Page Two IONE NEWS lone School Year Closing Rites Set By MRS. ELMER GRIFFITH Only two weeks remain of the school year. Commencement exer cises will be held Wednesday eve ning, May 15, and the address will be delivered by Roy L. Skeen of the E. O. C. E. at La Grande. Mr. Skeen was principal of the school here at one time. Members of the graduating class are Thelma Nelson, Ted" Palmateer, Dorothy Brady Christopherson, Vernon Christoph erson, Jane Fitzpatrick, Ted Peter son, Norman Bergstrom and William Biddle. The high school picnic will be held Friday, May 10, and the baccalau reate services will be on Sunday, May 18. Rev. W. W. Head of Cath lamet, Wash., will preach the ser mon, as he has for many years. Fri day, May 17, letters and other awards will be presented at an Aw ard assembly at the school house at 10 a. m. Eighth graders who will receive their diplomas this year are Char lotte Sperry, Billie Brace, George Reno, Bobby Everson, Belbalene Crawford, Wilma Dobyns, Mabel Davidson, James Doherty, Delmer Crawford, Pete Cannon, Pat Doher ty, Alice Nichoson and Gladys See hafer. Foster Odom had the misfortune to lose one hundred baby chicks when fire destroyed the brooder house on his ranch near Morgan Sunday night. The brooder house and brooder and some tools were entirely destroyed. Mrs. Clara Kincaid returned Fri day from Portland. She had been with her sister, Miss Ella Mason, who had been injured in a fall, but now is better. The junior-senior banquet was held Wednesday evening at the I. O. O. F. hall and was served by the Rebekahs. Besides the students, members of the faculty and mem bers of the school board were pre sent. The juniors are Clarence Ba ker, Melvin Brady, Charlotte Can non, Ernest Christopherson, Walter Cor ley, Helen Doherty, John Do herty, Claude and Clyde Pettyjohn, Alice Reno, and Eileen Sperry. Sophomores who served were Betty Lou Lindsay, Patricia Emert, Betty Rood and Elsie Jepson. The hall was decorated in old rose and green. Mrs. Garland Swanson was hos tess Saturday for a shower for Mrs. Gene Engelman. Ladies from lone who attended the social meeting of the Womens Topic club in Heppner Saturday were Mesdames E. R. Lundell, Omar Rietmann, Clel Ray, M. E. Cotter, C. F. Feldman, Agnes Wilcox and Clyde Denny. Mrs. Cotter won high score and Mrs. Wilcox, second. M. R. Morgan has purchased the Bristow and Johnson house on Sec ond street, now occupied by Jack Ferris, and will move there soon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Botts have received word of the death of a grand daughter, Loraine Griffin, at Yakima. Several members of the family attended the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Engelman ar rived Sunday for a visit with Mr. Engelman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Engelman. Mr. Engelman re turned Tuesday but his wife re mained for a longer visit. There has been considerable in the daily press concerning the his tory of Bruce Haines, formerly of Heppner, and his son Tom. Mrs. C. J. Anderson, a sister-in-law of Mr. Haines, was able to furnish the desired information concerning the adoption of the child, and the in terested parties found the record at the first home they visited in Port land. Bert Mason, who knew Mr. Haines well, also contributed some worth while information. Mrs. Alice Esteb, who reached the age of ninety years on Tuesday, was pleasantly surprised with a birth day dinner Sunday at the home of her grand daughter, Mrs. Walter Bristow. Mr. and Mrs. Harley An derson and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Keithley, grand children and her daughter, Mrs. Eunice Keithley, were guests. Mrs. Esteb has lived in Oregon since she was two years old, and for many years was a res Heppner ident of Gooseberry and Heppner. Besides Mrs. Keithley, she has two sons, Fred of Washougal, Wash., and Sam. In spite of her advanced years she is active and well. Mrs. Arthur Ritchie was hostess last Wednesday for a shower in honor of Mrs. Clifford McCabe. Guests present were Mildred Lun dell and Mesdames Franklin Lind strom, Garland Swanson, Carl Al lyn, George Snider, E. E. Mummel, John Eubanks, Clarence Brenner, Robert Runnion, A. A. McCabe, O. E. Lindstrom, Raymond Lundell, Howard Eubanks, Matthew Gor don and Henry Gorger. Miss Bernice Ring is employed in Mrs. Ferris' beauty shop. The P. N. G. club met Friday at the home of Mrs. Ella Davidson. Present were Mrs. J. E. Swanson, Mrs. Milton Morgan, Jr., Mrs. E. R. Lundell, Mildred Lundell, Mrs. Ida Fletcher, Mrs. Omar Rietmann, Mrs. C. W. Swanson and Mrs. Frank Lun dell, and one guest, Mrs. C. F. Feld man. Plans were made for serving dinner at the I. O. O. F. hall on election day. A new floor was laid in the kit chen of the I. O. 0. F. hall this week. The congregation had the pleas ure Sunday morning of listening to a sermon by Dr. Starring, state secretary of the Baptist churches. He was accompanied by Mrs. Star ring. Kenneth Smouse of Portland spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smouse. He was here on business. W. G. Palmateer of Morgan has returned from Hood River, where he has been receiving medical treat ment. LEXINGTON NEWS Lexington Water System Completed By MARGARET SCOTT The new water system is now in use and there are just a few details to finish before this project is com pleted. Mr. and Mrs. George York are the parents of a baby girl born in Heppner last week. She has been named Betty Joan. Their other chil dren, Joy and Janice, are at the George Allyn home. Mr. and Mrs. Laurel Kuni and son and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Gray and family visited in Hermiston Sunday. Gerald Acklen and Ivan Amend spent the week end in Portland. Mary Acock of Portland was visitor this week at the Dan Way home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rice, R. B Rice and George Peck were Port land visitors last week. Mrs Tempa Johnson was a guest at the Harry Duvall home a few days last week. Anne Johnston and son Duane have moved into the small house belonging to Sarah White. Mrs. Tempa Johnson has moved into her own home, formerly occupied by the Roy Johnson's. Miss Wilma Tucker was hostess at a bridal shower honoring Joyce Bid die at her home Sunday. Refresh ments were served. Beginning May 5, church services will be held at the Christian church at 11 a. m. Ladd Sherman motored to Port land Friday, taking Mrs. Sherman and Sally, and Golda Leathers who will remain in the city. Mr. Sher man returned home Sunday. Local people attending the C. C. D. meeting in La Grande Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Breshears and daughters, Marie, Helen and Ed- wina. Maude Pointer left for the Valley Sunday, where she plans to visit for several weeks. The invitation dance sponsored by the Rebekah lodge Saturday night was well attended. Mrs. Vester Lane has been visit ing relatives at Connell. Mrs. Robert Burnside and son George spent several days last week in Dayton with Mr. Burnside. The other children, Bobby and Melba, stayed at the Archie Padberg home. Elmer Hunt is installing a new septic tank. Mrs. Ralph Jackson and Mrs. Laura Scott had brick flues made in their homes this week. Shelley Gazette Times, Heppner, WILLOWS GRANGE NEWS Willows Grangers Enjoy Program By MARY LUNDELL Willows grange met in regular session in their hall at lone on April 27. During the lecture hour the following program was presented, the theme being "Planting": Song, "Bud and Bloom"; debate, "Resolved, That we have a vetgeta ble and flower show in our hall this fall"; (The decision was given to the affirmative side, judges being Glenn Ball of Yakima, Miss Lucille Vale, Heppner, and Mrs. Lulu Nel son); song, "Prairie Flower"; talks by Miss Rose Leibbrand of Heppner and Miss Vale. The remarks of both ladies were well received. Miss Leibbrand, well known writer and authority on historical events, spoke on the sale of Christmas seals and the ways in which the money is used. Miss Vale, county health nurse for Morrow and Sherman counties, well informed in her line of work, discussed tuberculosis and what to do about it. The pantomime skit, a scene in the office of Dr. Lawbones, added a bit of entertainment to the other wise educational program. The dainty fourth degree pin was drawn by Dot Halvorsen. At the meeting on April 13, the grange had as guests the following members of Lone Rock grange in Gilliam county: Mrs. Anna Boyer, J. G. Boyer, J. D. Haverstick, Nick Kremer, lecturer, Mr. Robson, mas ter, Mrs. Lovena Palmer. Mrs. Pal mer is a member of the state juven ile committee and district chairman for eastern Oregon juvenile granges. The Home Economics club is meeting in the hall each Wednesday afternoon until they have finished quilting the quilt now in the frames. The next regular meeting of the club will be Friday, May 17. In the absence of the club president, Mrs. Heliker, the vice president, Mrs. Anna Ball, will preside. A dance is scheduled for the eve ning of May 11. Grange members will meet at 8 o'clock of the same evening in the dining room. Mem bers are urged to attend. On May 25 the chaplain will con duct a memorial service during the lecture hour. The balance of the program will feature honors to the Goddess Flora. We are enclosing a list of com panies, stores and individuals who contributed to the financing of the Willows grange building proect. Many others contributed time, ma Baldwin of Heppner is doing the work. Mr. and Mrs. Al Fetsch and son visited in Salem last week. Mr. and Mrs. Herschal Talbot and daughter have been transferred from here in their work with the state highway department. Quality Foods at Fair Prices Standard goods-the kind that mean Better Living for you and Garden Fresh Vegetables are what we offer our custom ers every day. Carefully selected stock that protects you against loss from inferior quality. We can safely guarantee any of these articles: PORK & BEANS Van Camp's Ige. CRACKERS Snowflakes KRAFT CHEESE HEINZ CATSUP STRING BEANS M. Oregon chinery and labor. We take this opportunity of thanking these friends and memebrs for their generous contributions. We thank the county court for the use of the tumble bug scraper and concrete mixer; James Lind say for the use of his tractor; the CCC boys who used the bull dozer in filling around the building, and Paul CMeara who contributed building material, and the many others who assisted in so many ways, Contributors of funds includ ed: E. R. Lundell, Oscar Lundell, Dale Lundell, Kenneth Lundell, C. E. Carlson, E. M. Baker, Garland Swanson, W. M. Eubanks, Carl Al lyn, P, J. Linn, Ruby Roberts, F. A. Ross, Bert Johnson, Clara Newlin, Willard Grabiel, Delia Corson, Omar Rietmann, Grover C. Curtiss, F. B. Nickerson, Lexington Oil Coop, Turner; Lexington Oil Coop, How ard Eubanks; Heppner: Earle Bryant, J. Logie Richardson, M. L. Case, Ray Kinne, McAtee's, Central Market, Safeway store, Ferguson Motor Co., Gilliam & Bisbee, Archie D. McMurdo, D. A. Wilson, D. M. Ward, F. W. Tur ner, O'Donnell's Cafe, Braden-Bell Co., Heppner Gazette Times; George Ely, Ellen Reith, Otto Rietmann, J. B. Morrison, Jackson Implement Co., Lexington, Roxie Krebs, George Krebs, Mancel Krebs, Marion Krebs, Alex Huber, Marion Palmer, Wid Palmateer, Erwin An derson, Glenn Kopp, C. W. Swanson, Louis Bergevin, E. C. Heliker, Rev. W. W. Head, P. C. Peterson, Frank Young, Franklin Lindstrom, Lee Beckner, John Krebs, Roy Lind strom, Delbert Emert, Roy Hurst, Vaud Huntley, Ole Spaulding, Er ret Hummel, Mike Cotter, J. P. O' Meara, Ed Bristow, Bert Mason, I. R. Robison, Emma Holub. IRRIGON NEWS Umatilla Hi Wins From Irrigon, 1 1-6 By MRS. W. C. ISOM Mr. and Mrs. Lee Grabeil left Friday for La Grande where Mr. Grabeil will enter the hospital for medical treatment. The high school play, "Aunt Tillie Goes to Town," given Friday eve ning was enjoyed very much by those present. A fellowship meeting will be held at the Pentecostal church May 8. Rev. Miller, a missionary, will be one of the speakers of the day. Miss Lucille Vale, county health nurse, was calling in this vicinity Monday. The softball game Monday be tween Irrigon high and Umatilla was won by the Umatila team with a score of 11-6. Mrs. J. A. Grabeil is staying with her daughter, Mrs. Dock McCoy, who is living on the Becker place west of town. 1 8c SUPER SUDS 27c cans GRAPEFRUIT 70 s 5c MAYONNAISE qt. jar 50c WALNUTS 25c B&W TISSUE 4 for 25c 35c 18c 22c . 2 for 35c SHORTENING Formay 60c D. CLARK Thursday, May 2, 1940 Mr. and Mrs. George Rand anT Mrs. Batie Rand and sons, David and Herbert, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Warner, Sunday. Clair Caldwell is busy painting the Chas. Stewart residence this week. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Caldwell of Portland were week end visitors of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cald well. Marshal Markham spent the week end with his family. CARD OF THANKS It is impossible for us to see and thank personally the dear people in Heppner for their kindness and goodness and we wish by this means to express our gratitude for all sym pathetic service tendered us. We want to say "thank you" for the beautiful tribute the churches and the people of the city of Heppner have paid to the memory of our husband and father, not only at the memorial service but in every lov ing and kind thing they have done for his family. Nody Young, Reo Young, Robert Young, Howard, Ruth and Jerry Rasmussen. Get results with G. T want ads. (7 REFRESHING DRINKS AT OUR FOUNTAIN SPECIAL DISHES Chow Mein, Nodles, etc. always on order. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables In Season Contributions Taken for CHINESE RELIEF SOCIETS and Official Receipt Given MEALS AT ALL HOURS Elkhorn Restaurant ED CHINN, Prop. Remember the Merchant's Mati. nee, Saturday af ternoonIt's Free