Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 02, 1940, Image 1

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Volume 57, Number 9
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, May 2, 1940
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Johnson Explains
Court's Position
On Bombing Field
Tells Dinner Crowd
County Will Lose if
Site Located Here
Morrow county will be the loser
if the proposed army bombing field
is located here, Judge Bert Johnson
told a group of more than 100
grangers and chamber of commerce
guests at Lexington grange hall last
night. Johnson explained the ac
tion of the county court in refusing
to cooperate with a delegation of
Arlington citizens in an effort to
have the field located in the north
ern part of Morrow county.
"If this movement goes through,"
the judge said, "our county acreage
will be reduced approximately one
fifth, 22.5 per cent plus, to be exact.
That means that loss of taxes from
this additional strip of land taken
by the government will have to be
made p from the remainder of the
There are many angles to the
proposal which make it unaccept
able from the court's point of view
and the judge intimated that as far
as he is concerned there will be no
bombing field.
Supporting his contention that the
county will be the loser if the pro
posed bombing field is located in
' the northern part of the county,
Judge Johnson submitted the fol
lowing figures:
Public domain land in the district
from which the county receives 50
per cent of the grazing fees col
lected, 96,360 acres; revenue $270.23
Railroad land leased in Morrow
County Grazing association for the
amount of the taxes, 65,558 acres;
revenue $2808.93.
County lands rented by the graz
ing association at 2 cents per acre,
53,269 acres; revenue $1,069.38.
In addition the county receives
approximately $4,000 from taxes on
Continued on Page Eight
Noted Speaker to
Appear at Banquet
Mrs. Henry Roe Cloud, wife of
the agent at Umatilla Indian reser
vation, has accepted an invitation
to deliver the address before the
Mothers' and Daughters' banquet
to be held in the Christian church,
Monday evening, May 6. Mrs Cloud
a full blooded Indian, is a graduate
of Wichita university, Wichita, Kan.,
and is a speaker of rare ability, ac
cording to members of the Heppner
Business and Professional Women's
club who have heard her.
Acceptance of this invitation by
Mrs.. Cloud rounded out the pro
gram for the banquet, which will
be served at 6:30 o'clock p. m. in
the basement of the church. Several
musical numbers will be included
in the evening's entertainment and
indications point to a full house.
Ticket sale is to be restricted to 100
this year and the order will be
"first come, first served."
Mrs. Cloud's ability as a social
worker among the people of the
reservation attracted the attention
of President Roosevelt with the re
sult that she received a personal
invitation from hint to attend a na
tional child welfare conference in
Washington, D. C. There as else
where she impressed her audiences
with her brilliance and broad know
ledge of affairs.
Mrs. Lorena Wilson is chairman
of the banquet commitee and Miss
Rose Leibbrand will act as toast
mistress. The ladies of the Methodist church
announce a tea, apron sale and food
sale at the church parlors from 2
p. m. to 5 p. m., Saturday, May 4.
The public is invited.
Latest Tabulation Shows
County Has Total Registration
of 2211 Voters for Primaries
Latest tabulation made by County
Clerk Chas. W. Barlow gives the
republican party a margin of 509
voters over the democratic party in
Morrow county. The count shows
the republicans number 1342, the
democrats 833 and there are 36 ex
pressing no party preference.
These figures were arrived at
after numerous cancellations were
received at the clerk's office from
district registrars. Some increase
was noted through new registra
tions but this was not general.
Alpine and Boardman continued
in the democratic column, the for
mer with a majority of eight and
the latter with a margin of 83.
Some of the republican majorities
are small, especially in the small
precincts, but in the larger pre
cincts the GOP stands far out in
the lead.
Compared with the last primary
election the present registration
shows a gain of 49. At that time
there were 1372 republicans, 748
democrats and 42 others. At the
last general election the registra
tion was 2276 with 1412 republicans,
821 democats and 43 others This
shows the republicans taking a small
loss and the democats making a
These figures may undergo fur
ther change due to cancellations,
according to Clerk Barlow, before
the vote is cast at the May 17 pri
maries. Morrow Farmers
Sign 3A Program
Interest in the AAA program re
mains high in Morrow county, it
was indicated this week when the
deadline for participation signup on
May 1 showed 96 pecent of farmers
and ranch operators participating.
All farm and ranch operators who
planned to take part this year sign
ed farm or range plan sheets show
ing how they will best use the pro
gram to accomplish conservation
work on their places.
Henry Baker, chairman of the
Morrow County Agricultural Con
servation association, said that 430
farmers and 65 ranch operators sign
ed these sheets. They represent 96
percent of the crop land and 95
percent of the range land in the
While this is approximately the
same percentage of farm land com-,
plying in 1939, it represents an in
crease of about 27 percent in range
land, and added that this means that
conservation practices are being car
ried out on about 290,000 acres of
crop land and 530,000 acres of range
in Morrow county.
Music Week to be
Observed Tuesday
An invitation hos been extended
to the public to attend a special
program in observance of National
Music week to be given at the Epis
copal parish house at 8 o'clock Tu
esday evening. The program is be
ing presented by the Music Study
Music of different countries will
be featured and there will be. folk
songs and folk dancing to augment
the program of vocal and instdu-
mental numbers.
Commencement exercises for sen
iors of Heppner high school will be
held in the gym-auditorium Satur
day evening, May 18. Dean Morris
of the school of business administra
tion at University of Oregon, will
deliver the address. Baccalaureate
services will be held Sunday, May
12, with Rev. Martin Clark of the
Christian church delivering the ser
mon. Other ministers of the town
will assist with the services.
Heppner Prepared
For 7th Annual
School Festival
Plans Include Pot
luck Dinner at
County Pavilion
Threatening stormy weather will
not deter carrying out the seventh
annual school festival tomorrow,
according to Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers,
county superintendent, who says the
stage is all set for running the ev
ents on schedule. Forseeing possi
bility of weather inteference, the
committee on music events arrang
ed for indoor performance. The ath
letic program an dMaypole dance
will have to run the risk of taking
some rain.
The program starts with the ele
mentary grade track meet at the
Rodeo field. This includes dashes,
high jump, broad jump, shot put
and ball throw for boys and dashes
and ball throw for girls. These ev
ents are under the supervision of
Lyle Eddy, Kenneth McKenzie and
Glen Mallery.
At noon a potluck lunch for all
visitors and townspeople will be
spread at the county fair pavilion.
Tables and seats will be in readi
ness and hot coffee for adults, Green
Spot for children and baked beans
for everybody will be served. The
Heppner chamebr of commerce, the
Lions club and Business and Pro
fessional Womens club are assist
ing with luncheon preparations.
At 1:30 p. m. the Maypole will be
wound on the lawn at the school
under the direction of Miss Martha
Blair. The Heppner school band
will play May day music appro
priate to the occasion. This will be
followed by the music festival in
the gym-auditorium at 2:15 o'clock,
Mrs. Clarence Carmichael is chair
man of the music committee, assist
ed by Miss Rachel Forsythe and
Miss Mary Culp.
Business houses of Heppner will
be asked to close during the noon
hour and attend the lunch at the
Steer Feeding Day
Held at Station
The annual steer feeding day at
the eastern Oregon branch experi
ment station at Union will be held
Saturday, May 4, when Superin
tendent D. E. Richards and other
specialists in animal husbandry will
report on feeding tests conducted
this past year. Emphasis will be
placed on results of tests with sur
plus Oregon wheat.
C. D. Conrad, county agent, says
that this feeder's day will be of
special interest to the cattlemen of
Morrow county as to the results
that have been obtained in the feed
ing of wheat, a crop which is of
primary interest in Morrow county.
Another item at the experiment sta
tion which is always of interest to
livestock men is the forage nursery
in which improved grasses and for
age plants are tried out.
Open House Draws
Large Attendance
Open house at the Heppner school
drew a large attendance of patrons
and friends of education last Friday
evening. Exhibits and dernonstra
tions by the pupils attracted inter
est and resulted in much favorable
comment from the visitors. The
evening was concluded with a pro
gram in the gymnasium-auditorium,
presented by the high school stu
One feature of the open house
which had been scheduled was a
demonstration by the FFA club.
Mr.' Bennett and 12 of his class were
in Corvallis attending a state FFA
convention and their part in the
program had to be omitted.
Interior Warehouse Company
Adding to Facilities for
Handling Wheat at Heppner
Construction of a 50,000 bushel
capacity elevator is under way at
the warehouse of the Interior Ware
house company in Heppner, an
nounces Cornett Green, manager.
Work has been under way for some
time and it is expected the job will
be completed in another six weeks.
Wood construction is being used
throughout. The elevator is being
built inside the warehouse, the only
thing apparent from the outside be
ing the loading spout and the hop
per for receiving the grain from the
trucks. Cribs and bins will be put
in to hold the grain for bulk hand
ling. Hopper scales of the latest
type are being installed and the
entire new unit will be electrically
Bulk loading on cars will be ac
complished at the rate of 700 bushels
an hour, according to Green, who
states that the new elevator will be
modern in every respect and rep
resents the last word in bulk hand
ling of grain.
N. D. Bailey is in charge of the
carpenter work.
Future Farmers
Vie at Corvallis
Instructor W. S. Bennett and 12
members of the Future Farmers of
America returned the last of the
week from Corvallis where on
Thursday they attended the annual
FFA state convention and partici
pated in several contests.
The Heppner group drove to Port
land Wednesday where they visited
the Swift & Co. plant. They arrived
in Corvallis for the opening of the
convention Thursday and entered
the events. Outstanding feature of
the meeting was the annual ban
quet at the Memorial Union build
ing. Lively entertainment was pro
vided and winners of the several
contests were announced over radio
station KOAC.
Heppner took fourth place in
general demonstrations, although
the work of Bernard Doherty and
Dick Edmondson in castration and
docking of lambs drew favorable
comment. Bill Padberg captured
third place in dairy judging for the
entire state.
Students acompanying Bennett on
the trip were Bernard Doherty,
Dick Edmondson, Bruce Lindsey,
Bob Swick, Bill Padberg, George
Davidson, James Lovgren, Lyle
Cox, John Lane, Leland Edmond
son, Claude Drake and Pat O'Brien.
Star Theater Books
'Gone With the Wind'
Morrow county people who did not
see the cinema masterpiece, "Gone
With the Wind," when it was show
ing in Walla Walla and Pendleton,
will have opportunity to see the
show at home. The Star theater has
booked it for a two-day showing,
May 8 and 9.
Special prices will be in order
for "Gone With the Wind." There
will be two regular showings and
two matinee performances. The reg
ular show will start at 8 p. m. and
the matinee at 2:15 p. m. Reserved
seat tickets are now on sale at the
A number of Heppner and county
people have seen the show and de
clare it the great cinema of the age.
The only fair comparison, in the
minds of many, is with David Wark
Griffith's "Birth of a Nation" and
the later show has an advantage
in that it is in technicolor and has
speaking parts and sound effects.
J. B. Stanfield, Portland wool buy
er, was a Heppner business visitor
Wednesday. He is represented here
by Warren Blakely and together
they were looking over some of the
clips in this vicinity.
Babb Building
Selected as Site
For Post Office
New Building Unit
to Result from
Contract Award
The question of the location of
Heppner's postoffice for the next 10
years was settled Wednesday morn
ing when Postmaster Chas. B. Cox
received word from the postoffice
department that the bid of Mrs.
Truman Babb had been accepted.
The department considered several
bids from local business houses be
fore making a decision.
A new building will result from
Mrs. Babb's bid. Foundation for a
room 26 x 70 feet has already been
poured in connection with construc
tion work on the J. C. Penney Co.
building, now nearing completion.
Concrete and tile will be used in
the new structure, with concrete
floor for the lobby and wood floor
in the work room. Three skylights
will be put in to make for a well
lighted room. Heat will be obtained
from the central heating plant which
is being installed this week. Plate
glass windows and Venetian blinds
will complete the modern aspect of
the building.
New postoffice equipment will be
installed by the department and
everything must be in order and
the place ready for business by Oc
tober 1, according to the terms of
the 'contract.
Miss Blake Bride
of Emery Coxen
One of the loveliest weddings of
the season was solemnized Sunday
afternoon in the Episcopal church
when Miss Bethal Ann Blake,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Blake of Heppner, became the bride
of Mr. Emery Coxen, son of Mrs.
Harvey Coxen, also of this city.
Bishop William P. Remington of
Pendleton officiated.
The bride, given in, marriage by
her father, wore a pastel blue lace
and tulle dress with a finger-tip
length veil falling from a spray of
orange blossoms, which were worn
by her grandmother in 1395. She
carried a bouquet of calla lilies.
Miss Shirley Wilson, the bride's
only attendant, wore a dress of
blue organza with a short blue
veil, and carried a bouquet of pink
carnations. Mr. Jack Healy acted
as best man.
Preceding the ceremony Miss Pat
ricia Dooley sang, "I Love You Tru
ly" accompanied by Mr. Norbert
Pcavy who also played the wedding
march and ths recessional.
Immediately following the cere
mony, a reception was held in the
parish house of the church. Assist
ing about the room were Mrs. L. E.
Dick, Mrs. Earl Blake, Mrs. Spen
cer Crawford, Mrs. Lee Howell and
Mrs. Harlan McCurdy.
The young couple departed short
ly after the ceremony for Pendleton
where Mr. Coxen is employed.
Both the brida and bridegroom
were members of the graduating
class of '39, Heppner high school.
The senior class of Heppner high
school "snuck" out Tuesday morn
ing and put as much distance as
possible between them and class
room drudgery for the day. Ac
companied by Mrs. Earl Gilliam, the
class drove to Walla Walla and
spent the day picnicking in that
city's beautiful park, attending the
shows and "covering" the town quite
generally. The trip was made both
ways via Pendleton. The seniors
had a big time and so did the chap
erone, but she thinks one such trip
a year is sufficient recreation.