follow
up the work of the April clinic and
to make plans for the clinic which
will be held in the early summer.
Very light rain on Saturday night
and again on Sunday night marked
the close of a pleasant week. Mon
day nights rain was more persistent
and continued during Tuesday, but
at this time of year bad weather is
often of short duration, and there
fore the picnic on Thursday wi
likely find a happy state of affairs,
Used Car Bargains
1936 Dodge Sedan $495.00
This car has new rings and is
painted a beautiful lake green.
1936 Ford Tudor $395.00
This car has just gone through
our shop. The motor has been
reconditioned and it is painted
the popular cloud mist gray. Up
holstery is clean as a pin.
1937 Ford Tudor $465.00
This car being reconditioned at
the present time with instruc
tions for the shop to give it ev
ery thing it needs to make it
A number one. Shows excellent
care by former owner.
1939 Plymouth Deluxe Coupe, $675.00
This car has a reconditioned mo
tor and is painted a beautiful
beige. If you like Plymouth you
can't miss on this one. Low
1940 Ford Pickup $675.00
Here is a new model pickup that
will be sold with a new car
guarantee and is ready to go to
work for you. Has four speed
1934 International Pickup ....$295.00
This is the cleanest 34 Interna
tional we have had this year.
1933 GMC Truck ...$185.00
Has platform bed, dual wheels,
and four speed transmission.
Here is low price transportation.
1929 Ford Tudor $55.00
1929 Plymouth Sedan $85.00
1929 Chevrolet Coach $45.00
There are thousands of cars on
the road that are not as good trans
portation as one of the above cheap
ies. Why walk?
The large number of trade-ins on
the new 1940 Ford car gives us the
choice of all makes of used cars to
sell. Visit our new used car lot back
of the Ford garage.
Your Ford Dealer
Phone 1092 Heppner, Oregon
If you want a good hay wagon,
three -section harrow, set of breech
ing harness, 3Vi Bain wagon and
some barbed wire, call Harold Hill.
Wright's modern orchestra from
Pendleton will provide music for
a dance at Lexington grange hall
Saturday evening. Public invited.
Those having accounts with Gor
delen's Beauty shop will please see
me at Myrtle's Beauty Salon.
Helen Van Schoiack.
By virtue of an ORDER OF THE
COUNTY COURT, dated May 2, 1940,
at Heppner, Oregon, I am author
ized and directed to advertise and
sell at public auction, at not less
than the minimum price herein set
forth after each parcel:
Lots 7 and 8, in Block 1, of
the original Town of lone, at a
minimum price of $50.00 cash.
Lots 9 and 10, in Block 2, of
the original Town of lone, at a
minimum price of $10.00, cash.
Lot 8 in Block 17 of the Town
of Boardman, at a minimum
price of $10.00, cash.
Lot 9 in Block 11 of the Town
of Lexington, at a minimum
price of $25.00, cash.
TEREFORE, I will on the 1st day
of June, 1940, at the hour of 2::00
P. M., at the front door of the Court
House in Heppner, Oregon, sell said
property to the highest and best
By virtue of an ORDER OF THE
COUNTY COURT, dated April 17,
1940, at Heppner, Oregon, I am au
thorized and directed to advertise
and sell at public auction, at not
less than the minimum price herein
set forth after each parcel:
All of Section 36 in Township
six (6) South, Range twenty-five
(25) East of Willamette Merid
ian. Terms $1,500.00, cash.
THEREFORE. I will on the 18th
day' of May, 1940, at the hour of
2:00 P. M., at the front door of the
' By virtue of an ORDER OF THE
COUNTY COURT, dated May 6,
1940, at Heppner, Oregon, I am au
thorized and directed to advertise
ancj sell at public auction, at not less
than the minimum price herein set
forth after each parcel:
Lots 1, 2, 30, 31, 32, and 33 in
Block 18, in the Town of Irri
gon, Oregon, at a minimum price
of $20.00 cash.
Penland's Fraction of Lot 2
Block 24, Penland's Fraction of
Lot 3 Block 24, Penland's Frac
tion of Lots 4 and 5 Block 24 in
the Town of Lexington, Oregon,
20 pet. down and balance on
contract, at a minimum price of
TTJ'RVR'EYirnP'K1. T m11 V10 RtVi
t. iom v, Court House in Heppner, Oregon,
uav ui u uiivr, jxj. ai me nuai w ,, , , , , ii t i . J
' I r 1 1 nfiirl nnftnAiit rv H ri hirthnct on1
2:00 P. M., at the front door of the -fa,.
600-watt Delco, overhauled, $65;
750-watt Automatic, overhauled, $75;
850- watt Manual, overhauled, $75;
used 32-volt batteries $20 new
$50 up. DE MOSS & SON, Moro.
Upholstering and furniture repair
ing of all kinds. Glue work, cushion
units and rockers. Write C. E. Hen-
sley, Hermiston, Ore. 9-12p,
Benefit dance at Lena Grange hall
Saturday evening, May 11, given by
Catholic ladies. Music by Men
About Town 7-piece orchestra
Dance tickets 75c; supper 25c. This
dance was originally scheduled for
May 4.
Court House in Heppner, Oregon,
sell said property to the highest and
best bidder.
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon
best bidder.
C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff,
Morrow County, Oregon.
In the Matter of the Estate of Frank
Leicht, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that under
and by virtue of an execution in
foreclosure duly issued out of the undersigned has been appointed
circuit uourt ot tne totate oi ure- rw,,triv nf tv T-nst Will nnd Tist-
gon for Morrow County on the 2nd ament of Frank deceased,
day oi may, sw, pursuant to a anfl has oualified as the law directs.
judgment and decree entered in Uu persons having claims against
said court on tne ist aay or May, sai(j estate are required to present
mil, in iavor oi ina narDKe, same to mG at mv home in Irri-
plaintiff for the sum of $4050.00 with 0 Oregon, verified as the law di-
mterest thereon irom the iotn day rectS; within six months from the
ot April, laa, at the rate ot b per- date 0f thi3 notice.
Dated this 11th day of April, 1940.
For Sale 1939 Case model V com
bine, 15 or 18 ft. cut rubber tires;
has 55 bu. bulker, and sacker; also
regular sacker attachment. Cut a
bout 750 A last year. Frank Holub,
lone, Ore. 9-llp.
For Rent One section range land
on Graves and Mallory creeks. W.
M. Spurlock, Box 131, Ukiah, Ore.
Wood for sale $6.00 per cord. Fir
and tamarack post 8c delivered to
Heppner. Green cut wood at Ar-
buckle corrals $3.50 a cord. W. H.
Tucker. 8-mp-tf,
Six-room house and bath, full
plumbing, good location, $1500. See
Clara Beamer. 24th
New Hampshire Red setting eggs
for sale, straight run or selected,
price reasonable. Mrs. H. O. Bau
man. lp-3.
cent per annum, the further sum of
$350.00 attorney's fees, and cost in
the sum of $33.40 in a suit in said
court wherein L. R. Estes, and Es
ther Mae Estes, his wife, Katie May
Gebhart and Benjamin F. Gebhart,
her husband, John C. Rice and
Mary Doe Rice, his wife, Dan Thum-
lert, J. E. Tygstad, J. C. Wagner,
and Sandy River Investment Com
pany, a corporation, were defend
ants, and commanding me to sell
the following described real proper
ty, situate in Morrow County, Ore
gon, to-wit:
The S, NEV4) S of NWy4,
and NEV4 of NWJ4 of Section
16, SEy4 of NEy4, sy2 of SEy4
and NEy4 of SEy4 of Section 20,
all of Section 21, S and NWy4
of Section 28, all of Section 29,
in Township two (2) North,
Range 25 East of Willamette
NOW, in obedience to said execu
tion I will on Saturday, the first Fw Eye Comfort - Better Vision
aay or june, xvtv, at tne nour oi
10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said
day at the front door of the Court
House at Heppner, Oregon, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder
for cash said real property and ap- Come to Pcndleton for Your 0ptical
Summer range for 3000 yearlings,
or 2000 ewes and lambs. Well water.
ed. Inquire this office. 3tf,
For rent, summer range for
bands of sheep. Will rent all or part
of it. Sid Seale, Condon, Ore. 3tf,
Satisfaction Breakfast Cereal, the
Cereal That Satisfies. Three grinds
fine, medium and coarse. On sale
at your local grocer's. Other pro
ducts will be featured later. Made
by Neal F. Knighten.
ESTRAYED Three head Hereford
cows, one 2-year-old, brand invisi
ble; two 4-year-olds branded CHC,
Anyone knowing of these animals
please notify W. C. McClintock
lone, Ore.
Spinet type piano. Demonstrator,
Bargain. Terms if desired. Write
Batteries Guaranteed 80 Pet. of Orig
inal Capacity at End of 6- or 10-Year
Investigate the Refrigerator with
separate frosted compartment
7', 8y2 and 10' sizes for farm or
Free Estimates Without Obliratloa
Moro, Ore. Res. DeMoss Spr.
piy tne proceeds tnereoi to tne pay- wp(i,;i
ment ot said judgment and accruing ern Methods. Glasses
Fit When Needed,
Eyes Examined by Mod-
Ground to
cost of sale.
Dated and first published this 2nd Prices,
day of May, 1940. DR. DALE ROTHWELL
C. J. D. BAUMAN, Optometrist - Pendleton
Sheriff of Morrow Countv. Oregon. Over Woolworths Phono 535-J
The Dalles Freight Line, Inc.
Arrive Tues., Weds., Friday, Sat.
Warehouse: KANE'S GARAGE Carl D. Spickerman, Agent