Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 16, 1940, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    Page Two
Heppner Gazette Times, Heppner, Oregon
Thursday, May 16, 1940
A. E. Heliker Dies
at Michigan Home
Word has been received here that
A. E. Heliker passed away at his
home in Montgomery, Mich., last
Thursday. His bother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heliker,
whom he had visited here for a
considerable time last summer, had
arrived a few days previous for an
extended visit. Mr. Heliker suffered
a stroke, and died the same day.
A conference for pre-school chil
dren was held Tuesday morning at
the Congregational church parlors
by Miss Lucille Vale, county nurse,
and Dr. Davis. They were assisted
by Mrs. Hugh Smith, Mrs. Omar
Rietmann and Mrs. Harry Yarnell.
Mothers whose children benefitted
were Mrs. Dorr Mason, Mrs. Gar
land Swanson, Mrs. Walter Jepson,
Mrs. Vernice Crawford, Mrs. Dean
Ekleberry, Mrs. Omar Rietmann
and Mrs. Ted Blake.
Mrs. Garland Swanson is enjoy
ing a visit from her mother, Mrs.
Regina Miller of Salem.
Norman Swanson of Portland
spent Mother's day with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Swanson. Miss
Abigail Spaulding of Portland ac
companied him.
Mrs. Hilma Nelson is a visitor
at the home of her brother, C. W.
Swanson, who is ill at his home
here. Mrs. Nelson's home is in
Miss Gladys Breshears, physical
education director for the girls of
the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth
grades, entertained her pupils with
a weiner roast at the Sparks home
above town Monday evening.
Mrs. Jean Dekers has rented an
apartment at the Apartment hotel
which she will occupy as soon as
school is out. She came from Bel
gium about a year ago, and has
relatives in the war zone.
Mrs. Minnie Forbes entertained
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hummel at din
ner Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Drake and four
children, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Petty
john, and Norma Lou Lundell were
Mother's day guests at the E. R.
Lundell home.
The P. N. G. club of the Rebekahs
will serve a 35-cent dinner at the
I. O. O. F. hall on election day.
French Burroughs, pioneer of
Rhea creek is a patient in a hospital
in Eugene. Mrs. Burroughs plans
to go to that city soon.
Rev. W. W. Head of Cathlamet,
Wash., former pastor of the Con
gregational church here, spent the
week end here visiting friends. He
departed Monday evening.
Rev. Mr. Head delivered the bac
calaureate sermon Sunday after
noon to the class of 1940, in accord
ance with the pleasant tradition of
the lone school This is the fif
teenth time he has acted in this ca
pacity. The church was beautifully
decorated by the lower classmen.
Rev. W. Moffat Dennis assisted Mr.
Head, and the high school quartet
sang, accompanied by Miss Lorna
Barham, who played the proces
sional. The P. J. Linn home was the
scene of a happy family reunion
Mother's day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Griffith and sons, Robert and Dale
of Portland, and Clarence Linn and
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Linn of Ver
nonia spent the week end with their
mother, and were joined on Sunday
by Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Howk and
family of Condon, and Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Griffith and family.
The Women's Topic club met Fri
day at the Hugh Smith home. Mrs.
Smith was assisted by Mrs. Carl
F. Feldman and Mrs. Elmer Grif
fith. They reported on Carl Sand
burg's "Abraham Lincoln, The War
Years," volume 17. Three members,
Mrs. C. W. McNamer, Mrs. Bert
Mason and Miss Emmer Maynard,
resigned, and three others, Mrs. J.
E. Swanson, Mrs. Frank Lundell
and Mrs. Erling Thompson, were ad
mitted as members. The social
meeting will be at the home of Mrs.
Feldman. Members present were
Mesdames C. W. McNamer, Agnes
Wilcox, M. E. Cotter, Omar Riet
mann, Henry Gorger, Clel Ray,
Clyde Denney, Milton Morgan, Jr.,
Victor Rietmann, E. R. Lundell, C.
W. Swanson, and Miss Emmer May
nard. Guests present were Mrs. Ella
Davidson, Mrs. Albert Lindstrom,
Mrs. Frank Ross and Mrs. Erling
Mrs. A. F. Palmateer of Morgan
is enjoying a visit from her sister,
Mrs. Henry Beers and the tatter's
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Heiple, and baby. They
live at Estacada and are here to
attend Ted Palmateer's graduation.
George N. Ely has as his guests
his son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Francis Ely of Salem. They
are on a vacation, and will be here
about a week.
Mrs. M. E. Cotter and her guests,
Mrs. Laxton McMurray, Mrs. Henry
Clark, and Mrs. Harry Yarnell thot
they were "Gone With the Wind"
Thursday afternoon when their car
was struck by one driven by Donald
Campbell when they were returning
from the matinee in Heppner. They
had just passed the Frank S. Park
er place when the Campbell boy
attempted to pass on a curve. Dis
covering an approaching car, he
attempted to drop behind, but was
driving too fast, so turned against
the bank on the right side of the
Cotter car, which he struck on the
rear fender. Little damage was
done, as Mrs. Cotter retained con
trol of her car and got it back into
her side of the road. The Campbell
car sustained more serious damage,
but no one was injured.
The Morgan school will present
a program Thursday morning, and
there will be a neighborhood picnic.
June Griffith, the only eighth grad
er will receive her diploma then.
Mrs. Evelyn McDowell of Port
land has opened a beauty parlor in
the Roberts building next door to
the Gazette Times. The building
has been renovated - and made into
a nice workroom. Eqqipment was
put in place Tuesday evening and
Mrs. McDowell was ready for cus
tomers Wednesday morning. The
new, place will be known as the
Heppner Beauty shop. Mrs. Mc
Dowell's family will come to Hepp
ner to live as soon as school is out
in Portland.
Miss Frances McCarty, freshman
at Oregon State college, recently
won the intramural tennis cham
pionship at the college, defeating
last year's woman's champion, a
junior. Frances was a member of
the class of 1939, Heppner high
school, and entered the state college
last fall. She is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McCarty.
Chow Mein,
Nodles, etc.
always on order.
Fresh fruits and
In Season
Contributions Taken for
and Official Receipt Given
Seven more counties have been
added to the state's list of Bang's
disease-free accredited areas, ac
cording to Dr. W. H. Lytle, state
veterinarian. They are Polk, Mar
ion, Benton, Lincoln, Douglas, Linn
and Hood River. Five other Oregon
counties had previously been ac
credited as Bang's disease-free.
Knee Sense Hosiery
New answer to the prayer of hard-on-hosiery
girls, looking for free-kneeling
comfort and smooth-looking fit! Note the
neat trick to eliminate sretch and strain
an elastic band at the shadow welt. Note,
too, the way they flatter your leg into look
ing its loveliest!
Made in the famount Munsingwear
"Smart-Side-Out" manner and in
Munsingwear's favorite new series of
Romance colors.
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